Finance and Development
Finance and Development
SB 53* (Torlakson-D) Community Redevelopment Disaster Project Law
Makes permanent the provisions of the Community Redevelopment Disaster Project Law.
Chapter 9, Statutes of 2001
SB 73* (Dunn-D) Taxation: low-income housing
Increases the aggregate annual credit amount from $50 million to $70 million, beginning in 2001, and adjusts that amount annually for inflation.
Chapter 668, Statutes of 2001
SB 221 (Kuehl-D) Land use: water supplies
Establishes a mechanism by which the appropriate local agency must identify a sufficient supply of water to serve a new residential subdivision development prior to approving that project.
Chapter 642, Statutes of 2001
SB 262 (Dunn-D) General plans: housing elements
Clarifies the use of funds under the CalHome Program. Clarifies that certain activities, such as construction training and mutual housing development, are eligible for funding.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development)
SB 372 (Dunn-D) Preservation Interim Loan Programs
Establishes the Preservation Opportunity Program and the Interim Repositioning Program and requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to contract with the California Housing Finance Agency to make loans to preserve assisted housing developments.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 439 (Monteith-R) Environmental quality: homeownership
Declares the policy of the state to be to develop and maintain a high-quality environment through homeownership, employment and educational opportunities, now and in the future, and requires consideration of the effects of proposed projects on the environment and these areas.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 442 (Vasconcellos-D) Housing: special needs population
Establishes the California Affordable Housing Connection, an Internet based reference site for multi-unit low-income housing and adds requirements to the Statewide Housing Plan.
Chapter 577, Statutes of 2001 - Item Veto
SB 444 (Perata-D) Disaster relief: owner-occupied dwellings
Provides that financial assistance provided pursuant to disaster relief provisions, in the case of an owner-occupied dwelling, will be a grant and not a loan, as specified.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 459 (McPherson-R) Housing programs: eligibility
Clarifies the definition of affordable housing cost, for any redevelopment agency within Santa Cruz, as it relates to tax increment funds in a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Raises, to 40 percent, the percentage of income a homebuyer household may spend for the housing to be considered affordable.
Chapter 471, Statutes of 2001
SB 503 (Vasconcellos-D) Attainable housing zones
Creates pilot programs in San Diego County and Santa Clara County to create Attainable Housing Zones designed to encourage the construction of attainable housing through a reduction in development fees. Specifies that the State Department of Housing and Community Development must report to the Legislature on the results of the pilot program by January 1, 2007.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 519 (Vincent-D) Military base conversion: housing
Establishes the California Temporary Military Affordable Housing Authority, within the State Housing and Finance Agency, to, among other things, examine and select housing units on a decommissioned military base for renovation and leasing as affordable senior housing.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 533 (Margett-R) Home improvement loans: elderly and disabled
Establishes a program to provide no interest loans for elderly and disabled persons to finance home improvements.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 717 (Speier-D) Seismic Safety Bond Act of 2002
Proposes a $600 million general obligation bond for voter approval in 2002 to fund (1) residential seismic retrofits, (2) grants to local government for retrofitting essential facilities, and (3) seismic retrofit research.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 729 (Ortiz-D) Neighborhood development corporations
Appropriates $2.5 million from the federal funds administered by the State Department of Community Services and Development (DCSD) for the Neighborhood Development Act, which requires DCSD to administer the charter of Neighborhood Development Corporations.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 784 (Torlakson-D) Balancing jobs and growth
Modifies the Jobs-Housing Balance Incentive Grant Program to allow the program to run through at least one annual cycle and allows local use of the grant awards for any locally-determined need, rather than be restricted to capital purposes.
Chapter 608, Statutes of 2001
SB 891 (Escutia-D) New Economics for Women
Appropriates $250,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for allocation, as a grant to the governing board of New Economic for Women, to provide for the capital outlay needs of the La Posada Housing Project.
Chapter 743, Statutes of 2001 - Item Veto
SB 1227 (Burton-D) Housing finance
Places a $980 million housing bond on the November 2002 ballot to provide bond funds for existing housing and code enforcement programs.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
SR 19 (Burton-D) Affordable housing
Requests the State Department of Housing and Community Development and the Sate Department of General Services to report to the Senate, as specified, on problems associated with the lack of affordable housing and homelessness.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 8* (Cedillo-D) Downtown Rebound Program
Increases the per-unit loan amount for the $19 million in loans authorized under the Downtown Rebound Program. Specifies that amounts are to be increased from $40,000 to $55,000 for low-income units and from $20,000 to $35,000 for other units. Requires that the units be located in an elementary school attendance area in which at least 50 percent of students qualify for free meals.
Chapter 3, Statutes of 2001
AB 72 (Bates-R) Escheated funds: portable housing: elderly persons
Requires that all unclaimed monies escheated to the state from the estates of deceased persons be used for an existing state program to construct or rehabilitate multifamily housing for senior citizens.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 114 (Washington-D) Senior housing rehabilitation
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to make available, upon appropriation, $10 million to the housing and redevelopment agency of a city, with a population of more than two million, in order to provide grants that may not exceed $25,000 to eligible individuals for the purpose of rehabilitating housing units within the city in order to meet current city building standards.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 123 (Washington-D) Building rehabilitation
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to make available, upon appropriation, on a matching basis, $50 million to a city, with a population of more than two million, in order to provide grants or loans to property owners for the specific purpose of bringing existing buildings and structures in the city into compliance with current city building standards.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 218* (Dutra-D) Taxation: homeowners' property tax exemption
Increases the homeowners' exemption for qualified first-time homebuyers from $7,000 to $25,000.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 244 (Strom-Martin-D) Comprehensive technical assistance: Native Americans
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to provide comprehensive technical assistance to California Indian tribes and Native American groups, tribal housing authorities, housing sponsors and government agencies on reservations, rancherias, and on public domain, to facilitate the planning and orderly development of suitable housing for American Indians.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 369 (Dutra-D) Affordable housing development projects
Strengthens the state affordable housing law by requiring a court to award attorney fees to an affordable housing developer that has had a project unfairly denied by a local agency.
Chapter 237, Statutes of 2001
AB 382 (Cedillo-D) Housing and community development
Establishes the Inter-City Community Transformation Fund in the State Treasury, as a continuously appropriated fund administered by the State Department of Housing and Community Development, for the award of grants for specified eligible projects, including affordable housing development, commercial development, public and community facilities, and landscaping upkeep and maintenance.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development)
AB 404 (Diaz-D) New neighborhoods program
Creates the New Neighborhoods Program for the purpose of providing local matching grants to be used for planning studies to identify sites for new neighborhoods and to address infrastructure barriers to including affordable units within these new neighborhoods.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 406 (Diaz-D) Redevelopment
Requires redevelopment agencies to use not less than 25 percent of all tax revenue allocated to the agency for low- and moderate-income housing.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 436* (Chan-D) Focused environmental impact reports
Authorizes a focused environmental impact report to be prepared for projects in certain areas of Oakland, if certain conditions are met.
Chapter 701, Statutes of 2001
AB 490 (Diaz-D) Housing trust funds
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to make matching grants from the California Housing Trust Fund to local agencies that establish their own trust funds to finance affordable housing.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 618 (Calderon-D) Housing: City of Industry
Redirects spending authority, for a portion of the low- and moderate-income housing fund, from the Los Angeles County Housing Authority to the City of Industry.
(Failed passage in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 628 (Oropeza-D) Senior housing
Appropriates $500,000, from the General Fund to the State Department of Housing and Community Development, for the purpose of creating a demonstration project in three counties to provide counseling and referral assistance to Section 8 qualified seniors to assist them in locating safe, affordable housing.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 807 (Salinas-D) Farmworker housing
Authorizes the State Department of Housing and Community Development to make grants and loans, from the Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Fund, to local public entities and nonprofit corporations to establish capitalized operating reserves for short-term occupancy housing for migrant farmworker households.
Chapter 555, Statutes of 2001
AB 820 (Shelley-D) California State University Housing Finance Pilot Program
Enacts the California State University (CSU) Housing Finance Pilot Program, which is to be administered by the California Housing Finance Agency, to provide home loan assistance through the CSU system to recruit and retain newly hired professors and faculty at CSU campuses where they may be employed.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 905 (Cohn-D) Housing: down payment assistance: public safety officers
Provides home downpayment assistance to public safety officers serving in one of California's five largest cities (Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, and Long Beach).
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 936 (Vargas-D) Local public services
Appropriates $1.75 million to the State Department of Housing and Community Development for two homeless shelters for severely mentally ill individuals. Makes several changes to the Budget Act of 2001 to clarify actions taken within the budget.
Chapter 932, Statutes of 2001
AB 999 (Keeley-D) California Housing Loan Insurance Fund
Separates the administration of the California Housing Loan Insurance Fund (CaHLIF) from the California Housing Finance Agency and creates a new independent board to oversee CaHLIF's operations.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1008 (Lowenthal-D) Housing grants: tenants with disabilities
Establishes the Rental Housing Accessibility Grant Pilot Program to be administered by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Specifies that HCD will make funds available to cities, counties, housing authorities, and redevelopment agencies for the purpose of making grants to lower income tenants with disabilities for exterior modifications to rental housing that improve accessibility.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1044 (Migden-D) California Housing Finance Agency: bonds
Increases the principal amount of revenue bonds the California Housing Finance Agency (CHFA) may have outstanding by $2.2 billion. Raises the allowable indebtedness of CHFA from $8.95 billion to $11.15 billion.
Chapter 202, Statutes of 2001
AB 1118 (Corbett-D) Seismic safety: insurance
Appropriates up to $1.5 million from the California Earthquake Recovery Fund to the State Department of Insurance (DOI) for purposes of extending the life of an existing residential retrofit program operated by DOI until December 1, 2004, and makes related changes.
Chapter 895, Statutes of 2001
AB 1284 (Lowenthal-D) Community development
Allows local governments, in areas of the state with a serious imbalance of housing supply, to create "Housing Opportunity Districts" within which the local government will receive an increased share of the property tax increment that results from new housing development. Specifies that funds received from the district may be spent for any lawful purpose.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 1359* (Lowenthal-D) Housing: Predevelopment Loan Fund
Consolidates the four existing predevelopment loan programs into a single Predevelopment Loan Program.
Chapter 395, Statutes of 2001
AB 1526 (Florez-D) Bond: farmworker housing and family wellness act
Enacts the Farmworker Housing and Family Wellness Bond Act of 2002, which, if adopted, authorizes the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $250 million and provides housing, in coordination with the provision of health and other family services pursuant to the Farmworker Family Wellness Program. Requires the submission of the bond act to the voters at the March 5, 2002, statewide primary election.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1550 (Wiggins-D) Farmworker housing
Authorizes the formation of a county service area in Napa County for the sole purpose of acquiring, constructing, and maintaining farmworker housing. Authorizes the Napa County Board of Supervisors to impose an annual assessment, not to exceed $10 per planted vineyard acre, for this purpose.
Chapter 340, Statutes of 2001
AB 1606 (Bates-R) Low-income housing: military base
Provides that a city shall be deemed to have satisfied a portion of its share of the regional housing need on the basis of two units of credit for each unit of housing on a decommissioned military base that is converted to low-income housing.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1611 (Keeley-D) Higher education housing
Authorizes the California Educational Facility Authority to enter into agreements with nonprofit entities to finance the cost of constructing student, faculty, and staff housing near the campuses of the University of California, the Hastings College of Law, the California State University, the California Community Colleges, or participating private college.
Chapter 569, Statutes of 2001
AJR 17 (Chavez-D) Extension of home loan programs
Urges the Congress of the United States to amend the Internal Revenue Code to change the definition of "qualified veteran" for purposes of providing financing for home loans to any veteran who meets the requirements, as may be imposed by the state law pursuant to which qualified veterans' mortgage bonds are issued.
Resolution Chapter 116, Statutes of 2001

SB 122 (Dunn-D) Mobilehomes: ombudsman
Clarifies and expands the specified duties of the mobilehome ombudsman and appropriates $50,000 for support of the program.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 175* (Torlakson-D) Sales and use taxes: exemptions: mobilehome
Reduces the sales and use tax for a new mobilehome sold for occupancy as a residence to 50 percent of the selling price of the mobilehome to the retailer.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 325 (O'Connell-D) Mobilehome and special occupancy parks
Creates a new Special Occupancy Parks Act and deletes provisions relating to special occupancy parks from the Mobilehome Parks Act.
Chapter 434, Statutes of 2001
SB 339 (Dunn-D) Mobilehome parks
Modifies the Mobilehome Parks Act to require increased notification and inspection and requires park operators to obtain a permit prior to making any lot line adjustments.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 495 (Dunn-D) Mobilehomes and manufactured housing
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to administer the Mobilehome Park Rehabilitation Program to provide loans for the purpose of infrastructure of mobilehome parks.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 691 (McPherson-R) Governmental liability
Requires an award of attorney's fees to a prevailing local governmental entity in certain actions. Is intended to protect cities and counties with mobilehome rent control ordinances from the costs of defending against baseless litigation challenging the ordinances.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor)
SB 920 (Dunn-D) Mobilehomes
Requires the management of a mobilehome park that operates a master meter utility system to notify residents about assistance offered to low-income persons under the California Alternate Rates for Energy program.
Chapter 437, Statutes of 2001
AB 210 (Corbett-D) Mobilehomes: security deposits
Permits mobilehome owners who paid security deposits to mobilehome parks before 1989 to request refunds of their deposits upon the renewal or extension of their lease, so long as they have met their financial obligations to the park in the 12 months prior to the request.
Chapter 151, Statutes of 2001
AB 718 (Wiggins-D) Mobilehomes: rental agreements
Requires mobilehome park management to provide and maintain physical improvements of the common facilities through the collection of rents and not other fees.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 781 (John Campbell-R) Rent control: mobilehome parks
Excludes mobilehome parks from local rent control ordinances, if the average home value, including the value of the property the home is located on, exceeds $300,000. Excludes spaces within mobilehome parks from local rent control ordinances if the home on that space has sold for over $100,000 of the full cash value.
(Failed passage in Assembly Housing and Community Development; reconsideration granted)
AB 970 (Dutra-D) Mobilehomes and manufactured housing
Authorizes the State Department of Housing and Community Development to transmit or receive a certificate of title electronically, in place of by mail, and establishes other electronic programs to improve the products and services offered.
Chapter 213, Statutes of 2001
AB 1036 (Pescetti-R) Seniors' tax assistance: mobilehomes
Allows owners of mobilehomes that are subject to property tax to file a homeowners and renters assistance claim as either a homeowner or renter.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1202 (Harman-R) Mobilehome parks: meetings
Provides that a mobilehome park may not require a homeowner, or resident, to pay a cleaning deposit, or obtain liability insurance, in order to use the park clubhouse or recreational hall, as specified.
Chapter 83, Statutes of 2001
AB 1318 (Correa-D) Multi-unit manufactured housing
Clarifies and makes consistent laws regarding the applicability of various construction and installation standards related to multi-unit manufactured housing.
Chapter 356, Statutes of 2001
AB 1328 (Briggs-R) Mobilehome sales: approval of purchaser
Allows mobilehome park management to charge prospective purchasers an application screening fee, up to $30, to cover the cost of gathering information.
(Refused passage on Assembly Floor; reconsideration granted)
AB 1457 (Keeley-D) Property taxation: mobilehomes
Relieves certain mobilehome park residents of additional property tax liability for escape assessments, when the assessor failed to act. Forgives any outstanding tax bills, but prohibits refunds.
Chapter 772, Statutes of 2001
AB 1541 (Dickerson-R) Park trailers: loft areas
Defines loft area, as it relates to the Mobilehome Residency Law, for purposes of square foot charges on a nightly basis. Also establishes safety requirements for park trailer units with lofts sold prior to January 3, 2001.
Chapter 490, Statutes of 2001
AB 1648 (Salinas-D) Mobilehomes and manufactured housing
Creates additional mechanisms available to the State Department of Housing and Community Development and authorizes local jurisdictions to enforce compliance with the Mobilehome Parks Act, as well as existing mobilehome alteration permit laws.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 121* (Murray-D) Income and bank and corporation taxes: credit: Internet
Provides an Internet Service Provider (ISP) a $200 credit for each low income household the ISP services with a personal computer, an Internet connection, and at least one year of Internet Service.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 142 (Haynes-R) City or county regulation: religious exercise
Imports into the state certain provisions of the recently enacted federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA), which imposes preemptive provisions on land use regulations of cities and counties that affect religious exercise. Imposes further restrictions than those imposed by RLUIPA by strictly prohibiting a city or county from requiring a conditional use permit, zoning variance, or other zoning clearance of a private residence used for religious exercise that is not required of other private residences of the same type in the same zone.
(Failed passage in Senate Judiciary Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 160 (Torlakson-D) Common interest developments
Revises the timeline for the pre-litigation process in construction defect suits (the "Calderon process"), by limiting any stipulated extension of the initial 90-day pre-litigation process period to an additional 90 days.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
SB 183 (Burton-D) Residential Security Deposit Guarantee Program
Requires the State Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency to establish a residential rental security deposit guarantee program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 185 (Bowen-D) Battered women's shelters
Requires the Maternal and Child Health Branch of the State Department of Health Services to conduct a minimum of one site visit per grant term to each agency that receives funding from the grant program to battered women's shelters. Requires these visits to provide a performance assessment and provides technical assistance to each agency.
Chapter 439, Statutes of 2001
SB 211 (Torlakson-D) Redevelopment: indebtedness
Allows, under specified circumstances, redevelopment agencies to extend deadlines for effectiveness of the redevelopment plan and for receiving tax increment revenue.
Chapter 741, Statutes of 2001
SB 266 (Johnson-R) Common interest developments: community associations
Provides that, upon the presentation of a petition signed by unspecified percentage of the membership of the association, the members may call for an election to remove a member of the board of directors of the association and to elect a replacement, or may call for an election to approve or reject an action of the board of directors. Requires the election or referendum to take place within an unspecified number of days following the submission of the petition.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
SB 270 (Speier-D) Mortgages: mortgage insurance: disclosures
Requires a lender or other person making or arranging a loan, on which private mortgage insurance or mortgage guaranty insurance is maintained, to make certain disclosures about the borrower's potential right to cancel and to specify that cancellation may be based on various factors, including appreciation in property value based on a current appraisal.
Chapter 137, Statutes of 2001
SB 329 (Morrow-R) Real estate brokers: education requirements
Adds a course in computer applications in real estate to the list of optional courses that may be taken to meet part of the mandatory education requirements for obtaining an original (initial) license as a real estate broker.
Chapter 26, Statutes of 2001
SB 332 (Sher-D) Building standards: straw-bale structures
Revises the building standards guidelines that apply to the construction of structures that use baled straw as a load bearing or nonload bearing material.
(At Senate Desk)
SB 355 (Escutia-D) Liability: construction defects
Provides that a person may sue in tort to repair all construction defects, as defined, that meet specified criteria. Applies to actions arising on, before, or after January 1, 2000.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 364 (Alpert-D) Mortgages and deeds of trust: accrual of interest
Provides that the borrower of a loan secured by a mortgage or deed of trust on real property shall not be required to pay interest on the loan for more than one day prior to the recording of the mortgage or deed of trust.
Chapter 302, Statutes of 2001
SB 382 (Haynes-R) Senior housing: discrimination
Makes numerous changes to the Civil Code relating to senior housing. Requires state certifications and grants protections to developments and individuals who discriminate on the basis of age and familial status with respect to developments claiming to be Senior Citizen Housing Developments.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
SB 384 (Burton-D) Public safety: gas appliances
Creates the Gas Appliance Safety Act of 2001 to require the installation of specified excess flow valves to automatically shut off the flow of gas to household gas appliances when a significant gas leak occurs or an overpressure surges.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development)
SB 401* (Soto-D) Tax credits: second mortgages
Establishes a state homeownership tax credit for mortgage lenders who make specified second mortgages to families earning below 80 percent of the area median income.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 429* (Soto-D) Housing: assistance
Clarifies an ambiguity in current law by creating a clear exemption, for bonafide preservation transactions, from specified notice requirements and sale restrictions on government assisted housing.
Chapter 117, Statutes of 2001
SB 497 (Sher-D) Land use: energy conservation
Makes the Subdivision Map Act inapplicable to a lot line adjustment between four or fewer existing adjoining parcels, as opposed to two or more, and requires such adjustments to conform to the local general plan, any coastal plan, and zoning and building ordinances.
Chapter 873, Statutes of 2001
SB 520 (Chesbro-D) Planning and zoning
Adds to the list of prohibited housing discrimination and requires the housing element of a general plan to consider housing needs for persons with disabilities.
Chapter 671, Statutes of 2001
SB 581 (Alarcon-D) Residential rental property: owner registration
Requires residential rental property owners to submit and maintain with local building officials specified information.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 608 (Dunn-D) Mortgages: home loan protection
Enacts the Home Loan Protection Act, which imposes various requirements on lenders and home loans.
(In Senate Banking, Commerce and International Trade Committee)
SB 634 (Murray-D) Lead poisoning prevention
Requires the State Department of Health Services to develop a community-based lead hazard preliminary assessment training program in coordination with all local health departments.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 703 (Perata-D) Military base reuse
Designates a new governing body as the single local base reuse entity for a "qualifying military base".
(In Senate Local Government Committee)
SB 742* (Escutia-D) Fiscal affairs
Allows the State Department of Housing and Community Development to recover any costs, up to $50,000, from local governments who received fee payments for employee housing plan checks and did not respond within 60 days.
Chapter 118, Statutes of 2001
SB 910 (Dunn-D) General plans: housing elements
Requires that specified transportation funding be reduced to any city or county that fails to have an approved housing element.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
SB 914* (Battin-R) Income and bank and corporation taxes: credits
Allows a credit of 20 percent, up to $1,000, of "qualified costs" to replace a roof that consists of non-fire retardant materials with a fire retardant roof.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 932* (McPherson-R) Local government: housing elements
Extends the deadlines for specified local governments to update their housing elements.
Chapter 85, Statutes of 2001
SB 958* (Ackerman-R) Attorneys: mortgages and deeds of trust
Increases the base fee for trustees conducting non-judicial foreclosures of real property from $240 to $300 (for proceedings ending after the notice of default) and from $350 to $425 (for more extensive proceedings) where the outstanding loan amount is $150,000 or less. Increases the base fee from $240 to $250 and from $350 to $360, respectively, for outstanding loans in excess of $150,000.
Chapter 438, Statutes of 2001
SB 981* (Haynes-R) Income and bank corporation tax credits
Allows a credit in an amount equal to 20 percent of the fair market value of any qualified contribution, as defined, made on or after January 1, 2002, and before January 1, 2007, to a nonprofit housing or community development organization, as provided.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 985 (Kuehl-D) Real property
Seeks to address record-low vacancy rates by providing tenants in specified localities additional notice when a property owner terminates a periodic tenancy.
Chapter 729, Statutes of 2001
SB 1098 (Alarcon-D) Planning and zoning: housing
Requires local governments to make specific findings when extending an interim ordinance that has the effect of denying land use approvals needed for the development of projects with a significant component of multifamily housing.
Chapter 939, Statutes of 2001
SB 1122 (Poochigian-R) Real estate: disclosures of transfer
Treats all local property assessments the same as special taxes for the purpose of notice and disclosure to prospective buyers.
Chapter 673, Statutes of 2001
SJR 6 (Dunn-D) Multifamily rental housing
Requests the President and Congress of the United States to review federal tax policy that impacts the construction of multifamily rental housing.
Resolution Chapter 18, Statutes of 2001
SR 18 (Burton-D) Crimes
Requests the State Attorney General to develop a plan to prevent and report crimes against homeless persons and to report to the Legislature recommendations associated with curbing the crimes.
Adopted by the Senate
SB 41XX* (Speier-D) Public Utilities Commission: gas and electricity
Requires the State Public Utilities Commission to establish a standard adjustment relative to baseline quantities and requires each electrical and gas corporation to adjust the quantities for a residential customer whose household includes the presence of a dependent child under the age of 18 years, regardless of the number of children.
(In Assembly Energy Costs and Availability Committee)
AB 10* (Corbett-D) Bank and corporation taxes: real estate investment trusts
Conforms state law to federal tax law relative to real estate investment trusts.
Chapter 4, Statutes of 2001
AB 166* (Cedillo-D) Personal income and bank and corporation tax credits
Authorizes a state tax credit for qualified building rehabilitation costs in conformance with the credit provided under federal law.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 178 (Cox-R) Housing standards: molds
Seeks to provide notice to tenants of the existence of dangerous levels of mold, to better enable enforcement agencies to address mold contamination in residential units.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 237 (Papan-D) Eminent domain
Seeks to facilitate resolution of eminent domain cases through the authorization of alternative dispute resolutions and revises procedures in eminent domain proceedings.
Chapter 428, Statutes of 2001
AB 247 (Maddox-R) Eminent domain: houses of worship
Provides that the Eminent Domain Law may not be exercised to acquire buildings, land on which they are situated, or equipment, used exclusively for religious worship, if they are exempt from property taxes under the California Constitution.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 267 (Steinberg-D) Construction defects
Revises and adds, commencing July 1, 2002, the procedures to be followed during the pre-trial process established in existing law for lawsuits involving construction defects in the design or construction of a common interest development. Establishes a mandatory mediation process for all potentially interested parties.
(On Assembly Concurrence File)
AB 273* (Nakano-D) Personal income tax: deductions: mortgage insurance
Allows first-time homebuyers to deduct their private mortgage insurance payments.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 288 (Oropeza-D) Real estate
Defines "current market value" for construction or rehabilitation loans to mean the value of the completed project where certain conditions have been met, including, among other things, that the current market value is verified by an independent appraisal report.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 310 (Goldberg-D) Quimby Act: fees for park or recreational facilities
Authorizes a local park and recreation agency to use in lieu fees from a subdivision developer to develop part or recreational facilities outside the subdivision under specified conditions.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 326 (Dutra-D) Fire safety: roof covering materials
Provides, as an additional requirement for the sale of wood roof covering materials, that such materials be approved and listed by the Sate Fire Marshal.
Chapter 244, Statutes of 2001
AB 392 (Maddox-R) Escrow agents
Requires the Commissioners of the State Department Real Estate, the State Department of Corporations, and the State Department of Insurance to notify each other when taking enforcement or disciplinary action, related to specified escrow services, and maintain web sites that include a database of individuals who have been subject to such disciplinary actions.
Chapter 660, Statutes of 2001
AB 407 (Correa-D) Residential mortgage lending
Enacts the Consumer Equity Protection Act that would impose various requirements on lenders and covered loans, as defined. Will, among other things, place limits on the imposition of prepayment fees or penalties on covered loans by a lender.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 452 (Correa-D) Real estate: subdivisions
Informs a person buying residential property in a subdivision that they have a right to negotiate property inspections under terms mutually agreeable to the prospective buyer and seller. The ability to negotiate property inspections will be disclosed to the prospective buyer in a subdivision public report made available by the State Real Estate Commissioner.
Chapter 307, Statutes of 2001
AB 472 (Cedillo-D) Real property: substandard conditions
Requires owners of residential rental property whose tenants are displaced by housing code enforcement activities to pay relocation benefits to the tenants. Requires receivers who manage substandard properties to notify the court about the need for repairs, and clarifies that the appointment of a receiver to carry out repair or abatement orders on rental property is an interim remedy that may be implemented prior to a final civil or criminal judgment against the property owner.
Chapter 414, Statutes of 2001
AB 489 (Migden-D) Loans secured by real property
Regulates lending practices defined as predatory and affects loans secured by real property which are the result of such practices and provides remedies for the aggrieved borrowers and sanctions for the offending lenders. Makes legislative findings and declarations (1) concerning the increase in the extension of credit to low income or credit impaired borrowers especially in the form of subprime loans secured by the borrower's equity in his/her dwelling, (2)) recognizing that subprime lenders do offer access to capital for borrowers who do not qualify for prime loans; however, in spite of such benefits, the proposal finds that many low-income borrowers have been victimized through loans having predatory characteristics leading to borrowers' loss of equity in their homes, and (3) expressing the intent of the Legislature to improve consumer protections against predatory lending practices.
Chapter 732, Statutes of 2001
AB 533 (Cedillo-D) Landlord-tenant: payments
Seeks to discourage the practice by some landlords and property owners of verbally demanding "key money" as a condition of initiating or renewing a commercial lease.
Chapter 368, Statutes of 2001
AB 543 (Vargas-D) Mechanics' liens
Sets forth legislative intent pertaining to the need for revisions of the law governing mechanic's liens and related provisions.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 549 (Longville-D) California Energy Commission: building standards
Requires the State Energy Resources, Conservation and Development Commission to investigate options, develop a plan, and report to the Legislature by January 1, 2004 on ways to decrease wasteful peak load energy consumption in buildings.
Chapter 905, Statutes of 2001
AB 555 (Dutra-D) Common interest development managers
Creates the Common Interest Development Manager Registration Act whose primary purpose is to recognize consistent minimum standards for individuals hired for compensation as managers of common interest developments, including community apartment projects, planned developments, and condominium projects.
(In Senate Business and Professions Committee)
AB 568 (Dutra-D) Mechanics' liens
Sets forth legislative intent pertaining to the need for revisions of the law governing mechanic's liens and related provisions.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 600 (Dutra-D) Home warranty program
Creates the California Homebuyer Protection and Quality Construction Act of 2002 to provide for 10-year home construction warranties for residential properties.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 603 (Dutra-D) Home furnishings
Expands the flammability and labeling standards of the Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation for mattresses, box springs, and other bedding products.
Chapter 199, Statutes of 2001
AB 738* (Lowenthal-D) Income and bank and corporation and insurance taxes
Authorizes a tax credit, under the personal income tax, bank and corporations tax and insurance gross premiums tax laws, equal to 50 percent of the amount contributed to an eligible community development corporation.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 739 (Frommer-D) Construction defect litigation
Extends from 90 to 180 days the maximum length of time for the Calderon Process, while maintaining the allowance in existing law for parties to extend the length of time by mutual agreement.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 747 (Chavez-D) Governor's Commission on Homeless Veterans
Establishes a Governor's Commission on Homeless Veterans consisting of 12 appointed and ex-officio members to advise the Governor and the Legislature, as specified, on the welfare of homeless veterans in California. Repeals these provisions as of January 1, 2004.
(In Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 748 (Chavez-D) Housing: homeless veterans
Appropriates $75,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), and requires DVA to match this funding using existing resources, to study and report on the housing, employment, and support service needs of homeless veterans.
(In Senate Veterans Affairs Committee)
AB 750 (Cedillo-D) Redevelopment: housing
Requires redevelopment agencies to determine, at a public hearing, and by resolution of the agency board, the necessity of the expenses related to low- and moderate-income housing, and to determine that the expenses are not disproportionate.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 752 (Briggs-R) Legal advertising
Imposes substantial disclosure requirements with regard to advertising by attorneys who practice in the area of construction defect litigation.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 795 (Dutra-D) Real estate
Makes technical and clarifying changes to Real Estate Law intended to enhance public protection in loan transactions and makes the Recovery Account claim process more easily understood by the public.
Chapter 389, Statutes of 2001
AB 816* (Thomson-D) Income Tax: personal income tax
Conforms to federal tax practice by allowing California taxpayers to exclude gains from the sale or exchange of a personal residence from the computation of their gross income for state income tax purposes.
Chapter 164, Statutes of 2001
AB 928 (Daucher-R) Live Near Your Work Program
Enacts the Live Near Your Work Program to provide grants to assist individuals to buy or rent housing near their work. Authorizes a related tax credit.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 930 (Keeley-D) CalHome Program
Removes home price limits, currently required under the CalHome Program, for housing rehabilitation projects.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1060* (Negrete McLeod-D) Department of Veterans Affairs: homeless veterans
Requires the State Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), in collaboration with the State Department of Health Services, to study the status of homeless veterans in California and to establish a proposal on how to provide adequate housing for California's homeless veterans. Specifies that on or before March 15, 2002, DVA shall report the findings of the study to the Legislature and the Governor.
Chapter 265, Statutes of 2001
AB 1090 (Hertzberg-D) Real property
Seeks to abrogate a recent California Court of Appeal decision interpreting the Civil Code to require the immediate reconveyance of a real estate trust deed upon the satisfaction of the mortgage loan upon which the deed was based.
Chapter 560, Statutes of 2001
AB 1106 (Pescetti-R) Notaries public: escrow instruments
Requires that any escrow instrument purporting to obligate a third party in an amount over $10,000 on behalf of a party to a real estate transaction, be notarized. Requires any notary public who reasonably suspects that undue influence is being exercised over an obligor with respect to a third-party obligation escrow instrument to promptly notify the district attorney for the county of residence of the obligor.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1112 (Goldberg-D) Substandard residential rental property: owner registration
Establishes a three-year program to create an owners registry for substandard properties, as specified, in Los Angeles County.
Chapter 487, Statutes of 2001
AB 1160* (Florez-D) Farmworker housing
Makes a number of changes to the Farmworker Housing Grant Program, the Emergency Housing and Assistance Program, the Office of Migrant Services fund, and provisions relating to rental housing notification requirements.
Chapter 593, Statutes of 2001
AB 1170 (Firebaugh-D) Housing: downpayment assistance
Establishes the Building Equity and Growth in Neighborhoods program, within the State Department of Housing and Community Development, for grants to qualifying cities and counties for providing down payment assistance to low- or moderate-income new homebuyers. (Cities and counties must be in one of the following metropolitan statistical areas: Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Sacramento, Fresno, or Modesto.)
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1244 (Wiggins-D) Affordable housing: condominiums
States legislative intent to examine methods to increase the supply of housing affordable to all income groups, promotes fairness in the distribution of housing and plans adequately for housing sites that integrate the need for housing with the needs of other land uses.
(In Senate Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1467 (Kehoe-D) Housing
Allows a court to appoint a non-profit organization or community development corporation as a receiver for a substandard building. Allows a receiver, with court approval, to record a lien against the property to recover the costs of any services performed as a receiver. Streamlines the code enforcement process for substandard vacant single-family dwellings in Los Angeles and San Diego.
Chapter 594, Statutes of 2001
AB 1486 (Dutra-D) Building inspections: liability
Provides immunity from liability for a third party inspector who contracts with the developer of a residential building to check plans and specifications to determine compliance with building standards, or to inspect a work of improvement to determine compliance with the plans and specifications.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1574 (Lowenthal-D) Energy conservation: building standards: inspections
Authorizes the State Energy Resources, Conservation and Development Commission to develop measures to enhance energy efficiency for homes that were built prior to the establishment of the current energy efficiency standards, and makes related changes.
Chapter 773, Statutes of 2001
AB 1733 (Assembly Insurance Committee) Title insurance
Provides that in the absence of case law applying or interpreting a statute governing title insurers, the Insurance Commissioner shall use the past official actions, rules, practices, correspondence, documents, or other working procedures of the State Department of Insurance in order to interpret and apply that statute.
(In Assembly Insurance Committee)
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 53* | Torlakson-D Community Redevelopment Disaster Project Law | |
SB 73* | Dunn-D Taxation: low-income housing | |
SB 121* | Murray-D Income and bank and corporation taxes: credit: Internet | |
SB 122 | Dunn-D Mobilehomes: ombudsman | |
SB 142 | Haynes-R City or county regulation: religious exercise | |
SB 160 | Torlakson-D Common interest developments | |
SB 175* | Torlakson-D Sales and use taxes: exemptions: mobilehome | |
SB 183 | Burton-D Residential Security Deposit Guarantee Program | |
SB 185 | Bowen-D Battered women's shelters | |
SB 211 | Torlakson-D Redevelopment: indebtedness | |
SB 221 | Kuehl-D Land use: water supplies | |
SB 262 | Dunn-D General plans: housing elements | |
SB 266 | Johnson-R Common interest developments: community associations | |
SB 270 | Speier-D Mortgages: mortgage insurance: disclosures | |
SB 325 | O'Connell-D Mobilehome and special occupancy parks | |
SB 329 | Morrow-R Real estate brokers: education requirements | |
SB 332 | Sher-D Building standards: straw-bale structures | |
SB 339 | Dunn-D Mobilehome parks | |
SB 355 | Escutia-D Liability: construction defects | |
SB 364 | Alpert-D Mortgages and deeds of trust: accrual of interest | |
SB 372 | Dunn-D Preservation Interim Loan Programs | |
SB 382 | Haynes-R Senior housing: discrimination | |
SB 384 | Burton-D Public safety: gas appliances | |
SB 401* | Soto-D Tax credits: second mortgages | |
SB 429* | Soto-D Housing: assistance | |
SB 439 | Monteith-R Environmental quality: homeownership | |
SB 442 | Vasconcellos-D Housing: special needs population | |
SB 444 | Perata-D Disaster relief: owner-occupied dwellings | |
SB 459 | McPherson-R Housing programs: eligibility | |
SB 495 | Dunn-D Mobilehomes and manufactured housing | |
SB 497 | Sher-D Land use: energy conservation | |
SB 503 | Vasconcellos-D Attainable housing zones | |
SB 519 | Vincent-D Military base conversion: housing | |
SB 520 | Chesbro-D Planning and zoning | |
SB 533 | Margett-R Home improvement loans: elderly and disabled | |
SB 581 | Alarcon-D Residential rental property: owner registration | |
SB 608 | Dunn-D Mortgages: home loan protection | |
SB 634 | Murray-D Lead poisoning prevention | |
SB 691 | McPherson-R Governmental liability | |
SB 703 | Perata-D Military base reuse | |
SB 717 | Speier-D Seismic Safety Bond Act of 2002 | |
SB 729 | Ortiz-D Neighborhood development corporations | |
SB 742* | Escutia-D Fiscal affairs | |
SB 784 | Torlakson-D Balancing jobs and growth | |
SB 891 | Escutia-D New Economics for Women | |
SB 910 | Dunn-D General plans: housing elements | |
SB 914* | Battin-R Income and bank and corporation taxes: credits | |
SB 920 | Dunn-D Mobilehomes | |
SB 932* | McPherson-R Local government: housing elements | |
SB 958* | Ackerman-R Attorneys: mortgages and deeds of trust | |
SB 981* | Haynes-R Income and bank corporation tax credits | |
SB 985 | Kuehl-D Real property | |
SB 1098 | Alarcon-D Planning and zoning: housing | |
SB 1122 | Poochigian-R Real estate: disclosures of transfer | |
SB 1227 | Burton-D Housing finance | |
SJR 6 | Dunn-D Multifamily rental housing | |
SR 18 | Burton-D Crimes | |
SR 19 | Burton-D Affordable housing | |
SB 41XX* | Speier-D Public Utilities Commission: gas and electricity | |
AB 8* | Cedillo-D Downtown Rebound Program | |
AB 10* | Corbett-D Bank and corporation taxes: real estate investment trusts | |
AB 72 | Bates-R Escheated funds: portable housing: elderly persons | |
AB 114 | Washington-D Senior housing rehabilitation | |
AB 123 | Washington-D Building rehabilitation | |
AB 166* | Cedillo-D Personal income and bank and corporation tax credits | |
AB 178 | Cox-R Housing standards: molds | |
AB 210 | Corbett-D Mobilehomes: security deposits | |
AB 218* | Dutra-D Taxation: homeowners' property tax exemption | |
AB 237 | Papan-D Eminent domain | |
AB 244 | Strom-Martin-D Comprehensive technical assistance: Native Americans | |
AB 247 | Maddox-R Eminent domain: houses of worship | |
AB 267 | Steinberg-D Construction defects | |
AB 273* | Nakano-D Personal income tax: deductions: mortgage insurance | |
AB 288 | Oropeza-D Real estate | |
AB 310 | Goldberg-D Quimby Act: fees for park or recreational facilities | |
AB 326 | Dutra-D Fire safety: roof covering materials | |
AB 369 | Dutra-D Affordable housing development projects | |
AB 382 | Cedillo-D Housing and community development | |
AB 392 | Maddox-R Escrow agents | |
AB 404 | Diaz-D New neighborhoods program | |
AB 406 | Diaz-D Redevelopment | |
AB 407 | Correa-D Residential mortgage lending | |
AB 436* | Chan-D Focused environmental impact reports | |
AB 452 | Correa-D Real estate: subdivisions | |
AB 472 | Cedillo-D Real property: substandard conditions | |
AB 489 | Migden-D Loans secured by real property | |
AB 490 | Diaz-D Housing trust funds | |
AB 533 | Cedillo-D Landlord-tenant: payments | |
AB 543 | Vargas-D Mechanics' liens | |
AB 549 | Longville-D California Energy Commission: building standards | |
AB 555 | Dutra-D Common interest development managers | |
AB 568 | Dutra-D Mechanics' liens | |
AB 600 | Dutra-D Home warranty program | |
AB 603 | Dutra-D Home furnishings | |
AB 618 | Calderon-D Housing: City of Industry | |
AB 628 | Oropeza-D Senior housing | |
AB 718 | Wiggins-D Mobilehomes: rental agreements | |
AB 738* | Lowenthal-D Income and bank and corporation and insurance taxes | |
AB 739 | Frommer-D Construction defect litigation | |
AB 747 | Chavez-D Governor's Commission on Homeless Veterans | |
AB 748 | Chavez-D Housing: homeless veterans | |
AB 750 | Cedillo-D Redevelopment: housing | |
AB 752 | Briggs-R Legal advertising | |
AB 781 | John Campbell-R Rent control: mobilehome parks | |
AB 795 | Dutra-D Real estate | |
AB 807 | Salinas-D Farmworker housing | |
AB 816* | Thomson-D Income Tax: personal income tax | |
AB 820 | Shelley-D California State University Housing Finance Pilot Program | |
AB 905 | Cohn-D Housing: down payment assistance: public safety officers | |
AB 928 | Daucher-R Live Near Your Work Program | |
AB 930 | Keeley-D CalHome Program | |
AB 936 | Vargas-D Local public services | |
AB 970 | Dutra-D Mobilehomes and manufactured housing | |
AB 999 | Keeley-D California Housing Loan Insurance Fund | |
AB 1008 | Lowenthal-D Housing grants: tenants with disabilities | |
AB 1036 | Pescetti-R Seniors' tax assistance: mobilehomes | |
AB 1044 | Migden-D California Housing Finance Agency: bonds | |
AB 1060* | Negrete McLeod-D Department of Veterans Affairs: homeless veterans | |
AB 1090 | Hertzberg-D Real property | |
AB 1106 | Pescetti-R Notaries public: escrow instruments | |
AB 1112 | Goldberg-D Substandard residential rental property: owner registration | |
AB 1118 | Corbett-D Seismic safety: insurance | |
AB 1160* | Florez-D Farmworker housing | |
AB 1170 | Firebaugh-D Housing: downpayment assistance | |
AB 1202 | Harman-R Mobilehome parks: meetings | |
AB 1244 | Wiggins-D Affordable housing: condominiums | |
AB 1284 | Lowenthal-D Community development | |
AB 1318 | Correa-D Multi-unit manufactured housing | |
AB 1328 | Briggs-R Mobilehome sales: approval of purchaser | |
AB 1359* | Lowenthal-D Housing: Predevelopment Loan Fund | |
AB 1457 | Keeley-D Property taxation: mobilehomes | |
AB 1467 | Kehoe-D Housing | |
AB 1486 | Dutra-D Building inspections: liability | |
AB 1526 | Florez-D Bond: farmworker housing and family wellness act | |
AB 1541 | Dickerson-R Park trailers: loft areas | |
AB 1550 | Wiggins-D Farmworker housing | |
AB 1574 | Lowenthal-D Energy conservation: building standards: inspections | |
AB 1606 | Bates-R Low-income housing: military base | |
AB 1611 | Keeley-D Higher education housing | |
AB 1648 | Salinas-D Mobilehomes and manufactured housing | |
AB 1733 | Assembly Insurance Committee Title insurance | |
AJR 17 | Chavez-D Extension of home loan programs |