Alzheimer's Disease
Other Diseases/Disorders
Mental Health
Developmentally Disabled
Tobacco Products
Health Facilities
Health Professionals
Foster Care
Public Social Services
Other Public Health and Safety Legislation
SB 251 (Haynes-R) Vehicles: "Choose Life" special interest license plates
Requires the State Department of Motor Vehicles to design and make available for issuance special interest license plates that bear a design containing the words "Choose Life" and requires funds collected to be expended for certain purposes related to preventing abortion and placing children for adoption.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
Similar legislation is SB 1291 (Haynes-R), which died in Senate Transportation Committee.
SB 1301 (Kuehl-D) Reproductive Privacy Act
Deletes various statutory provisions regarding abortion and enacts in their place the Reproductive Privacy Act. The act provides, among other things, that (1) every individual possesses a fundamental right of privacy with respect to reproductive decisions; and (2) the state shall not deny or interfere with a woman's right to choose an abortion prior to viability of the fetus, as defined in the act.
Chapter 385, Statutes of 2002
SJR 23 (Speier-D) Medi-Cal and family planning services
Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to enact the Family Planning State Empowerment Act of 2001.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 797 (Shelley-D) Public records: confidentiality
Expands the "Safe at Home" program that protects the addresses of domestic violence and stalking victims to reproductive health care services providers and their employees, volunteers, and patients. Also extends the sunset date of the "Safe at Home" program, which expires on January 1, 2005, to January 1, 2008.
Chapter 380, Statutes of 2002
AB 2537 (La Suer-R) Abortion: ultrasound
Requires an ultrasound to be performed on a woman seeking an abortion within 24 hours prior to the abortion procedure, and requires the ultrasound to be shown to the woman prior to commencing the abortion procedure.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
ACA 5 (Wyman-R) Abortion: parental notification
Prohibits, except in the case of an emergency, an abortion from being performed on an unemancipated minor until the physician has first notified one of her parents or her legal guardian pursuant to specified requirements, or a court has permitted waiver of these requirements, if any of certain circumstances are found to exist. Entitles this amendment the Family Communication and Parental Responsibility Act.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
ACA 23 (Briggs-R) Abortion: parental notification
Provides that, except in a medical emergency, an abortion may not be performed upon a pregnant unemancipated minor until the physician has first notified one of her parents or legal guardian, or a court has permitted waiver of these requirements if any of certain circumstances are found to exist. Imposes civil penalties for the provision of an abortion in violation of the requirements of the measure.
(Died at the Assembly Desk)

AB 442* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health: budget trailer bill
The Omnibus Health Trailer Bill, containing necessary changes to implement the Budget Act of 2002. Among others, requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide the state with a supplemental rebate for AIDS and cancer drugs in order to be included in the Medi-Cal List of Contract Drugs and provides for the State Department of Health Services to collect a negotiated state rebate from pharmaceutical manufacturers under the AIDS Drug Assistance Program.
Chapter 1161, Statutes of 2002
AB 2064 (Cedillo-D) Human immunodeficiency virus tests: counselors: training
Requires the State Department of Health Services to authorize the establishment of training programs for counselors for publicly funded human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing programs. Requires that training programs be conducted by organizations with demonstrated expertise in providing free, anonymous or confidential HIV testing.
Chapter 273, Statutes of 2002
AB 2197 (Koretz-D) Medi-Cal: benefits for persons infected with HIV
Establishes the Medi-Cal Managed Care Benefits Program for Nondisabled Persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to expand eligibility for Medi-Cal benefits, without prescription drug coverage, to persons with HIV who are enrolled in the AIDS Drug Assistance Program and who are not disabled, but who otherwise would qualify for Medi-Cal benefits.
Chapter 684, Statutes of 2002
AB 2423 (Cardenas-D) Exposure to communicable diseases
Permits testing of an available sample of the patient's blood for various communicable diseases, rather than only human immunodeficiency virus as allowed in current law, when a health care provider or other emergency responder is exposed to the blood of a patient in the course of providing health care services. Broadens the definition of "available sample" of blood to include any sample obtained prior to the patient's release, either before or after the exposure incident, rather than only before the incident, as allowed in current law.
Chapter 342, Statutes of 2002
AB 2794 (Reyes-D) Offenders: human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS tests
Expands the list of sex crimes that require or authorize a court-ordered blood test for evidence of the AIDS virus, authorizes saliva tests for this purpose, and makes additional technical changes, as specified.
Chapter 831, Statutes of 2002
AB 2905 (Wright-D) Correctional institutions: human immunodeficiency virus
Provides that testing for HIV infection shall be made available to any inmate in state prison.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2930 (Wright-D) Human immunodeficiency virus: maternal and newborn health
Makes a series of changes to current law to increase the number of pregnant women who are tested for HIV. Requires the blood specimen obtained from a pregnant patient pursuant to existing law be tested for HIV, and requires the attending provider to ensure the woman is informed of the intent to perform a test for HIV and is given the right to refuse this testing.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2994 (Wright-D) Human immunodeficiency virus reporting requirements
Requires the State Department of Health Services, in consultation with key stakeholders, to report to the Legislature, by December 31, 2005, whether California's HIV reporting system that does not utilize names has achieved compliance with federal standards and criteria.
Chapter 926, Statutes of 2002
ACR 55 (Migden-D) HIV and AIDS drug treatments: pharmaceutical companies
Urges the governing bodies of the public pension and retirement systems of this state, in their capacities as shareholders of specified pharmaceutical companies, to support shareholder resolutions designed to develop and implement a policy, as specified, to provide human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS drug treatments to less developed countries.
(Died in Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee)
HR 95 (Kehoe-D) Human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS education
Urges "Sesame Street" and its producers, Sesame Workshop, to incorporate the HIV-positive Muppet character into its U.S. program to help educate American Children about HIV and AIDS.
(Died in the Assembly)

SB 224 (Speier-D) Breast and cervical cancer: treatment services
Creates the California Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program to be administered by the State Department of Health Services (DHS). Also requires DHS to submit a Medi-Cal state plan amendment to the federal Health Care Financing Administration for obtaining federal matching funds under the optional categorically needy eligibility group described in the federal Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act. Expands and simplifies eligibility for individuals with incomes up to 250 percent of the federal poverty level and expands the scope of benefits to include all Medi-Cal services.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 417 (Vasconcellos-D) Cancer: alternative treatment project
Requires the Cancer Research Program, administered by State Department of Health Services, to establish an alternative treatment cancer research project to test the effect of behavioral changes on the reduction and reversal of illness and disease. Appropriates $3 million for the project.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee))
SB 1365 (Speier-D) Personal income taxes: contributions
Extends the expiration date of the California Breast Cancer Research Fund from January 1, 2003 to January 1, 2008, thereby providing that the fund will last appear on the 2007 tax return (filed in 2008) rather than the 2002 tax return. Also specifies that the University of California may use up to five percent of the money allocated from this fund to administer and market the Breast Cancer Research Program.
Chapter 484, Statutes of 2002
SCR 57 (Romero-D) Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of January of every year to be "Cervical Cancer Awareness Month." Declares the resolve of the Legislature to encourage and promote efforts of people and health care practitioners in the state to increase awareness about cervical cancer, including the early detection, prevention, risk factors, and early warning symptoms and signs of the disease.
Resolution Chapter 46, Statutes of 2002
SJR 34 (Speier-D) Oral cancer drugs
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to adopt legislation to cover all orally administered cancer therapies under Medicare coverage.
Resolution Chapter 55, Statutes of 2002
SR 32 (Ortiz-D) Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Recognizes September 2002 as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month throughout California and encourages and promotes the efforts of the people and the health care practitioners to increase their awareness of this disease and to educate themselves about its early detection and prevention, risk factors and the early warning signs and symptoms.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 442* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health: budget trailer bill
The omnibus health trailer bill, containing necessary changes to implement the Budget Act of 2002. Among others, requires that contracts enacted under the Cancer Research Program not allow for more than 25 percent of the request for funding be attributable to indirect costs and provides for multi-year funding, if needed in order to conduct the research.
Chapter 1161, Statutes of 2002
AB 1154 (Bates-R) Breast and cervical cancer
Expands the services of the existing Breast Cancer Control Program to include cervical cancer detection services. Renames the program the "California Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program", and requires certain breast cancer-related services to be provided to women under 39 years of age. Also transfers the program to the Health and Safety Code and adds a new article relating to planning and implementation of the revised program.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1843 (Robert Pacheco-R) Pancreatic cancer research and education
Until January 1, 2008, establishes the Dr. Ronald Hockwalt Memorial Pancreatic Cancer Research and Education Project Act of 2002, to be administered by the State Department of Health Services (DHS). Requires DHS to award grants to qualifying entities for pancreatic cancer research and education. Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to DHS, for the 2002-03 fiscal year, for purposes of the bill.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2143 (Matthews-D) Health: cancer programs
Permits the State Department of Health Services to contract with public or private entities or use the Medi-Cal fiscal intermediary to implement specified cancer programs.
Chapter 274, Statutes of 2002
AB 2459 (Diaz-D) Physicians and surgeons: prostate cancer
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to approve and send an updated copy of the standardized written summary on alternative methods of treatment for prostate cancer to the Medical Board of California (MBC) every time the summary is modified and requires MBC to make the updated summary available to its physicians and surgeons. Requires both the DHS and MBC to update their Web sites every time the summary is modified.
Chapter 531, Statutes of 2002
ACR 139 (Wayne-D) Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Designates the month of March 2002 as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 16, Statutes of 2002
ACR 176 (Daucher-R) Breast cancer
Proclaims the support of the Legislature for the Race for the Cure by encouraging all Californians to show their support, love, and commitment to someone who has battled breast cancer and to raise public awareness of the need for early breast cancer screening and treatment.
Resolution Chapter 58, Statutes of 2002
ACR 224 (La Suer-R) Breast cancer awareness
Asserts that the Legislature acknowledges the link between a first trimester abortion and breast cancer. Further declares the public's need for heightened awareness of this added risk of contracting breast cancer.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
ACR 237 (Steinberg-D) Childhood Cancer Month
Declares September as Childhood Cancer Month, and states the commitment of the Legislature in supporting efforts to find cures for, and achieve prevention of, childhood cancer.
Resolution Chapter 146, Statutes of 2002
ACR 247 (Nakano-D) Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Designates September 2002 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AJR 28 (Robert Pacheco-R) Pancreatic cancer
Provides that the State Legislature urge the President and the Congress of the United States to expand federally funded research efforts aimed at developing a reliable means of detecting pancreatic cancer in its early stages.
Resolution Chapter 24, Statutes of 2002
HR 47 (Nakano-D) Breast Cancer Care and Research Fund Day
Proclaims Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12, 2002, as the "Breast Cancer Care and Research Fund Day" in recognition of its Web site www.breastlink.com, which serves all women.
Adopted by the Assembly

Alzheimer's Disease
SB 1426 (Romero-D) Medi-Cal: drugs: Alzheimer's disease
Exempts drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease from Medi-Cal drug contracting requirements for one year.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SJR 37 (Romero-D) Alzheimer's disease
Memorializes the President and Congress to immediately invest in various activities to prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Resolution Chapter 69, Statutes of 2002

Other Diseases/Disorders
SB 843 (Perata-D) Omnibus Tuberculosis Control and Prevention Act of 2001
Authorizes local health officers to certify tuberculin skin test technicians and requires parole agents to be notified when an inmate with tuberculosis is released from prison.
Chapter 763, Statutes of 2002
SB 859 (Ortiz-D) California Disease Management Act of 2001
Requires the State Department of Health Services to convene a task force by January 15, 2002, charged with developing a strategy and guidelines for providing Medi-Cal participants with disease management programs and services, as well as identifying diseases eligible for disease management programs and services. Specifies areas the task force must examine in its deliberations.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 977 (Battin-R) Condoms: warning label
Requires manufacturers of condoms to place a label within each retail package of one or more condoms, offered for sale or distributed in California on or after January 1, 2003, stating that while condoms help decrease the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, they do not fully guard against the transmission of HPV.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 2040 (McPherson-R) Arthritis prevention and control
Establishes the Arthritis Prevention and Control Act to promote public awareness, education and appropriate treatment for persons with arthritis. Appropriates $140,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Health Services for purposes of the bill.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 2047 (Machado-D) Health services: chronic disease
Creates the Chronic Disease Prevention Council in the State Department of Health Services to coordinate and prioritize disease prevention programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2097 (Senate Health And Human Services Committee) Lyme disease
Expands the membership and responsibilities of the Lyme Disease Advisory Committee in the State Department of Health Services (DHS). Requires the preparation and submission by the DHS of a comprehensive annual report on consequential changes in the incidence of Lyme Disease by December 15, 2003, and annually thereafter.
Vetoed by the Governor
SCR 58 (Machado-D) California Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Proclaims the week of February 24 to March 3, 2002, as California Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and encourages all Californians to educate themselves about eating disorders.
Resolution Chapter 8, Statutes of 2002
SCR 76 (Ackerman-R) Autism Treatment Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of April 2002, as Autism Treatment Awareness Month, and acknowledges the contributions made in the area of autism by experts in the field and the families involved.
Resolution Chapter 53, Statutes of 2002
SCR 83 (Figueroa-D) Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Awareness Month
Proclaims May 2002 as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 82, Statutes of 2002
SJR 44 (Haynes-R) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of May 2002 as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month, and memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to provide additional funding for research in order to find a treatment and a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Resolution Chapter 57, Statutes of 2002
AB 182 (Vargas-D) Immunizations: hepatitis A: tuberculosis testing
Adds hepatitis A to the list of diseases for which California requires immunization prior to admission to kindergarten, on or after July 1, 2003. Also reinstates an exemption for "drop in" day care centers from immunization and tuberculosis testing verification requirements.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 442* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health: budget trailer bill
The omnibus health trailer bill which contains the necessary changes to implement the Budget Act of 2002. Among others, provides that diabetic testing supplies and strips shall not exceed the cost of the item to dispense, plus a fee equal to the maximum professional fee component used in the payment for legend generic drug types, provides for the State Department of Health Services, under the Genetically Handicapped Persons Program, to collect a permissive state rebate, primarily for blood factor products from pharmaceutical manufacturers, and modifies existing state law to require hospital to collect fees associated with any genetic disease tests conducted under the state's Newborn Screening Program.
Chapter 1161, Statutes of 2002
AB 481 (Firebaugh-D) Education: pupil health: diabetes
Requires a credentialed school nurse to provide assistance to pupils with diabetes, in accordance with instructions set forth by the pupil' s physician, if the pupil is unable to perform these tasks. Requires in the absence of a credentialed school nurse or other licensed nurse onsite, other designated school personnel to administer assistance to those pupils. Defines "designated school personnel" to mean teachers who have volunteered and administrators of the school that are onsite fulltime and have received adequate training to provide assistance to pupils with diabetes.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1905 (Longville-D) Type 2 diabetes mellitus: pupil screening
Establishes a three-year pilot program that screens pupils for the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1916* (Matthews-D) Sales and use taxes: diabetes treatment medicines
Codifies an existing State Board of Equalization regulation that allows a sales and use tax exemption for lancets and blood glucose test strips that are furnished by a registered pharmacist. In addition, expands the regulation by allowing the exemption for these items, regardless of whether or not they are furnished by a registered pharmacist.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1955 (Ashburn-R) Valley fever
Appropriates $300,000 to the State Department of Health Services for continuation of the Valley Fever Vaccine Project.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2127 (Matthews-D) Taxpayer contributions: asthma and lung disease
Reinstates a personal income tax check-off to fund asthma and lung disease research.
Chapter 620, Statutes of 2002
AB 2529 (Negrete McLeod-D) Hepatitis C
Requires the State Department of Corrections to make treatment and testing for hepatitis C free and confidential to inmates.
Vetoed by the Governor
ACR 160 (Bates-R) Endometriosis Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of March 2002 as Endometriosis Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 20, Statutes of 2002
ACR 173 (Alquist-D) Osteoporosis Awareness Month
Recognizes May 2002 as Osteoporosis Awareness Month, and encourages all people in the state to become educated about their risks of developing osteoporosis, the methods of diagnosis of this disease, and the methods of treatment.
Resolution Chapter 73, Statutes of 2002
ACR 205 (Zettel-R) Myositis Awareness Day
Designates September 21, 2002, as Myositis Awareness Day.
Resolution Chapter 172, Statutes of 2002
ACR 207 (Robert Pacheco-R) Arthritis Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of May 2002 as Arthritis Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 78, Statutes of 2002
ACR 230 (Ashburn-R) Valley Fever Awareness Month
Proclaims August 2002 as Valley Fever Awareness Month.
Resolution Chapter 115, Statutes of 2002
ACR 250 (Cedillo-D) Hepatitis C
Recommends implementation of various prevention and educational activities in order to address the health crisis associated with the hepatitis C virus.
Resolution Chapter 191, Statutes of 2002
HR 44 (Negrete McLeod-D) Autism
Recognizes the month of April 2002 as Autism Treatment Month and acknowledges and honors the efforts and contributions of those many persons who are participating in autism research.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 49 (Bill Campbell-R) Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day
Recognizes May 18, 2002 as Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day to applaud the contributions of the Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance, show concern for those families affected by the disorder and express support for efforts to find treatments and a cure.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 88 (Frommer-D) Down's Syndrome Awareness Month
Declares October as Down's Syndrome Awareness Month.
Adopted by the Assembly

SB 120 (Ortiz-D) Human services
Provides the full scope of Medi-Cal benefits without a share of cost to pregnant women who are (1) receiving pregnancy-related and postpartum services under Medi-Cal, contingent upon implementation of the waiver to add parents to the Healthy Families Program; or (2) otherwise eligible for Medi-Cal except for meeting specified residency requirements. These women will be eligible for full-scope Medi-Cal benefits during their pregnancy and 60 days thereafter.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 146 (Haynes-R) Medi-Cal: payments
Requires the State Department of Health Services to use an online verification and billing process for pharmacists and physicians for Medi-Cal payments, under certain conditions. Also requires the Medi-Cal program to pay the copayments for drugs and office visits of persons who are eligible for both Medicare and Medi-Cal, that will otherwise be required under the terms of the health care plan in which they are enrollees, but not allowed under existing Medi-Cal law.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 285 (Soto-D) Medi-Cal
Restricts and defines state authority to recover Medi-Cal costs from dependents, distributees, heirs, and surviving family of a deceased Medi-Cal recipient.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 336 (Ortiz-D) Health care programs: eligibility
Limits independent documentation by Medi-Cal and Healthy Families Program (HFP) applicants and recipients to that required by federal law with specified exceptions. Revises the definition of an unemployed parent for purposes of Medi-Cal eligibility. Requires implementation of most provisions of this bill upon implementation of the HFP parent expansion waiver.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 402 (Ortiz-D) Health care: Medi-Cal
Provides that upon implementation of the federal State Child Health Insurance Program waiver for the Healthy Families Program, women who are receiving pregnancy-related and postpartum services under the Medi-Cal program shall be eligible for the full scope of Medi-Cal benefits without a share of cost.
Specifies that aliens whose eligibility for Medi-Cal benefits is limited to medically necessary pregnancy-related services shall be eligible for the full scope of Medi-Cal benefits without a share of cost during pregnancy and for a 60-day period beginning on the last day of pregnancy.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 443 (Perata-D) Medi-Cal: substance abuse
Expands the definition of Medi-Cal drug services to include outpatient drug-free services provided in the community setting, day care rehabilitative and residential services, medication management and other related services. Changes the Medi-Cal drug program from the clinic option to the rehabilitation option offered under federal Medicaid law. Requires the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, with the approval and assistance of the State Department of Health Services, to expand federal financial participation for alcohol and drug treatment services under Medi-Cal.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 523 (Alpert-D) Medi-Cal: disproportionate share hospitals
Subject to the obtaining of any necessary federal approvals, provides supplemental reimbursement for capital projects to a disproportionate share hospital that meets specified criteria. Also requires the State Department of Health Services, on January 10 and May 15 of each year, to provide the State Department of Finance, the Legislative Analyst, and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee with its estimate of the budget year costs of the supplemental reimbursement program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 534 (Ortiz-D) Medi-Cal: independent adults
Extends Medi-Cal eligibility to "independent adults," who are between 19 and 64 years of age, not pregnant, neither a parent or caretaker relative, and neither blind nor disabled for the purposes of Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program. Also requires the State Department of Health Services to maximize federal financial participation for Medi-Cal services to "independent adults" through seeking federal waivers.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 615 (Ortiz-D) Medi-Cal: Healthy Families Program: temporary eligibility
Creates an expedited process for granting temporary eligibility for public health insurance programs to uninsured patients seeking care from hospitals which operate an emergency services department or community health clinics.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1278 (Speier-D) Pharmacies: prescription benefits: Medicare beneficiaries
Repeals the January 1, 2003, sunset date from a provision of existing law which requires a pharmacy, as a condition of its participation in the Medi-Cal program, to charge Medicare beneficiaries who show their Medicare card a price that does not exceed the Medi-Cal reimbursement rate for prescription medicines, plus an amount to cover electronic transmission charges.
Chapter 542, Statutes of 2002
SB 1364 (Morrow-R) Medi-Cal benefits: anesthesia
Includes anesthesia within the scope of benefits provided under the Medi-Cal program, when it is provided in the course of dental treatment of any Medi-Cal beneficiary who has an impairment that is sufficiently severe to qualify that person for the maximum level of services provided under the In-Home Supportive Services Program.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 1413 (Chesbro-D) Medi-Cal
Enacts into law requirements for the State Department of Health Services to implement specified Medi-Cal payment methodologies for federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics that comply with federal law.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1414 (Speier-D) Health care coverage
Expands publicly funded health care coverage to provide health care benefits to all citizens and legal immigrants residing in California, and creates the Healthy California Program (HCP) to provide this coverage. Designates the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board to administer HCP, conduct outreach programs, determine eligibility of applicants and monitor the quality of the program.
In addition, proposes to expand coverage in two stages. The first includes consolidation and simplification of Medi-Cal, the Healthy Families Program and the Access for Infants and Mothers Program, and a federal waiver request to expand coverage to noncustodial adults with incomes up to 150 percent of the federal poverty level. The second stage would expand health insurance coverage to all uninsured citizens and legal residents.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1418 (Johannessen-R) Medi-Cal: applications
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to approve or deny a provider's application to become a Medi-Cal provider within 120 days after DHS receives a completed application.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1426 (Romero-D) Medi-Cal: drugs: Alzheimer's disease
Exempts drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease from Medi-Cal drug contracting requirements for one year.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1493* (Alpert-D) Medi-Cal: reimbursement procedures
Permits the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to negotiate or renegotiate settlements with any acute care hospital in San Diego County that has a distinct part pediatric convalescent facility and that has violated any Medi-Cal reimbursement policy or procedure governing the operation of acute care hospitals (intended to describe San Diego Children's Hospital and Health Care Center). Permits DHS to waive all or part of any overpayment made to any acute care hospital above that would otherwise be reimbursable to DHS by that acute care hospital in any settlement negotiated or renegotiated pursuant to this bill.
Chapter 486, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was AB 619 (Wayne-D), which died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee.
SB 1529* (Johnson-R) Conflicts of interest: special commissions
Adds an additional condition of exemption from the conflict of interest law for a member of a special commission that manages and contracts on behalf of county Medi-Cal administrators.
Chapter 262, Statutes of 2002
SB 1567 (Chesbro-D) Medi-Cal
Eliminates the "assets test" when determining eligibility for all Medi-Cal programs.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1598 (Soto-D) Medi-Cal
Restricts and limits the state's authority to recover Medi-Cal costs from dependents, distributees, heirs, and surviving family of a deceased Medi-Cal recipient. For example, requires the state's claim to be filed within one year of the death of the recipient, and expands the definition of hardship cases for purposes of a waiver of the recovery claim, among other changes.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1633 (Soto-D) Medi-Cal: transfer of property interest: notice
Requires the State Department of Health Services to provide blind, aged or disabled Medi-Cal applicants, at the time of application, a clear and simple statement that explains how a Medi-Cal beneficiary can transfer home ownership for less than fair market value without affecting Medi-Cal eligibility.
Chapter 556, Statutes of 2002
SB 1644* (Poochigian-R) Medi-Cal: annual review of rates
Requires that the State Department of Health Services consider the adequacy of Medi-Cal reimbursement rates for physicians and dental services in communities that serve disproportionately higher Medi-Cal populations when conducting its annual review of Medi-Cal reimbursement levels.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1699 (Ortiz-D) Health care programs: denial of continued enrollment
Authorizes the State Department of Health Services to suspend or deny payments in any health care program to providers who have committed fraud in any other department administered program.
Chapter 768, Statutes of 2002
SB 1767 (Perata-D) Medi-Cal: plan enrollment eligibility
Permits individuals enrolled in share-of-cost Medi-Cal to voluntarily enroll in managed care plans and primary care case management plans.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1836* (Peace-D) Medi-Cal: benefits
Repeals existing law requiring the State Department of Health Services to exercise an option available under the federal medicaid program to disregard all changes in income or assets of a beneficiary until the beneficiary's next annual redetermination of eligibility for Medi-Cal benefits.
(Died on Senate Floor)
SB 2046 (Knight-R) Medi-Cal: overpayment forgiveness
Requires the State Department of Health Services to forgive all or part of a debt arising from an overpayment for Medi-Cal services to a hospital between January 1, 1994 and January 1, 1998 under specified conditions.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SJR 23 (Speier-D) Medi-Cal and family planning services
Requests the President and the Congress of the United States to enact the Family Planning State Empowerment Act of 2001.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 89 (Bates-R) IHSS: Medi-Cal: criminal record checks
Requires a criminal background clearance for individuals who provide IHSS and Medi-Cal personal care services.
(Died in Assembly Human Resources Committee)
AB 275 (Aroner-D) Medi-Cal: developmentally disabled: dental care
Requires the State Department of Health Services, in cooperation with the State Department of Developmental Services and in consultation with the California Dental Association, to provide existing data, to specified committees of the Legislature by April 1, 2003, describing the characteristics of dental service received by Medi-Cal beneficiaries who are eligible to receive dental services under the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act.
Chapter 522, Statutes of 2002
AB 442* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health: budget trailer bill
The omnibus health trailer bill which provides necessary changes to implement the Budget Act of 2002. Among others, contains provisions relating to the Medi-Cal list of contract drugs, pharmacy over payments and reimbursement, enteral (nutritional) contracting, clinical laboratory contracting, reimbursement level for incontinence supplies, Medi-Cal provider rates, Medicare Discount Drug Program, dental cleanings and examinations, Medi-Cal and Healthy Families Program pre-enrollment process for children, tracking of Medi-Cal applications, interagency agreements, foster care adoptions, notification to county social services prior to reduction of county Medi-Cal administration, assisted living waiver, telemedicine reimbursement and treatment authorization request processing.
Chapter 1161, Statutes of 2002
AB 648 (Corbett-D) Medi-Cal: claims processing
Eliminates the requirement that each local educational consortium pay an annual participation fee as a condition of participating in the Medi-Cal Administrative Claiming process, and appropriates $3,190,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Health Services.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 843 (Chan-D) Medi-Cal: newborn children: electronic enrollment
Continuously appropriates funding for the State Department of Health Services to develop and implement an electronic process to enroll eligible newborn children into the Medi-Cal program. Also creates the Newborn Children Electronic Confirmation Fund, in which both public and private funds from foundations and other nongovernmental sources, and the interest thereon, will be deposited. Stipulates that the electronic process will only be developed and implemented when sufficient funding is available.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 903 (Alquist-D) Nonemergency transportation services pilot project
Establishes a three-year nonemergency medical transportation brokerage pilot project for Medi-Cal recipients in Santa Clara County.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 915* (Frommer-D) Medi-Cal provider reimbursement
Allows local public agencies and public health facilities to use local funds to obtain federal financial participation for supplemental Medi-Cal reimbursements for hospital outpatient services and adult day health services.
Chapter 747, Statutes of 2002
AB 969 (Chan-D) In-home supportive services
Requires the State Health and Human Services Agency to submit a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2003, on the feasibility of adopting a pilot project for a sliding-scale system of universal eligibility for in-home supportive services, in counties as specified. Also, raises the maintenance need income level to reduce share-of-cost requirements in the Medi-Cal Medically Needy Program for individuals and families. Provides for additional deductions for medically needy individuals in long-term care.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1043 (Richman-R) Noninstitutional provider reimbursement rates
Requires Medi-Cal reimbursement rates for noninstitutional providers to be at least 80 percent of the comparable Medicare rate, effective January 1, 2002.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1480 (Aanestad-R) Medi-Cal reimbursement
Permits a hearing aid dispenser to perform the hearing aid evaluation required for Medi-Cal coverage and codifies related regulations.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1655 (Ashburn-R) Hospital reimbursement: Kern County
Requires the State Department of Health Services to negotiate settlements with acute care hospitals in Kern County with psychiatric units that received Medi-Cal overpayments for psychiatric services provided during the period 1991 to 1995, inclusive, and that unintentionally violated Medi-Cal cost reimbursement policies or procedures, and to waive all or part of the overpayments made under the Medi-Cal program to the hospital in a manner consistent with the waivers provided to hospitals in Stanislaus and Tuolumne Counties.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1771 (Strickland-R) Medi-Cal: income eligibility: mobilehomes
Creates an income exemption for the cost of space rental for a mobilehome that is the principal residence of a Medi-Cal applicant.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1806 (Richman-R) Medi-Cal: eligibility: resources
Directs the State Department of Health Services to exercise its federal option to expand Medi-Cal eligibility and exempt all resources (eliminate the asset test) in the determination of eligibility for all Medi-Cal programs serving parents, caretaker relatives and children up to age 21.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1807 (Richman-R) Medi-Cal: Healthy Families Program: qualification
Requires the State Department of Health Services to develop a one-page form for temporary qualification and accelerated enrollment of children in the Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal. Requires these children to be eligible to receive benefits for 60 days. Further requires reimbursements of health care providers who provide services to temporary enrollees to be the same, as they would be, if the children were fully enrolled.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1816 (Richman-R) Medi-Cal: Healthy Families Program: applicant verification
Establishes pilot projects to test simplified methods of verifying applicants' income for Medi-Cal and the Healthy Families Program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1914 (Kehoe-D) Hearing aids
Provides one hearing aid assessment within a 12-month period as a Medi-Cal benefit. Codifies Medi-Cal regulations relating to the coverage of hearing aids.
Chapter 704, Statutes of 2002
AB 2010 (Richman-R) Clinics: consolidated application procedures
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to develop and implement a consolidated form, no later than July 1, 2003, that an applicant for licensure as a primary care clinic may use to apply for licensure and for a Medi-Cal provider identification number. Requires DHS to develop and implement a consolidated application form, no later than July 1, 2003, under which specified clinics may apply to become a provider under the Medi-Cal program, and/or the Child Health and Disability Prevention Program, the Perinatal Services Program, and/or the Family PACT Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2047 (Matthews-D) Medi-Cal reimbursement
Requires the local mental health plan to establish the Medi-Cal reimbursement rate for administrative day services for beneficiaries receiving acute psychiatric services in a general acute care or acute psychiatric hospital.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2132 (Matthews-D) Medi-Cal: medical supplies: contracts
Requires the State Department of Health Services to enter into demonstration contracts with manufacturers of medical supplies for five categories of medical supplies purchased by the Medi-Cal program.
Chapter 751, Statutes of 2002
AB 2197 (Koretz-D) Medi-Cal: benefits for persons infected with HIV
Establishes the Medi-Cal Managed Care Benefits Program for Nondisabled Persons with HIV to expand eligibility for Medi-Cal benefits, without prescription drug coverage, to persons with HIV who are enrolled in the AIDS Drug Assistance Program and who are not disabled, but who otherwise would qualify for Medi-Cal benefits.
Chapter 684, Statutes of 2002
AB 2305 (Mountjoy-R) Medi-Cal: information for beneficiaries
Requires the State Department of Health Services to provide Medi-Cal applicants specified program information and provide beneficiaries, upon request, itemization of any Medi-Cal charges or services that may accrue against the beneficiary's estate.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2364 (Negrete McLeod-D) Medi-Cal: study
Establishes the Legislature's intent to determine ways to simplify the administration of Medi-Cal to encourage health care service plans and health care providers to participate in the program. Specifies that the study must focus on creating efficiency while reducing costs to the program and to participating providers. Directs the Legislature to commission the study and specifies that the study shall be conducted without the use of state funds.
Chapter 452, Statutes of 2002
AB 2491 (Goldberg-D) Medi-Cal: notice of termination of benefits
Requires counties to document the dates on which they took actions required prior to sending a notice terminating Medi-Cal eligibility. Specifies that procedures counties must complete prior to terminating a Medi-Cal beneficiary apply to all eligibility redeterminations. Requires the State Department of Health Services to adopt implementation guidelines for ex parte reviews and to revise existing regulations to ensure they are consistent with state and federal due process requirements.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 2510 (Canciamilla-D) Medi-Cal: reimbursement
Limits Medi-Cal reimbursement for emergency hospital services to Medi-Cal beneficiaries who are enrolled in a prepaid health plan, which operates in a county with no more than one licensed trauma facility, to the amount due to the hospital under a contract with the prepaid health plan or , if no contract exists, the average California Medical Assistance Commission rate for the facility's Standard Consolidated Statistical Area or the actual billed charges, whichever is less.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2674 (Chu-D) Medi-Cal: federally qualified health centers: primary care
Requires any Medi-Cal Managed Care enrollee who selects, or is assigned to, a federally qualified health center (FQHC) or rural health clinic (RHC), or to an employee of either, to be assigned directly to the FQHC or RHC. Additionally repeals a requirement that FQHCs and RHCs waive their rights to cost based reimbursement to participate in Medi-Cal Managed Care Risk contracts.
Chapter 756, Statutes of 2002
AB 2763 (Pescetti-R) Health care coverage: hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Requires Medi-Cal, health care service plans and health insurers (health plans) to cover hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for an acute or chronic brain condition, if the treating physician and surgeon determines that HBOT would be beneficial for the treatment of the condition.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2795 (Salinas-D) Medi-Cal: prior authorization
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to provide specified information when it denies a treatment authorization request for inpatient acute hospital services. Requires DHS to investigate options for streamlining the Medi-Cal prior authorization process by January 1, 2004.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2919 (Wiggins-D) Medi-Cal: monthly maintenance allowance
Increases the monthly maintenance allowance for Medi-Cal beneficiaries in a nursing home from $35 to $45. Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to establish procedures for the protection and oversight of a patient's monthly maintenance funds held by a skilled nursing facility (SNF) in a trust fund or any other manner. Removes DHS' discretionary authority to exempt an SNF from a specified bonding requirement.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 3006* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health: Medi-Cal: provider rate increases
Repeals Section 103 of AB 442, which is the omnibus health trailer bill to the Budget Bill of 2002. Section 103 of AB 442 reduces the rates paid to providers providing services under the Medi-Cal program. Deletion of this section means that Medi-Cal rates will not be reduced.
Chapter 1164, Statutes of 2002

Mental Health
SB 98 (Kuehl-D) Emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children
States legislative intent to expand interagency collaboration and shared responsibility for seriously, emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children in order to enable eligible children in foster care to emancipate successfully.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SB 395 (Perata-D) Mentally disordered prisoners
Requires, when a prisoner's involuntary commitment is terminated, the State Department of Corrections and officials from the county in which a prisoner intends to reside, to develop a plan for the prisoner's release into the community.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 414 (Perata-D) Mental health: dual diagnosis
Requires the State Department of Mental Health to establish a Dual Diagnosis Competitive Grant Program, to the extent that funding is provided through the annual Budget Act or another statute, for the purpose of awarding grants for existing dual diagnosis treatment programs for persons diagnosed with the co-occurring disorders of mental illness and substance abuse, and for the establishment of new dual diagnosis treatment programs in counties throughout the state.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 620 (Ortiz-D) Suicide treatment and prevention
Establishes the Suicide Prevention Act of 2001, which requires the development of a statewide suicide prevention strategy, including specific objectives and timelines. Implementation is contingent on funding in the Budget Act or another statute.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 632 (Perata-D) Mental health training
Requires the State Department of Mental Health to implement the recommendations of the mental health task force funded by the Budget Act of 2000.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 643 (Ortiz-D) Mental Health Enhancement and Crime Prevention Act
Enacts the Mental Health Enhancement and Crime Prevention Act of 2001. Contingent upon an appropriation in the Budget Act, requires the State Board of Corrections to reimburse counties for the excess cost of providing psychotropic medications to county jail inmates for the purpose of reducing recidivism through more effective mental health treatment and post-release patient follow-up.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 931* (Burton-D) Mental health: local treatment programs
Enacts the Local Mental Health Treatment Improvement Program to award four-year grants to all counties to improve community-based treatment services for persons with mental illness who are being discharged from a period of, or are at risk of being, involuntarily committed. Appropriates an unspecified amount from the General Fund to the State Department of Mental Health for purposes of the bill.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 936 (Margett-R) Mental health: adults and older adults
Requires the State Department of Mental Health to employ a full-time physician with geriatric experience to oversee, monitor, and provide advice to participating counties regarding services for older adults under the Adult and Older Adults Mental Health System of Care Act.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 1404 (Chesbro-D) State hospitals for the mentally disordered
Proposes to adopt more thorough accounting for state hospital-managed entertainment and education funds drawn from patients' personal assets; encourages indigent patients to write letters to family and friends by making writing materials available; and enhances patient access to self-help groups.
Chapter 352, Statutes of 2002
SB 1911 (Ortiz-D) Children's mental health
Requires the State Department of Mental Health to develop, in consultation with specified entities an analysis of the increased federal funding, savings to the General Fund and the county mental health system, and improvements that could be realized to specified programs for the provision of mental health services by applying for a federal Medicaid waiver or by adopting a state option to provide home- and community-based services, to children with mental health care needs.
Chapter 887, Statutes of 2002
SR 28 (Monteith-R) Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Proclaims the month of September 2002 as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
Adopted by the Senate
SR 31 (Chesbro-D) Psychiatric facilities
Expresses the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to protect California citizens from the harmful effects of seclusion and restraints in psychiatric settings. Also directs the Senate Select Committee on Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health to conduct hearings and submit a report to the Legislature regarding (1) California's psychiatric facilities' use of seclusion and restraints; (2) injuries, deaths and trauma caused by the use of seclusion and restraints; and (3) best practices developed by other states to reduce use of seclusion and restraints.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 442* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health: budget trailer bill
The omnibus health trailer bill which contains necessary changes to implement the Budget Act of 2002. Among others, requires the State Department of Mental Health (DMH) to strengthen the managed care principles utilized under the Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment Program, continues for an additional year a supplemental rate payment for community treatment facilities that serve children in foster care who have a serious mental health diagnosis, make technical changes to the Early Mental Health Program, modifies the requirement for the DMH and counties to conduct certain training and evaluation activities associated with the Children's System of Care Program and requires the State Department of Health Services to allow psychiatrists to receive fee-for-service Medi-Cal reimbursement for services provided through telemedicine as specified.
Chapter 1161, Statutes of 2002
AB 470 (Chu-D) Mental health: involuntary confinement: psychologists
Permits psychologists, in addition to psychiatrists, to release a person found to be a danger to others, or to himself or herself, or gravely disabled as a result of a mental disorder, from a 72 hour treatment and evaluation, before the 72 hours have elapsed. Permits a psychologist, in addition to a psychiatrist, to terminate a person's involuntary detention during various periods of intensive treatment for a person found to be a danger to others, or to himself or herself, or gravely disabled as a result of a mental disorder. Prohibits a psychologist, in addition to a psychiatrist, directly responsible for the person's treatment from being held civilly or criminally liable for any action by the person released before, or at the end, of the periods of intense treatment.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 2316 (Chu-D), which failed passage in Assembly Health Committee.
AB 789 (Salinas-D) Mental health: children: county grant program
Establishes a system of mental health services for seriously emotionally disturbed children not covered by public or private health insurance.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 971 (Steinberg-D) Pupil behavioral problems: grant program
Establishes the Safe and Healthy Schools Program to award grants to local collaboratives for preventive mental health and early intervention services.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1156 (Aroner-D) Mental health: community treatment facilities
Aligns regulations regarding emergency intervention for Community Treatment Facilities (CTFs) with those that exist for group homes, changes the nursing requirement to require at least one full-time registered nurse in CTFs, and imposes a prohibition on mechanical restraints in CTFs. These changes are made pending the enactment of legislation resulting from the report on seclusion and restraint to be completed by the Senate Select Committee on Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health, or until January 1, 2004, whichever occurs first.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1421 (Thomson-D) Mental health: involuntary treatment
Permits counties to provide court-ordered outpatient treatment services for people with serious mental illnesses when a court finds that a person's recent history of hospitalizations or violent behavior, coupled with noncompliance with voluntary treatment, indicate the person is likely to become dangerous or gravely disabled without the court-ordered outpatient treatment.
Chapter 1017, Statutes of 2002
AB 1422 (Thomson-D) Mental health advocacy
Creates the California Mental Health Advocacy Commission for six years to promote improved access to mental health services and combat stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1423 (Thomson-D) Mental health
Includes licensed marriage and family therapists and licensed clinical social workers services within the scope of Medi-Cal covered benefits, to the extent that federal matching funds are provided for those services.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1454 (Thomson-D) Mental health: facilities: criminal record checks
Allows the State Department of Mental Health (DMH) to renew contracts, with counties or other specified entities, for managed mental health care for Medi-Cal beneficiaries for a period of up to three years, rather than annually. Requires, prior to any contact with patients or residents, mental health facilities licensed by DMH to arrange for a criminal record check of any direct care staff, to be performed by the State Department of Justice at the expense of the employee or licensee. Specifies terms under which DMH is allowed or required to deny employment, licensure, or contract, and grants authority to the director to grant an exemption to disqualification under specified conditions.
Chapter 642, Statutes of 2002
AB 1479 (Salinas-D) Organization of local mental health boards and commissions
Establishes the California Organization of Local Mental Health Boards and Commissions, within the State Department of Mental Health (DMH), composed of all members of local mental health boards and commissions to, among other duties, be responsible for representing the interests of the local mental health boards and commissions, providing support services to maintain communications between local mental health boards and commissions, assisting members with carrying out their required functions and duties, providing information on mental health policy and best practices, conducting training programs for members of local mental health boards and commissions, and assessing the impact of realignment of mental health services and funding from the state to the counties. Appropriates $132,900 from the General Fund to DMH for purposes of funding the organization.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1566 (Cox-R) Psychiatric Emergency Response Program: Sacramento County
Requires the State Department of Mental Health to establish a three-year psychiatric emergency response team pilot program in Sacramento County.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2044* (Salinas-D) Mental health realignment: reports
Proposes to extend until October 1, 2002, the deadline for the State Department of Mental Health to submit all of the data on the financing of county mental health programs.
Chapter 648, Statutes of 2002
AB 2057 (Steinberg-D) Mental health services
Requires the State Department of Mental Health to include in its annual evaluation report to the Legislature on the effectiveness of the Integrated Services for Homeless Adults (ISHA) program additional information relating to persons enrolled in the Medi-Cal program. Also states the Legislature's intent to capture quantifiable savings from the ISHA program to provide integrated services to additional adults.
Chapter 337, Statutes of 2002
AB 2296 (Simitian-D) Mental health: simplification of accounting and reporting
Requires the State Department of Mental Health, to the extent costs can be absorbed by funds annually budgeted to the department, to convene a workgroup to seek consistency in reporting requirements for mental health services and develop recommendations to modify state and county reporting requirements in order to reduce unnecessary paperwork.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2551 (Nation-D) Health care: mental health
Inserts the phrase "For purposes of the continuing treatment of the transferring enrollee" into the Health and Safety Code and the Insurance Code to clarify the purpose of an existing provision that allows health care service plans and insurers to require a nonparticipating mental health provider to enter into a standard mental health provider contract upon the transfer of a new enrollee whose employer has changed health plans. Also changes the reference "nonparticipating providers" to the correct "nonparticipating mental health providers" in a definition paragraph.
Chapter 276, Statutes of 2002
AB 2736 (Chan-D) Mental health: children and caregivers
Requires the State Department of Mental Health to provide matching grants to entities that receive specified federal grants to provide mental health services.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2740 (Chan-D) Children's mental health: county grant program
Requires the State Department of Mental Health to develop and implement a grant program to encourage each county to develop a plan to identify and address any children's mental health services that are needed in that county.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2781* (Oropeza-D) Education finance
Contains provisions necessary to implement the education portion of the 2002 Budget Act. Among others, requires the state to reimburse counties for all allowable psychotherapy and mental health services costs incurred through the handicapped and disabled students state-mandated local program and establishes that county claims through fiscal year 2000-01 related to allowable mental health treatment services made pursuant to the handicapped and disabled student state-mandated program are not subject to dispute by the State Controller's office, except for disputes on the basis of allowable costs.
Chapter 1167, Statutes of 2002

Developmentally Disabled
SB 227 (Chesbro-D) Regional centers: self-determination program pilot projects
Authorizes additional self-determination pilot projects under specified conditions.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 343 (Figueroa-D) Developmental disabilities: admissions to facilities
Provides that a person with a developmental disability may be involuntarily admitted to a state developmental center pursuant to specified procedures. Requires the Director of the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to compile, no later than July 1, 2003, a roster of all persons with developmental disabilities residing in, or on leave from, a state hospital or developmental center. Requires DDS to establish, with the cooperation of each regional center, and to submit to the Legislature, by July 1, 2003, a plan for the orderly submission of petitions and judicial review under these provisions for those persons found to be in continued need of placement.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 451 (Scott-D) Health care facilities
Requires the State Department of Health Services to establish a certification program for certified developmental assistants in long-term care facilities for the developmentally disabled.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 533 (Chesbro-D) Developmental services: integrated community living
Requires the State Department of Developmental Services to track population trends at developmental centers and other large congregate state-operated facilities that serve people with developmental disabilities.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1063 (Chesbro-D) Developmental services: integrated community living
Requires the State Department of Developmental Services, in conjunction with the annual individual program plan review process, to collect data that would reflect whether any individual who currently resides in a developmental center may be supported in an integrated community setting. Requires the department to identify the specific living arrangements and support services that would facilitate the transition for each of the individuals eligible for services, as well as other related data.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
SB 1096 (Ortiz-D) Children with disabilities
Requires the State Health and Human Services Agency to contract for an independent study to evaluate state and federal programs for children with disabilities from birth through five years of age.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1448 (Chesbro-D) Deceased residents of state facilities
Requires the State Department of Mental Health (DMH) to perform specified actions in coordination with the task force established by this bill, and other specified entities, including conducting and completing inventories of all materials and records necessary to create the most complete record of persons who died while residing at any state hospital, or any developmental center. Requires DMH to establish a task force to provide leadership and direction in carrying out the activities described in this bill.
Chapter 440, Statutes of 2002
SB 1630 (Chesbro-D) Services for the developmentally disabled
Eliminates the Organization of Area Boards and reconstitutes the State Council on Developmental Disabilities.
Chapter 676, Statutes of 2002
AB 442* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health: budget trailer bill
The omnibus health trailer bill which contains the necessary changes to implement the Budget Act of 2002. Among others, enacts an unallocated reduction of $52 million in the Purchase of Services line item for regional centers, rolls back the timeframe for regional centers to conduct intake and assessment of consumers from 60 to 120 days, restricts for one year regional center expenditures for the start up of any new program unless certain requirements are met, codifies the revised Community Placement Plan process as well as the Regional Resource Development teams, changes the requirement that the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS) conduct a random review of a regional center's individual program process from an annual review to a biennial review, deletes existing statute which requires DDS to meet with certain constituency groups on an annual basis, requires regional centers to use funds appropriated to hire federal coordinator positions to only use the funds for this specified purpose and no other, provides that up to $5.6 million in additional federal funds obtained through expansion of the Home and Community Based Waiver shall be used to provide one-time only grants to local community-based organizations to conduct resource development activities for hard-to-serve populations, and expresses legislative intent that a portion of funds received in the 2003-04 fiscal year and subsequent years due to increased federal financial participation attributable to the Home and Community Based Waiver be used to increase the rates for community-based providers serving individuals with developmental disabilities.
Chapter 1161, Statutes of 2002
AB 688 (John Campbell-R) Developmental disabilities
Requires the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to develop proposed uniform functionally based evaluation protocols and guidelines for determining eligibility for regional center services for persons with disorders not explicitly listed in the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act that require treatments similar to the disabilities that are named in the act including familial dysautonomia. Requires DDS to publish and make the proposed protocols available to the public and the Legislature. Also requires DDS, no later than July 1, 2002, to implement a training program for regional center staff regarding the protocols.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 697 (Cedillo-D) Regional center services: appeals: attorney's fees
Awards attorney's fees to a prevailing representative of a developmentally disabled consumer who appeals a regional center's decision.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 896 (Aroner-D) Developmental resources
Results in a major reform of the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS) system serving persons with developmental disabilities. Among other provisions, establishes a Community Augmentation and Resource Enhancement Account, through which savings from transferring developmental center (DC) residents to the community or diverting persons from DCs would be reallocated among regional centers; establishes a Lanterman Trust Fund, in which would be deposited the proceeds from the sale or lease of state DC lands and buildings; and requires the DDS to develop a staffing plan to utilize the staff of DC employees to serve community-based residents. Also authorizes DDS to assess the need for state-owned, state-operated facilities, as described, through which former DC employees could continue to provide services as state employees to regional center clients.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 925 (Aroner-D) Employment of persons with disabilities
Revises and expands programs to assist persons with disabilities to become employed.
Chapter 1088, Statutes of 2002
AB 1040 (Dutra-D) Disabled persons: liability
Revises current law relating to the liability that shall be imposed on a person, firm, or corporation that interferes with various specified rights of a disabled individual.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1425 (Thomson-D) Persons with disabilities: community living support service
Expands community living opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Chapter 428, Statutes of 2002
AB 1800 (Kehoe-D) Motor vehicles: persons with disabilities
Authorizes, until January 1, 2006, a disabled person or disabled veteran displaying special identification disabled person license plates or a distinguishing placard to park in restricted zones designated for street sweeping without being issued a parking violation, except in certain circumstances when restricting all parking in specified areas is necessary to comply with a municipal storm water National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit.
(Died in Senate Transportation Committee)
AB 2369 (Salinas-D) Transportation Accessibility Bond Act of 2002
Authorizes, subject to voter approval at next statewide election, the issuance of $500 million in general obligation bonds to finance construction of, and improvements to, state and local highway and transit systems that expand services for seniors or the disabled or improve accessibility to those systems for persons with disabilities.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

Tobacco Products
SB 35* (Escutia-D) Tobacco settlement fund allocations
Creates the Tobacco Settlement Fund, in which all funds received pursuant to the tobacco litigation Master Settlement Agreement of November 23, 1998, shall be deposited.
(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
Similar legislation was SB 184 (Dunn-D), which died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee; and AB 163 (Florez-D), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 1700 (Peace-D) Tobacco products
(1) Requires sellers of cigarettes to be licensed, (2) imposes a fee on cigarette manufacturers of up to two cents per pack, (3) reimburses cigarette distributors for the cost of applying cigarette tax stamps, (4) eliminates the 0.85 percent discount on tax stamps, (5) imposes additional penalties for illegal sales, and (6) requires the State Department of Health Services to conduct annual training for retailers.
(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
SB 1701 (Peace-D) Tobacco taxes: tax stamps
Beginning January 1, 2005, requires the State Board of Equalization to replace the stamps and meter impressions, currently required to be affixed to tobacco products, with a stamp or meter impression that can be read by a scanning or similar device, and encrypted with the (1) the name and address of the distributor affixing the stamp or meter impression, (2) the date the stamp or meter impression was affixed, and (3) the denominated value of the stamp or meter impression.
Chapter 881, Statutes of 2002
SB 1766 (Ortiz-D) Tobacco products: sales
(1) Requires every sale of cigarettes in the state to be a vendor-assisted, face-to-face sale unless certain conditions are met; (2) authorizes the State Attorney General and local prosecutors to bring a civil action to enforce the above, and establishes escalating civil penalties for violations; (3) requires the court to award fees and costs to the state for any successful action brought pursuant to the federal Jenkins Act to the extent such awards are permitted by federal law.
Chapter 686, Statutes of 2002
SB 1831 (Peace-D) Tobacco assets: sales
Authorizes the Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank to sell all or any portion of the state's tobacco settlement assets to provide up to $4.5 billion in proceeds for the General Fund.
Chapter 414, Statutes of 2002
SB 1843* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) State and local government
Enacts the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Licensing Act of 2002; establishes licensing requirements for cigarette and tobacco products retailers, wholesalers and importers; creates an enhanced cigarette tax compliance and enforcement program; revises the cigarette "distributor discount" for applying tax stamps; appropriates funds to implement the program in 2002-03; and establishes an ongoing funding mechanism for the program.
(Died on Assembly Third Reading File)
SB 1890 (Ortiz-D) Tobacco Use Reduction and Compensation Act of 2002
Beginning on January 1, 2003, imposes an additional tax equal to 65 cents per pack of cigarettes and an equivalent wholesale-price-based tax on other tobacco products. Also imposes a floor-stocks tax on tobacco products in dealers' inventories as of January 1, 2003, in order to prevent dealers from avoiding the tax by stocking-up just before the inception of the new tax.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 2082 (Bowen-D) Cigarettes: advertising and sales
Requires out-of-state entities that use the Internet to advertise and sell cigarettes to persons in California to provide information to potential purchasers regarding their California excise tax and sales or use tax liabilities and to inform potential purchasers that entities which sell cigarettes in California are required to file a copy of the invoice for each shipment of cigarettes into California with the State Board of Equalization.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SCR 97 (Haynes-R) Great American Smokeout
Discourages the observance of the Great American Smokeout in November, 2002.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
AB 224 (Matthews-D) Sales and use taxes: cigarette and tobacco products
Requires the Office of the Legislative Analyst to conduct a study of the sales and marketing of cigars and smokeless tobacco products to both adults and children. Requires the results of the study to be submitted to the Legislature by December 31, 2002.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 412 (Wesson-D) Tobacco products: tobacco sales
Bans self-service displays of cigarettes and imposes various other restrictions on the distribution of tobacco products.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 433* (Assembly Budget Committee) Cigarette taxes
Increases the cigarette tax by 63 cents beginning on August 1, 2002.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1527 (Wiggins-D) Tobacco products
Restricts retail advertising of cigarettes to brand name and price; prohibits conditioning retail discounts or inducements to any product promotion or display requirements.
(Died on Senate Third Reading File)
AB 1666* (Horton-D) Tobacco products
Imposes licensing requirements on tobacco manufacturers, retailers and importers, eliminates the current 0.85 percent distributor discount on tobacco tax stamps, requires manufacturers to pay a fee for each cigarette sold in the state, and imposes additional civil and criminal penalties for violations of tobacco-related laws.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 1830 (Frommer-D) Tobacco products: sales to minors
Prohibits the sale of tobacco products to minors through the United States Postal Service or through any other public or private postal or package delivery service, and imposes specified age-verification requirements on tobacco product sellers or distributors.
Chapter 685, Statutes of 2002
AB 1867 (Vargas-D) Smoking: playgrounds
Prohibits smoking or disposal of tobacco-related waste within 25 feet of a playground or a tot lot sandbox area.
Chapter 527, Statutes of 2002
AB 2205 (Koretz-D) Tobacco products: prevention of sales of untaxed cigarettes
Creates an additional penalty for possessing cigarettes for which cigarette tax has not been paid and uses penalty revenues to fund a grant program in the Office of Criminal Justice Planning. Sunsets January 1, 2006.
Chapter 687, Statutes of 2002
AB 2353 (Migden-D) Tobacco assets: sales
Authorizes the Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank to sell for, and on behalf of, the state all or any portion of the state's tobacco assets to a special purpose trust, which will be established as a not-for-profit corporation by the bill, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Governmental Organization Committee)
AB 2906 (Horton-D) Tobacco settlement agreement: escrow compliance
Establishes a mechanism to prevent the legal sale of cigarettes produced by manufacturers who do not comply with the Master Settlement Agreement of 1998. Establishes penalties for non-compliance and oversight by the State Attorney General.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 3000* (Assembly Budget Committee) State and local government
The Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill to general government. Among others, provides that, with regard to cigarette packages, "stamps and meter impressions" means the indicia of payment of tax includes, but are not limited to stamps, meter impressions, or any other indicia developed using current technology.
Chapter 1124, Statutes of 2002
AB 3001 (Assembly Budget Committee) State Board of Equalization: tobacco tax evasion
Appropriates a total of $1,074,000 from two specified funds, consisting of moneys collected from taxes imposed on cigarette and tobacco products, for allocation to the State Board of Equalization for expenditure for the 2001-02 fiscal year to provide additional funding for the costs associated with investigations of tobacco tax evasion.
(Died on Assembly Concurrence File)

Health Facilities
SB 149 (Figueroa-D) Healing arts: liability
Provides that, following the failure by a peer review body that is instituted by a health care facility or health care service plan to file a required report that involved an incident in which a patient was injured, the facility or plan would be strictly liable for the injuries and damages caused to a patient by the same licentiate who should have been the subject of the required report, as specified.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 254 (Dunn-D) Emergency medical services
Appropriates $300 million from the General Fund to the Emergency Medical Services Authority, with $200 million for critical emergency service facilities and $100 million for payment of uncompensated emergency services provided by physicians and hospitals. Defines initial stabilizing services of emergency medical technicians to be a component of emergency medical services; and, requires health care service plans, disability insurers and Medi-Cal to reimburse emergency medical services providers for initial stabilizing services provided to subscribers and enrollees in response to medical emergencies. Further, requires the State Department of Health Services to annually update Medi-Cal reimbursements for advanced life support and basic life support ambulance services.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 309 (Ortiz-D) Continuing care retirement communities
Makes various changes to the law that governs Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) and to the representation of residents to the CCRC provider's governing body.
Chapter 553, Statutes of 2002
SB 339 (Ortiz-D) Long-term health care facilities
Adds to the existing requirements long-term care facilities transferring a patient due to a change in the status of the license or operation of a long-term care facility new requirements, including that the facility be responsible for ensuring that the resident's attending physician, if available, or a facility medical director, if available, completes the medical assessment of the resident's condition. Requires, instead of permits, the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to request that the State Attorney General's Office or the local district attorney's office seek injunctive relief and damages, if DHS does not provide or arrange for the provision of the necessary relocation services, and the facility refuses to provide the required relocation services.
Chapter 554, Statutes of 2002
SB 357* (Murray-D) Energy conservation assistance
Requires the Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, until January 1, 2011, to provide loans, from funds in the State Energy Conservation Assistant Account, to long-term health care facilities and residential care facilities for the elderly to finance costs incurred in implementing energy conservation projects.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)
SB 451 (Scott-D) Health care facilities
Requires the State Department of Health Services to establish a certification program for certified developmental assistants in long-term care facilities for the developmentally disabled.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 492 (Scott-D) Clinics: licensure exemptions
Extends the sunset date on an existing law exemption from the prohibition on the corporate practice of medicine and from clinic licensure requirements (which describes Huntington Medical Research Institutes) for a non-profit clinic that meets specified requirements from January 1, 2003, to January 1, 2008.
Chapter 540, Statutes of 2002
SB 801* (Speier-D) Health: health facilities and clinics
Specifies elements that must be included in a hospital's plan to reduce medication-related errors and makes other changes.
Chapter 15, Statutes of 2002
SB 1089 (Karnette-D) Alcoholism and drug abuse treatment and recovery facilities
Requires the State Department of Social Services, in consultation with specified entities, to develop and submit to the Legislature no later than July 1, 2002, a plan for a statewide data base of alcoholism and drug abuse treatment and recovery facilities, and community care facilities, except for foster family homes and homes certified by foster family agencies and a plan that would propose the most efficient and effective system possible for identifying and regulating existing unlicensed residential programs.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 1324 (Ortiz-D) Medical evidentiary examinations
Codifies current practice by reducing, from two to one, the number of hospital-based training centers funded by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning to train medical personnel on how to perform evidentiary examinations on the victims of child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, elder abuse, and abuse or assault against persons with disabilities.
Establishes additional criteria for the training center and deletes legislative intent to establish three additional consultation centers in future years.
Chapter 256, Statutes of 2002
SB 1394 (Ortiz-D) Statewide health planning and development: hospitals
Defines "charity care." Requires that hospitals establish and publicize a charity care policy and establish a reduced payment schedule for uninsured and underinsured persons. Requires hospitals to include specified information about available health insurance programs with all billings sent to uninsured patients. Prohibits the referral of unpaid hospital bills to collection agencies for 120 days. Authorizes the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to enforce the provisions of this bill.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1404 (Chesbro-D) State hospitals for the mentally disordered
Proposes to adopt more thorough accounting for state hospital-managed entertainment and education funds drawn from patients' personal assets; encourages indigent patients to write letters to family and friends by making writing materials available; and enhances patient access to self-help groups.
Chapter 352, Statutes of 2002
SB 1448 (Chesbro-D) Deceased residents buried on state lands
Requires the state to assist persons with disabilities in efforts to locate and preserve the gravesites of state hospital or developmental center residents who died and were buried on state lands, or lands designated by the state for burial of state hospital or development center residents.
Chapter 440, Statutes of 2002
SB 1475 (Perata-D) Health facilities licensing
Authorizes the State Department of Health Services to issue a consolidated license to Children's Hospital Oakland that includes beds at St. Rose Hospital in Hayward and San Ramon Regional Medical Center. Exempts beds from those considered for participation in the Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Program and for allocation of DSH funds.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 1804 (Escutia-D) Skilled nursing and intermediate care facilities
Applies existing provisions of law relating to background checks required for the management and direct care staff for specified intermediate care facilities, to skilled nursing facilities. Requires background checks for facility workers newly employed at the facility either directly through a vendor, contractor, or third party. Requires it to be unlawful for an employer to deduct from the wages earned by an employee, or to require an employee to pay, the fees associated with obtaining any required background investigation and clearance.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1824 (Ortiz-D) Long-term health care facilities
Revises the closure requirements for long-term health care facilities.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 1898 (Soto-D) Residential care facilities for the elderly
Limits application fees and regulates rate increases charged by residential care facilities for the elderly.
Chapter 557, Statutes of 2002
SB 1982 (Perata-D) Community care facilities: definition
Integrates the statutory definitions of Adult Day Care Facilities and Adult Day Support Centers, and combines the licensing of these facilities into one licensing category.
Chapter 773, Statutes of 2002
SB 2027 (Figueroa-D) Hospital licensing
Prohibits the State Department of Health Services from issuing a license for a new general acute care hospital to be located within the boundaries of a local health care district which meets the criteria describing Washington Township Health Care District, unless the applicant's hospital agrees to meet specified criteria. Sunsets these provisions January 1, 2005.
Vetoed by the Governor
SCA 12 (Perata-D) Sales and use tax: munitions
Imposes one of two taxes: (1) establishes a tax of five cents for each "munition" sold at a retail establishment in this state; or (2) imposes an excise tax of five cents on the storage, use, or other consumption of "munition" purchased from an out-of-state retailer.
Creates the Trauma Center Fund to capture revenues generated by this bill and appropriates these monies to counties for trauma care.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SR 31 (Chesbro-D) Psychiatric facilities
Expresses the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to protect California citizens from the harmful effects of seclusion and restraints in psychiatric settings. Also directs the Senate Select Committee on Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health to conduct hearings and submit a report to the Legislature regarding (1) California's psychiatric facilities' use of seclusion and restraints; (2) injuries, deaths and trauma caused by the use of seclusion and restraints; and (3) best practices developed by other states to reduce use of seclusion and restraints.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 24* (Maldonado-R) Health facilities construction and licensing requirements
Allows an acute care hospital to acquire a new building meeting specified criteria and receive a license from the State Department of Health Services as if the building had remained continuously licensed.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 175 (Zettel-R) Hospitals: consolidated licenses
Adds to circumstances that must be met before a general acute care hospital that has two or more physical plants at more than one site that are more than 15 miles apart may be issued a single consolidated license.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 318 (Chan-D) Joint powers agreements: children's hospitals
Permits a children's hospital to enter into a joint powers agreement with any public agency, subject to specified conditions.
(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)
AB 505 (Robert Pacheco-R) Long-term health care facilities: citations and penalties
Authorizes a licensee of a long-term health care facility, in lieu of seeking to adjudicate the validity of a class "AA" or "A" citation in the municipal or superior court, to elect to submit the matter to binding arbitration, as provided under the bill.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 811 (Zettel-R) Health facilities: exemption for medical supplies
Expands the definition of health facility and expands the definition of medicines exempted from sales and use tax.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 825 (Cohn-D) Immunizations: long-term care facilities
Requires every long-term care facility, on an annual basis, to make available to persons receiving services at the facility, and to facility employees, immunizations for influenza and pneumococcal disease.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 890 (Cedillo-D) Health facilities: sale of assets
Expands existing provisions of law relating to the purchase, sale, or change in control of a non-profit public benefit corporation and the oversight of the State Attorney General (AG) with these transactions, to apply also to non-profit religious and mutual benefit corporations. Expands existing factors that the AG is required to consider if they are deemed relevant to denying or providing consent to the purchase, sale, or change in control of a non-profit corporation to another non-profit corporation to include factors found in current law relating to the same types of transactions between a non-profit and for-profit corporations.
Chapter 427, Statutes of 2002
AB 1464 (Thomson-D) Health data
Eliminates a provision of law that permits Kaiser hospitals to submit a consolidated income and expense statement and other specified data to Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development as a group, thereby making them report the data by individual hospitals.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1557 (Briggs-R) Health facility data
Increases the number of technical advisory committee members under the California Health Policy and Data Advisory Commission from 12 to 14, and requires that the additional two members be registered nurses appointed from a list of at least six persons nominated by the American Nurses Association of California.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1785 (Reyes-D) Health: local agency joint powers agreements
Authorizes Selma Community Hospital, a private, nonprofit hospital in the County of Fresno, to enter into a joint powers agreement with specified public agencies.
Chapter 55, Statutes of 2002
AB 1787 (Reyes-D) Hospitals: study regarding consolidations
Requires the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to establish a workgroup to address the problems affecting the hospitals in southern Fresno and northern Tulare Counties, and to invite interested parties to participate in the processes of the workgroup no later than April 1, 2003. Requires the workgroup to address, and prepare a report on specified issues including, the effects and financial costs of consolidating these hospitals into one community hospital, and the ability of that consolidated hospital to serve the areas currently served by these hospital districts.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1961 (Canciamilla-D) Residential care facilities for the elderly
Permits a residential care facility for the elderly to obtain a waiver from the State Department of Social Services to allow a person who has been diagnosed by his or her physician as being terminally ill to become a resident of the facility, if that person is already receiving hospice care.
Chapter 109, Statutes of 2002
AB 1989 (Liu-D) Care facilities: change in health status
Requires nursing homes and other long-term care residential facilities to make reasonable efforts to contact specified persons within 24 hours of a significant change in a resident's health or mental status. Applies to skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, congregate living facilities, and residential care facilities for the elderly. Requires the facility to contact the designated contact person in the resident's admission agreement, or the resident's responsible person.
Chapter 272, Statutes of 2002
AB 2010 (Richman-R) Clinics: consolidated application procedures
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to develop and implement a consolidated form, no later than July 1, 2003, that an applicant for licensure as a primary care clinic may use to apply for licensure and for a Medi-Cal provider identification number. Requires DHS to develop and implement a consolidated application form, no later than July 1, 2003, under which specified clinics may apply to become a provider under the Medi-Cal program, and/or the Child Health and Disability Prevention Program, the Perinatal Services Program, and/or the Family PACT Program.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2078* (Kelley-R) Joint powers authorities: self-insurance
Defines "self-insurance claims or losses", where two or more health care districts have joined to pool their self-insurance claims, to include claims or losses incurred pursuant to specified workers' compensation provisions.
Chapter 750, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was AB 1851 (Kelley-R), which died in Assembly Local Government Committee.
AB 2124* (Aanestad-R) Skilled nursing facilities: continuous licensure
Authorizes the State Department of Health Services to retroactively suspend the canceled license of specified previously licensed skilled nursing facilities for the purpose of finding the facility to be continuously licensed and in compliance with current regulations.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2271 (Aanestad-R) Health facilities: licensing and certification requirements
Provides that, with respect to each hospital designated by the State Department of Health Services (DHS) as a critical access hospital, and certified as such,
DHS may develop criteria to waive any regulatory licensing and certification requirements that are in conflict with the federal requirements for designation in the federal program, if DHS finds that it is in the public interest to do so, and determines that the waiver will not negatively affect the quality of patient care.
Chapter 752, Statutes of 2002
AB 2329 (Florez-D) Health facilities: plans of correction
Provides that a plan of correction is admissible in a legal action or administrative proceeding if it is probative on an issue other than as an admission by the health facility, its licensee, or personnel of the violation that led the plan to be developed.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 2352 (Cedillo-D) Health facility financing
Authorizes the California Health Facilities Financing Authority (CHFFA) to award grants to any eligible health facility from the California Health Financing Authority Fund. Establishes criteria CHFFA must take into account when developing selection criteria for this program. Makes a series of technical changes in the California Health Facilities Financing Authority Act.
Chapter 478, Statutes of 2002
AB 2447 (Goldberg-D) Infants: formula
Prohibits any manufacturer of infant formula, or any hospital or health care provider, from distributing in this state free samples of infant formula to a mother, expectant mother, or family members of a mother or expectant mother.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2489 (Dutra-D) Care facilities
Provides that, for purposes of specified federal Office of Management and Budget Circulars regarding cost principles for nonprofit organizations and audits of nonprofit organizations, any foster family agency and any group home shall be considered a vendor to the state.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 2755 (Cohn-D) Health facilities: medical supplies and drugs
Provides that for purposes of certain inspections of a general acute care hospital, designated locations shall be deemed secure areas in which medications, drugs, and related equipment are not required to be maintained in locked carts or containers, if these locations are under constant surveillance by an authorized and licensed health care professional.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2917 (Chan-D) California Health Facility Construction Loan Insurance Law
Permits a loan under the California Health Facility Construction Loan Insurance Program to be secured by a leasehold interest of a borrower who has a long-term lease of at least 20 years.
Chapter 93, Statutes of 2002
AB 3050 (Assembly Health Committee) Health facilities
Makes various technical changes relating to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Extends the operative date of provisions that require hospital and freestanding ambulatory surgery clinics to file reports containing patient and health data. Permits OSHPD to accelerate bond maturities when a borrower under the Health Facility Construction Loan Insurance Program defaults on an insured loan.
Chapter 351, Statutes of 2002
ACR 30 (Runner-R) Public Utilities Commission: essential services: hospitals
Memorializes the Governor to request the State Public Utilities Commission to identify hospitals with a bed capacity of less than 100 as "essential service customers" and, thus, exempt them from rotating power outages.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

Health Professionals
SB 15 (Figueroa-D) Healing arts peer review: continuances
Changes the provisions in current relating to a hearing afforded to a licentiate who is the subject of a final disciplinary action of a peer review body to allow a continuance of the hearing to be granted only by the arbitrator or presiding officer upon a showing of good cause. Limits the length of a continuance to 10 working days, unless the arbitrator or presiding officer finds good cause to grant a longer continuance.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 119 (Haynes-R) Prescribing psychiatric medications for minors
Requires a physician and surgeon, dentist, optometrist, or podiatrist to obtain informed consent before prescribing a psychiatric medication for a minor and confirm that the minor has been examined by a pediatrician to eliminate the possibility that the minor's condition is the result of a physical condition.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 149 (Figueroa-D) Healing arts: liability
Provides that, following the failure by a peer review body that is instituted by a health care facility or health care service plan to file a required report that involved an incident in which a patient was injured, the facility or plan would be strictly liable for the injuries and damages as specified.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 248 (Romero-D) Emergency medical services: alcohol: fee
Requires the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to collect a five-cent per drink fee on distilled spirits and beer, from any wholesaler located within the state who distributes alcoholic beverages to retailers for consumption in the state. Requires the monies from these fees to be deposited in the Alcohol-Related Emergency Services Reimbursement Trust Fund and allocated to specified persons and entities, including local emergency medical service providers, for reimbursement of expenses incurred in providing services for alcohol-related emergencies.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 317 (Ortiz-D) Nursing education
Seeks to address the current shortage of nurses by increasing the number and capacity of nurse training institutions and by offering forgivable loans to nursing students.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 391 (McPherson-R) Education: health delivery services: consulting nurse
Specifies legislative intent to enact subsequent legislation to require every county office of education to employ, to the extent sufficient funds are available in future years, a credentialed school nurse as a consultant to provide leadership and coordination necessary to yield cost-effective continuity of health services to pupils, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 564 (Speier-D) Healing arts: training in spousal or partner abuse
Requires applicants for licensure as marriage and family therapists (MFTs), licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs) and psychologists to complete 15 hours of coursework in spousal or partner abuse assessment, detection, and intervention strategies. Additionally, requires MFTs, LCSWs and psychologists, not subject to the 15-hour coursework requirement, to take a continuing education course in spousal or partner abuse assessment, detection, and intervention strategies.
Chapter 481, Statutes of 2002
SB 577 (Burton-D) Health: complementary and alternative health care
Specifies that a person who complies with the requirements of this bill, and who does not perform specified actions such as puncturing the skin or prescribing drugs, is not in violation of specified provisions of the Medical Practice Act. Requires a person who provides services pursuant to this bill to provide specified information to the client in a written statement using plain language, including that he or she is not a licensed physician.
Chapter 820, Statutes of 2002
SB 616 (Chesbro-D) Public health laboratory scientists: training
States legislative intent to enact legislation that will create the Public Health Laboratory Training Program.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
SB 770 (Figueroa-D) Pupil health
Requires the State Department of Education to conduct a study regarding the use of designated school personnel to provide assistance in the administration of pupil medication, and to report to the Legislature by May 1, 2002.
(Died in Senate Education Committee)
SB 846* (Ackerman-R) Income and bank and corporation tax credits
Allows a credit under the personal income tax and bank and corporation tax equal to the fair market value of services rendered without charge by an attorney, physician and surgeon, dentist, or optometrist directly to or on behalf of a non-profit.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 851* (Oller-R) Emergency medical services: EMT-I's: scope of practice
Requires the Emergency Medical Services Authority to develop and implement procedures and protocols to permit EMT-I's in Sierra County to obtain training and certification to safely administer specified emergency medical procedures that are currently outside of their scope of practice.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 979 (Machado-D) Confidentiality of medical information
Exempts specified persons and entities from a provision of law that prohibits providers of health care from releasing medical information to persons or entities otherwise authorized to receive this information if the requested information specifically relates to the patient's participation in outpatient treatment with a psychotherapist.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 993 (Figueroa-D) Nursing
Repeals provisions of existing law that prohibits certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) or nurse practitioners (NPs) in solo practice from furnishing prescription drugs or devices. Requires any regulations promulgated by a state department that affect the scope of practice of a CNM or an NP to be developed in consultation with the State Board of Registered Nursing.
Chapter 764, Statutes of 2002
SB 1027 (Romero-D) Employment: overtime requirements
Prohibits compulsory overtime for public and private industry registered nurses or health care industry employees after the conclusion of an employee's applicable daily work schedule and after 40 hours in a workweek, except during a declared state of emergency.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
SB 1244* (Figueroa-D) Professions and vocations
Makes various changes to professional and vocational boards within the State Department of Consumer Affairs, the Board of Occupational Therapy, and the State Medical Board of California.
Chapter 1079, Statutes of 2002 - Item Veto
The Governor deleted the $300,000 for a peer review study conducted by the Medical Board of California.
SB 1263 (Soto-D) Veterinary medicine
Exempts faculty and students of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Western University of Health Sciences from the laws regulating the practice of veterinary medicine. Additionally, exempts veterinary medical students at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Western University of Health Science from having to take the Veterinary Medical Board's law and regulations examination, if the student completes certain coursework.
Chapter 131, Statutes of 2002
SB 1274* (Haynes-R) Tax credits: doctors and lawyers
Under both the Personal Income Tax Law and the Bank and Corporation Tax Law, allows a credit in an amount equal to the value of services rendered without charge during the taxable year by an attorney, chiropractor, optometrist, physician, or surgeon licensed to practice in this state for, or on behalf of, any nonprofit charitable organization located in this state that provides services to the poor.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1290 (Haynes-R) Psychotropic drugs: prescriptions for children
Requires a physician to obtain a signed consent from a child's parent or legal guardian before prescribing or dispensing a psychotropic drug primarily used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to a child. Requires the physician to inform the parent or legal guardian of other right to accept or reject the use of the drug.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 1324 (Ortiz-D) Medical evidentiary examinations
Codifies current practice by reducing, from two to one, the number of hospital-based training centers funded by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning to train medical personnel on how to perform evidentiary examinations on the victims of child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, elder abuse, and abuse or assault against persons with disabilities.
Establishes additional criteria for the training center and deletes legislative intent to establish three additional consultation centers in future years.
Chapter 256, Statutes of 2002
SB 1379 (O'Connell-D) Speech-language pathologists: endoscopies
Authorizes licensed speech-language pathologists to perform endoscopic procedures to evaluate voice and swallowing disorders.
Chapter 485, Statutes of 2002
SB 1402 (Murray-D) Occupational therapy
Revises the definition of "hand therapy" and what advanced practices may be performed by a licensed occupational therapist, including hand therapy, and revises the education, training and competency requirements for performance of these advanced practices.
Chapter 823, Statutes of 2002
SB 1447 (Chesbro-D) Treatment of addicts: drug treatment programs
Deletes methadone and Levoalphacetylymethadol treatment limitations on physicians providing drug abuse treatment. Makes a number of revisions relating to reimbursement rates for specified services.
Chapter 543, Statutes of 2002
SB 1477 (Speier-D) Health care practitioners: student loans
Requires a licensed health care practitioner who is in default on a State Department of Health and Human Services education loan or service obligation or on a loan made under the Federal Family Education Loan Program to have his/her license suspended until the default is cleared or until he/she has made satisfactory repayment arrangements.
(Died in Senate Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1558* (Figueroa-D) Dangerous drug or dangerous device samples
Permits a certified nurse-midwife, a nurse practitioner, or a physician assistant, functioning pursuant to standardized procedures or protocols, to request complimentary prescription drug samples, in addition to their current ability to sign for the receipt of these samples, if the drugs have been identified in the standardized procedure, protocol, or practice agreement.
Chapter 263, Statutes of 2002
SB 1589 (Perata-D) Dentistry: dental hygienists
Authorizes a registered dental hygienist in alternative practice to be an employee of specified clinics or public health entities.
Chapter 811, Statutes of 2002
SB 1609 (Soto-D) Health care professionals: blood-borne infectious disease
Creates a disputable presumption that a blood-borne infectious disease developing or manifesting itself with respect to health care workers, as defined, arises out of and in the course of employment, for the purposes of worker's compensation.
Provides that a health care worker, who is permanently incapacitated for the performance of duty as a result of a blood-borne infectious disease shall receive a service-connected disability retirement under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937.
Provides that a health care worker employed by the County of San Luis Obispo or by the City and County of San Francisco shall, upon adoption of a resolution of the board of supervisors so declaring, be entitled to the disability retirement benefits provided for safety employees of the county or city and county, as specified.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1629 (Soto-D) Emergency services: training
Creates a grant program for firefighters to receive Emergency Medical Technical Paramedic training.
Chapter 1050, Statutes of 2002
SB 1642 (Soto-D) Nutrition
Establishes requirements that must be met by registered dietitians or other nutritional professionals if they are going to order medical laboratory tests related to nutritional therapeutic treatments in the absence of the referring physician.
Chapter 325, Statutes of 2002
SB 1695 (Escutia-D) Drug overdose deaths
Makes various findings and declarations about the rise in drug overdose deaths and the fact that they are preventable. Authorizes counties to develop a program to certify EMT-Is to administer naloxone hydrochloride. Requires the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs to place on the Web information on drug overdose trends.
Chapter 678, Statutes of 2002
SB 1716 (Vasconcellos-D) Alcohol and drug abuse counselors: licensing and regulation
Enacts the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Licensing Law to require the State Board of Behavioral Sciences to license and regulate alcohol and drug abuse counselors.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 1809* (Machado-D) Clinical laboratories
Creates a new license category for a medical laboratory technician to perform waived and moderate complexity tests or examinations under supervision and to report the test or examination results.
Chapter 356, Statutes of 2002
SB 1907 (Murray-D) Healing arts: referrals
Conforms California's law regulating physician referrals, and a corresponding section of California's workers' compensation law, to the federal law that regulates physician referrals and permits a licensee or immediate family member to provide services to entities to which they refer patients, provided specified safeguards are met.
Chapter 309, Statutes of 2002
SB 1950 (Figueroa-D) Healing arts
Requires the public disclosure of physician settlements involving more than $30,000 under specified conditions; increases the composition of the Medical Board of California (MBC) by adding two public members; requires an independent enforcement monitor to be appointed to evaluate MBC's enforcement system; establishes a priority system for the investigation of complaints against physicians; extends the sunset date for MBC from July 1, 2003, to July 1, 2005; and makes numerous other changes to the laws regulating physicians and physician assistants.
Chapter 1085, Statutes of 2002
SB 1951 (Figueroa-D) Professional boards: Acupuncture Board
Extends the sunset date for the State Acupuncture Board, requests the Little Hoover Commission to conduct specified comprehensive analyses, requires the board to conduct two specified studies, and makes other changes to the board as recommended by the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee and the State Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 714, Statutes of 2002
SB 1954 (Figueroa-D) State Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Requires the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners (BCE) to prepare and submit a report to the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee by September 1, 2005, and adds two public members to the BCE.
Chapter 681, Statutes of 2002
SB 1955 (Figueroa-D) Professions and vocations
Extends the sunset dates for the State Board of Podiatric Medicine, the State Board of California Physical Therapy, and the State Respiratory Care Board; eliminates the existing State Board of Optometry (SBO), creates a newly appointed SBO, extends the sunset date for the new SBO for two years, and makes other changes to the SBO, pursuant to the recommendations of the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee and the State Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 1150, Statutes of 2002
SB 2008 (Speier-D) Nursing: Assumption Program of Loans for Nursing Education
Establishes, until January 1, 2010, an Assumption Program of Loans for Nursing Education, a student financial aid program, under the administration of the Student Aid Commission (SAC). The program assumes educational loans of up to $11,000 for students who become registered nurses and agree to work in specified capacities. Under the program the SAC could enter into up to 250 agreements for the assumption of student loans.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 2014 (Machado-D) Physicians and surgeons: licensure
Allows the Medical Board of California to prorate its licensing fees to reflect actual receipt of the license and the next renewal date, and eliminates an outdated fee for an oral examination, which is no longer provided by the board.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 2019 (Speier-D) Health care practitioners: student loans
Authorizes a licensing agency to cite, fine, and deny the license renewal of a health care practitioner, or reject the license application of a prospective practitioner, who is in default on any specified educational loan.
Chapter 683, Statutes of 2002
SB 2021 (Senate Business And Professions Committee) Business and professions
Comprises miscellaneous provisions pertaining to regulatory boards and bureaus of the State Department of Consumer Affairs, including the Dental Board of California, the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Program, the California Board of Occupational Therapy, the State Board of Registered Nursing, and the Hearing Aid Dispensers Bureau.
Chapter 1011, Statutes of 2002
SB 2022 (Figueroa-D) Healing arts
Increases the quorum requirement for the 11 member Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians and allows fee payments to the Board of Registered Nursing to be paid by money orders other than just postal money orders.
Chapter 810, Statutes of 2002
SB 2025* (Senate Business And Professions Committee) Professions and vocations
Comprises miscellaneous provisions regarding the Medical Board of California and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California. Also extends the repeal dates for specified boards and one commission by one year.
Chapter 1012, Statutes of 2002
SB 2026 (Senate Business And Professions Committee) Professions and vocations
Makes technical and clarifying amendments that enact, amend, or repeal existing provisions relating to various regulatory and consumer protection boards and programs, including the State Board of Behavioral Sciences.
Chapter 1013, Statutes of 2002
SB 2059 (Figueroa-D) Nursing
Requires that six rather than five members of the State Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians constitute a quorum for transaction of business at a meeting.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
SB 2075 (Romero-D) Nursing education grants
Requires the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to establish and administer a nursing education grant program to provide one time stipends of up to $400 to eligible nursing students to defray the costs of essential items of clothing and equipment that nursing students must regularly purchase in order to attend nursing school.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 15 (Harman-R) Land use: business license
Applies the existing authorization permitting cities and counties to license and regulate a massage business to an independent contractor of a cosmetologist, barber, or any healing arts licensee, who is engaged in or is purported to engage in the business of massage; and exempts chiropractors from the regulations when engaging in massage that is within the scope of their practice.
Chapter 1053, Statutes of 2002
AB 108 (Strom-Martin-D) Pharmacy: licensure
Requires the State Board of Pharmacy to offer the written examination for a pharmacist's license at least 15 times in a calendar year at multiple sites in the State.
(Died on Assembly Third Reading File)
AB 156 (Matthews-D) Dentistry: licensing exemptions
Expands the list of exemptions allowing persons to practice dentistry without a valid license or permit to allow the dentist appointed by the state Director of the State Department of Health Services to practice dentistry without having a license or permit from the Dental Board of California, if that individual is engaged in the discharge of their official duties.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 163 (Florez-D) School nurses: tobacco settlement funds
Establishes the Tobacco Settlement Fund (TSF) and requires that, beginning July 1, 2002, 10 percent of the state share of all funds received from the Master Settlement Agreement be deposited in the TSF and appropriated as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 269 (Correa-D) Professional and vocational licensing boards
Provides that protection of the public is the highest priority for the boards, bureaus, committees, and commissions under the State Department of Consumer Affairs.
Chapter 107, Statures of 2002
AB 338 (Correa-D) Postsecondary education: nursing shortage in Orange County
Creates a public/private demonstration project to address the nursing shortage in Orange County, as specified. Appropriates $1.7 million from the General Fund to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges ($1,035,000) and the California State University ($665,000) for the demonstration project established by this bill.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 373* (Leach-R) Income tax deduction: veterinary expenses
Provides a tax deduction for the amount paid or incurred for veterinary revenues for an animal adopted from an animal shelter or nonprofit animal welfare organization.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 644 (Cox-R) Home health agencies
Prohibits the State Department of Health Services from enforcing specified regulations which require registered nurses or licensed vocational nurses providing services in a patient's temporary or permanent place of residence through a home health agency to have one year of prior professional nursing experience. Sunsets the provisions of this bill on January 1, 2006.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 797 (Shelley-D) Public records: confidentiality
Expands the "Safe at Home" program that protects the addresses of domestic violence and stalking victims to reproductive health care services providers and their employees, volunteers, and patients. Also extends the sunset date of the "Safe at Home" program, which expires on January 1, 2005, to January 1, 2008.
Chapter 380, Statutes of 2002
AB 982 (Firebaugh-D) Health care
Establishes the Dental Loan Repayment Program of 2002 (administered by the Dental Board of California), the Physician Loan Repayment Program of 2002 (administered by the Medical Board of California) and the California Medical and Dental Student Loan Repayment Program of 2002 (administered by the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development).
Chapter 1131, Statutes of 2002
AB 1026 (Oropeza-D) Healing arts: dentists
Restricts the conditions under which a licensed dentist may advertise himself or herself as a "specialist," or advertise an area of practice specialization.
Chapter 313, Statutes of 2002
AB 1045 (Firebaugh-D) Healing arts: practice
Creates the Licensed Physicians and Dentists from Mexico Pilot Program and creates a separate pilot program for international medical graduates.
Chapter 1157, Statutes of 2002
AB 1140 (Thomson-D) Nursing: workforce planning
Allows the Board of Registered Nursing to collect information from its licensees regarding their employment status including their job satisfaction and work location, and their future work intentions or reasons for leaving the nursing profession, and to make this information available over its Internet web site every two years.
Chapter 1089, Statutes of 2002
AB 1292 (Aroner-D) Hypodermic needles
Authorizes pharmacists in a licensed pharmacy to furnish or sell, at retail, hypodermic needles or syringes for human use without a prescription or permit, and permits individuals to purchase and possess syringes and needles without a prescription or permit.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1622 (Cardenas-D) Pharmacists
Provides that the State Board of Pharmacy may not adopt any rule or regulation that would allow a pharmacist to dispense any drug unless the pharmacist has reviewed the drug and checked the prescription for accuracy.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 1745 (Nakano-D) Emergency services: registry: physicians
Requires the Emergency Medical Services Authority to create a registry of qualified physicians to use in case of disaster.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1921 (Richman-R) Healing arts: disaster management training
Requires every physician, pharmacist, registered nurse, licensed vocational nurse, and psychiatric technician to participate in the statewide hospital annual disaster exercise or to attend four hours of continuing education courses every two years in disaster management training, as specified. Requires the continuing education courses to be developed by the corresponding regulatory board for the health care professional and the Governor's Office of Emergency Services.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1943 (Chu-D) Acupuncture
Codifies and increases entry-level curriculum standards for acupuncturists, in addition to stating legislative intent.
Chapter 781, Statutes of 2002
AB 2020 (Correa-D) Optometry
Requires a prescriber or registered dispensing optician to provide a patient with a copy of his or her contact lens prescription, with certain exceptions, specifies the requirements of an expiration date on a prescription, and requires that sellers other than the prescriber must attempt to verify the prescription with the prescriber.
Chapter 814, Statutes of 2002
AB 2041 (Vargas-D) Liability: emergency care
Broadens the current immunity for the use or purchase of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Repeals the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and AED use training requirement for a Good Samaritan user of an AED in rendering emergency care. It also repeals or substantially relaxes the current requirement that building owners and others who acquire AEDs must ensure that expected AED users complete an accepted CPR and AED course as a condition of immunizing that building owner from any liability arising from the use of the acquired AED.
Chapter 718, Statutes of 2002
AB 2045 (Matthews-D) Pharmacists: disciplinary actions
Requires the State Board of Pharmacy to consider the reporting of a violation by a pharmacist-in-charge as a mitigating factor in a disciplinary action against that pharmacist for a violation committed by another person.
Chapter 562, Statutes of 2002
AB 2165 (Strom-Martin-D) Pharmacy
Requires the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee to review the state's pharmacist shortage and to make recommendations to alleviate this problem.
Chapter 577, Statutes of 2002
AB 2191 (Migden-D) Medical records: confidentiality
Expands the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act to include pharmaceutical companies in the same manner and to the same extent as it includes providers of health care and health care service plans.
Chapter 853, Statutes of 2002
AB 2194 (Jackson-D) Obstetrics and gynecology residency requirements
Requires all residency programs in obstetrics and gynecology to comply with the program requirements of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
Chapter 384, Statutes of 2002
AB 2196 (Lowenthal-D) Podiatrists
Authorizes licensed podiatrists to use the phrases "doctor of podiatric medicine," "doctor of podiatry," and "podiatric doctor" or the initials "D.P.M."
Chapter 87, Statutes of 2002
AB 2270 (Dickerson-R) Dental fillings: mercury
Prohibits a dentist, commencing January 1, 2007, from providing a patient with a dental filling containing mercury, and requires a dentist providing a patient with a dental filling containing mercury, until then, to provide the patient with a written disclosure warning patients of the risk to children and pregnant or lactating women.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2314 (Thomson-D) Nursing education
Requires the California Community Colleges (CCC) and the California State University (CSU), by September 1, 2005, to standardize all nursing program prerequisites on a statewide basis for the CCCs and the CSUs and enter into articulation agreements among all the CCCs and all the CSUs that have nursing programs.
Chapter 1093, Statutes of 2002
AB 2385 (Bill Campbell-R) Healing arts
Requires the Medical Board of California to keep original, meritorious complaints for at least seven years or until the statute of limitations for filing a disciplinary action against a physician expires.
Chapter 816, Statutes of 2002
AB 2447 (Goldberg-D) Infants: formula
Prohibits any manufacturer of infant formula, or any hospital or health care provider, from distributing in this state free samples of infant formula to a mother, expectant mother, or family members of a mother or expectant mother.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2459 (Diaz-D) Physicians and surgeons: prostate cancer
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to approve and send an updated copy of the standardized written summary on alternative methods of treatment for prostate cancer to the Medical Board of California (MBC) every time the summary is modified and requires MBC to make the updated summary available to its physicians and surgeons. Requires both DHS and MBC to update their web sites every time the summary is modified.
Chapter 531, Statutes of 2002
AB 2480 (Wyman-R) Blood tests
Allows a certified phlebotomy technician to withdraw blood in any location and without direct supervision, at the direction and in the presence of a peace officer, for alcohol and drug testing in the context of a driving under the influence investigation.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 2634 (John Campbell-R) Governor's appointments: Department of Consumer Affairs
Authorizes the Senate Rules Committee to make appointments to State Department of Consumer Affairs boards and the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, if the Governor has not done so within 180 days of a vacancy.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 2722 (Mountjoy-R) Health care
Includes as adequate security under the Cosmetic and Outpatient Surgery Patient Act a surety bond provided by an admitted surety insurer
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 2728 (Washington-D) Podiatrists
Makes various changes to the provisions in current law relating to the regulation of podiatric medicine, including extending the sunset for these provisions from July 1, 2003 to July 1, 2008, adding outpatient settings meeting certain criteria to the list of locations where surgery of the ankle and tendons may be performed, deleting the prohibition against a doctor of podiatric medicine performing amputations, authorizing a doctor of podiatric medicine to perform trans-metatarsal or mid-foot amputation or calcanectomy, to perform symes amputation, to perform as an assistant surgeon, and to treat superficial conditions of the lower leg that are related to or part of a condition of the foot or ankle, in specified facilities and if certain conditions are met, providing that a person who uses the term "podiatrist" or "foot specialist" in any advertisement or who holds himself or herself out as practicing podiatric medicine without a valid certificate is guilty of a misdemeanor, and changing education, training and residency requirements.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 2753 (Aanestad-R) Health care: bone densitometers
Provides for State Department of Health Services certification of physicians to operate and supervise the operation of an X-ray bone densitometer if the physicians have completed specified training.
Chapter 657, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 687 (Battin-R), which died in Assembly Health Committee.
AB 2762 (Salinas-D) Health planning and development: nursing recruitment
Requires the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to conduct a two-year demonstration project to evaluate the effectiveness of extending nursing recruitment and outreach efforts to primary and secondary education facilities.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2818 (Aanestad-R) Registered dental hygienists
Authorizes the Dental Board of California to allow dental hygienists licensed in another state to be licensed in California by credential, without having to take the required exam, if specified conditions are met.
Chapter 691, Statutes of 2002
AB 2821 (Chan-D) Dentistry: dental licensing fees
Presumptively qualifies for a 25 percent waiver of the renewal fee, any dentist who can demonstrate that he/she provides at least $8,000 of free services per year. Presumptively qualifies for a 50 percent waiver of the renewal fee, any dentist who can demonstrate that he/she provides at least $12,000 of free services per year.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2831 (Simitian-D) Health records: laboratory test results
Exempts direct communication, by electronic means, between the treating health care professional who ordered a laboratory test and the patient from a provision of law requiring patients to give written consent, as specified, in order to receive his or her laboratory results by electronic means, and permits certain test results that are otherwise prohibited from being conveyed to the patient electronically to be conveyed by electronic means, if there is no malignancy revealed in the test results.
Chapter 128, Statutes of 2002
AB 2872 (Thomson-D) Healing arts: physicians and surgeons
Requires the Medical Board of California to convene a working group to study methods to reactivate the Fifth Pathway Program in California medical schools, and to submit a report to the Legislature by July 1, 2002, including options for the Legislature to consider in order to facilitate the establishment of one or more Fifth Pathway Programs.
Chapter 1136, Statutes 2002
AB 2935 (Strom-Martin-D) Health professions: education: pharmacists
Establishes the California Pharmacist Scholarship and Loan Repayment Program, funded by a voluntary $25 contribution by pharmacists, to pay for the educational expenses and repay qualifying educational loans of pharmacists who agree to practice in medically undeserved areas.
Chapter 1138, Statutes of 2002
ACR 101 (Leslie-R) Solid waste disposal costs: composting
Recommends to the Regents of the University of California that the University of California consider completing an in-depth study to establish the true costs of the landfill disposal of solid waste in California.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)
HR 30 (Cohn-D) Nurse Anesthetists Week
Declares the week of January 20 to January 27, 2002 as Nurse Anesthetics Week to recognize the importance of Certified Nurse Anesthetics and their role in providing quality health care for the public.
Adopted by the Assembly

Foster Care
AB 691 (Steinberg-D) Children: education
Requires school districts, in collaboration with county child protective services, to develop a plan to better address the educational needs of foster children, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1119 (Migden-D) Transitional housing placement services
Ends the requirement that, in order for counties to participate in the Transitional Housing Placement Program Plus, they must first agree to participate in the Supportive Transitional Emancipation Program.
Chapter 639, Statutes of 2002
AB 1582 (Ashburn-R) Foster care: group home rates
Requires the State Department of Social Services to revise the method of assigning points for the level of care and services to group homes for the provision of foster care to include the level of education and training of the employees of the group home.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 1694 (Assembly Human Services Committee) Recipients of aid: dependent children
Makes technical and clarifying changes to various statutes which govern the operation of the state's foster care system.
Chapter 918, Statutes of 2002
AB 2294 (Liu-D) Foster care
Expands the term of office for, and responsibilities of, the State Foster Care Ombudsperson.
Chapter 1160, Statutes of 2002
AB 2651 (Chu-D) Foster youth
Makes explicit the current rights of children and providers in the foster care system relating to sexual orientation and religion.
Vetoed by the Governor

Public Social Services
SB 64 (Chesbro-D) Homeless youth emergency services projects
Requires the Office of Criminal Justice Planning to conduct a coordinated evaluation of programs serving runaway and homeless youth.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 70 (Escutia-D) In-home care workers for the elderly
Prohibits any person from providing services under the In-Home Supportive Services Program or personal care services under the Medi-Cal program unless he/she has submitted a request for a criminal history clearance and has had his/her fingerprints taken.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 217 (Kuehl-D) CalWORKs: domestic violence
Requires counties to add to their California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) plan specified domestic violence treatment services to be provided through the CalWORKs program.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 249 (Chesbro-D) CalWORKs: eligibility
Allows for counties to continue Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids services to the family of a child who is receiving child protective services, for up to 180 days during which the child is not residing at home. Only authorizes this extension when the county determines such eligibility is necessary for family reunification.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 615 (Ortiz-D) Medi-Cal: Healthy Families Program: temporary eligibility
Creates an expedited process for granting temporary eligibility for public health insurance programs to uninsured patients seeking care from hospitals which operate an emergency services department or community health clinics.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 827 (Perata-D) Adult day services
Requires the State Department of Health Services to design an integrated model of adult day services that reflects current research, literature, and recommendations by experts in adult day services and community-based long-term care.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1005 (Johannessen-R) In-home supportive services: care providers
Prohibits a person from providing in-home supportive services for any employer without first obtaining a criminal record clearance.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
SB 1095 (Escutia-D) Care providers: background investigation
Consolidates existing finger printing requirements governing facilities and workers licensed by the State Department of Social Services (DSS) into a single statute. Adds failure to cooperate with the licensing agency to the list of grounds for which DSS may revoke a license.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
SB 1264 (Alpert-D) Aid for dependent children
Makes several revisions to the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program provisions relating to dependent children and education.
Chapter 439, Statutes of 2002
SB 1280 (Haynes-R) Religious organizations
Allows religious organizations to contract with or receive grants from state and local agencies to provide publicly funded services, without altering their religious character.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 1335* (Dunn-D) Child day care facilities: criminal record information
Makes changes to what crimes a person must receive an exemption for in order to be licensed to work in a child care center. Allows the State Department of Social Services (DSS) to release conviction information when they release exemption information. Provides that DSS cannot make a licensee disclose exemption information to clients but can make licensees distribute information on the exemption process. Provides how a parent can get information on exemptions from DSS.
(Died on Senate Third Reading File)
SB 1486 (McClintock-R) CalWORKs recipients: benefits limitation
Specifies that no person who has received aid under the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program for a cumulative total of 60 months and who is not disabled shall be eligible to receive any aid, service, or other benefit by any program that is administered or funded by the state on the basis of his/her prior participation in the CalWORKs program.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 1505 (Kuehl-D) Child welfare worker training
Adds teen dating violence to the issues required to be covered by a statewide training program for county child protective service social workers.
Chapter 354, Statutes of 2002
SB 1650 (Alpert-D) Youth mentoring and development programs
Codifies legislative findings relative to the benefits of mentoring and other positive developmental relationships between youth and adults, declares the Legislature's goal to give every young person in California access to a quality mentoring relationship, and declares legislative intent with respect to the conduct of mentor programs.
Chapter 355, Statutes of 2002
SB 1751 (Burton-D) Homeless individuals: reporting of deaths
Requires each county, beginning March 1, 2004, and each year following, to submit a report to the State Department of Health Services (DHS) on the number of homeless individuals who died during the previous calendar year; requires DHS to submit an annual report to the Legislature, the Governor, and Legislative Analyst on information received from the counties; and defines a homeless person.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1833 (Peace-D) Budget Act of 2001: public social services
The budget trailer bill that implements a shift of the cost of Child Welfare Services Emergency Assistance Case Management activities from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families to the General Fund. Permits the match of federal funds to the General Fund, for a net savings to the General Fund of $23.5 million.
Chapter 77, Statutes of 2002
AB 18 (Horton-D) Nonmedical out-of-home care facilities
Increases the Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program (SSI/SSP) rate for recipients living in nonmedical out-of-home facilities to $1,448 a month.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 89 (Bates-R) IHSS: Medi-Cal: criminal record checks
Requires a criminal background clearance for individuals who provide IHSS and Medi-Cal personal care services.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 109 (Alquist-D) Elder and dependent adult abuse
Appropriates $75,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Social Services (DSS) for implementing a pilot project in San Francisco, Santa Clara and Lake counties to train employees of banks and other financial institutions to recognize and report financial abuse of the elderly and dependent adults. Also requires DSS to develop training materials and a uniform system of reporting financial abuse of the elderly. Requires a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2005. Sunsets January 1, 2006.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 130 (Cardenas-D) Public social services
Renames the State Only Family Planning Program, includes additional services and beneficiaries in the program, and requires review of grievances and complaints in a specified manner.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 364 (Aroner-D) Child welfare services
States legislative intent that the Human Resources Workgroup of the Child Welfare Services Stakeholders Group include in its next planned report the core strategies needed to establish minimum caseload standards under the redesigned child welfare services system. Also states legislative intent that the Human Resources Workgroup make recommendations for implementing the new caseload standards.
Chapter 635, Statutes of 2002
AB 428 (Shelley-D) State Supplementary Program
Provides, commencing with the 2004 calendar year, for a pass-through of the federal COLA for the federal Supplementary Security Income program in each calendar year in which no COLA is provided based on the California Necessities Index (existing state statute Welfare and Institutions Code Section 12201). Any federal COLA granted pursuant to this provision would become part of the base.
Chapter 1021, Statutes of 2002
AB 442* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health: budget trailer bill
The omnibus health trailer bill containing necessary changes to implement the Budget Act of 2002, including deferring for one more year the state's payment of $20.2 million General Fund for services provided under the County Medical Services Program; making an outreach and community awareness process for the Newborn Hearing Screening Program voluntary, versus mandatory as contained in existing statute; making clarifying changes to the Insurance Code for the Healthy Families Program in four areas; requiring the County Medical Services Program board to reimburse $3.5 million to the State Department of Health Services for administrative activities performed for the program, providing increased flexibility to the board to operate their program and extends the board's sunset date to 2008; stating that the State Department of Health Services may not recoup any overpayment made to a provider before October 1, 2002, pursuant to Section 14109 of the Welfare and Institutions Code for ambulance transport services if the overpayment is not due to the fault of the provider; and requiring the State Department of Health Services to complete and implement the California Children's Services Program "enhancement 47" project as specified.
Chapter 1161, Statutes of 2002
AB 444* (Assembly Budget Committee) Human services
Provides various elements that implement the human services provisions of the 2002-03 State Budget, including: Reducing community care visitation requirements to school age child day care centers to triennial visits, providing that recipient reporting in California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) and food stamps shall be quarterly and based on prospective estimates of income the recipient reasonably anticipates will be received, eliminating current law that exempts the income of parents of minors who are also parents from consideration in determining eligibility of the minor parent for CalWORKs, prohibiting the payment for child care services provided under CalWORKs Stage 1 for more than 30 days prior to the applicant's request for payment for child care services, creating a pilot to permit counties to provide mental health services to CalWORKs recipients, delaying the statutorily-required cost-of-living adjustment for recipients of CalWORKs from October 1, 2002, to June 1, 2003, providing for flexibility in establishing the factors used to determine rates for group homes during the 2002-03 fiscal year, reducing the frequency of required financial audits for the smallest group homes and foster family agencies, reducing by half the incentive payments paid to counties for identification of fraud under CalWORKs, delaying the statutorily-required cost-of-living adjustment for the state share of SSI/SSP for elderly and disabled individuals receiving aid, from January 1, 2003, to June 1, 2003, providing for the distribution of a portion of county incentives under the CalWORKs program to assure a more equitable allocation of employment services in the budget year, and permitting the use of Adoption and Safe Families Act federal funds for a broader range of adoption services (from current restriction to pre- and post-adoption services).
Chapter 1022, Statutes of 2002
AB 692 (Aroner-D) Human services
Repeals and re-establishes the California Savings and Asset Project (CSAP) to match savings in program participants' Individual Development Accounts. Also requires the State Employment Development Department to administer CSAP and contract with a nonprofit facilitator to implement the Project. Further stipulates that CSAP would become operative only upon the appropriation of funds by the Legislature, or the allocation of existing funds by the Governor.
Also includes technical cleanup to AB 444 (Assembly Budget Committee), the omnibus social services trailer bill.
Chapter 1024, Statutes of 2002
AB 1101 (Pescetti-R) Community care facilities: children's receiving homes
Requires the State Department of Social Services to adopt regulations expressly permitting a staff-to-child ratio of one staff per eight children, for children three to six years of age, between the hours of 8 p.m. to 7 a.m., inclusive, when those children are residing in a children's receiving home, as defined.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 1119 (Migden-D) Transitional housing placement services
Ends the requirement that in order for counties to participate in the Transitional Housing Placement Program Plus they must first agree to participate in the Supportive Transitional Emancipation Program.
Chapter 639, Statutes of 2002
AB 1516 (Negrete McLeod-D) CalWORKs: fraud
In addition to other penalties, provides that a California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) recipient who has intentionally failed to report any earned or unearned income required to be reported shall have his/her monthly benefit amount reduced by an amount not to exceed 25 percent of the aid grant.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 1652 (Goldberg-D) Public social services: relocation assistance
Exempts private relocation assistance payments from eligibility determinations and aid payment calculations under the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program and other public assistance or aid programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1837 (Strickland-R) In-home Caregiver Training Pilot Program
Establishes the In-Home Caregiver Training Pilot Program, administered by the State Department of Aging for the provisions of grants to three counties to establish a caregiver training program and an employment referral registry for those persons who have completed the training program. Requires the department to study the feasibility of adopting a statewide program and establishing a statewide registry. Requires the department to prepare a report on the success of the pilot program for presentation to the Legislature by January 1, 2006.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 1947 (Washington-D) Public assistance: eligibility: substance abuse
Permits individuals enrolled in Proposition 36 drug treatment programs for non-violent drug possession to receive Food Stamp benefits, if they would otherwise be eligible.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1959 (Corbett-D) CalWORKs eligibility: work activities
Permits California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids recipients to meet weekly work participation requirements by participating in registered nursing programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1979 (Steinberg-D) Independent Living Program
Requires the State Department of Social Services to develop and adopt emergency regulations, in consultation with stakeholders, for counties to meet when administering the Independent Living Program (ILP) that are achievable within existing ILP program resources.
Chapter 271, Statutes of 2002
AB 2036 (Liu-D) Taxpayer contributions: State Children's Trust Fund
Extends the sunset for the State Children's Trust Fund check-off on the income tax form for five years from January 1, 2003, until January 1, 2008. Requires the fund to meet the minimum funding requirement of $250,000 annually. Provides, upon appropriation by the Legislature, the funds earned by the check-off be appropriated to the State Department of Social Services for the purpose of funding child abuse and neglect prevention and intervention programs.
Chapter 647, Statutes of 2002
AB 2088 (Briggs-R) Frank Gindick Youth Programs Act of 2002
Proposes to enact the Frank Gindick Youth Programs Act of 2002 and authorizes the issuance of $100 million in General Obligation bonds, pursuant to approval by the voters in the 2004 primary election, for the purpose of funding youth programs.
(Failed passage in Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 2116 (Aroner-D) CalWORKs eligibility: work activities
Extends or suspends the 60-month time limit on eligibility for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) benefits in specified circumstances.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2172 (Strickland-R) Criminal records information: child welfare
Requires the State Department of Social Services and the State Department of Justice to jointly study whether county staff should be given expanded access to the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System database and to criminal offender record information maintained by local law enforcement agencies.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2175 (Daucher-R) General plan: human services
Requires the Governor's Office of Planning and Research to add to guidelines for addressing human service matters within the context of the guidelines of city or county general plans. Defines "human service matters."
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2235 (Vargas-D) In-home supportive services: wages: employer of record
Requires counties to provide documentation of progress toward establishing an employer of record for in-home supportive services workers.
Chapter 1135, Statutes of 2002
AB 2257 (Cardenas-D) Employee background investigations
Extends the criminal background check requirement under the California Community Care Facilities Act to include any employee of certain community care facilities or of a residential care facility for the elderly or a long-term health care facility.
(Died in Assembly Human Services Committee)
AB 2380 (Ashburn-R) Children: group homes
Permits work experience obtained at a licensed facility that serves at least six to satisfy the regulatory requirement for the group home administrator certification program for small group homes.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2386 (Keeley-D) CalWORKs: aid eligibility: extension
Provides extensions under specified circumstances to the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program time period for vocational training.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2415 (Keeley-D) CalWORKs
Requires California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) and food stamp recipients to report quarterly instead of monthly and makes Medi-Cal recipients categorically eligible for food stamps.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2416 (Bates-R) In-Home Supportive Services program
Establishes a pilot program for three counties to maintain in-home supportive services worker registries.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 2800 (Chan-D) California Children and Families Commission: duties
Authorizes the California Children and Families Commission, established by Proposition 10 of 1998, to use its funding to support school readiness activities, and clarifies that the Commission may grant funds to local commissions.
Chapter 245, Statutes of 2002
AB 2813 (Salinas-D) Adult day health care providers
Requires criminal record clearances for staff of Adult Day Health Care Centers.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 2926 (Longville-D) Food stamps
Requires the Office of the Legislative Analyst to study county reporting practices relating to the distribution of food stamps.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 3047 (Assembly Human Services Committee) Human services
Makes technical changes to the Health and Safety and Welfare and Institutions Codes, including correcting the Health and Safety code reference to the definition of "community care facility" and making technical changes in references to the federal program that assists individuals affected by disasters in order to conform state law to changes in the federal program.
Chapter 350, Statutes of 2002
ACR 162 (Aroner-D) Professional Social Work Month
Proclaims the month of March 2002 as Professional Social Work Month.
Resolution Chapter 18, Statutes of 2002
ACR 169 (Aroner-D) California youth
Requests that state agencies and the Legislature include young people in the decision-making process regarding matters that affect California's young people.
Resolution Chapter 111, Statutes of 2002
AJR 53 (Aroner-D) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program
Memorializes the United States Congress to approve legislation that reauthorizes the TANF program.
Resolution Chapter 195, Statutes of 2002

Other Public Health and Safety Legislation
SB 79* (Chesbro-D) Health and welfare programs
An omnibus social services budget trailer bill of 2001, which makes changes to programs administered by the following: the State Department of Aging; State Department of Health and Human Services Agency Data Center; State Department of Rehabilitation; State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs; State Employment Development Department; State Department of Social Services; State Department of Child Support Services; State Department of Community Services and Development; State Franchise Tax Board; and the State Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
SB 105 (Burton-D) Services: blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing
Establishes the Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing within the State Department of Rehabilitation to help these persons gain competitive employment and to enhance their independence and self-sufficiency.
Chapter 1102, Statutes of 2002
SB 187 (Vasconcellos-D) Medical marijuana
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to establish a voluntary program for the issuance of identification cards (IC) to qualified patients who may use marijuana for medical purposes, and for primary caregivers. Prohibits a person or designated primary caregiver in possession of a valid IC from being subject to arrest for possession, transportation, delivery, or cultivation of medical marijuana in an amount approved by DHS pursuant to regulations, unless there is reasonable cause to believe that the information contained in the card is false. Imposes various duties upon county health departments or its designees relating to the issuance of ICs.
(Died on Senate Unfinished Business File)
SB 226 (Chesbro-D) County health services
Extends the sunset date for the County Medical Services Program and its governing board from January 2003 to January 2008.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 236 (O'Connell-D) Dogs and cats: microchip: permits
Enacts civil provisions that would require a seller or breeder of a dog or cat that is less than one year old to pay a registration fee for the sale to the agency or entity providing animal control services to the county, city, or city and county. Also requires the seller of any dog or cat to ensure that the dog or cat has been microchipped.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
SB 247 (Speier-D) Birth and death certificates: certified copies
Sets forth guidelines to be followed relative to the release and access to birth and death records.
Chapter 914, Statutes of 2002
SB 253 (Ortiz-D) Stem cells: human tissue: research
Requires the policy of California to be that research involving the derivation and use of human embryonic stem cells, human embryonic germ cells, and human adult stem cells, from any source including somatic cell nuclear transplantation is required to be permitted and that full consideration of the ethical and medical implications of this research be given. Requires a physician, surgeon or other health care provider delivering fertility treatment to provide his or her patient timely, relevant, and appropriate information to allow the individual to make an informed and voluntary choice regarding the disposition of any human embryos remaining following the fertility treatment.
Chapter 789, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 1272 (Ortiz-D), which died in Assembly Health Committee.
SB 278 (Machado-D) Public works project: clean water
Requires the body awarding a contract for a public works project financed in any part with funds made available by the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002 to adopt and enforce a labor compliance program.
Chapter 892, Statutes of 2002
SB 292 (Ortiz-D) Physical Activity and Health Initiative
Defines, expands and prioritizes the physical activity promotion responsibilities and activities of the Physical Activity and Health Initiative in the State Department of Health Services in order to increase physical activity among Californians, especially children.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 306 (Soto-D) Pharmaceutical drug evaluation
Requests that the Regents of the University of California establish a nine member Pharmaceutical Evaluation Commission. Permits the commission to establish expert panels on different therapeutic classes of drugs. Requires the commission to summarize its findings and make them accessible on an internet Web site and other accessible formats to health care purchasers, professionals, and consumers. Requires the commission to act as a general clearinghouse for information to practitioners, health plans, and consumers on the therapeutic benefits of drugs and best practices in pharmacy management. Makes implementation of this bill contingent on private or federal financing.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 397 (Speier-D) Ephedrine group alkaloids: dietary supplements
Requires a warning label on dietary supplement products containing natural or herbal ephedrine group alkaloids and prohibits their sale to minors.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 406* (Ortiz-D) Bioterrorism preparedness and other public health threats
Establishes the procedures by which federal funding may be allocated and expended by local health jurisdictions for the prevention of, and response to, bioterrorist attacks and other public heath emergencies, pursuant to the federally approved collaborative state-local plan.
Chapter 393, Statutes of 2002
SB 418 (Vasconcellos-D) Drug abuse treatment programs
Requires the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (DADP) to design and promulgate a data collection methodology to compare the referrals and services provided to clients of DADP programs and to those provided to individuals served through Proposition 36, the Substance Abuse Treatment Act.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 430* (Vincent-D) Income taxes: credits: spaying or neutering
Provides a credit for the cost of spaying or neutering a cat or dog that is purchased or adopted by a taxpayer. Costs are limited to the actual costs of the spaying or neutering operation and cannot exceed $100 per dog or cat.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 447 (Vasconcellos-D) Emergency care and trauma care services: evaluation
Directs the Emergency Medical Services Authority to conduct a study of the existing emergency and trauma care system to assess its current state and report to the Legislature by July 1, 2003.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 452 (Oller-R) Property tax revenue allocations: ambulance service
Exempts county service areas that only provide ambulance service from contributing to their respective Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund beginning in the 2003-04 fiscal year.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 460 (Ortiz-D) Lead abatement
Declares any building as unsafe and in violation of the State Housing Law if that building contains a lead hazard that is likely to endanger the health of the public or building occupants.
Chapter 931, Statutes of 2002
SB 472 (Soto-D) Public health: hexavalent chromium: study
Requires the State Department of Health Services to determine the levels of hexavalent chromium in the drinking water supplied by the public water systems in the Chino Basin aquifer and report its findings to the Governor and the Legislature by January 1, 2003.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 592 (McPherson-R) Vital records
Prohibits the State Registrar and local registrars from sending certified copies of birth certificates to post office boxes. Also requires local registrars to maintain and provide electronically stored information for inclusion in the State Registrar's data base by January 1, 2002, relating to individuals who request duplicate birth certificates.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 598 (Chesbro-D) Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act
Authorizes the State Public Employees' Retirement system to directly contract with medical care providers in areas not served by managed care organizations. Permits public employers to jointly seek alternative sources of medical care and grant flexibility in the design of medical plans in specified areas of the state.
(Died in Senate Insurance Committee)
SB 606 (Vasconcellos-D) Pupil health
Requires the existing student eye examination, conducted upon enrollment and every third year thereafter through 8th grade, to include screening for binocular function, ocular alignment, ocular motility, and near visual acuity.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 634 (Murray-D) Lead poisoning prevention
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to develop a community-based lead hazard preliminary assessment training program in coordination with all local health departments. Also requires counties to provide, at least annually, training workshops to train parents and community volunteers to conduct preliminary assessments. Additionally, requires DHS to develop a specified training and certification program for clearance technicians, who would be certified to conduct preliminary assessments and clearance examinations.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 677* (McPherson-R) Income and bank and corporation taxes: credit
Authorizes a credit against taxes imposed by the Personal Income Tax Law and the Bank and Corporation Tax Law in an amount equal to an unspecified percent of the amount paid or incurred during the taxable year for the certified final cost of expenditures necessary to comply with Chapter 740 of the Statutes of 1994, relating to seismic safety requirements.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 765 (Chesbro-D) Public health
Requires the State Department of Health Services to develop the minimum standards for the Child Health and Disability Prevention Program based on the most current "Recommendations for Preventative Pediatric Health Care" of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 787 (Chesbro-D) Medicare Payment Area Task Force
Until January 1, 2003, establishes the Medicare Payment Area Task Force in the State Health and Human Services Agency, and requires the task force to develop recommendations on Medicare payment areas. Requires the results of the task force to be submitted to the Governor and the Legislature by September 1, 2002.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
SB 848 (Ackerman-R) Health services
Exempts from compliance with the provisions of current law relating to the production of human whole blood or any regulations adopted thereunder, persons licensed by the Public Health Service, United States Department of Health and Human Services.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 922 (Soto-D) Prescription drugs: manufacturer rebate
Requires the State Health and Human Services Agency to implement a prescription drug program providing specified prescription drug coverage for Medicare-eligible persons with chronic illnesses.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 928 (Romero-D) Emergency medical services: alcohol: fee
Enacts the Alcohol-Related Emergency Services Reimbursement Act of 2002 requiring the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to collect a $0.05 per drink fee, based upon a specified formula, from any wholesaler located within the state who distributes alcoholic beverages to retailers. Establishes the Alcohol-Related Emergency Services Reimbursement Trust Fund, to be administered by the State Department of Health Services, for allocation to local emergency medical service providers for reimbursement of expenses incurred in providing services for alcohol-related emergencies, and to the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and the State Department of Health Services for implementation costs.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 977 (Battin-R) Condoms: warning label
Requires manufacturers of condoms to place a label within each retail package of one or more condoms, offered for sale or distributed in California on or after January 1, 2003, stating that while condoms help decrease the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, they do not fully guard against the transmission of HPV which creates a risk of having cervical cancer.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 994 (Morrow-R) Liability: public skateboard parks
Extends, to January 1, 2008, the sunset date for existing law that protects public entities and employees from liability for skateboarding injuries sustained by persons 14 years or older at public skateboard parks. Requires the Judicial Council to report to the Legislature, by March 31, 2007, on the incidences of injuries incurred, claims asserted, and the results of any lawsuit filed by persons injured while skateboarding in public skateboard parks or facilities.
Chapter 409, Statutes of 2002
SB 1093 (Costa-D) Recreational water use: Sly Park Recreational Area
Exempts Sly Park Reservoir in El Dorado County from the bodily contact prohibition and specifically allows bodily contact with the water by any participant under certain conditions.
Chapter 968, Statutes of 2002
SB 1099* (Soto-D) Bank and corporation taxes: disallowance of deductions
Provides that no deduction shall be allowed under the Bank and Corporation Tax Law for specified expenses paid or incurred by prescription drug manufacturers to advertise, as defined, the sale, use, or consumption of prescription drugs.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SB 1135 (Polanco-D) Tissue banks
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to adopt regulations by July 1, 2004, governing licensed tissue banks engaged in the collection of human musculoskeletal tissue, skin and veins for transportation in humans. Requires the regulations to be substantially based on the criteria used by tissue bank trade associations in their accreditation processes, as well as scientific and technical data submitted by individual tissue banks. Requires DHS to report to the Legislature on the status of the regulations by July 1, 2003.
Chapter 929, Statutes of 2002
SB 1168 (Alpert-D) Health care program: consumer assistance
Requires the Director of the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to establish a process to allocate grant funding for independent health care consumer assistance projects that meet certain criteria, and requires DHS to contract with an independent expert entity to evaluate the grant programs and report to relevant committees of the Legislature.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1201 (Romero-D) Hexavalent chromium: study: San Gabriel Basin
Requires the State Department of Health Services to complete a study of chromium-6 in the San Gabriel Basin aquifer that is identical to the study now underway for chromium-6 in the San Fernando Basin aquifer.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 1202 (Romero-D) Emergency medical services: statewide trauma system
Appropriates $180 million from the General Fund to the California Trauma Relief Fund, which is created by the bill. Allocates $2 million to the Emergency Medical Services Authority for developing, coordinating, overseeing and evaluating the statewide trauma system. Allocates $9 million to local emergency medical services agencies for local trauma systems. In addition, allocates the remaining $169 million to local emergency medical services agencies for trauma centers and acute care hospitals with emergency departments.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 1210 (Romero-D) Live animals: exhibit
Requires any traveling circus or carnival to provide local animal control services with (1) a plan for the recapture or destruction of an escaped animal, (2) a list of names and credentials for its animal keepers, and (3) a list of animals it intends to exhibit, including any previous history of incidents of escape and/or injuries to humans associated with any animal being exhibited.
(Died on Senate Floor)
SB 1230 (Alpert-D) Human cloning
Makes the temporary ban on human cloning, due to expire on January 1, 2003, permanent and extends the ban to human reproductive cloning. Defines "human reproductive cloning" for purposes of the ban. Also creates an advisory committee to advise the Legislature and the Governor on human cloning and related human biotechnology issues, and to report on its activities on December 31, 2003 and yearly thereafter.
Chapter 821, Statutes of 2002
SB 1260 (Escutia-D) Health information: children
Requires the Children's Environmental Health Center within the California Environmental Protection Agency to address the needs of children in bioterrorism preparedness and response.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1298 (Ortiz-D) Public health emergencies: state aid
Updates and clarifies the role of local health jurisdictions throughout the state which protect the public from the spread of disease from both natural and intentional (terrorist) health threats.
Chapter 1114, Statutes of 2002
SB 1315 (Sher-D) Pharmaceuticals: purchasing
Permits the State Department of General Services to enter into contracts on behalf of state and local agencies with manufacturers and suppliers of prescription drugs. Permits these contracts to include price discounts, rebates, refunds, or other strategies aimed at managing escalating prescription drug prices.
Chapter 483, Statutes of 2002
SB 1344 (Haynes-R) Health care: denial of desired life-sustaining health care
Requires the State Health and Human Services Agency to convene a work group to examine issues related to denial of life-sustaining health care.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 1444 (Kuehl-D) Radiation: contamination
Sets restrictions on the transfer of land for the site of a partial or full reactor meltdown.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
SB 1449 (Vasconcellos-D) Drug treatment: probationers: parolees
Clarifies certain provisions of the Substance Abuse Treatment and Crime Prevention Act of 2000 (Proposition 36).
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)
SB 1557 (Battin-R) Human cloning
Prohibits human reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Establishes criminal penalties for violations of up to $1 million for corporations, firms, clinics, hospitals, laboratories, or research facilities and $250,000 for individuals.
(Failed passage in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 1610 (Bowen-D) Food: nutritional labeling: fatty acids
Requires that the packaging of certain foods, including dietary supplements, include information on the amount of trans fatty acids present in the foods.
(Failed passage in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
SB 1629 (Soto-D) Emergency services: training
Creates a grant program for firefighters to receive Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic training.
Chapter 1050, Statutes of 2002
SB 1726 (Vasconcellos-D) Pool and spa safety
Imposes requirements on the construction of public and private pools and spas to prevent serious injuries or death that can result from entrapment in drains.
Chapter 679, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was AB 359 (Cardoza-D), which died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee.
SB 1727 (Soto-D) University of California: pharmaceutical evaluation
Requests the Regents of the University of California to establish a Pharmaceutical Evaluation Commission to undertake, review, and disseminate the results of evaluations of drugs in therapeutic classes and authorizes the commission to use evidence-based healthcare literature and to establish expert panels in making evaluations.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
SB 1734 (Vasconcellos-D) Drug paraphernalia: clean needle and syringe exchange
Prohibits prosecution of specified individuals for the distribution of devices or substances necessary to ensure the safety and cleanliness of needles or syringes.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1748 (Polanco-D) Office of Binational Border Health
States legislative intent that the State Department of Health Services' Office of Binational Border Health create a web site describing the health status of migrants of Mexican origin.
(Died at Assembly Desk)
SB 1785 (Vasconcellos-D) Hypodermic needles and syringes
Authorizes specified personnel at licensed pharmacies to sell up to 30 hypodermic needles or syringes without a prescription to a person who is over 18 years of age. Requires pharmacies to store needles and syringes out of customer reach. Authorizes pharmacies to provide purchasers of needles or syringes specified public health information. Prohibits discarding or disposing of a hypodermic needle or syringe on a playground, public beach, public park, or the grounds of an elementary, vocational, junior high or high school.
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1822 (Sher-D) Public water systems: public health goals: perchlorate
Defines "public health goal" (PHG) to be a goal established by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) pursuant to criteria specified under the law. Requires OEHHA to adopt a PHG for the contaminant perchlorate by January 1, 2003 using criteria established under the law. Requires the State Department of Health Services to adopt a primary drinking water standard for perchlorate by January 1, 2004 using criteria established under the law.
Chapter 425, Statutes of 2002
SB 1884 (Speier-D) Dietary supplements
Prohibits the sale or distribution of any dietary supplement product containing ephedrine group alkaloids or steroid hormone precursors, unless the product label contains a warning statement, as specified, and requires these products to clearly and conspicuously display the federal Food and Drug Administration's MedWatch number for consumers to report adverse events. Prohibits the sale of these products to minors.
Chapter 1005, Statutes of 2002
Similar legislation was SB 1750 (Speier-D), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 1948 (Figueroa-D) Dietary supplements: warning labels and advertisements
Requires that warning labels included on dietary supplements manufactured or sold in California be clear and conspicuous.
Chapter 1006, Statutes of 2002
SB 1964 (Alpert-D) Banned substances: sale to minors
Makes it unlawful to sell any product containing a substance banned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association to any person under the age of 18. Provides an exemption for caffeine. Requires retailers to check the identification of purchasers of these produces.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
SB 1992 (Perata-D) Public safety: gas appliances
Requires the State Department of Housing and Community Development to determine the need to require installation of gas shutoff valves.
Chapter 1051, Statutes of 2002
SB 2043 (Bowen-D) Antibiotics: antimicrobial-resistant diseases: study
Requires the State Department of Health Services, in consultation with the State Department of Food and Agriculture, to conduct a study to evaluate the extent to which the use of antimicrobial drugs (antibiotics) in agricultural animals may lead to the development of antimicrobial-resistant diseases in humans, and makes several findings and declarations.
(Died in Assembly Agricultural Committee)
SB 2070* (Johannessen-R) Water supply security
Enacts the Water Supply Security and Water Supply Reliability Act of 2002 which, if adopted, authorizes, for purposes of financing a water supply security, safe drinking water, water quality, and water supply reliability program, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $2,925,000,000.
(Died in Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee)
SB 2098 (Senate Health And Human Services Committee) Health
Revises contracting rules applicable to the Women, Infants and Children program to increase flexibility of the Women, Infants and Children program grantees. Also makes technical and clarifying changes to the Toxic Mold Protection Act of 2001.
Chapter 386, Statutes of 2002
SCA 12 (Perata-D) Sales and use tax: munitions
Imposes one of two taxes: Establishes a tax of five cents for each "munition" sold at a retail establishment in this state; or imposes an excise tax of five cents on the storage, use, or other consumption of "munition" purchased from an out-of-state retailer. Creates the Trauma Center Fund to capture revenues generated by this measure and appropriates these moneys to counties for trauma care.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
SCR 51 (Torlakson-D) California Fitness Month
Proclaims the month of March 2002 as California Fitness Month, and encourages all Californians to enrich their lives through proper diet and exercise.
Resolution Chapter 4, Statutes of 2002
SCR 55 (Ortiz-D) Stem cell research
Makes various findings and declarations relative to societal and economic value to stem cell research. Establishes a panel to advise the Legislature on stem cell research, specifies membership of this advisory panel, establishes terms and conditions of the panel and requires that the panel report to the Legislature by July 1, 2004.
Resolution Chapter 153, Statutes of 2002
SCR 63 (Margett-R) Random Acts of Kindness Week
Recognizes the week of February 11 through February 17, 2002, as Random Acts of Kindness Week and urges the public to observe this week with appropriate activities.
Resolution Chapter 36, Statutes of 2002
SCR 102 (Polanco-D) Binational Health Week
Calls on all the people of California to join the people of Mexico and all Californians of Mexican origin in observing and participating in Binational Health Week, to take place the week of October 12 to 19, 2002.
Resolution Chapter 159, Statutes of 2002
SJR 38 (Ortiz-D) Stem cell research
Makes various findings and declarations relative to the societal and economic value of stem cell research. Memorializes the President and Congress to reject legislation that impedes the progress of science by impeding stem cell research and to enact legislation that temporarily bans reproductive cloning and permits therapeutic cloning.
Resolution Chapter 163, Statutes of 2002
SR 10 (Alpert-D) National Heart Failure Awareness Week
Proclaims the week commencing February 12, 2001 as "National Heart Failure Awareness Week."
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
SR 34 (Sher-D) Food safety
Declares the month of September 2002 as Food Safety Month in California, and is dedicated to focusing attention on the importance of safe food preparation and handling now and throughout the year.
Adopted by the Senate
AB 48 (Washington-D) Community alcohol and drug integrated treatment services
Establishes a three-year demonstration project for integrated alcohol and drug community service provider networks.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 182 (Vargas-D) Immunizations: hepatitis A: tuberculosis testing
Adds hepatitis A to the list of diseases for which California requires immunization prior to admission to kindergarten, on or after July 1, 2003. Also reinstates an exemption for "drop in" day care centers from immunization and tuberculosis testing verification requirements.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 208* (Frommer-D) Sales and use taxes: partial exemptions: acupuncturists
Provides a state and local sales and use tax exemption for substances furnished by licensed acupuncturists in the performance of their professional services.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 287 (Wesson-D) Child Nutrition Advisory Council
Appropriates $1 million to the State Department of Education for a contract with a recognized testing company to administer physical education testing, as specified. In addition, changes the name of the Child Nutrition Advisory Council to the Child Nutrition and Fitness Advisory Council, and expands its membership from 13 to 16 members, as specified.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 317 (Aroner-D) Substance abuse prevention
Establishes a grant program to help communities develop and implement local substance abuse prevention coalitions.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 422 (Diaz-D) Lead hazards: blood lead tests: abatement
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to establish a universal blood lead reporting system that consists of a mandatory format for the electronic submission of all data concerning blood lead test results. Provides that a building or portion thereof in which a lead hazard exists is a substandard building. Enacts the Childhood Lead Poisoning Safety Act of 2001 that authorizes enforcement agencies, as defined, if there is probable cause to believe that a building or premises poses a lead-hazard risk, to enter and inspect public and residential buildings and premises. Appropriates $413,000 from the General Fund to the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund to be expended by DHS for purposes of the act.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 442* (Assembly Budget Committee) Health: budget trailer bill
The omnibus health trailer bill containing the necessary changes to implement the Budget Act of 2002, including: increases the amount currently obtained from disproportionate share hospitals from $29.6 million to $85 million for transfer from the intergovernmental fund to the General Fund, providing for continuation of a rate increase for emergency medical physicians providing services under the California Healthcare for Indigent Persons Program, extending for two years the sunset date for providing supplemental federal funds to certain teaching hospitals for medical education and training, requiring the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to establish a list of "maximum allowable ingredient costs" for drugs, changing the methodology used to reimburse pharmacies for drug costs by proposing a new rate of average wholesale price minus ten percent for both brand name and generic drugs, providing that as of July 1, 2002, payment for enteral formulae dispensed by a pharmacy provider shall be based on the estimated acquisition cost for that product plus a percentage mark-up to be determined by DHS in consultation with specified entities, requiring DHS to establish a list of medical supplies including utilization controls to be applied to each medical supply product and the maximum allowable product cost for each supply item, enacting language enabling DHS to allocate federal funds to local health jurisdictions based on a specified formula which includes both a basic allotment and a per capital amount, establishing a voluntary special fund in the State Treasury to which private, voluntary donations can be made for the development of standards and guidelines regarding the Toxic Mold Act of 2001, extending the advisory council on domestic violence from January 1, 2003 to January 1, 2006, and authorizing up to $200,000 to be transferred from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development's Hospital Data Fund to DHS to fund specified data functions performed by hospitals regarding the collection of perinatal information.
Chapter 1161, Statutes of 2002
AB 515 (Reyes-D) Child welfare
Requires child welfare agencies in counties with concentrations of methamphetamine production to collaborate with local law enforcement and county health and toxic substances control agencies to develop a protocol for responding to cases where a child at risk of abuse or neglect is in a home where methamphetamine is manufactured.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 596 (Negrete McLeod-D) Public health: hepatitis C
Requires the State Department of Corrections to test all inmates for hepatitis C 60 days prior to being paroled, as specified. Also requires inmates who test positive for the virus to complete a hepatitis C education program administered by the State Department of Corrections.
(Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 610 (Kelley-R) Nonprofit charitable temporary food facilities
Expands the definition of a "nonprofit charitable temporary food facility" (NCTFF) to include an established club or organization of students. Allows an NCTFF to operate up to four times annually for a period of up to 72 hours.
Chapter 121, Statutes of 2002
AB 686* (Koretz-D) Pharmaceutical companies: marketing expenditures: rebates
Requires manufacturers of drugs for life-threatening conditions to pay the state a supplemental rebate equal to the costs of marketing each drug.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 687 (Thomson-D) Emergency medical services: trauma care systems
Requires any local emergency medical services agency that has an established emergency medical services program but has not implemented a trauma care system to implement such a system by January 1, 2005. States that funds provided to local emergency medical services agencies for purposes of developing a trauma care plan shall offset the costs of this bill.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 778 (Firebaugh-D) Pupils with diabetes
Requires every school to provide a safe place and method for any pupil with diabetes to test his/her blood glucose level and receive insulin injections and to ensure that, in the absence of school nurses, there are staff members competent in testing blood glucose level, recognizing and treating hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, and administering insulin and glucagon injections. Immunizes school personnel who are not medically trained to administer assistance to a pupil in life threatening circumstances from liability for that administering assistance.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 883 (Florez-D) Emergency medical services
Raises the level of possible reimbursement for physicians and surgeons from the Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund from 50 percent to 75 percent. Establishes a state Emergency Medical Services Equalization Fund for redistribution of excess funds and requires the county administering officer of emergency medical services to establish an advisory committee to review methodologies and payment processes.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 971 (Steinberg-D) Pupil behavioral problems: grant program
Establishes the Safe and Healthy Schools Program to award grants to local collaboratives for preventive mental health and early intervention services.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1095 (Wright-D) Child health: eye care
Requires every child to undergo a comprehensive eye examination by an optometrist or ophthalmologist within 90 days of entering the first grade.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1104 (Maddox-R) Fire protection: joint powers agency member
Provides that when a county allocates specified tax proceeds to a joint powers agency formed to provide fire protection services, those funds may not be appropriated by the agency in a manner that provides a financial advantage to any city participating in the agency over the other participating cities.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1139 (Thomson-D) Death certificates: forms
Requires the second section of the death certificate, which contains items relating to medical and health data, to include information indicating whether the decedent was pregnant at the time of death, or within the year prior to death, if known.
Chapter 827, Statutes of 2002
AB 1321 (Aroner-D) Health care: quality
Creates the Health Utilities Board, which would be charged with providing comprehensive, quality health care to all Californians and controlling health care costs through ratesetting, eliminating waste and inefficiency, and achieving public accountability for meeting standards of high quality care.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1336 (Koretz-D) Pet dealers
Requires pet dealers to provide purchasers of dogs and cats written material explaining the benefits of spaying and neutering their animals, as well as other useful information regarding use of a veterinarian and licensing their dog.
Chapter 181, Statutes of 2002
AB 1368 (Pescetti-R) Cemeteries
Establishes, until January 1, 2007, the California Historic Cemetery Commission with a specified membership appointed as provided under the bill, and with prescribed duties related to historic cemeteries.
(Died in Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1379 (Thomson-D) Family planning services
Authorizes the Office of Family Planning, within the State Department of Health Services, to award grants to, instead of entering into contracts with, individuals and entities for the provision of family planning services and makes related changes.
Chapter 641, Statutes of 2002
AB 1397 (Hertzberg-D) Health systems: registered nurses: wages
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to fine any health system, as defined, an amount not less than 25 percent and not more than 51 percent of the health system's disproportionate share funding for a fiscal year in which either the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement or a court of competent jurisdiction determines that the hospitals that a health system owns, operates, or both, have accumulated more than 1,000 violations of labor laws relating to wages and hours in a five-year period. Requires DHS, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to allocate the proceeds from the fines to county health departments to use to provide health care, including nursing services, to the poor and indigent.
(Died in Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 1438 (Florez-D) Public freshwater bathing areas
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS), by March 1, 2003, to convene a public advisory group, with specified membership, to advise DHS on the development of minimum standards for sanitation of high-use or priority freshwater bathing areas, as defined. Requires DHS, on or before December 31, 2005, to establish minimum sanitation standards for the recreational use of the public freshwater bathing areas.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1485 (Jackson-D) Family planning: informational materials
Requires local health departments to make copies of written materials relating to family planning, that are made available to the public, in addition to circulars and pamphlets, available in other languages, where the State Department of Finance Population Research Unit determines that 10 percent or more of the population speaks another language.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1508 (Runner-R) Substance abuse treatment programs: state funding
Requires substance abuse programs provided by community-based organizations, including faith-based organizations, that otherwise meet requirements to be eligible for state funding. Prohibits the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs from requiring a religious organization to alter its form of internal governance, or to remove religious symbols, as a condition of receiving funds.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1526 (Florez-D) Bond: farmworker housing and family wellness act
Enacts the Farmworker Housing and Family Wellness Bond Act of 2002 authorizing the issuance of bonds in the amount of $250 million for purposes of the Joe Serna Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Program and to provide housing in coordination with the provision of health and other family services pursuant to the Farmworker Family Wellness Program.
(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 1601* (Papan-D) Sales and use taxes: exemption: medicines: surgical gowns
Creates a new exemption from sales and use taxes for disposable surgical gowns and drapes that are made from nonwoven fabric.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1631* (Pescetti-R) Income taxes: medical savings account
Allows a deduction under the Personal Income Tax Law for contributions to a California medical savings account established in a manner similar to existing law provisions governing medical savings accounts, except that the account would be available to any individual in this state.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1638* (Daucher-R) Long-term Care Council
Adds members to the Long-Term Care Council, established within the State Health and Human Services Agency. Requires the Speaker of the Assembly to appoint two members of the Assembly and the Senate Rules Committee to appoint two members of the Senate to the council.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 1646 (Richman-R) Public health: drinking water: chromium VI
Requires the State Department of Health Services to create a separate category for chromium VI in drinking water and to reduce the maximum allowable limit from 50 parts per billion to 2.5 parts per billion.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)
AB 1763 (Richman-R) Public Health Emergency Powers Commission
Establishes the Public Health Emergency Powers Commission to advise the Legislature and governor on public health emergency issues.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1778 (Nakano-D) Public safety: water treatment plant
Requires water treatment plants to require applicants that are offered employment for certain positions to submit fingerprints and related information to the State Department of Justice (DOJ) for a criminal background check. Requires DOJ to adopt regulations establishing standards and procedures for the investigation of the background of candidates for employment and the use of criminal history information, to determine whether applicants would be a threat to the safety of the public.
(Died in Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 1786 (Reyes-D) Health care: bone marrow testing
Requires a health care service plan and health insurance contract to provide coverage for informing enrollees or subscribers about and for conducting human leukocyte antigen testing for utilization in bone marrow transplantation.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1801 (Robert Pacheco-R) Commission on Health Care Cost Review
Creates the Commission on Health Care Cost Review, and requires it to study and analyze the potential cost or savings resulting from any proposed legislation that affects the operation of a health care service plan, the impact of proposed legislation on persons in this state without health care coverage, and public policies affecting health care costs and access to health care coverage in California.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 1833 (Nakano-D) Local emergency medical services funds
Requires the disbursement of monies from the Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund (Maddy Fund) to be made on at least a quarterly basis, requires that providers make at least two attempts to obtain reimbursement, requires each county to adopt a fee schedule and reimbursement methodology, and requires counties to make all reasonable efforts to notify physicians and surgeons of the availability of the Maddy Fund and the process by which to submit a claim.
Chapter 430, Statutes of 2002
AB 1850* (Nakano-D) Military service: health care benefits
Allows reservists of the National Guard called up to active duty for 30 days or more in service to the state to be eligible for health care benefits that cover dependents.
Chapter 417, Statutes of 2002
AB 1853 (Koretz-D) Health care: drug costs
Requires the State Department of Health Services, with regard to the purchase of any drug required in the treatment of life-threatening chronic conditions, to require the drug manufacturer to disclose all costs incurred in the marketing of the drug to consumers and physicians, and limits the price of any drug to which that requirement applies.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 1872 (Canciamilla-D) Vital records: certificate of death
Establishes an expedited process for obtaining death certificates for victims in the event of a mass fatality incident. Defines "mass fatality incident" as one where there are more dead bodies than what the local resources can handle, and authorizes the county coroner or medical examiner to declare when an incident may be classified as a mass fatality incident.
Chapter 717, Statutes of 2002
AB 1880 (Assembly Agriculture Committee) Processed food: food safety fee
Extends, by three years, to January 1, 2006, the sunset on statutory provisions that require a $100 food safety fee to be paid to the State Department of Health Services by manufacturers, packers, and holders of processed foods, and that require the revenue generated by this fee to be used to develop and implement education and training programs related to processed food safety.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 1929 (Runner-R) Certificate of stillbirth
Requires that a certificate of fetal death contain information relating to whether the fetal death was a stillbirth, if that information is available. Requires a hospital, upon request of either parent of a stillborn child, to provide a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.
(Died in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1946 (Corbett-D) Written materials for patients
Requires specified printed materials to be provided to a patient by an employee or authorized agent on behalf of a general acute care hospital (GAC), a skilled nursing facility (SNF), an intermediate care facility (ICF), a nursing facility (NF), or a residential care facility for the elderly (RCF) and to be printed in at least a 12-point font that is clear and legible. Requires, upon admission of a patient to a SNF, ICF, GAC, RCF, or NF, the facility to ask the patient if he or she would like the facility to provide the patient's next of kin or agent under a durable power of attorney for health care with materials regarding patients' rights and responsibilities, without requiring the facility to create any additional materials. Requires, upon the request of the patient or of the patient's next of kin or agent, a representative of any facility or hospital providing patients' rights information or other documentation required pursuant to this bill to explain the materials provided.
Chapter 550, Statutes of 2002
AB 1988 (Diaz-D) Emergency Medical Services Authority
Requires the Emergency Medical Services Authority to convene a task force to study the delivery and provision of emergency medical services. Requires the task force, among other things, to develop a plan to ensure that all Californians are served by appropriate coverage areas for emergency and trauma services and that sufficient numbers of emergency departments and trauma centers exist to serve each area's population.
Chapter 333, Statutes of 2002
AB 2018 (Nakano-D) Public safety: communication system
Establishes the Public Safety Communications Act of 2002 for the purpose of developing and implementing a statewide integrated public safety communication system and empowers the existing Public Safety Radio Strategic Planning Committee to have primary responsibility.
Chapter 1091, Statutes of 2002
AB 2035 (Frommer-D) Emergency medical services
Establishes a system of disaster response field hospitals to improve the state's preparedness for a disaster or terrorism incident.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2067 (Nakano-D) Nuclear emergencies: exposure to radioactive iodine
Requires the State Department of Health Services (DHS) to work with the KI (potassium iodide) working group, coordinated by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, to establish and implement a program to oversee distribution of potassium iodide tablets to all persons who reside, work or attend school within the state-designated emergency planning zone of an operational nuclear power plant. Also requires DHS and the KI working group to develop plans for distribution and storage of the tablets, and coordinate with local health departments and local emergency management agencies.
Chapter 852, Statutes of 2002
AB 2071 (Jackson-D) Public water systems: contaminants
Specifies remedies and the time limitation for suits by public water systems against those found to have contaminated a drinking water supply.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)
AB 2178 (Goldberg-D) Health care
Expands the definition of a "small business employer" to include employers of any size who are complying with local living wage requirements, but only allows coverage for those employees who are subject to the living wage. Sunsets January 1, 2007.
Chapter 649, Statutes of 2002
AB 2202 (Alquist-D) Gerontology: service delivery personnel: training
Requires the California State University to provide courses and training in gerontology for professional service delivery personnel providing services to the senior population, as specified.
Chapter 551, Statutes of 2002
AB 2218 (Keeley-D) California Ski Safety Task Force
Establishes the California Ski Safety Task Force to, in consultation with the United States Forest Service, adopt written standards that designate uniform signs for marking hazardous conditions for use at California ski areas, and to prepare a concise written description of the meaning of those signs, and a key that explains the meaning of those signs for posting at ski areas.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2219 (Keeley-D) Retail food establishments
Extends an existing requirement that certain food establishments provide toilet facilities to all food establishments constructed on or after January 1, 2004, and requires all food establishments built before January 1, 2004 to provide toilet facilities or post a sign in a public area stating that toilet facilities are not provided.
Chapter 340, Statutes of 2002
AB 2233* (Wright-D) Bond act: firefighting equipment
Authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds in the amount of $85 million for the purpose of financing the thermal imaging equipment purchasing program and the provision of other firefighting equipment to state and local agencies.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2261 (Cardenas-D) Childhood lead poisoning prevention enforcement
Grants explicit authorization to the State Department of Health Services and local agencies to exercise certain enforcement measures and collect civil fines in order to increase compliance with the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 2282 (La Suer-R) Drug treatment programs: proximity to children
Prohibits the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs and any county from providing any money received from the Substance Abuse Treatment Trust Fund to any person or organization for the operation of a drug treatment program or the provision of drug treatment services, located within 1,000 feet of a school, church, licensed child daycare facility, park, or other place that children frequent. Finds and declares that this bill is intended to enhance public safety in furtherance of, and consistent with, the purposes of the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000, an initiative measure adopted by the voters at the November 7, 2000, statewide general election (Proposition 36).
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2317 (Chu-D) Substance abuse: adult recovery maintenance facilities
Requires the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (DADP) to develop and adopt emergency regulations governing the licensing and operation of adult recovery maintenance facilities (ARMFs), in consultation with specified entities, on or before July 1, 2003. Prohibits any state or local social services, law enforcement, or corrections agency, or court, probation officer, or parole officer from referring any person to an alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facility or ARMF that is not licensed by DADP, after January 1, 2004.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2328 (Wayne-D) Medical experiments
Permits provision of informed consent required for medical experimentation by specified surrogate decisionmakers for persons unable to give such consent.
Chapter 477, Statutes of 2002
AB 2335 (Pavley-D) Firefighting: hazardous materials equipment
Establishes the Firefighting Hazardous Materials Response Team Equipment Program for the purchase of hazardous materials response apparatus and equipment. Requires the Director of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services to develop criteria for deploying this equipment throughout the state and a procedure for state and local agencies to apply for equipment.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2337 (Reyes-D) State Department of Health Services: advertising campaigns
Requires the State Department of Health Services to implement an advertising campaign regarding the Healthy Families Program and teen pregnancy prevention programs.
(Died in Senate Health and Human Services Committee)
AB 2404 (Reyes-D) Mobile health care units
Prohibits the State Department of Health Services (DHS) from requiring each site, where a mobile service unit (MSU) operates, to be licensed or approved by the department after initial licensure or initial approval of a MSU. Permits DHS to require additional licensure when the MSU will be operating outside of the proposed areas specified in the application. Prohibits an MSU from operating at any site, unless the site has been reported to DHS and to appropriate local authorities.
Chapter 111, Statutes of 2002
AB 2434 (Negrete McLeod-D) Perinatal services: San Bernardino County: pilot project
Establishes and funds a one-year pilot project in San Bernardino County to provide in-home visits to substance-abusing mothers of newborns.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2447 (Goldberg-D) Infants: formula
Prohibits any manufacturer of infant formula, or any hospital or health care provider, from distributing in this state free samples of infant formula to a mother, expectant mother, or family members of a mother or expectant mother.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2455 (Negrete McLeod-D) Swimming pool safety
Requires (1) two specified anti-drowning safety features on new and remodeled pools and spas, as specified; and (2) the State Department of Health Services to conduct toddler pool safety studies and a statewide swimming pool safety educational campaign.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 2514 (Bates-R) Substance abuse review committee
Requires the State Department of Social Services, in consultation with the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, to establish a joint committee to study issues relating to substance abuse in families in child welfare programs. Requires the committee to develop a strategic plan, incorporating an annual action and reporting plan, to address these issues, and to submit the strategic plan to the Legislature and the Governor no later than January 1, 2004.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2550 (Nation-D) Electronic death registration
Requires, on or before January 1, 2005, the State Department of Health Services to implement an Internet-based electronic death registration system for the creation, storage, and transfer of death registration information.
Chapter 857, Statutes of 2002
AB 2572 (Mountjoy-R) Psychotropic drugs
Prohibits employees of school districts and county boards of education, except medical personnel authorized to prescribe medicine, from recommending the use by pupils of psychotropic drugs. Makes it a crime for a person to knowingly prescribe, administer, dispense, or furnish psychotropic drugs, as defined, to a minor without first obtaining the written consent of a minor's parent or guardian after disclosure of known side effects.
(Died in Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2668 (Zettel-R) Pupil curricula: brain and spinal cord injury prevention
Requires the California Healthy Kids Resource Center, in consultation with the State Department of Education, to review, acquire and circulate curricula focused on the prevention of brain and spinal cord injuries for use, on a voluntary basis, by school districts.
Chapter 755, Statutes of 2002
AB 2721 (Chan-D) Dental health: study
Requires the State Department of Health Services, in conjunction with the State Department of Education, to conduct a study on expanding access to dental health services for children in California, subject to the receipt of private funding.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2738 (Chan-D) Working group: pupil health screening
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to convene a working group, as specified, to examine how the current system of school entry health screening/assessments can better determine the health status of pupils before they enter school.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2741 (Chan-D) Children's School Readiness and Health Council
Creates the Children's School Readiness and Health Council in the State Health and Human Services Agency, with the responsibility to, among other things, promote policy development in regard to, and coordinate programs that address, children's school readiness and health.
Vetoed by the Governor
AB 2744* (Thomson-D) Alcoholic beverages: taxes
Increases the excise surtax on alcoholic beverages. Establishes the Alcoholic Beverage Surtax (ABS) Fund. Requires that distribution of moneys from the ABS Fund be made by annual appropriation of the Legislature and be used for health purposes. States legislative intent that revenues generated by this bill will replace revenues lost by the securitization of the Tobacco Settlement Fund (TSF) and will be used to fund health care programs that the TSF was intended to fund.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)
AB 2796* (Shelley-D) Health: budget implementation
Adds lead hazards as a condition that a building may be cited as substandard and provides for the enforcement by the State Department of Health Services of those provisions.
(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)
AB 2798 (Aroner-D) Retail food facilities: transportation of food
Includes the transportation of food within the provisions of law regulating food safety, including provisions that require potentially hazardous foods to be kept at certain temperatures. Permits local enforcement officers to enter, inspect and issue citations to any vehicle transporting food to or from a retail facility as specified.
Chapter 532, Statutes of 2002
AB 2817 (Maddox-R) Sex education: course content
Requires that instruction for sex education courses must advise pupils of a provision of current law that allows mothers to anonymously surrender an infant up to 72-hours-old at a hospital emergency room or other designated location without fear of prosecution.
Chapter 1099, Statutes of 2002
AB 2819 (Aroner-D) State laboratories: required functions
Expands a requirement that the State Department of Health Services maintain a laboratory and branch laboratories to provide departmental capacity to accomplish all specified core functions.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2831 (Simitian-D) Health records: delivery of laboratory test results
Exempts direct communication by electronic means between the treating health care professional who ordered a laboratory test and the patient from a provision of law requiring patients to give written consent, as specified, in order to receive his or her laboratory results by electronic means, and permits certain test results that are otherwise prohibited from being conveyed to the patient electronically to be conveyed by electronic means if there is no malignancy revealed in the test results.
Chapter 128, Statutes of 2002
AB 2847 (Florez-D) Animal control
States that the Legislature encourages any entity that provides animal law enforcement services to provide its investigative employees with education in animal husbandry, handling, and training of animals exhibited under authority of a valid State Department of Fish and Game permit.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)
AB 2881 (Chan-D) Pupil health screening: pilot program
Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to convene a working group of school nurses, teachers, administrators and representatives of the State Department of Education, and State Department of Health Services School Health Connections office to develop core competency curriculum about how to identify basic health issues that commonly affect students' school performance.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2962 (Strom-Martin-D) Transgenic seafood
Requires any package or display of unpackaged seafood offered for retail sale, other than by a restaurateur, that contains any transgenic fish or transgenic shellfish shall be labeled in a manner that clearly discloses that fact to the consumer, and defines transgenic fish and shellfish for that purpose.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)
Similar legislation was AB 791 (Strom-Martin-D), which also died in Assembly Agriculture Committee.
AB 3048 (Assembly Health Committee) Health care
Corrects obsolete or incorrect references in the body of law regulating health care service plans.
Chapter 760, Statutes of 2002
AB 3049 (Assembly Health Committee) Public health
Exempts "drop in" day care centers from immunization and tuberculosis verification requirements. Requires each county establishing a Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund to report to the State Emergency Medical Services Authority instead of the Legislature. Adds Yolo and Marin to counties authorized to incorporate services covered by the California Children's Services Program into Medi-Cal managed care contracts.
Chapter 536, Statutes of 2002
AB 3054 (Assembly Aging And Long Term Care Committee) Long-term care integration pilot projects
Requires the State Department of Health Services to provide at least, but not limited to, one alternative model to the Long-Term Care Integration Pilot Program.
Chapter 537, Statutes of 2002
ACR 61 (Richman-R) California Day of Hearing Screening
Recognizes the National Day of Hearing Screening and proclaims May 5, 2001, as California Day of Hearing Screening.
(Died in Assembly Rules Committee)
ACR 75 (Simitian-D) California Wireless Safety Week
Proclaims the week of May 21 through May 27, 2001, California Wireless Safety Week and encourages Californians to join in promoting the responsible use of wireless telephones by motorists on California's streets and highways.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)
ACR 94 (Robert Pacheco-R) Hearing disabilities
Urges that all televised legislative hearings and proceedings be provided with closed-captioning or live-captioning, in order to ensure that all citizens with hearing disabilities are given equal access to the political process.
(Died in Assembly awaiting committee assignment)
ACR 145 (Matthews-D) Nutrition Week 2002
Proclaims the week of February 24 to March 2, 2002, as Nutrition Week 2002.
Resolution Chapter 10, Statutes of 2002
ACR 150 (Strom-Martin-D) Spay Day USA 2002
Declares February 26, 2002, to be Spay Day USA 2002, and requests that Californians observe that day by having their dogs or cats spayed or neutered or by contributing to organizations that provide spay or neuter services.
Resolution Chapter 6, Statutes of 2002
ACR 172 (Koretz-D) Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder Awareness Month
Proclaims May 2002 as "Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder Awareness Month" in California and requests the State Department of Health Services and the State Department of Mental Health to work together to:
- Explore ways to improve women's access to mental health care at the state and local levels.
- Facilitate increased awareness and education about postpartum mood and anxiety disorders.
- Explore and encourage the use of prenatal screening tools.
- Improve the availability of effective treatment and support services.
Resolution Chapter 91, Statutes of 2002
ACR 174 (Wayne-D) Women's Health Month
Proclaims the month of May as Women's Health Month.
Resolution Chapter 64, Statutes of 2002
ACR 236 (Salinas-D) Agricultural Worker Health and Housing Commission
Resolves that an Agricultural Worker Health and Housing Commission, consisting of 10 members and funded solely through private sources, be established. Requires the commission to report to the Legislature regarding the agricultural industry's ability to compete in the global marketplace and the commission's recommendations on how to improve the housing and health conditions of agricultural workers.
Resolution Chapter 178, Statutes of 2002
AJR 27 (Oropeza-D) Social HMO's
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States, the federal Department of Health and Human Services, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to take various actions with respect to social health maintenance organizations.
Resolution Chapter 29, Statutes of 2002
AJR 49 (Aroner-D) Home health care
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to ensure that Medicare home health care recipients are guaranteed the best care and that home health providers are not further harmed by regulation and administrative changes, and states that the Legislature opposes the 15 percent cut in home health payments scheduled for October 1, 2002.
Resolution Chapter 149, Statutes of 2002
HR 28 (Bill Campbell-R) Food safety
Declares the month of September 2001 as Food Safety Education Month dedicated to focusing attention on the importance of safe food preparation and handling throughout the year.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 34 (Bill Campbell-R) Food safety
Declares the month of September 2002 as Food Safety Month in California, dedicated to focusing attention on the importance of safe food preparation and handling now and throughout the year.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 45 (Richman-R) Organ and tissue donor awareness
Proclaims support for National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week during the week of April 21 to 27, 2002, urges all Californians to consider becoming donors and to talk to family members about their wishes, and encourages organ and tissue recipients to tell others how their lives and health have changed because of the generosity of a donor.
Adopted by the Assembly
HR 94 (Bill Campbell-R) Food safety
Declares the month of September 2002 as Food Safety Month in California, dedicated to focusing attention on the importance of safe food preparation and handling now and throughout the year.
Adopted by the Assembly
Index (in Bill Order)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 15 | Figueroa-D Healing arts peer review: continuances | |
SB 35* | Escutia-D Tobacco settlement fund allocations | |
SB 64 | Chesbro-D Homeless youth emergency services projects | |
SB 70 | Escutia-D In-home care workers for the elderly | |
SB 79* | Chesbro-D Health and welfare programs | |
SB 98 | Kuehl-D Emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children | |
SB 105 | Burton-D Services: blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing | |
SB 119 | Haynes-R Prescribing psychiatric medications for minors | |
SB 120 | Ortiz-D Human services | |
SB 146 | Haynes-R Medi-Cal: payments | |
SB 149 | Figueroa-D Healing arts: liability | |
SB 187 | Vasconcellos-D Medical marijuana | |
SB 217 | Kuehl-D CalWORKs: domestic violence | |
SB 224 | Speier-D Breast and cervical cancer: treatment services | |
SB 226 | Chesbro-D County health services | |
SB 227 | Chesbro-D Regional centers: self-determination program pilot projects | |
SB 236 | O'Connell-D Dogs and cats: microchip: permits | |
SB 247 | Speier-D Birth and death certificates: certified copies | |
SB 248 | Romero-D Emergency medical services: alcohol: fee | |
SB 249 | Chesbro-D CalWORKs: eligibility | |
SB 251 | Haynes-R Vehicles: "Choose Life" special interest license plates | |
SB 253 | Ortiz-D Stem cells: human tissue: research | |
SB 254 | Dunn-D Emergency medical services | |
SB 278 | Machado-D Public works project: clean water | |
SB 285 | Soto-D Medi-Cal | |
SB 292 | Ortiz-D Physical Activity and Health Initiative | |
SB 306 | Soto-D Pharmaceutical drug evaluation | |
SB 309 | Ortiz-D Continuing care retirement communities | |
SB 317 | Ortiz-D Nursing education | |
SB 336 | Ortiz-D Health care programs: eligibility | |
SB 339 | Ortiz-D Long-term health care facilities | |
SB 343 | Figueroa-D Developmental disabilities: admissions to facilities | |
SB 357* | Murray-D Energy conservation assistance | |
SB 391 | McPherson-R Education: health delivery services: consulting nurse | |
SB 395 | Perata-D Mentally disordered prisoners | |
SB 397 | Speier-D Ephedrine group alkaloids: dietary supplements | |
SB 402 | Ortiz-D Health care: Medi-Cal | |
SB 406* | Ortiz-D Bioterrorism preparedness and other public health threats | |
SB 414 | Perata-D Mental health: dual diagnosis | |
SB 417 | Vasconcellos-D Cancer: alternative treatment project | |
SB 418 | Vasconcellos-D Drug abuse treatment programs | |
SB 430* | Vincent-D Income taxes: credits: spaying or neutering | |
SB 443 | Perata-D Medi-Cal: substance abuse | |
SB 447 | Vasconcellos-D Emergency care and trauma care services: evaluation | |
SB 451 | Scott-D Health care facilities | |
SB 452 | Oller-R Property tax revenue allocations: ambulance service | |
SB 460 | Ortiz-D Lead abatement | |
SB 472 | Soto-D Public health: hexavalent chromium: study | |
SB 492 | Scott-D Clinics: licensure exemptions | |
SB 523 | Alpert-D Medi-Cal: disproportionate share hospitals | |
SB 533 | Chesbro-D Developmental services: integrated community living | |
SB 534 | Ortiz-D Medi-Cal: independent adults | |
SB 564 | Speier-D Healing arts: training in spousal or partner abuse | |
SB 577 | Burton-D Health: complementary and alternative health care | |
SB 592 | McPherson-R Vital records | |
SB 598 | Chesbro-D Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act | |
SB 606 | Vasconcellos-D Pupil health | |
SB 615 | Ortiz-D Medi-Cal: Healthy Families Program: temporary eligibility | |
SB 616 | Chesbro-D Public health laboratory scientists: training | |
SB 620 | Ortiz-D Suicide treatment and prevention | |
SB 632 | Perata-D Mental health training | |
SB 634 | Murray-D Lead poisoning prevention | |
SB 643 | Ortiz-D Mental Health Enhancement and Crime Prevention Act | |
SB 677* | McPherson-R Income and bank and corporation taxes: credit | |
SB 765 | Chesbro-D Public health | |
SB 770 | Figueroa-D Pupil health | |
SB 787 | Chesbro-D Medicare Payment Area Task Force | |
SB 801* | Speier-D Health: health facilities and clinics | |
SB 827 | Perata-D Adult day services | |
SB 843 | Perata-D Omnibus Tuberculosis Control and Prevention Act of 2001 | |
SB 846* | Ackerman-R Income and bank and corporation tax credits | |
SB 848 | Ackerman-R Health services | |
SB 851* | Oller-R Emergency medical services: EMT-I's: scope of practice | |
SB 859 | Ortiz-D California Disease Management Act of 2001 | |
SB 922 | Soto-D Prescription drugs: manufacturer rebate | |
SB 928 | Romero-D Emergency medical services: alcohol: fee | |
SB 931* | Burton-D Mental health: local treatment programs | |
SB 936 | Margett-R Mental health: adults and older adults | |
SB 977 | Battin-R Condoms: warning label | |
SB 979 | Machado-D Confidentiality of medical information | |
SB 993 | Figueroa-D Nursing | |
SB 994 | Morrow-R Liability: public skateboard parks | |
SB 1005 | Johannessen-R In-home supportive services: care providers | |
SB 1027 | Romero-D Employment: overtime requirements | |
SB 1063 | Chesbro-D Developmental services: integrated community living | |
SB 1089 | Karnette-D Alcoholism and drug abuse treatment and recovery facilities | |
SB 1093 | Costa-D Recreational water use: Sly Park Recreational Area | |
SB 1095 | Escutia-D Care providers: background investigation | |
SB 1096 | Ortiz-D Children with disabilities | |
SB 1099* | Soto-D Bank and corporation taxes: disallowance of deductions | |
SB 1135 | Polanco-D Tissue banks | |
SB 1168 | Alpert-D Health care program: consumer assistance | |
SB 1201 | Romero-D Hexavalent chromium: study: San Gabriel Basin | |
SB 1202 | Romero-D Emergency medical services: statewide trauma system | |
SB 1210 | Romero-D Live animals: exhibit | |
SB 1230 | Alpert-D Human cloning | |
SB 1244* | Figueroa-D Professions and vocations | |
SB 1260 | Escutia-D Health information: children | |
SB 1263 | Soto-D Veterinary medicine | |
SB 1264 | Alpert-D Aid for dependent children | |
SB 1274* | Haynes-R Tax credits: doctors and lawyers | |
SB 1278 | Speier-D Pharmacies: prescription benefits: Medicare beneficiaries | |
SB 1280 | Haynes-R Religious organizations | |
SB 1290 | Haynes-R Psychotropic drugs: prescriptions for children | |
SB 1298 | Ortiz-D Public health emergencies: state aid | |
SB 1301 | Kuehl-D Reproductive Privacy Act | |
SB 1315 | Sher-D Pharmaceuticals: purchasing | |
SB 1324 | Ortiz-D Medical evidentiary examinations | |
SB 1335* | Dunn-D Child day care facilities: criminal record information | |
SB 1344 | Haynes-R Health care: denial of desired life-sustaining health care | |
SB 1364 | Morrow-R Medi-Cal benefits: anesthesia | |
SB 1365 | Speier-D Personal income taxes: contributions | |
SB 1379 | O'Connell-D Speech-language pathologists: endoscopies | |
SB 1394 | Ortiz-D Statewide health planning and development: hospitals | |
SB 1402 | Murray-D Occupational therapy | |
SB 1404 | Chesbro-D State hospitals for the mentally disordered | |
SB 1413 | Chesbro-D Medi-Cal | |
SB 1414 | Speier-D Health care coverage | |
SB 1418 | Johannessen-R Medi-Cal: applications | |
SB 1426 | Romero-D Medi-Cal: drugs: Alzheimer's disease | |
SB 1444 | Kuehl-D Radiation: contamination | |
SB 1447 | Chesbro-D Treatment of addicts: drug treatment programs | |
SB 1448 | Chesbro-D Deceased residents of state facilities | |
SB 1449 | Vasconcellos-D Drug treatment: probationers: parolees | |
SB 1475 | Perata-D Health facilities licensing | |
SB 1477 | Speier-D Health care practitioners: student loans | |
SB 1486 | McClintock-R CalWORKs recipients: benefits limitation | |
SB 1493* | Alpert-D Medi-Cal: reimbursement procedures | |
SB 1505 | Kuehl-D Child welfare worker training | |
SB 1529* | Johnson-R Conflicts of interest: special commissions | |
SB 1557 | Battin-R Human cloning | |
SB 1558* | Figueroa-D Dangerous drug or dangerous device samples | |
SB 1567 | Chesbro-D Medi-Cal | |
SB 1589 | Perata-D Dentistry: dental hygienists | |
SB 1598 | Soto-D Medi-Cal | |
SB 1609 | Soto-D Health care professionals: blood-borne infectious disease | |
SB 1610 | Bowen-D Food: nutritional labeling: fatty acids | |
SB 1629 | Soto-D Emergency services: training | |
SB 1630 | Chesbro-D Services for the developmentally disabled | |
SB 1633 | Soto-D Medi-Cal: transfer of property interest: notice | |
SB 1642 | Soto-D Nutrition | |
SB 1644* | Poochigian-R Medi-Cal: annual review of rates | |
SB 1650 | Alpert-D Youth mentoring and development programs | |
SB 1695 | Escutia-D Drug overdose deaths | |
SB 1699 | Ortiz-D Health care programs: denial of continued enrollment | |
SB 1700 | Peace-D Tobacco products | |
SB 1701 | Peace-D Tobacco taxes: tax stamps | |
SB 1716 | Vasconcellos-D Alcohol and drug abuse counselors: licensing and regulation | |
SB 1726 | Vasconcellos-D Pool and spa safety | |
SB 1727 | Soto-D University of California: pharmaceutical evaluation | |
SB 1734 | Vasconcellos-D Drug paraphernalia: clean needle and syringe exchange | |
SB 1748 | Polanco-D Office of Binational Border Health | |
SB 1751 | Burton-D Homeless individuals: reporting of deaths | |
SB 1766 | Ortiz-D Tobacco products: sales | |
SB 1767 | Perata-D Medi-Cal: plan enrollment eligibility | |
SB 1785 | Vasconcellos-D Hypodermic needles and syringes | |
SB 1804 | Escutia-D Skilled nursing and intermediate care facilities | |
SB 1809* | Machado-D Clinical laboratories | |
SB 1822 | Sher-D Public water systems: public health goals: perchlorate | |
SB 1824 | Ortiz-D Long-term health care facilities | |
SB 1831 | Peace-D Tobacco assets: sales | |
SB 1833 | Peace-D Budget Act of 2001: public social services | |
SB 1836* | Peace-D Medi-Cal: benefits | |
SB 1843* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee State and local government | |
SB 1884 | Speier-D Dietary supplements | |
SB 1890 | Ortiz-D Tobacco Use Reduction and Compensation Act of 2002 | |
SB 1898 | Soto-D Residential care facilities for the elderly | |
SB 1907 | Murray-D Healing arts: referrals | |
SB 1911 | Ortiz-D Children's mental health | |
SB 1948 | Figueroa-D Dietary supplements: warning labels and advertisements | |
SB 1950 | Figueroa-D Healing arts | |
SB 1951 | Figueroa-D Professional boards: Acupuncture Board | |
SB 1954 | Figueroa-D State Board of Chiropractic Examiners | |
SB 1955 | Figueroa-D Professions and vocations | |
SB 1964 | Alpert-D Banned substances: sale to minors | |
SB 1982 | Perata-D Community care facilities: definition | |
SB 1992 | Perata-D Public safety: gas appliances | |
SB 2008 | Speier-D Nursing: Assumption Program of Loans for Nursing Education | |
SB 2014 | Machado-D Physicians and surgeons: licensure | |
SB 2019 | Speier-D Health care practitioners: student loans | |
SB 2021 | Senate Business And Professions Committee Business and professions | |
SB 2022 | Figueroa-D Healing arts | |
SB 2025* | Senate Business And Professions Committee Professions and vocations | |
SB 2026 | Senate Business And Professions Committee Professions and vocations | |
SB 2027 | Figueroa-D Hospital licensing | |
SB 2040 | McPherson-R Arthritis prevention and control | |
SB 2043 | Bowen-D Antibiotics: antimicrobial-resistant diseases: study | |
SB 2046 | Knight-R Medi-Cal: overpayment forgiveness | |
SB 2047 | Machado-D Health services: chronic disease | |
SB 2059 | Figueroa-D Nursing | |
SB 2070* | Johannessen-R Water supply security | |
SB 2075 | Romero-D Nursing education grants | |
SB 2082 | Bowen-D Cigarettes: advertising and sales | |
SB 2097 | Senate Health And Human Services Committee Lyme disease | |
SB 2098 | Senate Health And Human Services Committee Health | |
SCA 12 | Perata-D Sales and use tax: munitions | |
SCR 51 | Torlakson-D California Fitness Month | |
SCR 55 | Ortiz-D Stem cell research | |
SCR 57 | Romero-D Cervical Cancer Awareness Month | |
SCR 58 | Machado-D California Eating Disorders Awareness Week | |
SCR 63 | Margett-R Random Acts of Kindness Week | |
SCR 76 | Ackerman-R Autism Treatment Awareness Month | |
SCR 83 | Figueroa-D Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Awareness Month | |
SCR 97 | Haynes-R Great American Smokeout | |
SCR 102 | Polanco-D Binational Health Week | |
SJR 23 | Speier-D Medi-Cal and family planning services | |
SJR 34 | Speier-D Oral cancer drugs | |
SJR 37 | Romero-D Alzheimer's disease | |
SJR 38 | Ortiz-D Stem cell research | |
SJR 44 | Haynes-R Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month | |
SR 10 | Alpert-D National Heart Failure Awareness Week | |
SR 28 | Monteith-R Suicide Prevention Awareness Month | |
SR 31 | Chesbro-D Psychiatric facilities | |
SR 32 | Ortiz-D Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month | |
SR 34 | Sher-D Food safety | |
AB 15 | Harman-R Land use: business license | |
AB 18 | Horton-D Nonmedical out-of-home care facilities | |
AB 24* | Maldonado-R Health facilities construction and licensing requirements | |
AB 48 | Washington-D Community alcohol and drug integrated treatment services | |
AB 89 | Bates-R IHSS: Medi-Cal: criminal record checks | |
AB 108 | Strom-Martin-D Pharmacy: licensure | |
AB 109 | Alquist-D Elder and dependent adult abuse | |
AB 130 | Cardenas-D Public social services | |
AB 156 | Matthews-D Dentistry: licensing exemptions | |
AB 163 | Florez-D School nurses: tobacco settlement funds | |
AB 175 | Zettel-R Hospitals: consolidated licenses | |
AB 182 | Vargas-D Immunizations: hepatitis A: tuberculosis testing | |
AB 208* | Frommer-D Sales and use taxes: partial exemptions: acupuncturists | |
AB 224 | Matthews-D Sales and use taxes: cigarette and tobacco products | |
AB 269 | Correa-D Professional and vocational licensing boards | |
AB 275 | Aroner-D Medi-Cal: developmentally disabled: dental care | |
AB 287 | Wesson-D Child Nutrition Advisory Council | |
AB 317 | Aroner-D Substance abuse prevention | |
AB 318 | Chan-D Joint powers agreements: children's hospitals | |
AB 338 | Correa-D Postsecondary education: nursing shortage in Orange County | |
AB 364 | Aroner-D Child welfare services | |
AB 373* | Leach-R Income tax deduction: veterinary expenses | |
AB 412 | Wesson-D Tobacco products: tobacco sales | |
AB 422 | Diaz-D Lead hazards: blood lead tests: abatement | |
AB 428 | Shelley-D State Supplementary Program | |
AB 433* | Assembly Budget Committee Cigarette taxes | |
AB 442* | Assembly Budget Committee Health: budget trailer bill | |
AB 444* | Assembly Budget Committee Human services | |
AB 470 | Chu-D Mental health: involuntary confinement: psychologists | |
AB 481 | Firebaugh-D Education: pupil health: diabetes | |
AB 505 | Robert Pacheco-R Long-term health care facilities: citations and penalties | |
AB 515 | Reyes-D Child welfare | |
AB 596 | Negrete McLeod-D Public health: hepatitis C | |
AB 610 | Kelley-R Nonprofit charitable temporary food facilities | |
AB 644 | Cox-R Home health agencies | |
AB 648 | Corbett-D Medi-Cal: claims processing | |
AB 686* | Koretz-D Pharmaceutical companies: marketing expenditures: rebates | |
AB 687 | Thomson-D Emergency medical services: trauma care systems | |
AB 688 | John Campbell-R Developmental disabilities | |
AB 691 | Steinberg-D Children: education | |
AB 692 | Aroner-D Human services | |
AB 697 | Cedillo-D Regional center services: appeals: attorney's fees | |
AB 778 | Firebaugh-D Pupils with diabetes | |
AB 789 | Salinas-D Mental health: children: county grant program | |
AB 797 | Shelley-D Public records: confidentiality | |
AB 811 | Zettel-R Health facilities: exemption for medical supplies | |
AB 825 | Cohn-D Immunizations: long-term care facilities | |
AB 843 | Chan-D Medi-Cal: newborn children: electronic enrollment | |
AB 883 | Florez-D Emergency medical services | |
AB 890 | Cedillo-D Health facilities: sale of assets | |
AB 896 | Aroner-D Developmental resources | |
AB 903 | Alquist-D Nonemergency transportation services pilot project | |
AB 915* | Frommer-D Medi-Cal provider reimbursement | |
AB 925 | Aroner-D Employment of persons with disabilities | |
AB 969 | Chan-D In-home supportive services | |
AB 971 | Steinberg-D Pupil behavioral problems: grant program | |
AB 982 | Firebaugh-D Health care | |
AB 1026 | Oropeza-D Healing arts: dentists | |
AB 1040 | Dutra-D Disabled persons: liability | |
AB 1043 | Richman-R Noninstitutional provider reimbursement rates | |
AB 1045 | Firebaugh-D Healing arts: practice | |
AB 1095 | Wright-D Child health: eye care | |
AB 1101 | Pescetti-R Community care facilities: children's receiving homes | |
AB 1104 | Maddox-R Fire protection: joint powers agency member | |
AB 1119 | Migden-D Transitional housing placement services | |
AB 1139 | Thomson-D Death certificates: forms | |
AB 1140 | Thomson-D Nursing: workforce planning | |
AB 1154 | Bates-R Breast and cervical cancer | |
AB 1156 | Aroner-D Mental health: community treatment facilities | |
AB 1292 | Aroner-D Hypodermic needles | |
AB 1321 | Aroner-D Health care: quality | |
AB 1336 | Koretz-D Pet dealers | |
AB 1368 | Pescetti-R Cemeteries | |
AB 1379 | Thomson-D Family planning services | |
AB 1397 | Hertzberg-D Health systems: registered nurses: wages | |
AB 1421 | Thomson-D Mental health: involuntary treatment | |
AB 1422 | Thomson-D Mental health advocacy | |
AB 1423 | Thomson-D Mental health | |
AB 1425 | Thomson-D Persons with disabilities: community living support service | |
AB 1438 | Florez-D Public freshwater bathing areas | |
AB 1454 | Thomson-D Mental health: facilities: criminal record checks | |
AB 1464 | Thomson-D Health data | |
AB 1479 | Salinas-D Organization of local mental health boards and commissions | |
AB 1480 | Aanestad-R Medi-Cal reimbursement | |
AB 1485 | Jackson-D Family planning: informational materials | |
AB 1508 | Runner-R Substance abuse treatment programs: state funding | |
AB 1516 | Negrete McLeod-D CalWORKs: fraud | |
AB 1526 | Florez-D Bond: farmworker housing and family wellness act | |
AB 1527 | Wiggins-D Tobacco products | |
AB 1557 | Briggs-R Health facility data | |
AB 1566 | Cox-R Psychiatric Emergency Response Program: Sacramento County | |
AB 1582 | Ashburn-R Foster care: group home rates | |
AB 1601* | Papan-D Sales and use taxes: exemption: medicines: surgical gowns | |
AB 1622 | Cardenas-D Pharmacists | |
AB 1631* | Pescetti-R Income taxes: medical savings account | |
AB 1638* | Daucher-R Long-term Care Council | |
AB 1646 | Richman-R Public health: drinking water: chromium VI | |
AB 1652 | Goldberg-D Public social services: relocation assistance | |
AB 1655 | Ashburn-R Hospital reimbursement: Kern County | |
AB 1666* | Horton-D Tobacco products | |
AB 1694 | Assembly Human Services Committee Recipients of aid: dependent children | |
AB 1745 | Nakano-D Emergency services: registry: physicians | |
AB 1763 | Richman-R Public Health Emergency Powers Commission | |
AB 1771 | Strickland-R Medi-Cal: income eligibility: mobilehomes | |
AB 1778 | Nakano-D Public safety: water treatment plant | |
AB 1785 | Reyes-D Health: local agency joint powers agreements | |
AB 1786 | Reyes-D Health care: bone marrow testing | |
AB 1787 | Reyes-D Hospitals: study regarding consolidations | |
AB 1800 | Kehoe-D Motor vehicles: persons with disabilities | |
AB 1801 | Robert Pacheco-R Commission on Health Care Cost Review | |
AB 1806 | Richman-R Medi-Cal: eligibility: resources | |
AB 1807 | Richman-R Medi-Cal: Healthy Families Program: qualification | |
AB 1816 | Richman-R Medi-Cal: Healthy Families Program: applicant verification | |
AB 1830 | Frommer-D Tobacco products: sales to minors | |
AB 1833 | Nakano-D Local emergency medical services funds | |
AB 1837 | Strickland-R In-home Caregiver Training Pilot Program | |
AB 1843 | Robert Pacheco-R Pancreatic cancer research and education | |
AB 1850* | Nakano-D Military service: health care benefits | |
AB 1853 | Koretz-D Health care: drug costs | |
AB 1867 | Vargas-D Smoking: playgrounds | |
AB 1872 | Canciamilla-D Vital records: certificate of death | |
AB 1880 | Assembly Agriculture Committee Processed food: food safety fee | |
AB 1905 | Longville-D Type 2 diabetes mellitus: pupil screening | |
AB 1914 | Kehoe-D Hearing aids | |
AB 1916* | Matthews-D Sales and use taxes: diabetes treatment medicines | |
AB 1921 | Richman-R Healing arts: disaster management training | |
AB 1929 | Runner-R Certificate of stillbirth | |
AB 1943 | Chu-D Acupuncture | |
AB 1946 | Corbett-D Written materials for patients | |
AB 1947 | Washington-D Public assistance: eligibility: substance abuse | |
AB 1955 | Ashburn-R Valley fever | |
AB 1959 | Corbett-D CalWORKs eligibility: work activities | |
AB 1961 | Canciamilla-D Residential care facilities for the elderly | |
AB 1979 | Steinberg-D Independent Living Program | |
AB 1988 | Diaz-D Emergency Medical Services Authority | |
AB 1989 | Liu-D Care facilities: change in health status | |
AB 2010 | Richman-R Clinics: consolidated application procedures | |
AB 2018 | Nakano-D Public safety: communication system | |
AB 2020 | Correa-D Optometry | |
AB 2035 | Frommer-D Emergency medical services | |
AB 2036 | Liu-D Taxpayer contributions: State Children's Trust Fund | |
AB 2041 | Vargas-D Liability: emergency care | |
AB 2044* | Salinas-D Mental health realignment: reports | |
AB 2045 | Matthews-D Pharmacists: disciplinary actions | |
AB 2047 | Matthews-D Medi-Cal reimbursement | |
AB 2057 | Steinberg-D Mental health services | |
AB 2064 | Cedillo-D Human immunodeficiency virus tests: counselors: training | |
AB 2067 | Nakano-D Nuclear emergencies: exposure to radioactive iodine | |
AB 2071 | Jackson-D Public water systems: contaminants | |
AB 2078* | Kelley-R Joint powers authorities: self-insurance | |
AB 2088 | Briggs-R Frank Gindick Youth Programs Act of 2002 | |
AB 2116 | Aroner-D CalWORKs eligibility: work activities | |
AB 2124* | Aanestad-R Skilled nursing facilities: continuous licensure | |
AB 2127 | Matthews-D Taxpayer contributions: asthma and lung disease | |
AB 2132 | Matthews-D Medi-Cal: medical supplies: contracts | |
AB 2143 | Matthews-D Health: cancer programs | |
AB 2165 | Strom-Martin-D Pharmacy | |
AB 2172 | Strickland-R Criminal records information: child welfare | |
AB 2175 | Daucher-R General plan: human services | |
AB 2178 | Goldberg-D Health care | |
AB 2191 | Migden-D Medical records: confidentiality | |
AB 2194 | Jackson-D Obstetrics and gynecology residency requirements | |
AB 2196 | Lowenthal-D Podiatrists | |
AB 2197 | Koretz-D Medi-Cal: benefits for persons infected with HIV | |
AB 2202 | Alquist-D Gerontology: service delivery personnel: training | |
AB 2205 | Koretz-D Tobacco products: prevention of sales of untaxed cigarettes | |
AB 2218 | Keeley-D California Ski Safety Task Force | |
AB 2219 | Keeley-D Retail food establishments | |
AB 2233* | Wright-D Bond act: firefighting equipment | |
AB 2235 | Vargas-D In-home supportive services: wages: employer of record | |
AB 2257 | Cardenas-D Employee background investigations | |
AB 2261 | Cardenas-D Childhood lead poisoning prevention enforcement | |
AB 2270 | Dickerson-R Dental fillings: mercury | |
AB 2271 | Aanestad-R Health facilities: licensing and certification requirements | |
AB 2282 | La Suer-R Drug treatment programs: proximity to children | |
AB 2294 | Liu-D Foster care | |
AB 2296 | Simitian-D Mental health: simplification of accounting and reporting | |
AB 2305 | Mountjoy-R Medi-Cal: information for beneficiaries | |
AB 2314 | Thomson-D Nursing education | |
AB 2317 | Chu-D Substance abuse: adult recovery maintenance facilities | |
AB 2328 | Wayne-D Medical experiments | |
AB 2329 | Florez-D Health facilities: plans of correction | |
AB 2335 | Pavley-D Firefighting: hazardous materials equipment | |
AB 2337 | Reyes-D State Department of Health Services: advertising campaigns | |
AB 2352 | Cedillo-D Health facility financing | |
AB 2353 | Migden-D Tobacco assets: sales | |
AB 2364 | Negrete McLeod-D Medi-Cal: study | |
AB 2369 | Salinas-D Transportation Accessibility Bond Act of 2002 | |
AB 2380 | Ashburn-R Children: group homes | |
AB 2385 | Bill Campbell-R Healing arts | |
AB 2386 | Keeley-D CalWORKs: aid eligibility: extension | |
AB 2404 | Reyes-D Mobile health care units | |
AB 2415 | Keeley-D CalWORKs | |
AB 2416 | Bates-R In-Home Supportive Services program | |
AB 2423 | Cardenas-D Exposure to communicable diseases | |
AB 2434 | Negrete McLeod-D Perinatal services: San Bernardino County: pilot project | |
AB 2447 | Goldberg-D Infants: formula | |
AB 2455 | Negrete McLeod-D Swimming pool safety | |
AB 2459 | Diaz-D Physicians and surgeons: prostate cancer | |
AB 2480 | Wyman-R Blood tests | |
AB 2489 | Dutra-D Care facilities | |
AB 2491 | Goldberg-D Medi-Cal: notice of termination of benefits | |
AB 2510 | Canciamilla-D Medi-Cal: reimbursement | |
AB 2514 | Bates-R Substance abuse review committee | |
AB 2529 | Negrete McLeod-D Hepatitis C | |
AB 2537 | La Suer-R Abortion: ultrasound | |
AB 2550 | Nation-D Electronic death registration | |
AB 2551 | Nation-D Health care: mental health | |
AB 2572 | Mountjoy-R Psychotropic drugs | |
AB 2634 | John Campbell-R Governor's appointments: Department of Consumer Affairs | |
AB 2651 | Chu-D Foster youth | |
AB 2668 | Zettel-R Pupil curricula: brain and spinal cord injury prevention | |
AB 2674 | Chu-D Medi-Cal: federally qualified health centers: primary care | |
AB 2721 | Chan-D Dental health: study | |
AB 2722 | Mountjoy-R Health care | |
AB 2728 | Washington-D Podiatrists | |
AB 2736 | Chan-D Mental health: children and caregivers | |
AB 2738 | Chan-D Working group: pupil health screening | |
AB 2740 | Chan-D Children's mental health: county grant program | |
AB 2741 | Chan-D Children's School Readiness and Health Council | |
AB 2744* | Thomson-D Alcoholic beverages: taxes | |
AB 2753 | Aanestad-R Health care: bone densitometers | |
AB 2755 | Cohn-D Health facilities: medical supplies and drugs | |
AB 2762 | Salinas-D Health planning and development: nursing recruitment | |
AB 2763 | Pescetti-R Health care coverage: hyperbaric oxygen therapy | |
AB 2781* | Oropeza-D Education finance | |
AB 2794 | Reyes-D Offenders: human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS tests | |
AB 2795 | Salinas-D Medi-Cal: prior authorization | |
AB 2796* | Shelley-D Health: budget implementation | |
AB 2798 | Aroner-D Retail food facilities: transportation of food | |
AB 2800 | Chan-D California Children and Families Commission: duties | |
AB 2813 | Salinas-D Adult day health care providers | |
AB 2817 | Maddox-R Sex education: course content | |
AB 2818 | Aanestad-R Registered dental hygienists | |
AB 2819 | Aroner-D State laboratories: required functions | |
AB 2821 | Chan-D Dentistry: dental licensing fees | |
AB 2831 | Simitian-D Health records: laboratory test results | |
AB 2847 | Florez-D Animal control | |
AB 2872 | Thomson-D Healing arts: physicians and surgeons | |
AB 2881 | Chan-D Pupil health screening: pilot program | |
AB 2905 | Wright-D Correctional institutions: human immunodeficiency virus | |
AB 2906 | Horton-D Tobacco settlement agreement: escrow compliance | |
AB 2917 | Chan-D California Health Facility Construction Loan Insurance Law | |
AB 2919 | Wiggins-D Medi-Cal: monthly maintenance allowance | |
AB 2926 | Longville-D Food stamps | |
AB 2930 | Wright-D Human immunodeficiency virus: maternal and newborn health | |
AB 2935 | Strom-Martin-D Health professions: education: pharmacists | |
AB 2962 | Strom-Martin-D Transgenic seafood | |
AB 2994 | Wright-D Human immunodeficiency virus reporting requirements | |
AB 3000* | Assembly Budget Committee State and local government | |
AB 3001 | Assembly Budget Committee State Board of Equalization: tobacco tax evasion | |
AB 3006* | Assembly Budget Committee Health: Medi-Cal: provider rate increases | |
AB 3047 | Assembly Human Services Committee Human services | |
AB 3048 | Assembly Health Committee Health care | |
AB 3049 | Assembly Health Committee Public health | |
AB 3050 | Assembly Health Committee Health facilities | |
AB 3054 | Assembly Aging And Long Term Care Committee Long-term care integration pilot projects | |
ACA 5 | Wyman-R Abortion: parental notification | |
ACA 23 | Briggs-R Abortion: parental notification | |
ACR 30 | Runner-R Public Utilities Commission: essential services: hospitals | |
ACR 55 | Migden-D HIV and AIDS drug treatments: pharmaceutical companies | |
ACR 61 | Richman-R California Day of Hearing Screening | |
ACR 75 | Simitian-D California Wireless Safety Week | |
ACR 94 | Robert Pacheco-R Hearing disabilities | |
ACR 101 | Leslie-R Solid waste disposal costs: composting | |
ACR 139 | Wayne-D Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month | |
ACR 145 | Matthews-D Nutrition Week 2002 | |
ACR 150 | Strom-Martin-D Spay Day USA 2002 | |
ACR 160 | Bates-R Endometriosis Awareness Month | |
ACR 162 | Aroner-D Professional Social Work Month | |
ACR 169 | Aroner-D California youth | |
ACR 172 | Koretz-D Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder Awareness Month | |
ACR 173 | Alquist-D Osteoporosis Awareness Month | |
ACR 174 | Wayne-D Women's Health Month | |
ACR 176 | Daucher-R Breast cancer | |
ACR 205 | Zettel-R Myositis Awareness Day | |
ACR 207 | Robert Pacheco-R Arthritis Awareness Month | |
ACR 224 | La Suer-R Breast cancer awareness | |
ACR 230 | Ashburn-R Valley Fever Awareness Month | |
ACR 236 | Salinas-D Agricultural Worker Health and Housing Commission | |
ACR 237 | Steinberg-D Childhood Cancer Month | |
ACR 247 | Nakano-D Prostate Cancer Awareness Month | |
ACR 250 | Cedillo-D Hepatitis C | |
AJR 27 | Oropeza-D Social HMO's | |
AJR 28 | Robert Pacheco-R Pancreatic cancer | |
AJR 49 | Aroner-D Home health care | |
AJR 53 | Aroner-D Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program | |
HR 28 | Bill Campbell-R Food safety | |
HR 30 | Cohn-D Nurse Anesthetists Week | |
HR 34 | Bill Campbell-R Food safety | |
HR 44 | Negrete McLeod-D Autism | |
HR 45 | Richman-R Organ and tissue donor awareness | |
HR 47 | Nakano-D Breast Cancer Care and Research Fund Day | |
HR 49 | Bill Campbell-R Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day | |
HR 88 | Frommer-D Down's Syndrome Awareness Month | |
HR 94 | Bill Campbell-R Food safety | |
HR 95 | Kehoe-D Human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS education |