
Automobile Insurance
Health Insurance

Automobile Insurance

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SB 98 (Murray-D) Auto insurance: repairs
Allows a policyholder to receive a reduced auto insurance premium if the policyholder agreed to have his or her insured vehicle repaired at one of at least three auto body shops that are within 25 miles of the insured's home or the accident scene and that are recommended by the insurer.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

SB 1492 (Speier-D) Automotive body repair: insurance claims
Requires the Department of Insurance (DOI) to establish a Rapid Dispute Resolution program, which would resolve auto physical damage coverage claims involving amounts in dispute between $500 and $7,500. Participating insurers, no insureds, would be bound by any decision by DOI.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 526 (Harman-R) Uninsured motorists coverage exclusion
Allows an auto liability insurance policy to exclude uninsured motorist coverage for any injury or wrongful death sustained while operating a described class of motor vehicle.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 687 (Jerome Horton-D) California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan
Modifies the composition of the advisory board of the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan to account for changes in the size of insurers in the auto insurance market since the early 1990s.
(Died in Senate, Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 1122 (Wyland-R) Auto insurance policies
Authorizes an insurance company to request the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a salvage certificate for a vehicle when the insurance company is unable to obtain an evidence of ownership certificate within 30 days following a total loss on a vehicle.
Chapter 412, Statutes of 2006

AB 1429 (Blakeslee-R) Auto insurance: assigned risk plans
Makes changes to assigned risk plan requirements regarding the membership of insurer representatives on the advisory committee related to the size of the insurer represented by the representative.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1909 (Vargas-D) Motor vehicle insurance coverage
Clarifies that a policy covering an insured who in the course of his/her business rents or leases motor vehicles for either commercial purposes or for at least a six-month term is considered excess to other insurance policies covering the same loss.
Chapter 345, Statutes of 2006

AB 2840 (Benoit-R) Automobile insurance rates
Prohibits the Insurance Commissioner from adopting any regulation that changes the weight given to any factor in determining automobile insurance rates and premiums unless the Department of Insurance conducts a study and determines that the changes will not result in arbitrary rate and premium changes.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

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Health Insurance

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SB 38 (Alquist-D) Healthy Families Program
States the intent of the Legislature to expand the income household eligibility limit for the Healthy Families Program from 250 percent to 300 percent of the federal poverty level.
(Died at Assembly Desk)

SB 103 (Ducheny-D) San Diego Health Care Connection Demonstration Project
Establishes, until January 1, 2013, the San Diego Health Care connection Demonstration Project. Requires the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board to contract with San Diegans for Healthcare Coverage, Inc., a private nonprofit corporation, to operate the project to assist employers in San Diego County to provide health care coverage to employees with full-time employment, as defined.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

SB 139* (Margett-R) Long Term Care Insurance: tax
Allows a credit as specified for amounts paid or incurred for long-term care insurance or long-term care expenses.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 173* (Maldonado-R) Health savings accounts
Conforms state and federal law in the area of health savings accounts.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 189 (Chesbro-D) Health care coverage: substance related disorders
Requires a health care service plan and health insurer to provide coverage for the medically necessary treatment of substance related disorders, excluding caffeine related disorders, on the same basis as coverage is provided for any other medical condition. Authorizes a plan and insurer to limit nonhospital residential care, as defined, to 60 days per calendar year.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 195* (Maldonado-R) Tax credit: health savings accounts
Creates a tax credit for taxpayers that provide health insurance for their employees.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 364 (Perata-D) Health care service plans
Authorizes a physician who has a contract with a health plan but not with a contracting entity [e.g., a medical group or independent practice association of the plan, to submit a claim to the plan,] and requires the plan to pay the claim pursuant to the terms of the contract between the plan and the physician.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

SB 417 (Ortiz-D) Payment of health provider claims
Effective July 1, 2006, prohibits a hospital-based physician, as defined, from engaging in a pattern of billing a patient for covered services in excess of applicable co-payments, deductibles or co-insurance, unless specified conditions are met. Establishes specific notice requirements when the physician sends a patient a bill or statement and establishes penalties in law for violations bill by physicians or for violations of statutorily mandated payment practices by health care service plans.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

SB 425 (Ortiz-D) Health care rate approvals
Requires a health care service plan and a health insurer to obtain approval from the Department of Managed Health Care and the Department of Insurance, of a rate increase, which is defined as including premiums, co-payments, deductibles, charges, and the cost of coverage. Includes, within this requirement, a rate increase imposed by a plan or health insurer between April 1, 2000, and January 1, 2006. Makes a violation of its provisions subject to assessment of a civil penalty in an action by the Insurance Commissioner and makes a willful violation a misdemeanor. Authorizes the departments to assess plans and health insurers a fee for implementing the rate approval process.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 437 (Escutia-D) Health care coverage
Establishes the Healthy Families Presumptive Eligibility Program for children who appear to meet the income requirements of Healthy Families and were receiving but are no longer eligible for Medi-Cal without a share of cost or are eligible for Medi-Cal with share of cost and establishes the Medi-Cal to Health Families Accelerated Enrollment Program, subject to federal approval including federal financial participation (FFP), to provide temporary benefits until a final eligibility determination is made for children applying for Medi-Cal who appear to be eligible for Health Families (including children eligible for Medi-Cal with a share of cost). Requires the Department of Health Services to implement a process for self-certification of assets and income for various eligibility categories, subject to FFP, under the Medi-Cal program.
Chapter 328, Statutes of 2006

SB 456 (Runner-R) Children's Health Insurance Program
Provides that federal funds allocated to the state under the State Children's Health Insurance Program will also be allowed to support the Access for Infants and Mothers Program and prenatal services provided through Medi-Cal.
(Died in Senate Health Committee)

SB 572 (Perata-D) Benefits: mental health
Requires that a health care service plan and a health insurer provide coverage for the diagnosis and medically necessary treatment of mental illness. Defines that term to include mental disorders defined in a specified Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, excluding substance abuse disorders.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 593 (Alarcon-D) Health care costs: recovery
Requires a for-profit corporation with at least 20,000 employees to reimburse the state for costs of providing Medi-Cal and Healthy Families to the corporation employees and dependents.
(Died in Senate Health Committee)

SB 749 (Speier-D) Health care coverage: pervasive developmental disorders
Requires a health care service plan or a disability insurer to cover the diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorders or autism that follows current best practice standards developed by the Department of Developmental Services. Requires the Department of Managed Health Care Services and the Department of Insurance, in conjunction with each other, to enact regulations specifying how a health care service plan or disability insurer and a separate specialized health care service plan or mental health plan may determine responsibility for reimbursement of these diagnostic services.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 840 (Kuehl-D) Single-payer health care coverage
Creates the California Health Insurance System (CHIS), a single payer health care system to be administered by the California Health Insurance Agency under the control of a Health Insurance Commissioner, to provide health insurance coverage to all California residents. States that CHIS becomes operative when the Secretary of the Health and Human Services Agency determines the Health Insurance Fund has sufficient revenues to implement the bill. Creates a health insurance policy board to establish policy on medical issues and various other matters relating to the health care system. Creates the Office of Patient Advocacy within the agency to represent the interests of health care consumers relative to the health care system. Creates within the agency the Office of Health Planning to plan for the health care needs of the population, and the Office of Health Care Quality, headed by the chief medical officer, to support the delivery of high quality care and promote provider and patient satisfaction. Creates the Office of Inspector General for CHIS within the Office of the Attorney General, which would have various oversight powers. Prohibits health care service plan contracts or health insurance policies from being issued for services covered by the CHIS. Creates the Health Insurance Fund and the Payments Board to administer the finances of CHIS. Creates the California Health Insurance Premium Commission (Premium Commission) to determine the cost of CHIS and to develop a premium structure for the system that complies with specified standards. Requires the Premium Commission to recommend a premium structure to the Governor and Legislature on or before January 1, 2009, and to make a draft recommendation to the Governor, the Legislature, and the public 90 days before submitting its final premium structure recommendation. Specifies that only its provisions relating to the Premium Commission would become operative on January 1, 2007, with its remaining provisions becoming operative on the date the Secretary of Health and Human Services notifies the Legislature, as specified, that sufficient funding exists to implement CHIS. Requires that system to be operative within two years of that date and would provide for various transition processes for that period. Extends the application of certain insurance fraud laws to providers of services and products under the health care system, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program by revising the definition of a crime. Enacts other related provisions relative to budgeting, regional entities, federal preemption, subrogation, collective bargaining agreements, compensation of health care providers, conflict of interest, patient grievances, independent medical review, and associated matters.
Vetoed by the Governor

SB 913 (Simitian-D) Health care coverage: rheumatic diseases
Prohibits any health care service plan or health insurer that contracts to provide coverage for drugs from requiring a step therapy pharmacy management protocol that makes distinction between biologic and nonbiologic therapies. Requires the Department of Health Services to establish a pilot program in which any biologic drug prescribed for the treatment of rheumatic disease would be covered under Medi-Cal if certain conditions are met.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1118* (Figueroa-D) Health care insurance: children
Imposes a tax on soda, qualified retailers, as defined, and excess advertisements on foods of poor nutritional quality, as defined and as specified. Funds would be deposited into the Children's Health Insurance Fund created by the bill.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 1223 (Scott-D) Health insurance: hearing aids
Requires health care service plans and health insurers to offer or provide coverage for hearing aids to all enrollees and subscribers less than 18 years of age.
Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1245 (Figueroa-D) Health insurance: cervical cancer screening test
Expands the coverage for an annual cervical cancer screening test to include the human papillomavirus (Pap) screening test that is approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) upon referral by the patient's health care provider, in addition to the Pap test and the option of an FDA-approved cervical cancer screening test.
Chapter 482, Statutes of 2006

SB 1263* (Alquist-D) Long-term care insurance: income taxes
Allows, in computing adjusted gross income, a deduction for each taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2007, in an amount equal to the applicable percentage of the amount paid or incurred for the cost of long-term care insurance for the taxpayer and his/her spouse, domestic partner, and dependents.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 1414 (Migden-D) California Fair Share Health Care Act
Enacts the California Fair Share Health Care Act requiring employers with 10,000 or more employees to spend between six percent and eight percent of its total wages, as specified, on employee health insurance costs, or pay a specified amount to the Department of Industrial Relations for deposit into the California Fair Share Health Care Fund.
Vetoed by the Governor

SB 1445 (Alquist-D) Health care benefits
Provides health and dental care benefits for all members of the California National Guard that meet specified criteria through the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act, administered by the Public Employees' Retirement System.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1508 (Bowen-D) Health care coverage: colonoscopies
Requires health care service plan contracts and health insurance policies that cover colonoscopies, to provide coverage for medically necessary anesthesia services for the covered colonoscopy. Exempts from the requirements, specialized health care service plans and insurance policies that are accident-only, specified disease, hospital indemnity, Medicare, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services supplement, dental-only, or vision-only policies.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

SB 1584* (Runner-R) Health savings account
Conforms California law to the federal savings account law.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
Similar bills were SB 1787 (Ackerman-R) which died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee and AB 2010 (Plescia-R) which died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee.

SB 1591 (Kuehl-D) Group disability insurance
Prohibits the Commissioner of the Department of Insurance from approving any group disability insurance policy unless any benefit of the policy, or the policy as a whole, are sufficient to be of real economic value to the insured.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

SB 1622 (Escutia-D) Healthy Families Program
Requires the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board to develop an informational document entitled the "Healthy Families/Medi-Cal Workplace Notice" that California employers, within identified industries, must provide to their employees regarding the availability of health coverage through the Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal Program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1702 (Speier-D) Health care coverage
Extends, until December 31, 2007, the duration of a four-year pilot project which, among other things, (1) limits enrollment of persons in the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program (MRMIP) to 36 months, (2) requires private health plans offering coverage in the individual market in California to offer a standard benefit plan and accept for coverage persons reaching the 36-month limit, as specified, and (3) allocates responsibility for health care expenditures above amounts paid by subscribers for the coverage equally between the state and the health plans providing coverage. Appropriates $4 million from the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund, Unallocated Account, to the Major Risk Medical Insurance Fund, for MRMIP.
Chapter 683, Statutes of 2006

SB 1704 (Kuehl-D) Health care benefits
Extends, for four additional years, the sunset date on the health insurance benefit mandate review program established by AB 1996 (Thomson), Chapter 795, Statutes of 2002, and expands the scope of the program to review legislation that repeals mandated insurance benefits, as specified. Requests the University of California to establish the California Health Benefit Review Program.
Chapter 684, Statutes of 2006

SB 1784 (Kuehl-D) California Health Insurance Reliability Act
Imposes an additional tax on a taxpayer's taxable income that exceeds $200,000, a tax on self-employment income, as defined, of an individual taxpayer and a tax on nonwage income, as defined, of a taxpayer. Requires all revenues received by the Franchise Tax Board from those taxes be deposited in the Health Insurance Fund, as provided.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 1804 (Florez-D) Health care: product database
Requires the Department of Managed Health Care and the Department of Insurance to maintain a database for each plan and insurer, in each county, on product lines, number of covered persons, and the number of providers by product line, as specified and required to be reported quarterly by health care service plans and disability insurers that offer health insurance, and to make the information available on the respective department's web site.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

SB 1810 (Dunn-D) Long-term care insurance
Authorizes the Insurance Commissioner (IC) to provide additional consumer protections by allowing individuals who cannot afford a significantly increasing premium for certain long-term care insurance polices to receive at least some of the benefits of the premiums already paid, even if the policy lapses. Removes the January 1, 2008 deadline for allowing the IC to disapprove premium rate schedule increases beyond a certain amount. By deleting the deadline, the rate increase prohibition would be extended indefinitely.
Chapter 312, Statutes of 2006

SB 1823 (Dunn-D) Health care service plans: claim reimbursements
Specifies, with respect to plans regulated by the Department of Managed Health Care, (1) increasing penalties against health plans and medical groups for underpayments to medical care providers, (2) requiring public disclosure about complaints made by providers against plans and medical groups, (3) requiring public disclosure of payment databases and software, (4) establishing a "fast track" process at the DMHC for disputed billings by medical providers, and (5) making related changes.
(Died in the Senate Health Committee)
A similar bill was AB 711 (Chan-D) which died in Assembly Health Committee.

AB 213 (Liu-D) Health care coverage: lymphedema
Requires a health care service plan and a health insurer to provide coverage for the treatment of lymphedema.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 247* (Walters-R) Long term care: tax credit
Allows a credit for 20 percent, not to exceed $1,000 per taxpayer, or in the case of taxpayers filing a joint return, $2,000, of the amount paid or incurred by the taxpayer for long-term care or long-term insurance provided for the taxpayer or a parent of the taxpayer.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 264 (Chan-D) Health insurance: pediatric asthma
Requires health plans that cover outpatient prescription drugs to cover certain forms of outpatient pediatric asthma self-management training and education.
Vetoed by the Governor

AB 445 (Walters-R) Health benefits: catastrophic loss
Authorizes a health care service plan and a health insurer to offer and issue a group or individual plan contract or policy for catastrophic losses that contains a high deductible.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

AB 598 (De La Torre-D) Health care plans
Establishes additional requirements for health plan, health insurer and self-funded plan contracts with health care providers.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 661* (Plescia-R) Health savings accounts
Conforms California Law to selected federal income tax law by adopting specified provisions of the Medicare, Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 711 (Chan-D) Healthy Families Program
Requires the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB) to expand eligibility under the Healthy Families Program (HFP) to uninsured parents and guardians of children enrolled in HFP and full scope, no-share-of-cost Medi-Cal pursuant to a federal waiver no later than May 15, 2006. Deletes current law requiring an appropriation of state matching funds in order to expand HFP, and requires MRMIB to promptly seek any waiver renewals to implement the above provisions.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

AB 757 (Chan-D) Health care coverage
Prohibits an underlying contract from obligating a health care provider to participate in materially different networks, products, or business lines. Requires a contracting agent's (such as a health plan, self-insured employer, third-party administrator or a health insurer) contract with a health care provider to make specified disclosures.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 909 (Chavez-D) Health care coverage: electronic notices
Allows health plans and insurers to comply with statutory and regulatory notice requirements by providing the notices electronically, if authorized by applicants, enrollees, subscribers, or insureds.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 976 (Emmerson-R) Health care: orthotic and prosthetic devices
Requires a health care service plan and health insurer to provide coverage for orthotic and prosthetic devices for children under 18 years of age so that co-payments, deductibles, prior authorization requirements, and lifetime or annual benefit caps may not exceed conditions applicable to other benefits. Requires that orthotic and prosthetic devices be furnished by a physician and surgeon or a certified orthotist or prosthetist, when furnished to children under 18 years of age.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

AB 977 (Nava-D) Health care review process
Requires a health care service plan and a health insurer, except as specified, to apply, to the Director of the Department of Managed Health Care and the Insurance Commissioner for approval to market or offer for sale a plan or policy that includes any deductible, or co-payment, other out-of-pocket cost, or limitation on benefits or coverage. Requires the Director and the Commissioner to develop and adopt by January 1, 2007, regulations concerning review of those terms. Requires the Director and the Commissioner to obtain public comment before deciding on applications with deductibles, co-payments, or other limitations on benefits or coverage that are not substantially similar to those previously approved by their respective departments. Requires the Director and the Commissioner to develop a schedule and process to also review existing plan contracts and policies, as specified.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 995* (Canciamilla-D) Health care coverage: tax credit
Allows a tax credit to employers for part of the cost of providing health care coverage for employees.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1084 (Vargas-D) Health insurance: policy terms
Allows a disability income insurance policy to contain a provision stating that benefits shall not be payable unless the insured is covered under a health insurance policy and receiving care by a licensed physician, that under prevailing medical standards, is appropriate for the condition causing the disability, except as specified, and sets forth provisions for the payment of additional disability income benefits.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

AB 1085 (Ruskin-D) County Health Initiative
Changes the income eligibility criteria for children under the County Health Initiative Program and includes those with a family income level at or below 400 percent of the federal poverty level.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1185 (Koretz-D) Health care coverage: chiropractic services
Requires a health care service plan contract and a health insurance policy to provide coverage for chiropractic services. Makes these services available to an enrollee or subscriber without a referral from the primary care physician and requires that a sufficient number of chiropractors be available to provide meaningful access to chiropractic services under the plan contract or policy.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

AB 1321 (Yee-D) Health care
Requires the Department of Managed Health Care and the Department of Insurance to implement independent provider dispute resolution, and prohibits certain hospital-based physicians from billing patients for services if the hospital is under contract with the health plan.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1396* (Garcia-R) Healthy Families Program
Appropriates $1.3 million from the General Fund to reestablish application assistance payments for individuals assisting applicants to the Healthy Families and Medi-Cal Programs, effective April 1, 2005. Appropriates $1.8 million from the Federal Trust Fund as the federal match.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1670 (Nation-D) Health care coverage
Imposes an individual mandate on all California residents to have minimum health care coverage for themselves and their dependents. Requires regional purchasing pools to negotiate with insurance companies and health plans for guaranteed issue, modified community rated products. Establishes a subsidy program using state and federal funds for qualified employers who offer health care coverage for specified employees.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

AB 1744 (Assembly Health Committee) Knox- Keene Health Care Service Plan
Deletes a duplicate Health and Safety Code section relating to unfair provider patterns by health care service plans.
Chapter 128, Statutes of 2006

AB 1840 (Jerome Horton-D) Health benefits
Requires the Department of Health Services and the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board to collaborate in preparing a report that identifies all employers who employ 25 or more persons who are beneficiaries, or who support beneficiaries, enrolled in the Medi-Cal, Healthy Families, and Access for Infants and Mothers programs.
Vetoed by the Governor

AB 1851* (Coto-D) Healthy Families Program: application assistance
Deletes the January 1, 2006 inoperative date of current law that permits a participating health, dental, or vision plan to provide application assistance directly to an applicant of the Healthy Families Program.
Chapter 331, Statutes of 2006

AB 1948 (Montanez-D) Health coverage
Requires the Department of Health Services to conduct, or contract for the conducting of, a feasibility study report of technological requirements for modifying the Child Health and Disability Prevention Gateway to allow a person applying on behalf of a child the option to simultaneously preenroll and apply for enrollment in Medi-Cal or Healthy Families over the Internet without submitting a follow-up application. Requires the results of the feasibility study to be provided to the fiscal and health policy committees of the Legislature on or before March 1, 2008.
Chapter 332, Statutes of 2006

AB 1952 (Nation-D) Health insurance
Enacts a "pay or play" requirement that employers either provide health insurance to their employees or pay a fee, and imposes an "individual mandate" to buy health insurance on individuals over age 18 if the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board certifies that health care coverage is affordable and available to all residents of this state.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1971 (Chan-D) Health insurance plans
Extends the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program (MRMIP), and the Guaranteed Issue Pilot Program, which provides health insurance coverage to medically uninsurable individuals, until December 31, 2007, and, effective January 1, 2008, reforms and restructures MRMIP. Secures additional funding for MRMIP by requiring all health plans and health insurers in the state to share in the costs of the program, either as a participating health plan in MRMIP or, in lieu of participation, by paying a fee to the state to support MRMIP program costs.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee after being passed by the Senate)

AB 2012 (Emmerson-R) Health insurance plans: orthotics and prosthetics
Revises the conditions of coverage that apply to the requirement that health plans and health insurers offer group purchasers coverage for orthotic and prosthetic devices on or after July 1, 2007.
Chapter 756, Statutes of 2006

AB 2170 (Chan-D) Health insurance
Requires the Office of Patient Advocate within the Department of Managed Health Care to include information on the quality of care and access provided by Medicare drug plans and prescription drug plans under Medicare Part D.
Vetoed by the Governor

AB 2281 (Chan-D) Health insurance: disclosures
Establishes standards and disclosure requirements affecting health care service plan contracts with annual deductibles and health insurance policies offered, delivered, amended, or renewed on or after July 1, 2007.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)

AB 2377 (Chan-D) County health initiative
Authorizes a county health initiative to apply for additional funding as appropriated in the budget, to provide health insurance coverage to all children in families with incomes below 300 percent of the federal poverty level.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2450 (Richman-R) Health care coverage
Imposes an individual mandate on all California residents to have minimum health care coverage for themselves and their dependents. Requires regional purchasing exchanges to negotiate with insurance companies and health plans for guaranteed issue, modified community rated products. Imposes an annual tax on health plans. Requires the Department of Health Services to establish a single point of entry for all state and local governmental health programs.
(Failed passage in Assembly Health Committee)

AB 2667 (Baca-D) Health care insurers: considerations
Permits the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System and the Department of Health Services, and requires the Department of Managed Health Care and the Department of Insurance, when contracting with certain entities for the provision of health care benefits or services, to consider various specified factors, including the entities' history of providing, or arranging to provide, health care services or benefits including services or benefits under the Medicare or Medicaid program.
Chapter 758, Statutes of 2006

AB 2737* (Nakanishi-R) Health insurance: tax credit
Allows a credit against income and corporation tax for part of the cost of providing health insurance to employers.
(Died in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 2855 (Parra-D) Health care plans
Makes it unlawful for a person to engage in business as a discount health plan, as defined, unless the person is licensed by the Director of the Department of Managed Health Care.
(Died in Assembly Health Committee)

AB 2889 (Frommer-D) Health care coverage: individual market
Requires health care service plans and health insurers to permit an individual who has been covered for at least 18 months under an individual contract or policy to transfer, without medical underwriting, to any other individual contract or policy, as specified.
Chapter 826, Statutes of 2006

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SB 192 (Scott-D) Annuities: seniors
Creates suitability standards for the sale of annuities, imposes new duties on insurers and agent-brokers relative to the sale of these products to seniors (65 or older, unless otherwise indicated), and makes other related changes.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

SB 251 (Morrow-R) Homeowners' insurance: personal property
Requires an insurer under a homeowners' insurance policy, in the event of a total loss of the primary insured structure, to offer the insured the option of receiving an unspecified portion of the policy limit for loss or damage to personal property, in exchange for the insured's waiver of any right to recover an amount in excess of that sum for that loss. Prohibits an insurer, if the insured chooses to accept that portion of the policy limit, from requiring the insured to prepare a list of personal property that has been damaged or destroyed.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance, and Insurance Committee)

SB 256 (Speier-D) Life insurance
Reimburses members of the California National Guard, who are called to active duty by the federal government, for the cost of purchasing life insurance, up to an amount of $17 per month, effective January 1, 2005. Continuously appropriates money from the General Fund to the Military Department.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 410 (Speier-D) Structured settlements
Provides that the consumer in a structured settlement transaction shall have the right to select an insurance producer and qualified funding asset provider after the defendant or insurer has agreed with the consumer on an amount that the defendant or insurer is willing to pay on a specific funding date, and prohibits the defendant or insurer from withdrawing an offer because the consumer has exercised this right. Imposes various requirements on producers who sell, solicit, and negotiate structured settlements.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 530 (Kehoe-D) Adverse underwriting decisions
Prevents an adverse underwriting decision against a real estate licensee for, generally speaking, "no-cost incidents" giving rise to a duty to notify an insurer under an acts and omissions policy, as specified.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 717 (Maldonado-R) Insurance rates: intervention
Requires the Department of Insurance to publish annually, the total amount of funds paid to compensate persons for intervention participation, and specified information with respect to each person who initiates or intervenes in ratemaking proceedings.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 728 (Escutia-D) Title insurance
Establishes application requirements and procedures for obtaining and renewing a certificate of registration as a title solicitor, prohibits a person from marketing, offering, soliciting, negotiating, or selling title insurance in California unless that person holds a valid certificate of registration as a title solicitor and authorizes the Insurance Commissioner (IC) to adopt rules and regulations as necessary to administer the title solicitor registration program, and requires the IC to adopt regulations regarding certain expenditures made by title solicitors.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 745 (Scott-D) Title insurance
Provides that specified mergers involving a title insurer or underwritten title company may not be entered into unless the insurer or company has notified the Insurance Commissioner (IC) in writing of its intention to enter into the transaction at least 60 days prior thereto, or a shorter period as the IC may require, and the IC has not disapproved the proposed license within that period. Requires the IC to impose a fee, in an unspecified amount, for filing this notice. Exempts a licensed underwritten title company seeking a reissued license to add additional counties from various requirements regarding license qualifications and the submission of specified information to the IC if the licensee meets certain conditions.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 766 (Senate Veterans Affairs Committee) Life and disability insurance: veterans
Prohibits reserves from life or disability insurance coverage for purchases of Cal-Vet loans from being no more than 25 percent in excess of actuarial requirements plus the reasonable contingency reserve.
(Died in Senate Veterans Affairs Committee)

SB 938 (Dunn-D) Insurance agent-brokers
Creates new statutory obligations for commercial lines licensees with respect to their customers.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 1089 (Maldonado-R) Insurance Commissioner
Provides that, on and after January 9, 2007, no person who serves as the Insurance Commissioner may, within five years of leaving that office, serve as an officer, agent, or employee of an insurer or contract with an insurer, law firm, or other business to provide legal, consulting, or lobbying services on any matter before the Legislature or the Department of Insurance.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 1459 (Simitian-D) Insurance Commissioner
Amends the Political Reform Act of 1974 to provide for public financing for candidates for the office of Insurance Commissioner, and imposes a fee on insurers for that purpose.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 1462 (Cox-R) Insurance Commissioner: service of process
Allows the Insurance Commissioner to also use third-party mailing services with tracking capabilities to serve statements of charges, notices, orders and other processes as long as it is not more expensive than registered mail. Allows proof of service to be satisfied by, among other things, signed receipt documentation.
Chapter 145, Statutes of 2006

SB 1685 (Machado-D) Insurance
Prohibits a person from conditioning the financing, loan, or the renewal or extension of a loan on negotiating insurance through a particular insurance solicitor.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

SB 1847* (Senate Banking, Finance And Insurance Committee) Insurance omnibus bill
Permits auto insurers to given copies of police auto accident reports and other information found in police files to their insureds, when the insureds could obtain this information directly from the police. Repeals obsolete reporting requirements. Consolidates remaining required reports into the annual report of the Department of Insurance (DOI), including but not limited to required reports on workers' compensation and auto insurance fraud, a report on insurance mediation offered by DOI, a report about the activities of the Conservation and Liquidation Office, a report about medical malpractice insurance and toxic substance tort actions, a report of specified information about all insurers, and the report on Holocaust claims collection activities of the DOI. Permits real estate appraisers and architects to estimate the replacement cost of a structure under a fire insurance policy, as specified.
Chapter 405, Statutes of 2006

AB 122 (Spitzer-R) Family day care providers: insurance
Requires family day care providers to submit insurance-related affidavits to the Department of Social Services.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 243 (Vargas-D) Life insurance
Enacts the Life Settlements Act of 2007. Prohibits a person from operating as a life settlement provider, as defined, without first obtaining a life settlement provider license from the Insurance Commissioner, and prohibits a person from operating as a life settlement broker, as defined, without being a life insurance agent, except as specified.
(Died in Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 255 (Chavez-D) Life insurance: National Guard
Requires the Military Department to pay for life insurance, in a policy amount of $250,000, for every member of the California National Guard called to federal active duty.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 294* (Blakeslee-R) Life insurance: National Guard
Provides a refundable tax credit of up to $200, available for tax years 2005-2008, to members of the California National Guard on active duty for the amount paid by the member for life insurance premiums.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 527 (Levine-D) California Earthquake Authority
Expands the governing board of the California Earthquake Authority from three to five members by requiring the Speaker of the Assembly and the Chairperson of the Senate Rules Committee to each appoint one member to the governing board for a four-year term.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 608 (Calderon-D) Life insurance
Provides that if a senior makes a written or telephone request for a meeting the same day to discuss the purchase of specific life insurance or annuities having an initial face amount of $15,000 or less that are designated by the purchaser for payment of funeral and burial expenses, a notice, as specified, shall be delivered to the senior prior to the start of the meeting. Provides that the sale of a burial or funeral policy shall not create an existing insurance relationship for the purposes of the required deliver of a specified written notice to seniors 24-hours before meeting in their home to sell other life insurance or annuities. Provides that a life insurance policy or annuity with a face value of $15,000 or less, issued after January 1, 2007, shall contain a notice permitting the return of the policy within 30 days.
Vetoed by the Governor

AB 925 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Insurance: community investments
Requires California-admitted insurers to submit information about their community investment activities to the Insurance Commissioner on a biennial basis until January 1, 2011, requires posting that information to the Department of Insurance web site biennially, and makes the submission of community investment data by insurance companies voluntary after January 1, 2010.
Chapter 456, Statutes of 2006

AB 975 (Nunez-D) Insurance brokers
Requires an insurance broker to have access to two or more insurance markets not under common control and prohibits an insurance broker from holding himself/herself out as the representative of any insurance company. Increases the amount of the bond to $25,000 for a fire and casualty broker-agent.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1055 (Calderon-D) Regulation of insurance rates
Requires that, in considering investment income, the Insurance Commissioner take into account the actual rate of return that a particular insurer has earned on its investment.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

AB 1809* (Assembly Budget Committee) Budget trailer bill: taxes: property insurers
Extends by two years, until July 1, 2009, the existing assessment on property insurers which supports the Seismic Safety Commission.
Chapter 49, Statutes of 2006

AB 1898 (Jones-D) Flood insurance
Requires that owners of property located in flood hazard zones within specified watersheds maintain flood insurance.
(Died in Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

AB 1946 (Nava-D) Homeowner's insurance
Makes clarifying changes to the California residential Property Insurance Disclosure law (Petris disclosure) and to the mandatory statements within the declarations page of a homeowner's policy.
Chapter 137, Statutes of 2006

AB 2125 (Vargas-D) Insurance
Makes numerous changes in the law regulating insurance. Among other things, revises provisions relating to cancellation and reinstatement of financed insurance, codifies the current Department of Insurance policy regarding agents of nonresident licensees, as specified, modifies insurer liquidation procedure, and changes the definition of "commercially domiciled insurer" for purposes of regulating insurance holding companies. Provides that the Insurance Commissioner (IC) may approve a name using the words "savings bank" if the entire title shows that the insurer is engaged in the business of insurance and is not a savings bank. Modifies the definition of "insolvent insurer" and modifies the California Insurance Guarantee Association refund policy. Allows the IC to create an examination for life agents solely for funeral and burial policies, as specified. Provides for the merger of foreign and domestic mutual holding companies and requires surplus lines brokers who make late monthly payments of premium taxes to pay interest, as specified. Revises provisions that require the IC to prepare and prose a plan regarding low-cost automobile insurance to the relevant Senate and Assembly committees, as specified.
Chapter 740, Statutes of 2006

AB 2136 (Vargas-D) Insurers: military service
Expands the definition of those in "military service" for purposes of explicitly permitting an insurer to cover enlisted personnel and warrant officers.
Chapter 104, Statutes of 2006

AB 2387 (Vargas-D) Insurance agents: education
Deletes the requirement that the prelicensing study to be licensed as a fire and casualty broker-agent, personal lines broker-agent, or life agent be conducted in a classroom, and provides that prelicensing courses not conducted in the classroom are subject to review and approval by the Department of Insurance.
Chapter 590, Statutes of 2006

AB 2400 (Benoit-R) Reinsurance
Permits reinsurers to offset unpaid premiums from an insolvent ceding carrier against the obligations of the reinsurer, and makes documents confidential when reviewed by the Department of Insurance pursuant to conducting an examination of reinsurance intermediaries.
Chapter 321, Statutes of 2006

AB 2684 (Montanez-D) Insurance coverage: school athletic teams
Requires a school district that operates an interscholastic athletic team to include a specific statement, as specified, in offers of insurance coverage that are sent to members of the school athletic team.
Chapter 108, Statutes of 2006

AB 2831* (Ridley-Thomas-D) Insurance tax
Extends and amends existing law to allow credits against the tax imposed on insurers or under the personal income and corporation tax laws for specific investments with a Community Development Financial Institution.
Chapter 580, Statutes of 2006

HR 14 (Vargas-D) Terrorism risk insurance
Places the Assembly on record in support of extending the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act and for inclusion of group life insurance in any extension legislation.
(Died in Assembly Insurance Committee)

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BillAuthor and Bill TitleReference Links
Index (in bill order)
SB 38Alquist-D
Healthy Families Program
Health Insurance
SB 98Murray-D
Auto insurance: repairs
Automobile Insurance
SB 103Ducheny-D
San Diego Health Care Connection Demonstration Project
Health Insurance
SB 139*Margett-R
Long Term Care Insurance: tax
Health Insurance
SB 173*Maldonado-R
Health savings accounts
Health Insurance
SB 189Chesbro-D
Health care coverage: substance related disorders
Health Insurance
SB 192Scott-D
Annuities: seniors
SB 195*Maldonado-R
Tax credit: health savings accounts
Health Insurance
SB 251Morrow-R
Homeowners' insurance: personal property
SB 256Speier-D
Life insurance
SB 364Perata-D
Health care service plans
Health Insurance
SB 410Speier-D
Structured settlements
SB 417Ortiz-D
Payment of health provider claims
Health Insurance
SB 425Ortiz-D
Health care rate approvals
Health Insurance
SB 437Escutia-D
Health care coverage
Health Insurance
SB 456Runner-R
Children's Health Insurance Program
Health Insurance
SB 530Kehoe-D
Adverse underwriting decisions
SB 572Perata-D
Benefits: mental health
Health Insurance
SB 593Alarcon-D
Health care costs: recovery
Health Insurance
SB 717Maldonado-R
Insurance rates: intervention
SB 728Escutia-D
Title insurance
SB 745Scott-D
Title insurance
SB 749Speier-D
Health care coverage: pervasive developmental disorders
Health Insurance
SB 766Senate Veterans Affairs Committee
Life and disability insurance: veterans
SB 840Kuehl-D
Single-payer health care coverage
Health Insurance
SB 913Simitian-D
Health care coverage: rheumatic diseases
Health Insurance
SB 938Dunn-D
Insurance agent-brokers
SB 1089Maldonado-R
Insurance Commissioner
SB 1118*Figueroa-D
Health care insurance: children
Health Insurance
SB 1223Scott-D
Health insurance: hearing aids
Health Insurance
SB 1245Figueroa-D
Health insurance: cervical cancer screening test
Health Insurance
SB 1263*Alquist-D
Long-term care insurance: income taxes
Health Insurance
SB 1414Migden-D
California Fair Share Health Care Act
Health Insurance
SB 1445Alquist-D
Health care benefits
Health Insurance
SB 1459Simitian-D
Insurance Commissioner
SB 1462Cox-R
Insurance Commissioner: service of process
SB 1492Speier-D
Automotive body repair: insurance claims
Automobile Insurance
SB 1508Bowen-D
Health care coverage: colonoscopies
Health Insurance
SB 1584*Runner-R
Health savings account
Health Insurance
SB 1591Kuehl-D
Group disability insurance
Health Insurance
SB 1622Escutia-D
Healthy Families Program
Health Insurance
SB 1685Machado-D
SB 1702Speier-D
Health care coverage
Health Insurance
SB 1704Kuehl-D
Health care benefits
Health Insurance
SB 1784Kuehl-D
California Health Insurance Reliability Act
Health Insurance
SB 1804Florez-D
Health care: product database
Health Insurance
SB 1810Dunn-D
Long-term care insurance
Health Insurance
SB 1823Dunn-D
Health care service plans: claim reimbursements
Health Insurance
SB 1847*Senate Banking, Finance And Insurance Committee
Insurance omnibus bill
AB 122Spitzer-R
Family day care providers: insurance
AB 213Liu-D
Health care coverage: lymphedema
Health Insurance
AB 243Vargas-D
Life insurance
AB 247*Walters-R
Long term care: tax credit
Health Insurance
AB 255Chavez-D
Life insurance: National Guard
AB 264Chan-D
Health insurance: pediatric asthma
Health Insurance
AB 294*Blakeslee-R
Life insurance: National Guard
AB 445Walters-R
Health benefits: catastrophic loss
Health Insurance
AB 526Harman-R
Uninsured motorists coverage exclusion
Automobile Insurance
AB 527Levine-D
California Earthquake Authority
AB 598De La Torre-D
Health care plans
Health Insurance
AB 608Calderon-D
Life insurance
AB 661*Plescia-R
Health savings accounts
Health Insurance
AB 687Jerome Horton-D
California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan
Automobile Insurance
AB 711Chan-D
Healthy Families Program
Health Insurance
AB 757Chan-D
Health care coverage
Health Insurance
AB 909Chavez-D
Health care coverage: electronic notices
Health Insurance
AB 925Ridley-Thomas-D
Insurance: community investments
AB 975Nunez-D
Insurance brokers
AB 976Emmerson-R
Health care: orthotic and prosthetic devices
Health Insurance
AB 977Nava-D
Health care review process
Health Insurance
AB 995*Canciamilla-D
Health care coverage: tax credit
Health Insurance
AB 1055Calderon-D
Regulation of insurance rates
AB 1084Vargas-D
Health insurance: policy terms
Health Insurance
AB 1085Ruskin-D
County Health Initiative
Health Insurance
AB 1122Wyland-R
Auto insurance policies
Automobile Insurance
AB 1185Koretz-D
Health care coverage: chiropractic services
Health Insurance
AB 1321Yee-D
Health care
Health Insurance
AB 1396*Garcia-R
Healthy Families Program
Health Insurance
AB 1429Blakeslee-R
Auto insurance: assigned risk plans
Automobile Insurance
AB 1670Nation-D
Health care coverage
Health Insurance
AB 1744Assembly Health Committee
Knox- Keene Health Care Service Plan
Health Insurance
AB 1809*Assembly Budget Committee
Budget trailer bill: taxes: property insurers
AB 1840Jerome Horton-D
Health benefits
Health Insurance
AB 1851*Coto-D
Healthy Families Program: application assistance
Health Insurance
AB 1898Jones-D
Flood insurance
AB 1909Vargas-D
Motor vehicle insurance coverage
Automobile Insurance
AB 1946Nava-D
Homeowner's insurance
AB 1948Montanez-D
Health coverage
Health Insurance
AB 1952Nation-D
Health insurance
Health Insurance
AB 1971Chan-D
Health insurance plans
Health Insurance
AB 2012Emmerson-R
Health insurance plans: orthotics and prosthetics
Health Insurance
AB 2125Vargas-D
AB 2136Vargas-D
Insurers: military service
AB 2170Chan-D
Health insurance
Health Insurance
AB 2281Chan-D
Health insurance: disclosures
Health Insurance
AB 2377Chan-D
County health initiative
Health Insurance
AB 2387Vargas-D
Insurance agents: education
AB 2400Benoit-R
AB 2450Richman-R
Health care coverage
Health Insurance
AB 2667Baca-D
Health care insurers: considerations
Health Insurance
AB 2684Montanez-D
Insurance coverage: school athletic teams
AB 2737*Nakanishi-R
Health insurance: tax credit
Health Insurance
AB 2831*Ridley-Thomas-D
Insurance tax
AB 2840Benoit-R
Automobile insurance rates
Automobile Insurance
AB 2855Parra-D
Health care plans
Health Insurance
AB 2889Frommer-D
Health care coverage: individual market
Health Insurance
HR 14Vargas-D
Terrorism risk insurance

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