
Finance and Development

Finance and Development

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SB 2 (Cedillo-D) Housing: shelters
Requires cities and counties to accommodate their need for emergency shelters on sites where the use is allowed without a conditional use permit, and requires cities and counties to treat transitional and supportive housing projects as a residential use of property.
Chapter 633, Statutes of 2007

SB 6 (Oropeza-D) Subdivisions: local use planning
Requires that the land use element, the conservation element, the safety element, and the open-space element of city and county general plans identify areas which are subject to flooding, based on existing climate predictions regarding ocean levels. Requires cities and counties to deny subdivisions in risky areas. Requires state or local public entities that map and identify flood risk to consider existing climate predictions regarding ocean levels.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)

SB 12* (Lowenthal-D) Housing element: local agencies
Revises, until 1/1/15, the regional housing needs allocation procedure for the Southern California Association of Governments for purposes of their 6/30/07 housing element update.
Chapter 5, Statutes of 2007

SB 46 (Perata-D) Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006
Provides the statutory framework for expenditure of the $850 million in Proposition 1C's Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 303 (Ducheny-D) Local government: land use planning
Requires the housing element of the general plan to identify land to accommodate a 10-year supply of housing, requires local governments to zone for five years of housing within one year of adopting the housing element, changes requirements related to the conservation and open-space elements of the general plan, and specifies that all other general plan elements be updated every 10 years.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 429 (Ducheny-D) Land use controls
Requires the California Environmental Protection Agency, the California Integrated Waste Management Board, the State Water Resources Control Board, each regional water quality control board, the Department of Toxic Substances Control, and specified local agencies, to notify the building, planning, or engineering department in the affected city or county if it takes certain actions with regard to approving a remedial action, removal action, closure, corrective action, or any other type of environmental cleanup action. Authorizes the planning, building, and engineering department of a city or county to assess a property owner a reasonable fee, as determined by resolution of its governing body, to cover the costs of taking an action authorized by the bill.
(In Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 437 (Negrete McLeod-D) Local agencies: redevelopment
Requires redevelopment officials to report their time limits for eminent domain, incurring debt, the plan's effectiveness, and receiving property tax increment revenues.
Chapter 90, Statutes of 2007

SB 465 (Lowenthal-D) Housing: grant and loan programs
Provides that a city, county, public housing authority, or redevelopment agency with jurisdiction over a qualifying infill area may apply jointly with a Business Improvement District that includes a qualifying infill area for funds under the Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account. Requires, prior to receiving funds but after a grant award, joint applicants to submit to the Department of Housing and Community Development documentation that the actual number of permitted housing units is equal or greater than the number of units in the grant application.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)

SB 522 (Dutton-R) Infill housing: incentives
Authorizes the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to administer a program to provide grants to cities and counties with allocated bond funds for the construction or acquisition of capital assets, as defined, to qualifying cities, counties, and cities and counties, and sets forth specific criteria upon which HCD shall give preference for awarding a grant under this program.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 545 (Cox-R) Affordable Housing Innovation Fund
Authorizes the Legislature, in awarding funds from the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund, to review and adopt policies that alleviate identified obstacles associated with the construction of workforce housing in communities residing within the jurisdiction of a bistate compact.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 546 (Ducheny-D) Department of Housing and Community Development
Requires that cumulative information on programs funded under the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Acts of 2002 and 2006 be included in the Department of Housing and Community Development's (HCD's) annual report. Requires that HCD's annual report break out the required information for each program funded by Proposition 46 or Proposition 1C, respectively, and include a cumulative total of this information for all funds distributed under Proposition 46 and Proposition 1C.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 586* (Dutton-R) Affordable Housing Innovation Fund
Allocates the $100 million Affordable Housing Innovation Fund created by the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 (Proposition 1C).
Chapter 652, Statutes of 2007

SB 699 (Ducheny-D) Developer fees: water rights and supply
Expands the Mitigation Fee Act's definition of "capacity charge" to include supply or capacity contracts for rights or entitlements, real property interests, and entitlements and other rights involving a capital expense relating to the local agency's existing or new public facilities.
Chapter 94, Statutes of 2007

SB 713 (Lowenthal-D) Farmworker housing assistance
Merges the farmworker housing tax credit program into the low-income housing tax credit program. The $500,000 currently devoted to the farmworker housing tax credit program would be set aside in the newly combined program exclusively for farmworker housing projects. Allows partnerships participating in the low-income housing tax credit program to determine how state low-income housing credits earned between 1/1/08 and 1/1/15 are to be distributed among their members. Current state and federal law require that such credits be allocated in proportion to each partner's economic interest in the partnership.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 821 (Kuehl-D) Residential development: water supplies
Requires the California Research Bureau to study water use by new residential developments and large-scale development projects under current law.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 934 (Lowenthal-D) Housing and infrastructure zones
Allows for the creation of up to 100 "housing and infrastructure zones" that divert property tax increment revenues from cities and schools for road, water, sewer, and community amenities to support new residential development, as well as housing directly.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SR 3 (Kehoe-D) Home Energy Assistance
Calls for an increase in the federal budget authorization for the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
Adopted by the Senate

AB 20 (Eng-D) Transit-oriented plan amendments
Exempts transit-oriented plan amendments from the requirements of current law and instead requires that the redevelopment agency submit a specified written information statement to the Department of Finance and the Department of Housing and Community Development. Requires that the proposed plan amendment contain specified provisions relating to the indebtedness incurred for redevelopment activities within the transit village development district or for the improvement of affordable housing within the community.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 29 (Hancock-D) Infill development: incentive grants
Creates the Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Grant Program to provide infrastructure grants to cities and counties to support infill development. Provides the necessary implementing language for the expenditure of the $850 million Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account created when Proposition 1C passed in November 2006. Under the program, cities and counties are eligible to apply for grants for infrastructure needed to support an infill housing project. Projects will have to be consistent with the general plan, and the city or county will have to have a certified housing element. In addition, projects will have to be consistent with the zoning ordinance and any applicable specific plan, redevelopment plan, regional blueprint plan, capital improvement plan, or regional transportation plan or transportation corridor plan for which the California Environmental Quality Act has been completed. In ranking projects, the Department of Housing and Community Development will have to consider a variety of factors, such as the number of housing units to be created, the depth and duration of the affordability of the housing, and the local record in producing housing. Defines eligible infrastructure projects to include a broad range of things, from water, sewer, and public utility infrastructure to parks and recreational facilities, and to urban greening projects such as tree planting, landscaping, and community gardens.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 70 (Jones-D) Flood liability
Establishes that a city or county may be required to contribute its fair and reasonable share for the property damage caused by a flood, to the extent that the city or county increases the state's exposure to liability for property damage by unreasonably approving new development in a previously undeveloped area that is protected by a state flood control project, and if it is determined that the city or county failed to comply with other applicable provisions of existing law. Contingent upon enactment of SB 5 (Machado), Chapter 364, Statutes of 2007.
Chapter 367, Statutes of 2007

AB 82 (Evans-D) Regional housing needs
Requires the council of governments, when allocating the housing within Napa County, to allot one unit to the county for the unincorporated area for every nine units allocated to the cities within the county for the incorporated areas, and authorizes Napa County to transfer all or part of its housing assignment to a city within the county, with the consent of that city, as specified.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 155* (Nakanishi-R) Energy efficient homes
Provides a credit to a qualified taxpayer for the taxable year in which a qualified energy efficient home is certified. Defines "qualified energy efficient home" as a dwelling unit located in California that is certified as required for the credit claimed. Awards a credit of $2,000, provided that the qualified energy efficient home is certified and specified conditions are met.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 192* (Assembly Budget Committee) Infill Incentive Program
Provides implementation requirements for the Proposition 1C, Infill Incentive Program, and makes technical changes to remove ambiguity in a code section reference. Makes necessary statutory changes to allow the transfer of $4.3 million in federal funds held by the State Controller's Office to the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency in order to reactivate the Sudden and Severe Economic Dislocation Grant Program, as was approved in the budget.
Chapter 312, Statutes of 2007

AB 414 (Jones-D) Zoning for housing
Restricts the use of double-zoned sites to accommodate a city's or county's share of the regional housing need under housing element law, and amends the no-net-loss zoning law to clarify that upzoning or findings are required if fewer units are approved than were counted for the site in the housing element.

AB 600 (Garcia-R) Housing: homebuyer assistance
Changes the maximum amount of downpayment assistance under the Building Equity and Growth in Neighborhoods Program from 20% of the sale price of the residence, not to exceed $30,000, to an amount to be set in the current notice of funding availability.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)

AB 665 (DeSaulnier-D) Housing: growth
Requests the University of California to produce a report on the best practices of transportation-land use planning and growth management and requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to work in collaboration with the Office of Planning and Research to produce, by 1/1/09 and once every five years thereafter, a Growth Management Information Report, to the extent funding is available.

AB 677 (Nakanishi-R) Firefighters' Home Purchase Act of 2007
Enacts the Firefighters' Home Purchase Act of 2007 to assist firefighters to acquire homes in the communities where they provide firefighting services.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 762 (Nava-D) Farm labor housing
Makes changes to the Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Program to ensure that funds for the housing of California's agricultural workers and their families are used efficiently and made accessible to sponsors that are truly dedicated to service the farmworker population.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 792* (Garcia-R) Environmentally sustainable affordable housing
Establishes the Environmentally Sustainable Affordable Housing Program; the Construction Liability Reform Pilot Program; the Green Building, Energy Efficiency, and Building Design Program; and the Affordable Housing for Teachers Program.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 845* (Bass-D) Foster youth: transitional housing
Appropriates $10.5 million to the Department of Social Services to supplement funding for the Transitional Housing for Foster Youth Program.
(Failed passage on the Senate Floor)

AB 872 (Davis-D) Urban infill affordable housing
Exempts urban infill affordable housing projects less than 300 units from the California Environmental Quality Act.
(In Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 884 (Dymally-D) Low-income housing tax
Adds two additional voting members to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee, one appointed by the Senate Rules Committee and one appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly. Expands credit allocation criteria to include infill projects and those that eliminate urban blight.
(Failed passage in Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 887* (De La Torre-D) Eminent domain: redevelopment
Requires a redevelopment agency to comply with certain notification requirements prior to adopting a resolution of necessity for the purposes of acquiring property by eminent domain and within a specified time prior to taking certain actions relating to redevelopment.
(On Senate Third Reading File)

AB 888 (Lieu-D) Green building standards
Requires new commercial buildings for which a public agency deems the application for a development project complete on or after 7/1/13, and that are 50,000 feet or greater, be designed, constructed, and operated to meet the applicable standards described in the United States Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design gold rating, or its equivalent, unless the state adopts specified minimum green building standards, in which case those commercial buildings will be required to meet the adopted standards.

AB 927 (Saldana-D) Multifamily housing
Requires the proportion of Multifamily Housing Program funds expended to senior citizen housing units be proportional to the percentage of lower-income renter households in the state that are lower-income elderly renter households.
Chapter 618, Statutes of 2007

AB 929 (Sharon Runner-R) Housing finance
Increases the amount of bond debt the California Housing Finance Agency may have outstanding by $2 billion.
Chapter 274, Statutes of 2007

AB 952 (Mullin-D) Common interest developments
Provides that a regular or special assessment that is subject to a vote within a common interest development must be approved both by a majority of all residents and a majority of owner-occupants of affordable units, and requires an association to establish a payment plan for all regular and special assessment imposed on affordable units for those owner-occupants who request one.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 971 (Portantino-D) Housing: Community Workforce Housing Innovation Program
Establishes the Community Workforce Housing Innovation Program to assist cities, counties, and school districts to recruit and retain public employees by making affordable housing available to those employees.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 997 (Arambula-D) Infill capital outlay project and planning grants and loans
Provides direction for distribution of funds from the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006, and the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1017 (Ma-D) Affordable housing program
Establishes the Affordable Housing Revolving Development and Acquisition Program for the purpose of funding projects to develop or preserve affordable housing. Establishes the Affordable Housing Committee. Requires transfers of funds from the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1019 (Blakeslee-R) Land use: annexation: housing
Creates a process for the reallocation of a county's share of the regional housing need when the annexation of an unincorporated area into a city occurs.
Chapter 165, Statutes of 2007

AB 1031 (Levine-D) Developmental services
Creates the Lanterman Accessible and Affordable Housing Program within the Department of Developmental Services, an accessible and affordable housing program for the development of community-based housing for persons with developmental disabilities.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1037 (Feuer-D) Transit-oriented developments: zoning variances
Authorizes cities and counties that have one or more transit-oriented developments to adopt an ordinance or resolution granting certain enhancements for those developments. Authorizes a development project that includes affordable housing to transfer all or any portion of the maximum floor area ratio from that housing development to a transit-oriented development.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1053 (Nunez-D) Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account
Amends SB 86 (Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee), a trailer bill to the 2007-08 Budget Act. Revises the definition of "eligible applicant" for receipt of funds provided under the $85 million Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account created by Proposition 1C.
Chapter 692, Statutes of 2007

AB 1058 (Laird-D) Green building construction: best practices
Requires the Department of Housing and Community Development and, ultimately, the Building Standards Commission to adopt best practices and building standards for green building in new residential construction.

AB 1065 (Lieber-D) Public resources: building standards: greenhouse gas
Requires the California Energy Commission to enhance standards and Commission efforts to reduce the consumption of energy from offsite sources in new homes and new non-residential buildings.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1091 (Bass-D) Transit-Oriented Development Implementation Program
Expands the distance requirement between eligible projects and transit stations for the Transit-Oriented Development Implementation Program from one-quarter mile to one-half mile, and requires the distance be readily walkable.

AB 1096 (DeVore-R) California Environmental Quality Act: housing
Requires the Office of Planning and Research, by 1/1/09, to report to the Legislature on development of affordable housing projects affecting the use of California Environmental Quality Act exemptions.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1129 (Arambula-D) Rural regional affordable housing trust
Defines a rural regional affordable housing trust as an entity of regional government that (1) is established as a joint powers authority; (2) has a voluntary membership consisting of not less than two rural counties, and the cities within those counties, and not less than two councils of governments serving the area of the two counties; (3) is established for the purpose of receiving and administering federal, state, local, and private financial resources made available to the trust to fund the development of affordable housing projects in jurisdictions that are members of the trust; and (4) has demonstrable, ongoing sources of dedicated revenue, including taxes, fees, loan repayments, and private contributions.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1221 (Ma-D) Transit village developments: tax increment financing
Allows local officials to divert property tax increment revenues to pay for new bonds to pay for infrastructure within transit village development districts.
(In Senate Local Government Committee)

AB 1231 (Garcia-R) Infill development: incentive grants
Requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to use funds allocated from the Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account to make infrastructure grants for construction or acquisition of capital assets to qualifying cities and counties. Requires grants to be used for facilitating the development of identified infill housing projects.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1254 (Caballero-D) Affordable housing: property tax revenue
Reallocates property taxes from school districts to cities or counties to compensate them for property tax losses resulting from new tax-exempt affordable housing.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1256 (Caballero-D) Density bonus: exemption: local inclusionary ordinance
Exempts cities and counties from complying with the current density bonus requirement, and the incentive and concession requirement, if the local government has in effect a local inclusionary ordinance, as specified.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1259 (Caballero-D) Local planning: housing element
Extends the deadline for communities in the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments region to update their housing elements to 6/30/09, and allows the Department of Housing and Community Development to revise the aggregate regional housing need for the Sacramento Area Council of Governments for the fourth planning cycle to reflect recent changes in population projections from the Department of Finance.
Chapter 696, Statutes of 2007

AB 1283 (Laird-D) Affordable housing
Extends, until 1/1/13, the sunset date on a provision of law that allows the Contra Costa and Monterey County Redevelopment Agencies and those redevelopment agencies in Santa Cruz County to use separate definitions of "affordable housing cost."
Chapter 62, Statutes of 2007

AB 1422 (Davis-D) Housing: down payment assistance
Allows recipients of Building Equity and Growth in Neighborhood Fund grants to request a waiver of the $30,000 loan limit.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1449 (Saldana-D) Density bonus
Revises the eligibility requirements for construction of moderate-income housing units to conform to the requirements in existing law for low- and very low-income housing units and makes changes in related provisions of existing law.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1460 (Saldana-D) Multifamily Housing Program: project prioritization
Requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to award priority points for projects that incorporate particular sustainable building methods and are seeking Proposition 1C funding from the Multifamily Housing Program.
Chapter 710, Statutes of 2007

AB 1493 (Saldana-D) Affordable Housing Innovation Fund: housing trust fund
Allocates funds from the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund to make matching grants under the Local Housing Trust Fund Matching Grant Program to cities and counties and nonprofit organizations that have local housing trusts created after 1/1/03, as specified.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1497 (Niello-R) Local government: housing elements
Requires each council of governments or delegate subregion, as applicable, to analyze the inventory of land suitable for residential development and identify the number of housing sites that are contingent upon the rezoning of agricultural lands currently subject to a Williamson Act contract, as specified, and make reductions to the housing allocations based upon the number of sites subject to a Williamson Act contract.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1536 (Smyth-R) Housing and emergency shelter
Designates the Department of Parks and Recreation as the primary agency authorized to administer the housing-related park grants approved in Proposition 1C.
(In Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee)

AB 1538 (Lieu-D) Housing Trust Fund: home loan refinance assistance
Establishes a home loan refinance assistance program, to be administered by the California Housing Finance Agency, to assist first-time homeowners in refinancing variable interest loans into fixed-rate loans.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1553 (DeSaulnier-D) Redevelopment: affordable housing: firefighters
Allows a redevelopment plan to allocate tax increment revenues to provide subsidies or low-interest loans for firefighters, as defined, to purchase or rehabilitate homes located within the redevelopment area.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1560 (Huffman-D) Public resources: building standards
Requires the California Energy Commission to incorporate standards for water efficiency and conservation into the existing regulations governing energy efficiency. Does not include water efficiency in the requirement linking energy efficiency standards to building permits.
Chapter 532, Statutes of 2007

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SB 538 (Battin-R) Manufactured housing
Changes the name of the Mobilehomes-Manufactured Housing Act of 1980 to the Manufactured Housing Act of 1980, and revises the definition of a mobilehome and manufactured home. To be considered a manufactured home, the product must have been constructed on or after June 15, 1976. Defines a "mobilehome" as a transportable dwelling structure built before June 15, 1976, makes clarifying and conforming changes in the Act to reflect these definitions, including that these definitions shall be the operative definitions for delineating the permissible scope of work for the General Manufactured Housing Contractor (C-47) license, and requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to update the construction, alteration, and conversion regulations of commercial modulars on or after 1/1/08.
Chapter 540, Statutes of 2007

SB 541 (Alquist-D) Mobilehome parks
Prohibits the management of a mobilehome park from denying tenancy to a mobilehome purchaser solely on the basis that the purchaser does not satisfy any minimum income requirement of the park. Requires the park management, in determining the income of a purchaser to consider the purchaser's other financial assets if the purchaser provides evidence of, including but not limited to, savings accounts, certificates of deposit, stock portfolios, trust interests of which the purchaser is a beneficiary, real property, or other similar financial interests, and allows the park management to consider whether or not the financial assets the individual provides evidence of produce an income and whether or not they can be liquated or sold.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 589 (Correa-D) Mobilehome and special occupancy parks: sewage disposal
Clarifies that the Department of Housing and Community Development has the authority to require sewer repairs and sewage spill cleanup relating to sewer systems and permanent buildings in mobilehome and special occupancy parks.
Chapter 557, Statutes of 2007

SB 753 (Correa-D) Mobilehomes and manufactured homes: purchase
Makes state funds available to the owners of manufactured homes and mobilehomes to purchase their homes as well as the land beneath those homes.
Chapter 561, Statutes of 2007

SB 829 (Wyland-R) Cal-Vet loans
Raises the Department of Veterans Affairs' Cal-Vet loan limit for mobilehomes from $125,000 to $175,000.
Chapter 562, Statutes of 2007

SB 900 (Corbett-D) Mobilehome parks: conversion
Deletes existing law that prescribes the process for avoiding the displacement of nonpurchasing residents when subdividing a mobilehome park into individual, resident-owned lots.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 285 (Garcia-R) Mobilehomes: rent control
Changes the exemptions allowable for local rent control ordinances in mobilehome parks for mobilehomes which are vacation homes.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 339 (Cook-R) Mobilehomes: escrow
Requires an escrow agent to hold funds in escrow upon receiving a written notice by a party to the sale of a manufactured home or mobilehome, as specified, which requests for the funds to be held in escrow. Requires an escrow agent, upon receiving notice from a party to the escrow of a dispute, to inform the party of his/her right to hold funds in escrow by submitting a written request to that effect. Requires the escrow agent, at the opening of escrow, to provide notice of the right to request that funds be held in escrow. Deletes the existing requirement for the escrow agent to hold funds in escrow upon notification of a dispute between the parties.
Chapter 543, Statutes of 2007

AB 382 (Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee) Housing omnibus act
Makes a number of technical, noncontroversial changes to laws relating to housing.
Chapter 596, Statutes of 2007

AB 446 (Soto-D) Mobilehome resale
Requires the management of a mobilehome park to provide a homeowner with notice specifying the reasons a mobilehome must be removed from a park upon resale.
Chapter 549, Statutes of 2007

AB 460 (Cook-R) Mobilehome parks: removal of mobilehomes
Requires mobilehomes manufactured prior to June 15, 1976 to meet certain requirements if the home is to remain in the park in the event of a sale to a third party.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 958 (Evans-D) State and local government
Allows the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors to establish berthing rates and other charges for commercial, recreational, or other vessels, to generate the revenue needed to repay specified loans from the Department of Boating and Waterways. Prohibits berthing rates for recreational vessels from exceeding the highest berthing rates charged within the Spud Point Marina market area for recreational vessels, and strikes provisions requiring tax clearance certificates for registration transfers on manufactured homes, mobilehomes, and floating homes.

AB 1069 (Cook-R) Abandoned property: vehicles and mobilehomes
Adds mobilehomes to the abandoned vehicle abatement program.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 1111 (DeSaulnier-D) Mobilehome parks: rules and regulations
Requires a vote of the residents of a mobilehome park to change the age restrictions on the park.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 1153 (Garcia-R) Mobilehome dealers: occupational licensing
Requires that manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and sellers of manufactured homes, mobilehomes, and commercial coaches who apply for an occupational license must submit to a criminal background check.
Chapter 166, Statutes of 2007

AB 1309 (Charles Calderon-D) Mobilehomes: rent control
Establishes vacancy decontrol for mobilehomes sold in mobilehome parks in jurisdictions with local rent control ordinances.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)

AB 1542 (Evans-D) Mobilehome parks: conversions
Maintains local rent control on lots that are not purchased by residents within a mobilehome park that converts to resident ownership.

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SB 122 (Steinberg-D) Homelessness: hate crimes
Includes "homeless status" as one of the protected classes within the definition of hate crime.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB 127 (Kuehl-D) Property transfers: disclosures
Requires disclosure documents to be delivered to a buyer within a specified time period, rather than as soon as possible, after the execution of the purchase agreement or the opening of escrow in the sale of real property, a manufactured home, or mobilehome.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)

SB 133 (Aanestad-R) Title insurance: title solicitors
Requires individuals who market title insurance to hold a valid certificate of registration issued by the California Insurance Commissioner.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 138 (Calderon-D) Construction contracts
Clarifies residential construction indemnification agreements. Clarifies that all builders are subject to the statute by specifying expressly that contractors and general contractors that are not affiliated with the builder are within the rule applicable to every other builder.
Chapter 32, Statutes of 2007

SB 198* (Battin-R) Age discrimination: homeless youth
Expands the definition of a "homeless youth" in order to allow an unemancipated minor who meets specified criteria to stay in emergency, transitional, or permanent housing. Requires that housing made available to unemancipated minors conform to regulations adopted by the Department of Human Services Community Care Licensing Division for other group homes for youth.
Chapter 168, Statutes of 2007

SB 223* (Machado-D) Real estate appraisals
Prohibits any person with an interest in a real estate transaction involving an appraisal from improperly influencing, or attempting to improperly influence, an appraisal sought in connection with a mortgage loan.
Chapter 291, Statutes of 2007

SB 226 (Negrete McLeod-D) Real estate licensees
Repeals and recasts existing law that provides for conditions that must be met prior to licensure of real estate brokers, allows the Real Estate Commissioner to require a licensee to display his/her license number on consumer first contact materials, and provides that the Commissioner may grant an original real estate broker's license to an applicant, as specified.

SB 237 (Dutton-R) Contractors: mechanics' liens
Requires a contractor who records a lien claim, as specified, and who fails to perform specified acts within 90 days of recording the claim, to execute and record a release of the lien within 15 days of the date the lien became null and void.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 354 (Margett-R) Contractors: aiding unlicensed persons
Authorizes the Contractors' State License Board to issue to a licensee, who has aided and abetted an unlicensed person, a citation which includes an order for payment for the financial injury caused by the acts of the unlicensed person.
Chapter 299, Statutes of 2007

SB 355 (Margett-R) Contractors: consultants
Includes within the definition of "contractor" a person who schedules subcontractors or who provides a service to complete a project for a work of improvement that is covered by a licensed contractor classification.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)

SB 371 (Yee-D) Nonresidential tenancy: deposit money
Permits a nonresidential landlord to use a deposit to compensate the landlord for damages resulting from the termination of the lease.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 385 (Machado-D) Real estate: mortgages: real estate brokers
Requires the commissioners of the Department of Financial Institutions, Department of Corporations, and Department of Real Estate to apply the federal guidance to the financial institutions and brokers that they regulate, and authorizes the three commissioners to adopt emergency and final regulations to clarify the application of the federal guidance documents to their licensees as soon as possible. Requires the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to ensure that all three commissioners coordinate their rulemaking efforts so that the guidance is applied consistently to all California entities engaged in the sale of non-traditional mortgage products.
Chapter 301, Statutes of 2007

SB 433 (Harman-R) Homestead exemptions
Extends the automatic homestead exemption to cases where the judgment debtor's separated or former spouse, but not the debtor himself/herself, resides in the homestead, until the entry of judgment or legally enforceable agreement dividing the community property.
Chapter 153, Statutes of 2007

SB 464 (Kuehl-D) Rental property: public entity restrictions
Limits the ability of a rental property owner to exercise its Ellis Act rights (allowing a property owner to get out of the rental business and in the process evict all tenants from the rental property, notwithstanding any local rent control laws) to cases where the owner has owned the property for at least three years and who acquired ownership of the property on or after 3/27/07. Extends, from 120 days to one year, the time period given to a tenant to vacate a rental property being "Ellised" (i.e., taken out of the rental business) when the property owner's date of withdrawal from the rental market has already been extended to one year by reason of a qualified elderly or disabled tenant exercising his/her right to the extended date of withdrawal.
(On Senate Inactive File)

SB 482 (Yee-D) Residential tenancies: security deposits
Revises the definition of a "security" to additionally specify that it is imposed by a landlord. Authorizes a tenant to purchase a bond or commercial insurance policy to secure the performance of the terms and conditions of a rental agreement in lieu of posting a security deposit with the landlord, and provides that a tenant who purchases a bond or commercial insurance policy is afforded all the notice and other rights provided, pursuant to these provisions, for security deposits, and, for purposes of these provisions, that the bond or commercial insurance policy, excluding any premium paid for the bond or commercial insurance policy, is treated as a security. Provides that the premium paid for the bond or commercial insurance policy, unlike a security deposit, can be characterized as nonrefundable.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SB 528 (Aanestad-R) Common interest developments: open meetings
Prohibits the board of directors of a homeowners' association in a common interest development from discussing or taking action on an item at a non-emergency meeting of the homeowners' association that was not properly noticed on the agenda.
Chapter 250, Statutes of 2007

SB 559* (Kehoe-D) Property taxation: change in ownership: exclusion
Allows registered domestic partners whose property was reassessed between 1/1/00 and 1/1/06, due to a transfer between the partners, to apply to the county assessor to receive a reversal of the reassessment.
Chapter 555, Statutes of 2007

SB 586* (Dutton-R) Affordable Housing Revolving Development
Allocates the $100 million Affordable Housing Innovation Fund created by the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 (Proposition 1C), as specified.
Chapter 652, Statutes of 2007

SB 592 (Cogdill-R) Real property: methamphetamine cleanup
Amends the Methamphetamine Contaminated Property Cleanup Act of 2005 by authorizing the Department of Toxic Substances Control to establish and administer a grant program to reimburse property owners for costs associated with remediation and other specified actions, as required under the Act, when the property owner is unable to obtain reimbursement from a liable party or is unable to identify a potentially responsible party for the contamination.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 670 (Correa-D) Real property: transfer fees
Regulates the use of private transfer fees imposed on or after 1/1/08.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

SB 698 (Torlakson-D) Eminent domain
Clarifies that if a defendant's opposition to a pre-judgment order of possession asserts a hardship, that assertion must be supported by a declaration stating facts supporting the hardship, signed under penalty of perjury. Requires that a public entity exercising the power of eminent domain, at the time of sending an offer to purchase, must provide the property owner with an informational pamphlet outlining the process and their rights.
Chapter 436, Statutes of 2007

SB 702 (Torlakson-D) Attached residential condominiums: sales contracts
Increases the presumptively valid amount of liquidated damages for default by certain buyers for specified condominium presale agreements.
(On Assembly Inactive File)

SB 707 (Ducheny-D) Housing loan conversions
Authorizes, beginning 7/1/08, the Department of Housing and Community Development or the California Housing Finance Authority, when requested by a borrower, to extend and alter the terms of existing loans made under specified older financial assistance programs.
Chapter 658, Statutes of 2007

SB 794* (Maldonado-R) Environmental buildings: tax credit
Allows an income tax credit equal to 5% of the cost of environmental building expenses paid or incurred to construct, repair, maintain, rehabilitate, or improve a commercial or residential structure.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

SB 875 (Ridley-Thomas-D) Insurance premiums
Provides that an installment fee is not a premium.
(In Senate Rules Committee)

SB 948 (Harman-R) Common interest developments
Requires every member of a board of directors of an association in a common interest development to complete at least one course of decisional and statutory law relating to common interest developments during the first 12 months of his/her first term of office, and at least one course every four calendar years after first becoming a member of the board.
(On Senate Inactive File)

SCA 1 (McClintock-R) Eminent domain: condemnation proceedings
Proposes to the people of the State of California an amendment to the Constitution, by amending Section 19 of Article I thereof, relating to eminent domain.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

SCR 43 (Machado-D) California Architecture Week
Proclaims the week of 4/9/07 to 4/15/07, inclusive, and the second week of April each subsequent year, as California Architecture Week.
Resolution Chapter 54, Statutes of 2007

SR 3 (Kehoe-D) Home Energy Assistance
Calls for an increase in the federal budget authorization for the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
Adopted by the Senate

AB 42 (Sharon Runner-R) Subsidized housing: grand theft
Makes the defrauding of a government-subsidized housing program felony grand theft, punishable by 16 months, two, or three years in the state prison regardless of the amount of the loss.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 155* (Nakanishi-R) Income and corporation taxes: credit: energy efficient homes
Provides a credit to a qualified taxpayer for the taxable year in which a qualified energy efficient home is certified. Defines "qualified energy efficient home" as a dwelling unit located in California that is certified as required for the credit claimed. Awards a credit of $2,000, provided that the qualified energy efficient home is certified and all of the following conditions are met: (1) the dwelling unit has a level of annual heating and cooling energy consumption that is at least 50% below the annual level of heating and cooling energy consumption of a comparable home, and has building envelope component improvements that account for at least one-fifth of that percent; (2) the dwelling unit is constructed in accordance with standards set forth in the International Energy Conservation Code in effect on 1/1/08; (3) the dwelling unit contains heating and cooling equipment efficiencies that correspond to the minimum allowed by the United States Department of Energy when construction is completed; (4) the dwelling unit conforms to federal regulations if the dwelling unit is a manufactured home; and (5) the qualified taxpayer submits to the Franchise Tax Board a certificate issued by the Secretary of the Department of Energy on or after 1/1/08, according to federal tax laws.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 293* (Strickland-R) Renters' and homeowners' tax exemption
Increases the annual property tax homeowners' exemption, from $7,000 to $22,000, effective as of the lien date for fiscal year (FY) 2008-09. Provides for an annual adjustment to the homeowners' exemption commencing with the lien date for FY 2009-10. Calculates the annual adjustment based upon the percentage change in the California Housing Price Index for the first three quarters of the prior calendar year. Increases the renters' credit for taxable year 2008 according to the filing status of the individual.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 335 (De Leon-D) Homeless assistance: CalWORKS aid
Allows sworn statements by victims of domestic violence to be sufficient to establish eligibility for the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids homeless assistance, and limits persons who qualify for the program to not more than 16 calendar days of temporary assistance and two payments of permanent assistance.
Chapter 726, Statutes of 2007

AB 354* (Hernandez-D) Occupational safety and health
Creates a registration program for employers and contractors who perform lead-related construction.
(On Senate Inactive File)

AB 382 (Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee) Housing omnibus act
Makes a number of technical, non-controversial changes to laws relating to housing.
Chapter 596, Statutes of 2007

AB 388* (Gaines-R) Homeowners and renters: tax exemption
Increases the annual homeowners' tax exemption to $25,000 and increases the renters' credit available to certain individuals to $430 per year.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 393* (Coto-D) Mortgage insurance
Conforms California personal income tax law to recent federal changes that permit homeowners to take a one-time itemized deduction for mortgage insurance premiums paid or accrued in 2007.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 402 (Ma-D) Property taxation: change in ownership
Extends change in ownership exclusion to transfers between foster parents and foster children, and enacts reporting requirements for residential cooperative housing.
Chapter 450, Statutes of 2007

AB 405 (Duvall-R) Redevelopment: tax increment revenues
Requires tax increment revenues to be directed to the county upon expiration of a redevelopment agency if the county is a low-wealth county.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 410 (Adams-R) Termination of tenancy: unclaimed property
Increases to $650, from $300, the threshold amount of determining whether the landlord must dispose of the departed tenant's unclaimed property via a public sale, with the proceeds of the sale (less storage and sale costs) held for the tenant, or whether the landlord may dispose of the property in any manner or retain it for his/her own use.
(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 432 (Garcia-R) Real estate: time-share plans
Allows time-share developers, upon approval of the Department of Real Estate, to consolidate within a single disclosure document for potential time-share purchasers the disclosures required by California law and the non-redundant information required to be disclosed by a regulatory agency in other states.
Chapter 53, Statutes of 2007

AB 456 (Cook-R) Construction Management Education Account
Continuously appropriates the funds in the Construction Management Education Account in the Contractors' License Fund.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 495* (Tran-R) Homeowners and renters: taxation: seniors
Increases the annual homeowners' exemption to $25,000 for persons aged 62 or older.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 530 (Salas-D) Taxation: military housing
Revises existing law with respect to excluding military housing from classification as a possessory interest subject to property taxation.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 548 (Levine-D) Solid waste: multifamily dwellings
Requires, on and after 7/1/08, an owner of a multifamily dwelling, consisting of five or more living units, to arrange for recycling services.

AB 567 (Saldana-D) Common Interest Development Bureau
Establishes, until 1/1/13, in the Department of Consumer Affairs, the Common Interest Development Bureau. Requires the Bureau to offer training materials and courses to common interest development directors, officers, and owners, in subjects relevant to the operation of a common interest development and the rights and duties of an association or owner. Requires the Bureau to maintain a toll-free telephone number and web site for purposes of further providing that information and assistance, and requires an association director or agent to meet certain requirements in that regard.
(In Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee)

AB 628 (Price-D) Residential mortgage loans: gifts
Prohibits a real estate broker or a residential mortgage lender or servicer from making a gift, as defined, to a borrower or a potential borrower.
(In Assembly Banking and Finance Committee)

AB 641 (Torrico-D) Developer fees
Prohibits local governments from requiring the payment of local developer fees before the developer has received a certificate of occupancy, pursuant to a specified exemption, for any housing development in which at least 49% of the units are affordable to low- or very-low income households.
Chapter 603, Statutes of 2007

AB 691 (Silva-R) Common interest developments
Extends the sunset date for provisions of law regulating the certification of common interest development managers to 1/1/12.
Chapter 236, Statutes of 2007

AB 709 (Keene-R) Real estate appraisers
Allows public agencies to accept bids on a public contract for appraisal services from an appraiser who may be a member of any appraisal organization affiliated with the (national) Appraisal Foundation, as specified. Allows the appraiser to bring civil action against the public agency if they are not allowed to submit a proposal.

AB 711 (Emmerson-R) Contractors: landscape contractors
Allows a landscape contractor to enter into a prime contract to construct an outdoor cooking center or outdoor fireplace, provided the cooking center or fireplace is included within the residential landscape projects that the contractor is supervising.
Chapter 107, Statutes of 2007

AB 715 (Laird-D) Low-flush water closets
Phases in lower-flush volume requirements for water closets and urinals.
Chapter 499, Statutes of 2007

AB 725 (Lieber-D) Rental housing applications
Creates a mandatory universal rental application, to be used if the housing provider receives certain state financial assistance.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 763 (Saldana-D) Condominium conversion
Revises and recasts provisions in the Subdivision Map Act concerning the notice required to be given to actual and prospective tenants of residential real property subject to conversion to a condominium project, a community apartment project, or a stock cooperative project. Requires notices to be provided in the same language if the rental agreement was negotiated in Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, or Korean.
Chapter 612, Statutes of 2007

AB 793* (Strickland-R) Affordable housing: property tax
Requires county assessors to exclude the fiscal impact of affordable housing agreements from the assessed value of real property.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 804 (Huff-R) Escrow agents
Enacts various changes to the laws involving independent escrow agents, some of which are technical, some of which are intended to ease compliance burdens for licensed escrow agents, and some of which are intended to be pro-consumer.
Chapter 237, Statutes of 2007

AB 839 (Emmerson-R) Real estate military licensee
Adds National Guard members to the list of military services who will be exempt from having to renew their real estate license while serving on active duty.
Chapter 194, Statutes of 2007

AB 840 (Emmerson-R) Real estate licenses
Authorizes the Commissioner of the Department of Real Estate to suspend or revoke the license of a real estate licensee, or deny issuance of a real estate license to an applicant, who has been found guilty or convicted of a crime that is substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of real estate licensees.
Chapter 140, Statutes of 2007

AB 843 (Eng-D) Property taxation
Amends the current rules for reporting changes in ownership of property, changes the maximum penalty that may be imposed for property not eligible for a homeowners' exemption, and adds clear direction for mailing requests for unfilled change in ownership statements.

AB 864 (Davis-D) Substandard building purchases
Requires the buyers of substandard properties to provide identifying information and a rehabilitation plan to the local code enforcement agency.

AB 936 (Assembly Business And Professions Committee) Contractors
Requires a licensee whose license is expired, cancelled, or inactive to maintain an address of record with the Contractors' State License Board for five years instead of three.
Chapter 240, Statutes of 2007

AB 968* (Walters-R) Taxation: homeowners' property exemption: renters' credit
Changes in the case of a first-time homebuyer the amount of the property tax exemption allowed, and adjusts the renters' tax credit for inflation for taxable years beginning on or after 1/1/08.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 972* (Walters-R) Taxation: homeowners' property exemption: renters' credit
Increases the annual homeowners' property tax exemption to equal 25% of the purchase price of the dwelling, and increases the renter's tax credit from $120 to $1,000 for married couples filing joint returns and from $60 to $500 for all other individual taxpayers with an adjusted gross income not exceeding $25,000.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 976 (Charles Calderon-D) Tenancy: tenant's characteristics
Regulates inquiries and reporting by landlords regarding the immigration or citizenship status of tenants or occupants.
Chapter 403, Statutes of 2007

AB 980 (Charles Calderon-D) Real estate transfer fees: residential property
Requires both retroactive and prospective recording of notices regarding transfer fees. Requires the seller of residential property to provide an additional disclosure statement notifying the buyer about any transfer fee, the amount, recipients, purpose, and expiration of the fee. Requires any person or entity that imposes, or has imposed, a transfer fee to record a specified document with the county recorder as a prerequisite to any payment of that fee, as specified, and defines transfer fee and exempts certain fees from that definition.
Chapter 689, Statutes of 2007

AB 987 (Jones-D) Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund
Requires a redevelopment agency to make certain changes to the monitoring and recording of affordability covenants and gives persons, directly affected by a breach, standing to enforce affordability covenants.
Chapter 690, Statutes of 2007

AB 1020 (Sharon Runner-R) Recordation: change of ownership
Provides that the recordation of a certificate of sale for property sold with redemption rights does not constitute a change of ownership, and clarifies rules for county recorders to accept digital or digitized documents for recording purposes.
Chapter 277, Statutes of 2007

AB 1173 (Keene-R) Water charges: multiunit residential structures
Establishes a process by which apartment landlords charge apartment tenants for the water consumed in each apartment.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1188 (Coto-D) Escrow: disbursements
Requires an escrow agent or title company who make disbursements in conjunction from an escrow account of loan funds to notify the lender as to the disbursement date of the loan funds.
(In Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee)

AB 1197 (Aghazarian-R) Sex offenders: housing
States that denial or termination of tenancy in rental housing of a person who has been convicted of the commission or attempted commission of specified offenses listed in Penal Code Section 290.46(b)(2) is presumed to protect a person at risk.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)

AB 1213 (Price-D) Local governments: housing elements
Requires the housing element of a local government's general plan, at the next update, to include floating homes in the identification of adequate sites for housing.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)

AB 1234 (Wolk-D) Energy commissioner: furnaces
Establishes that a dwelling unit containing a floor furnace after 1/1/14 shall be deemed untenantable. Requires the Public Utilities Commission to establish a new program, to run from 7/1/08 to 12/31/13, to replace gas floor furnaces in residential dwelling units occupied by customers who are eligible for the electrical corporations' and gas corporations' low-income energy efficiency programs. Specifies that, whenever feasible, the floor furnaces are to be replaced with a heating appliance other than a floor furnace.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1239* (Garrick-R) Property taxation: fire safety devices
Exempts newly constructed home fire safety devices from being included in property valuation for the purposes of taxation.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1356 (Houston-R) Real property: equity purchasers
Permits a licensed representative of an "equity purchaser" to demonstrate financial responsibility by either surety bond or professional liability coverage.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

AB 1366 (Portantino-D) Housing element: local planning
Allows the planning agency of a local government, in the housing element portion of its annual report on the general plan, to include a specific description of the status of the legislative body's efforts to plan for the jurisdiction's share of the regional housing need.
(In Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 1406 (Huffman-D) Recycled water: toilet and urinal flushing: condominiums
Adds condominium projects to the definition of "structures" where use of potable water for toilets is deemed "unreasonable," and updates the statute to refer to the recently created Department of Public Health.
Chapter 537, Statutes of 2007

AB 1451* (Leno-D) Property tax exclusion: solar energy systems
Extends the current exclusion from "new construction" for active solar energy systems, from 2008-09 fiscal year, to the 2015-16 fiscal year. The exclusion must be reduced by the value of any rebates to either the owner-builder or initial purchaser. Allows owners of active solar energy systems to additionally exclude equipment used in electricity conveyance that are currently subject to tax under existing law, if the owner is a private energy producer that does not receive net metering. Owners must have an electricity purchasing agreement to supply a local publicly owned electric utility or electric corporation.
(In Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1470 (Huffman-D) Solar energy
Creates the Solar Hot Water and Efficiency Act of 2007, a $250 million subsidy program for solar hot water heaters, with the goal of promoting the installation of 200,000 solar hot water systems in California by 2017.
Chapter 536, Statutes of 2007

AB 1485* (Jeffries-R) Principal residence: veterans
Increases the property tax exemption currently provided to disabled veterans and their surviving spouses, beginning in 2008-09.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1574 (Houston-R) Real property: transfer fees
Limits the imposition of residential real property transfer fees to properties for which the Department of Real Estate has issued a public report under the Subdivision Map Act.
(In Senate Judiciary Committee)

ACA 2 (Walters-R) Eminent domain
Prohibits the taking or damaging of private property, without the express written consent of the owner, for purposes of economic development, increasing tax revenue, or private use, or when the same use will be maintained following the taking. Requires that, prior to the commencement of eminent domain proceedings, the public use for which the property is to be taken be stated in writing. Provides that a property owner's acceptance of money deposited as the probable amount of just compensation does not prejudice the owner's right to challenge the amount of compensation or whether the taking is for a private use. Entitles a property owner to an award of attorney's fees from the condemnor upon a court finding that the condemnor's actions were not in compliance with the measure's provisions. Defines "public use" for these purposes, and permits the leasing of limited space for privately owned and operated business activity incidental to, and compatible with, the public work or improvement, subject to specified restrictions. Permits private property to be taken to eliminate a specific, recurring, and ongoing threat to public safety, if certain conditions exist on each parcel to be taken and pursuant to a certain process. Provides that if property taken by eminent domain ceases to be used for the public use stated at the time of the taking, or fails to be put to that use within 10 years following the date of the taking, the former owner and heirs shall have the right to acquire the property at fair market value at the time of the reconveyance. Provides that it applies to both new and pending projects that involve the exercise of the power of eminent domain, except if a resolution of necessity was adopted, as specified, prior to the effective date of the measure. Excludes from the application of its provisions real property that is within a duly formed redevelopment project as of 1/1/08 that has a specific connection with a military facility.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)

ACA 8 (De La Torre-D) Eminent domain
Requires the public use for which private property is taken by eminent domain to be stated in writing, prior to the commencement of eminent domain proceedings. Prohibits, generally, a state or local government from acquiring by eminent domain an owner-occupied residence, real property on which a small business (defined as having 50 or fewer full-time employees) is operated, or real property in agricultural use, for the purpose of conveying real property to a private person or private entity.
(On Assembly Floor)

ACR 61 (Lieber-D) Joint Committee on Homelessness in California
Establishes the Joint Committee on Homelessness in California, to study and investigate issues relating to homelessness. The Committee shall consist of five Assembly Members appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly and five Senators appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules. Prescribes the duties and powers of the Committee, and authorizes the Committee to act until 11/30/08.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)

AJR 3 (Dymally-D) Low-income home energy assistance
Memorializes the President and the Congress to increase the federal budget authorization for the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program to $7 billion for the 2007-08 fiscal year, and appropriate that entire amount for distribution to the states.
(In Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee)

Return to Top

Bill Author and Bill Title Reference Links
Index (in bill order)
SB 2 Cedillo-D
Housing: shelters
Finance and Development
SB 6 Oropeza-D
Subdivisions: local use planning
Finance and Development
SB 12* Lowenthal-D
Housing element: local agencies
Finance and Development
SB 46 Perata-D
Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006
Finance and Development
SB 122 Steinberg-D
Homelessness: hate crimes
SB 127 Kuehl-D
Property transfers: disclosures
SB 133 Aanestad-R
Title insurance: title solicitors
SB 138 Calderon-D
Construction contracts
SB 198* Battin-R
Age discrimination: homeless youth
SB 223* Machado-D
Real estate appraisals
SB 226 Negrete McLeod-D
Real estate licensees
SB 237 Dutton-R
Contractors: mechanics' liens
SB 303 Ducheny-D
Local government: land use planning
Finance and Development
SB 354 Margett-R
Contractors: aiding unlicensed persons
SB 355 Margett-R
Contractors: consultants
SB 371 Yee-D
Nonresidential tenancy: deposit money
SB 385 Machado-D
Real estate: mortgages: real estate brokers
SB 429 Ducheny-D
Land use controls
Finance and Development
SB 433 Harman-R
Homestead exemptions
SB 437 Negrete McLeod-D
Local agencies: redevelopment
Finance and Development
SB 464 Kuehl-D
Rental property: public entity restrictions
SB 465 Lowenthal-D
Housing: grant and loan programs
Finance and Development
SB 482 Yee-D
Residential tenancies: security deposits
SB 522 Dutton-R
Infill housing: incentives
Finance and Development
SB 528 Aanestad-R
Common interest developments: open meetings
SB 538 Battin-R
Manufactured housing
SB 541 Alquist-D
Mobilehome parks
SB 545 Cox-R
Affordable Housing Innovation Fund
Finance and Development
SB 546 Ducheny-D
Department of Housing and Community Development
Finance and Development
SB 559* Kehoe-D
Property taxation: change in ownership: exclusion
SB 586* Dutton-R
Affordable Housing Innovation Fund
Finance and Development
SB 589 Correa-D
Mobilehome and special occupancy parks: sewage disposal
SB 592 Cogdill-R
Real property: methamphetamine cleanup
SB 670 Correa-D
Real property: transfer fees
SB 698 Torlakson-D
Eminent domain
SB 699 Ducheny-D
Developer fees: water rights and supply
Finance and Development
SB 702 Torlakson-D
Attached residential condominiums: sales contracts
SB 707 Ducheny-D
Housing loan conversions
SB 713 Lowenthal-D
Farmworker housing assistance
Finance and Development
SB 753 Correa-D
Mobilehomes and manufactured homes: purchase
SB 794* Maldonado-R
Environmental buildings: tax credit
SB 821 Kuehl-D
Residential development: water supplies
Finance and Development
SB 829 Wyland-R
Cal-Vet loans
SB 875 Ridley-Thomas-D
Insurance premiums
SB 900 Corbett-D
Mobilehome parks: conversion
SB 934 Lowenthal-D
Housing and infrastructure zones
Finance and Development
SB 948 Harman-R
Common interest developments
SCA 1 McClintock-R
Eminent domain: condemnation proceedings
SCR 43 Machado-D
California Architecture Week
SR 3 Kehoe-D
Home Energy Assistance
Finance and Development
AB 20 Eng-D
Transit-oriented plan amendments
Finance and Development
AB 29 Hancock-D
Infill development: incentive grants
Finance and Development
AB 42 Sharon Runner-R
Subsidized housing: grand theft
AB 70 Jones-D
Flood liability
Finance and Development
AB 82 Evans-D
Regional housing needs
Finance and Development
AB 155* Nakanishi-R
Energy efficient homes
Finance and Development
AB 192* Assembly Budget Committee
Infill Incentive Program
Finance and Development
AB 285 Garcia-R
Mobilehomes: rent control
AB 293* Strickland-R
Renters' and homeowners' tax exemption
AB 335 De Leon-D
Homeless assistance: CalWORKS aid
AB 339 Cook-R
Mobilehomes: escrow
AB 354* Hernandez-D
Occupational safety and health
AB 382 Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee
Housing omnibus act
AB 388* Gaines-R
Homeowners and renters: tax exemption
AB 393* Coto-D
Mortgage insurance
AB 402 Ma-D
Property taxation: change in ownership
AB 405 Duvall-R
Redevelopment: tax increment revenues
AB 410 Adams-R
Termination of tenancy: unclaimed property
AB 414 Jones-D
Zoning for housing
Finance and Development
AB 432 Garcia-R
Real estate: time-share plans
AB 446 Soto-D
Mobilehome resale
AB 456 Cook-R
Construction Management Education Account
AB 460 Cook-R
Mobilehome parks: removal of mobilehomes
AB 495* Tran-R
Homeowners and renters: taxation: seniors
AB 530 Salas-D
Taxation: military housing
AB 548 Levine-D
Solid waste: multifamily dwellings
AB 567 Saldana-D
Common Interest Development Bureau
AB 600 Garcia-R
Housing: homebuyer assistance
Finance and Development
AB 628 Price-D
Residential mortgage loans: gifts
AB 641 Torrico-D
Developer fees
AB 665 DeSaulnier-D
Housing: growth
Finance and Development
AB 677 Nakanishi-R
Firefighters' Home Purchase Act of 2007
Finance and Development
AB 691 Silva-R
Common interest developments
AB 709 Keene-R
Real estate appraisers
AB 711 Emmerson-R
Contractors: landscape contractors
AB 715 Laird-D
Low-flush water closets
AB 725 Lieber-D
Rental housing applications
AB 762 Nava-D
Farm labor housing
Finance and Development
AB 763 Saldana-D
Condominium conversion
AB 792* Garcia-R
Environmentally sustainable affordable housing
Finance and Development
AB 793* Strickland-R
Affordable housing: property tax
AB 804 Huff-R
Escrow agents
AB 839 Emmerson-R
Real estate military licensee
AB 840 Emmerson-R
Real estate licenses
AB 843 Eng-D
Property taxation
AB 845* Bass-D
Foster youth: transitional housing
Finance and Development
AB 864 Davis-D
Substandard building purchases
AB 872 Davis-D
Urban infill affordable housing
Finance and Development
AB 884 Dymally-D
Low-income housing tax
Finance and Development
AB 887* De La Torre-D
Eminent domain: redevelopment
Finance and Development
AB 888 Lieu-D
Green building standards
Finance and Development
AB 927 Saldana-D
Multifamily housing
Finance and Development
AB 929 Sharon Runner-R
Housing finance
Finance and Development
AB 936 Assembly Business And Professions Committee
AB 952 Mullin-D
Common interest developments
Finance and Development
AB 958 Evans-D
State and local government
AB 968* Walters-R
Taxation: homeowners' property exemption: renters' credit
AB 971 Portantino-D
Housing: Community Workforce Housing Innovation Program
Finance and Development
AB 972* Walters-R
Taxation: homeowners' property exemption: renters' credit
AB 976 Charles Calderon-D
Tenancy: tenant's characteristics
AB 980 Charles Calderon-D
Real estate transfer fees: residential property
AB 987 Jones-D
Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund
AB 997 Arambula-D
Infill capital outlay project and planning grants and loans
Finance and Development
AB 1017 Ma-D
Affordable housing program
Finance and Development
AB 1019 Blakeslee-R
Land use: annexation: housing
Finance and Development
AB 1020 Sharon Runner-R
Recordation: change of ownership
AB 1031 Levine-D
Developmental services
Finance and Development
AB 1037 Feuer-D
Transit-oriented developments: zoning variances
Finance and Development
AB 1053 Nunez-D
Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account
Finance and Development
AB 1058 Laird-D
Green building construction: best practices
Finance and Development
AB 1065 Lieber-D
Public resources: building standards: greenhouse gas
Finance and Development
AB 1069 Cook-R
Abandoned property: vehicles and mobilehomes
AB 1091 Bass-D
Transit-Oriented Development Implementation Program
Finance and Development
AB 1096 DeVore-R
California Environmental Quality Act: housing
Finance and Development
AB 1111 DeSaulnier-D
Mobilehome parks: rules and regulations
AB 1129 Arambula-D
Rural regional affordable housing trust
Finance and Development
AB 1153 Garcia-R
Mobilehome dealers: occupational licensing
AB 1173 Keene-R
Water charges: multiunit residential structures
AB 1188 Coto-D
Escrow: disbursements
AB 1197 Aghazarian-R
Sex offenders: housing
AB 1213 Price-D
Local governments: housing elements
AB 1221 Ma-D
Transit village developments: tax increment financing
Finance and Development
AB 1231 Garcia-R
Infill development: incentive grants
Finance and Development
AB 1234 Wolk-D
Energy commissioner: furnaces
AB 1239* Garrick-R
Property taxation: fire safety devices
AB 1254 Caballero-D
Affordable housing: property tax revenue
Finance and Development
AB 1256 Caballero-D
Density bonus: exemption: local inclusionary ordinance
Finance and Development
AB 1259 Caballero-D
Local planning: housing element
Finance and Development
AB 1283 Laird-D
Affordable housing
Finance and Development
AB 1309 Charles Calderon-D
Mobilehomes: rent control
AB 1356 Houston-R
Real property: equity purchasers
AB 1366 Portantino-D
Housing element: local planning
AB 1406 Huffman-D
Recycled water: toilet and urinal flushing: condominiums
AB 1422 Davis-D
Housing: down payment assistance
Finance and Development
AB 1449 Saldana-D
Density bonus
Finance and Development
AB 1451* Leno-D
Property tax exclusion: solar energy systems
AB 1460 Saldana-D
Multifamily Housing Program: project prioritization
Finance and Development
AB 1470 Huffman-D
Solar energy
AB 1485* Jeffries-R
Principal residence: veterans
AB 1493 Saldana-D
Affordable Housing Innovation Fund: housing trust fund
Finance and Development
AB 1497 Niello-R
Local government: housing elements
Finance and Development
AB 1536 Smyth-R
Housing and emergency shelter
Finance and Development
AB 1538 Lieu-D
Housing Trust Fund: home loan refinance assistance
Finance and Development
AB 1542 Evans-D
Mobilehome parks: conversions
AB 1553 DeSaulnier-D
Redevelopment: affordable housing: firefighters
Finance and Development
AB 1560 Huffman-D
Public resources: building standards
Finance and Development
AB 1574 Houston-R
Real property: transfer fees
ACA 2 Walters-R
Eminent domain
ACA 8 De La Torre-D
Eminent domain
ACR 61 Lieber-D
Joint Committee on Homelessness in California
AJR 3 Dymally-D
Low-income home energy assistance

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