Military Base Legislation
SB 976 (Ashburn-R) Military installations: air quality
Authorizes an air district reviewing the modification or replacement of a permit for a stationary source on a military installation to waive the requirement of the Protect California Air Act [SB 288 (Sher), Chapter 476, Statutes of 2003] or any regulation implementing that requirement, for a potential to emit analysis, for the provision of emission offsets based on a potential to emit analysis, or for both, provided that the district makes the following findings: the projected actual emissions of the modified or replacement source do not exceed the actual emissions of the existing permitted source, and the modified or replacement source includes best available control technology.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)
SB 978 (Ashburn-R) Military land and housing areas
Provides that these and related provisions do not require submetering of a municipal or industrial service connection, served and billed through a master meter, for land under the administration of the military or housing projects included in the military housing privatization initiative program.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee)
SB 1400 (Kehoe-D) Property taxation: military housing
Defines military facility under military control as a military base that restricts public access to the military base to ensure efficient administration of the possessory interest tax relative to military housing.
Chapter 251, Statutes of 2006
SJR 18 (Denham-R) Veterans' cemetery: Fort Ord
Memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to approve construction of a state veterans' cemetery at Fort Ord in Monterey County when the state applies to the federal State Cemetery Grants Program.
Resolution Chapter 98, Statutes of 2006
AB 475 (Baca-D) Local agency military base recovery area
Revises the conditions by which the designation of a local agency military base recovery area expires and extends, beginning January 1, 2005, the initial designation period from eight to 14 years, if a specified condition applies.
(Died in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 1279 (Ruskin-D) Military base remediation oversight
Deletes obsolete references in provisions that prohibit the Director of the Department of Finance from eliminating positions at the Department of Toxic Substances Control and the State Water Resources Control Board that are funded with federal funds or through an agreement with private entities, and that oversee hazardous substance cleanup activities at closed military bases.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)
AB 1803* (Assembly Budget Committee) Military properties
Implements the resources and environmental quality portions of the 2006 Budget Act which, among other provisions, requires the Secretary for Resources to identify conservation opportunities around active military or National Guard properties that are threatened by encroachment or incompatible land use by local communities.
Chapter 77, Statutes of 2006
AB 3035 (Laird-D) California Central Coast State Veterans' Cemetery
Creates the California Central Coast State Veterans Cemetery at Fort Ord Endowment Fund (Endowment Fund) in the State Treasury and directs that moneys in the Endowment Fund shall be allocated, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to the Department of Veterans Affairs for the annual administrative and oversight costs of the veterans' cemetery.
Chapter 291, Statutes of 2006
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 976 | Ashburn-R Military installations: air quality | Military Base Legislation |
SB 978 | Ashburn-R Military land and housing areas | Military Base Legislation |
SB 1400 | Kehoe-D Property taxation: military housing | Military Base Legislation |
SJR 18 | Denham-R Veterans' cemetery: Fort Ord | Military Base Legislation |
AB 475 | Baca-D Local agency military base recovery area | Military Base Legislation |
AB 1279 | Ruskin-D Military base remediation oversight | Military Base Legislation |
AB 1803* | Assembly Budget Committee Military properties | Military Base Legislation |
AB 3035 | Laird-D California Central Coast State Veterans' Cemetery | Military Base Legislation |