School Finance
School Facilities
Bilingual Education/English Learners
Charter Schools
School Safety
Child and Day Care
Special Education
School Accountability and Testing
Higher Education
School Employees
School Curriculum
Pupil Nutrition
Vocational Education/Career Technical Education
School Finance
SB 19 (Simitian-D) School funding
Makes statutory changes, related the collection, reporting and use of school data, some of which may be necessary for California to qualify for specific one-time funding programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Chapter 159, Statutes of 2009
Similar bills are SB 1XXXXX (Romero-D) and SB 2XXXXX (Simitian-D) which are at the Assembly Desk.
SB 81* (Alquist-D) Regional occupational centers or programs
Requires, for the 2009-10 fiscal year to the 2012-13 fiscal year, a regional occupational center or program, maintained by a joint powers authority, to receive its operating funds directly from the county office of education of the county in which it is located, as specified.
A similar bill is SB 307 (Alquist-D) which is in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 84 (Steinberg-D) Education finance
Requires the revenue limit reduction (enacted as part of the July 2009 Budget package) associated with capturing General Fund savings under the Quality Education and Investment Act program to occur only when an equivalent amount of additional federal or state funds are available to school districts or charter schools, as specified.
SB 130* (Denham-R) King City Joint Union High School District
Appropriates $5 million and authorizes lease financing up to $13 million as an emergency loan for the King City Joint Union High School District.
Chapter 20, Statutes of 2009
SB 193 (Lowenthal-D) Class size reduction: Long Beach Unified School District
Authorizes the Superintendent of Public Instruction to approve kindergarten through grade 3 class size reduction funding for the Long Beach Unified School District despite exceeding required teacher-to-pupil ratios, if the increase in teacher-to-pupil ratio is due to a fire in May 2007.
SB 680 (Romero-D) School attendance: interdistrict transfers
Extends the sunset and repeal date for the School District of Choice (DOC) program from 7/1/09 to 7/1/16 and 1/1/10 to 1/1/17, respectively, repeals the prohibition on new districts electing to become DOCs, and requires the Legislative Analyst to complete an evaluation of the DOC program and report to the Legislature by 11/1/14.
Chapter 198, Statutes of 2009
A similar bill is AB 1407 (Huffman-D) which is in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 698 (Negrete McLeod-D) Juvenile court schools: funding
Exempts funding for juvenile court school apportionments from the deficit factors established for the 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years and would replace average daily attendance with average daily enrollment as the basis for funding.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 798 (DeSaulnier-D) Before and after school programs
Increases the daily rates and maximum grant amounts for federally funded 21st Century Community Learning Center programs, and reduces the percentage of funding that may be awarded to programs serving high school pupils.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 4XXX* (Ducheny-D) Education: Budget trailer bill
Reduces the Proposition 98 guarantee in the current year by $7.3 billion through a mix of program reductions, deferrals and redesignation of funds and makes various statutory changes to implement these reductions for the Budget Act of 2008 and the Budget Act of 2009.
Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009-10, Third Extraordinary Session
SB 1XXXXX (Romero-D) Federal Race to the Top funding eligibility
Make changes to state law making California eligible for the federal Race to the Top monies. Specifically, this bill (1) revises the provisions of the recently enacted SB 19 (Simitian) which eliminated the statutory barriers linking date on student achievement or student growth to teachers and principals which would have disqualified California from applying for funding, (2) revises the state's strategic plan for education data, and its due date, (3) repeals a statutory limit on the number of charter schools in the state and requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to convene a working group to make specified recommendations relative to charter schools, (4) establishes an open enrollment option to allow pupils in low performing program improvement schools to transfer to public schools in other districts, subject to specified restrictions, (5) provides for identification of the persistently lowest performing five percent of schools in the state, requires parent and employee notification and requires that one of three alternatives for restructuring each school be implemented, (6) requires local educational agencies to retain federally required data in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System data base and makes other changes necessary to meet goals of Race to the Top grant funding, (7) requires the development of a high quality plan to ensure that California may compete for federal Race to the Top funding, and (8) requires the Fiscal Crisis Management and Assistance Team to convene a task force, as specified, to develop and submit recommendations to the Legislature for a standardized process for reporting of financial and accounting data and for providing annual independent financial and compliance audits for charter schools on or before 12/1/10, as specified.
(At Assembly Desk)
SCA 6 (Simitian-D) Parcel taxes
Lowers from 2/3 to 55% the threshold of voter approval necessary for school districts to enact parcel taxes.
(On Senate Third Reading File)
SCR 47 (DeSaulnier-D) Education funding: child development centers and preschools
States the intent of the Legislature to increase the funding of child development centers and preschools in future years, as resources become available, in order to provide staff with adequate salaries and benefits, provide adequate resources to support program quality for children, and keep programs open to serve parents and children.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 8 (Brownley-D) Education finance: working group
Convenes a working group to make findings and recommendations regarding the restructuring of California's education finance system.
AB 60 (Coto-D) Education finance: pupil funding
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to enter into an agreement for the completion of a comprehensive study of key factors to be considered in the creation of weights within a weighted student funding formula for California.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 71 (Duvall-R) Categorical education funding: block grants
Repeals various block grants and establishes the following block grants, composed of funding for specified categorical education programs: the Supplemental Professional and Staff Development Block Grant, the Supplemental Academic Support for At-Risk Pupils Block Grant, the Supplemental Academic Support Block Grant, the Supplemental Operational Support Block Grant, the Supplemental Career Technical Education Block Grant, and the Supplemental Pupil Support Block Grant.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 267 (Torlakson-D) Education finance districts: taxes
Authorizes an education finance district, as defined, to impose a qualified special tax, as defined, within the district.
AB 317 (Solorio-D) School attendance: H1N1 virus
Provides that pupil absences certified as related to the H1N1 (2009) influenza virus, in accordance with the procedures established pursuant to the bill, not be deemed as absences under this provision and not affect the calculation of state apportionments. Authorizes the governing board of a school district in which any public elementary or secondary school that has 50 or more pupils who have missed at least one day of school because of the H1N1 virus apply to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for a waiver of qualifying pupil absences for apportionment purposes.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 339 (Torres-D) Education finance: county offices of education
Clarifies that county offices of education are eligible for federal funding pursuant to state and federal law.
AB 434 (Block-D) After school programs
Reduces the local match requirement for After School Education and Safety programs from 33% to 15% for the 2009-10 and 2010-11 fiscal years. Provides that the costs of a site supervisor would be counted as direct services if 85% of a supervisor's time is spent at the site.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 451 (De Leon-D) School funding: accountability
Increases grant amounts available to school districts, county offices of education and charter schools that have been identified under federal law for corrective action, and expands eligibility for grants to districts that have schools that have been identified for corrective action for several years, even though the districts themselves have not been identified for corrective action.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 683* (Chesbro-D) School finance: program improvement
Specifies that the amount of a grant for a local educational agency that is identified for corrective action and subject to sanctions, that does not have a school identified for program improvement pursuant to federal law, shall be based on the overall proportion of schools identified for program improvement of all local educational agencies determined to be within one of three categories, multiplied by the number of schools in the local educational agency, multiplied by the grant amount that would be appropriate to the local educational agency based upon the pervasiveness and severity of its performance problems, as specified.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 788 (Swanson-D) Education finance: Oakland Unified School District
Prohibits the Superintendent of Public Instruction or his/her appointed administrator or trustee from transferring or allocating to a charter school located within the territorial jurisdiction of the Oakland Unified School District any funds appropriated or allocated to that school district.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 837 (Torlakson-D) School attendance: online education
Establishes that a school district or county office of education may claim average daily attendance on the basis of a pupil's attendance at a class(es) in the classroom-based setting on that day, for the purpose of learning online, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 844 (Villines-R) School districts: mandated programs
Establishes an alternative system for determining and providing reimbursements for costs associated with local school district programs mandated by the state.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 851 (Brownley-D) Education finance
Simplifies calculation of school district general purpose funding (revenue limits) by consolidating four add-on formulas into two fixed adjustments.
Chapter 374, Statutes of 2009
AB 868 (V. Manuel Perez-D) Palo Verde Unified School District: four-day school week
Authorizes the Palo Verde Unified School District to operate one or more schools in the district on a four-day school week if the district complies with the instructional time requirements and other requirements for operating a four-day school week.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 871 (Nestande-R) Education finance: Year-Round School Grant Program
Requires a school district that did not receive Year Round School Program funding in the 2007-08 fiscal year (the Menifee Union School District in Riverside County) to be eligible for this funding in the 2008-09 fiscal year only, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 972 (Audra Strickland-R) School district administrative costs
Requires a school district with annual enrollment greater than 300,000 pupils to limit expenditures for administrative costs in each fiscal year to no more than 5% of its total budget, including monies from all fund sources.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 980 (Swanson-D) Emergency loan repayment: charter schools
Requires a charter school located within the geographic boundaries of a school district that is repaying an emergency loan to pay a prorated amount of the annual payment made by the district on that loan.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1022 (Nava-D) Ventura School District: sale of surplus property
Authorizes the Ventura Unified School District to deposit $10 million of the proceeds from the sale of surplus real property purchased entirely with local funds and sold prior to 1/1/05, into the general fund of the school district to be used for any one-time general fund purpose.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 1226 (Huber-D) School apportionment: workplace learning
Allows a school district to report for state apportionments average daily attendance in classes that are not open to the general public if the classes are held in the workplace, are intended primarily to help pupils with attainment of a General Education Development (GED) credential or high school diploma, and are offered by an employee of the district appropriately credentialed for the course being offered.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1349 (Torlakson-D) After School Education and Safety Program Act of 2002
Modifies the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program (Proposition 49) by authorizing the continuous appropriation of ASES program funding to be reduced by an equal percentage to the reduction in the Proposition 98 minimum funding guarantee in any fiscal year that Proposition 98 is funded below the "Test 2" level (fiscal years with normal or strong General Fund revenue). Prohibits any reduction in ASES funding from being counted toward the Proposition 98 maintenance factor obligation.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1583 (Assembly Education Committee) Education finance: school safety
Revises provisions establishing the School Safety Consolidated Competitive Grant to authorize the expenditure of funds previously apportioned for other purposes.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 4X (Evans-D) School finance: Budget Act of 2008
Reduces Proposition 98 spending by $2.5 billion using a combination of prior year unspent funds and current year program reductions and makes various statutory changes to implement these reductions to the Budget Act of 2008.
AB 35XXX* (Hagman-R) Chino Valley Unified School District
Deems Chino Valley Unified School District to have complied with the requirements for Longer Year Incentive Funding for the 2008-09 school year, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 56XXX (Evans-D) Education finance: Quality Education & Investment Act
Repeals the funding mechanism enacted as a part of the July budget package for the Quality Education and Investment Act (QEIA) program in 2009-10. Implements a new funding mechanism for the QEIA program in 2009-10. This new mechanism redirects $355 million in Proposition 98 funds previously available for categorical program backfill in 2009-10 to QEIA and appropriates an additional $20 million in unspent Proposition 98 funds from prior years in order to fully fund the QEIA program in 2009-10. Directs the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to allocate up to $165 million in federal Title I Set Aside funds, which, if available, would offset Proposition 98 funding for QEIA in 2009-10. States legislative intent that the SPI determine the availability of these funds on or before 11/15/09. Requires the SPI to submit a plan to the Legislature, the Department of Finance and the Legislative Analyst's Office by 2/15/10, that covers the use of prior year and ongoing federal School Improvement Funds.
Chapter 31, Statutes of 2009, Third Extraordinary Session
AB 2XXXX* (Evans-D) Education: Budget trailer bill
Provides the necessary statutory changes in the area of education in order to enact modifications to the 2009 Budget Act.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2009-10, Fourth Extraordinary Session
AB 3XXXX* (Evans-D) Education funding: Budget Act of 2009
Provides statutory changes for Proposition 98 funding for K-14 education relating to implementation of the 2009 Budget Act.
Chapter 3, Statutes of 2009-10, Fourth Extraordinary Session
ACA 10 (Torlakson-D) Education Finance District: special tax
Amends the California Constitution to lower the constitutional vote requirement for approval of a special tax to be levied by an education finance district from 2/3 to a majority of the district voters.
(On Assembly Third Reading File)
ACA 1XXX (Niello-R) Supplemental education payments
Directs specified Budget Stabilization Funds to supplemental education payments.
Chapter 1, Statutes of 2009-10, Third Extraordinary Session
Voters rejected this amendment at the 5/19/09 special election.
ACR 54 (Brownley-D) Education finance
Recognizes the need for the state to generate sufficient funds for, and allocate sufficient funds to, education.
Resolution Chapter 99, Statutes of 2009
School Facilities
SB 82 (Hancock-D) Schools: energy conservation
Requires the State Controller to establish a Solar School Subaccount in the State Energy Conservation Assistance Account to be used by the California Energy Commission for loans to schools for energy efficiency projects and for the installation of solar energy systems.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
A similar bill is SB 363 (Hancock-D) which is in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 113 (Senate Local Government Committee) School facilities improvement districts
Among other provisions, allows a county board of supervisors' approval to use the school facilities improvement district statute to be either countywide or limited to particular school districts.
Chapter 332, Statutes of 2009
SB 252 (Denham-R) School facilities: deferred maintenance
Expands the uses of deferred maintenance funding to include the use of these funds for internal connections for education technology wiring.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 305 (Corbett-D) School facilities: seismic mitigation
Requires the Office of the State Architect, within its existing resources, to update the seismic safety inventory of school buildings and related report to more accurately identify building deficiencies in school facilities currently being used for public school purposes. Requires the State Allocation Board to use the information from this updated inventory and report to inform the development of eligibility criteria for the Seismic Mitigation Program, as defined.
SB 334 (Ducheny-D) School facilities: special education
Requires the State Allocation Board to apply increases in the per pupil grant amount for new construction funding authorized by Proposition 1D, (AB 127 [Nunez-D], Chapter 35, Statutes of 2006), to the per pupil grant amount for special day class students, as specified.
Chapter 349, Statutes of 2009
SB 365 (Ducheny-D) State Allocation Board: Office of Public School Construction
Changes the composition of the State Allocation Board (SAB) and transfers the duties and staff of the Office of Public School Construction, which operates under the Department of General Services, to the SAB on or after 7/1/10, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 375 (Hancock-D) School facilities
Authorizes the State Allocation Board to review regulations and adopt regulations for apportioning funds provided under the Seismic Mitigation Program. Specifies that apportionments from the Program shall fund repair, reconstruction, or replacement of school buildings determined to be seismically at risk, and further allows the use of apportionments to fund structural evaluations and interim housing costs for displaced pupils.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 378 (Romero-D) Charter School Facility Grant Program
Expands eligibility for the Charter School Facility Grant Program, under specified conditions, and requires funds to be provided in advance of current year expenses rather than as reimbursed for prior year expenses.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 509 (Senate Education Committee) Deferred maintenance
Among other provisions, deletes an inoperative date language related to the payments of Deferred Maintenance program funds.
Chapter 303, Statutes of 2009
SB 592* (Romero-D) Charter Schools Facilities Program
Authorizes a local government entity, including a county board of education, a city or a county, and authorizes a charter school to hold title to a charter school facility constructed with state bond funds. Authorizes charter school to request a district currently holding title to such a facility to transfer title to the charter school or other specified entity upon mutual agreement.
Chapter 192, Statutes of 2009
SCA 1XXX (Steinberg-D) Education finance
Provides, commencing with the 2011-12 fiscal year, that school districts and community college districts are to receive supplemental education payments in the total amount of $9.3 billion, and requires the Legislature to annually appropriate that amount from a specified account until the full amount of the supplemental education payments has been allocated. Provides that the payments are in lieu of the maintenance factor amounts, if any, that otherwise would be determined for the 2007-08 or 2008-09 fiscal years. Makes its operation contingent upon the establishment, under a separate provision of the California Constitution, of the specified account from which the payments would be appropriated.
(Unassigned to a committee)
AB 142* (Hayashi-D) School facilities: energy
Establishes the Energy Cost Savings Stimulus Program to be used for school facilities.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 172 (Smyth-R) School facilities: alcohol beverages
Allows public colleges to serve alcoholic beverages during fundraisers in college facilities that are used to support school K-12 students, if the event is held at a time when students are not present at the facility.
Chapter 398, Statutes of 2009
AB 211 (Mendoza-D) School facilities: classroom security locks
Requires new construction projects submitted to the Division of the State Architect on or after 7/1/10 to include locks that allow classrooms, or any room with occupancy of more than five persons, to be locked from the inside, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 220 (Brownley-D) Public education facilities
Makes a number of revisions to the school facilities and construction laws.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 346 (Torlakson-D) Joint-use school facilities
Expands the type of projects, and local contributions that are allowed in order to be eligible for School Facility Joint-Use Program funding.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 629 (Krekorian-D) School facilities: water
Requires a school district, by 1/1/12, to conduct a one-time analysis of the level of lead in water in schools that were constructed before 1/1/93 (except for those schools whose plumbing has been completely replaced after 1993).
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 685 (Davis-D) School facilities: athletics: compliance
Requires the California Department of Education to include, as part of its review of an application for new construction plan approval, a determination of whether the proposed school facility project design, with respect to athletic facilities, provides gender equitable access to the facility.
AB 747 (Emmerson-R) School facilities: recycling programs
Authorizes and encourages school districts and each campus of the University of California, California State University, and the California Community Colleges to establish and maintain a beverage container recycling program in all classrooms, administrative offices, and other areas owned or leased by the school district or college campus where a significant quantity of beverage containers is generated or may be collected.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 821 (Brownley-D) School facilities: maintenance
Establishes the Clean and Healthy Schools Act, which requires all school districts and non-public elementary schools (with 50 or more pupils) to purchase and use only environmentally preferable cleaning and cleaning maintenance products, if these products exist.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 888 (Price-D) School grounds: alcoholic beverages
Prohibits, as an infraction, the possession of an alcoholic beverage container, or consumption of an alcoholic beverage, on a public street, alley, or sidewalk within 600 feet of the property line of a public or private school (K-12), with specified exceptions.
AB 1042 (Carter-D) School siting and improvement
Revises provisions of law concerning school siting and improvements by school districts in cooperation with local government ordinances.
(In Assembly Local Government Committee)
AB 1080 (Skinner-D) School districts: joint-use agreements
Expands current law by adding local governmental agencies to the list of entities with which a school district may enter into leases and agreements for joint occupancy of facilities.
Chapter 383, Statutes of 2009
AB 1099 (Fuller-R) School facilities: construction
Eliminates the requirement that a notice of completion be filed before the Department of General Services issues certification that the proposed school building complies with the Field Act.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 1120 (Niello-R) School facilities: constructability reviews
Requires the Department of General Services to distribute information on the use of constructability reviews of plans and specifications used for the construction of school facilities and the potential for cost savings that may be realized by the use of a constructability review.
AB 1127 (Solorio-D) School facilities: fire sprinklers
Requires all school modernization projects, on or after 7/1/10, that are structural in nature and are a part of a multistory building or building with exits that open to an enclosed hallway to include an automatic fire detection, alarm, and sprinkler system approved by the State Fire Marshal.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1448 (Tom Berryhill-R) Public schoolhouses: alcoholic beverages
Creates an exception to the general prohibition against the consumption of alcoholic beverages on publicly-owned school property by allowing alcoholic beverages to be sold and consumed for an event during the weekend or at other times when pupils are not on the grounds of an overnight retreat facility owned and operated by the county office of education in Stanislaus County.
Chapter 399, Statutes of 2009
AB 1476 (Cook-R) School facilities: repayment of penalties
Authorizes the State Allocation Board to extend the repayment period by an additional five years for school districts found to be falsely certifying state school construction funding eligibility or application if specified conditions exist.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
Bilingual Education/English Learners
AB 70 (Duvall-R) English learners
Requires the California Department of Education, as part of its duties in administering the California English Language Development Test, to gather from each school district that has one or more English learners the criteria the district uses for the reclassification of a pupil from English learner to proficient in English.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 482 (Mendoza-D) English learners: instructional materials
Requires the State Board of Education to revise the reading/language arts framework, as specified, by 12/31/13, to address the needs of English learners.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
Charter Schools
SB 108 (Walters-R) Charter schools: government tort claims
Provides that no joint powers authority for risk-pooling shall refuse to admit to membership or provide coverage to a charter school, including a charter school organized pursuant to Section 47604 of the Education Code, or a school district which operates a charter school, solely on the basis that it operates as a charter school.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
SB 191 (Wright-D) Charter schools: funding
Provides that the application of a charter school funding formula, modified in 2005, does not apply to schools that convert to charter status in unified school districts after 1/1/10.
Chapter 305, Statutes of 2009
SB 378 (Romero-D) Charter School Facility Grant Program
Expands eligibility for the Charter School Facility Grant Program, under specified conditions, and requires funds to be provided in advance of current year expenses rather than as reimbursed for prior year expenses.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 509 (Senate Education Committee) Charter schools
Among other provisions, deletes statutes prohibiting charter schools from submitting data revisions to the California Department of Education for funding purposes. Makes the submission of data easier for charter schools.
Chapter 303, Statutes of 2009
SB 592* (Romero-D) Charter Schools Facilities Program
Authorizes a local government entity, including a county board of education, a city or a county, and authorizes a charter school to hold title to a charter school facility constructed with state bond funds. Authorizes charter school to request a district currently holding title to such a facility to transfer title to the charter school or other specified entity upon mutual agreement.
Chapter 192, Statutes of 2009
SB 1XXXXX (Romero-D) Charter schools
Among other provisions, repeals the statutory limit on the number of Charter schools. Make changes to state law making California eligible for the federal Race to the Top monies. Specifically it (1) revises the provisions of the recently enacted SB 19 (Simitian) which eliminated the statutory barriers linking date on student achievement or student growth to teachers and principals which would have disqualified California from applying for funding, (2) revises the state's strategic plan for education data, and its due date, (3) repeals a statutory limit on the number of charter schools in the state and requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to convene a working group to make specified recommendations relative to charter schools, (4) establishes an open enrollment option to allow pupils in low performing program improvement schools to transfer to public schools in other districts, subject to specified restrictions, (5) provides for identification of the persistently lowest performing five percent of schools in the state, requires parent and employee notification and requires that one of three alternatives for restructuring each school be implemented, 6) requires local educational agencies to retain federally required data in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System data base and makes other changes necessary to meet goals of Race to the Top grant funding, (7), requires the development of a high quality plan to ensure that California may compete for federal Race to the Top funding, and (8) requires the Fiscal Crisis Management and Assistance Team to convene a task force, as specified, to develop and submit recommendations to the Legislature for a standardized process for reporting of financial and accounting data and for providing annual independent financial and compliance audits for charter schools on or before 12/1/10, as specified.
(At Assembly Desk)
AB 284 (Garrick-R) Charter schools: petitions
Allows the president of a campus of the California State University, or the governing board of a community college district to authorize a petition to establish a charter school within the county in which the educational entity maintains a campus, and requires these charter schools to be funded directly.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 572 (Brownley-D) Charter schools
Makes charter schools, like public school districts, subject to open meeting laws, the California Public Records Act, Government Code conflict of interest laws, and the Political Reform Act. Thus, charter school board meetings would be made open to the public, charter school records would be available for public inspection, and charter schools would be required to adopt more stringent conflict of interest policies. Operative on 7/1/11.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 980 (Swanson-D) Charter schools: emergency loan repayment
Requires a charter school located within the geographic boundaries of a school district that is repaying an emergency loan to pay a prorated amount of the annual payment made by the district on the loan.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 1146 (Knight-R) Charter schools
Authorizes a charter school to establish one or more resource centers, meeting spaces, or other satellite facilities located in the county in which the charter school is authorized if each of the facilities is used exclusively for the educational support of pupils who are enrolled in nonclassroom-based independent study of the charter school.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 2XXXX* (Evans-D) Charter school facility funding
Converts funding for the Charter School Facility Grant Program from a reimbursement basis to a grant basis commencing in 2009-10, allowing the Program to receive funding in the same year it is earned.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2009-10, Fourth Extraordinary Session
School Safety
SB 315 (Liu-D) Walking schoolbus
Defines walking schoolbus as a group of pupils walking to or from school with one or more supervising adults, and authorizes a school district to establish and maintain a walking schoolbus in any school within the district boundaries.
AB 132 (Mendoza-D) School safety: immigration investigations
Specifies the policies of the state in regards to federal immigration agents and the involvement of children in schools, as specified.
AB 668 (Lieu-D) Firearms: gun-free school areas
Extends the "school zone" for purposes of criminal sanctions for violating a gun-free area from 1,000 feet to 1,500 feet.
(In Senate Public Safety Committee)
AB 870 (Huber-D) School grounds: dangerous weapons
Makes it a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in the county jail, to bring or process a razor blade or a box cutter, upon the grounds of, or within, any public or private school providing instruction in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, except as specified.
Chapter 258, Statutes of 2009
AB 1390 (Blumenfield-D) School safety: law enforcement departments
Requires a school principal or the principals designee to report any act involving either the possession, sale, or furnishment of a firearm, as specified, or the possession of an explosive, as specified, committed by a pupil or nonpupil on a schoolsite to the city police or county sheriff with jurisdiction over the school and the school security department or the school police department, as applicable.
Chapter 292, Statutes of 2009
AB 1511 (De Leon-D) Pupil safety
Authorizes a governing board of a school district or a county superintendent of schools to enter into a memorandum of understanding with a prosecuting city attorney's office or district attorney's office having filing jurisdiction over the school district to facilitate the placement of one or more prosecutors on one or more school district campuses in order to promote public safety.
(On Senate Inactive File)
ACR 82 (Hall-D) Public education: discrimination free zones
Encourages public education institutions (pre-kindergarten through university campuses) to develop and enact appropriate procedures that meaningfully address acts of discrimination that occur on campus and support tolerance and acceptance of others regardless of their race or ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code.
(In Senate Education Committee)
Child and Day Care
SB 244 (Wright-D) Children's services: high-risk children
Requires the California Department of Education to conduct a study on expanding eligibility for priority enrollment in child care and development programs.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 379 (Huff-R) Heritage schools
Defines "heritage schools" in the Health and Safety Code and establishes requirements for these schools in lieu of child care licensing requirements.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 702 (DeSaulnier-D) Ancillary day care centers: employees: trustline providers
Requires a business, which provides temporary day care services for children whose parents are shopping at their business, to obtain a Trustline clearance for any person that supervises children. Allows a 12-month phase-in period for these businesses to comply with the new Trustline requirement. Defines a business providing temporary day care as an "ancillary day care center," as specified. Sunsets on 1/1/11.
Chapter 199, Statutes of 2009
SB 4XXX* (Ducheny-D) Child care funding
Reduces the 2008-09 Proposition 98 appropriations for child care by $97 million. Included in this amount are savings of approximately $82 million due to caseload and other revised programmatic projections. The remaining $15 million is attributable to a delay in implementing new Regional Market Rates for child care providers, which were previously slated to go into effect 3/1/09. Reappropriates $108 million in prior-year child development program savings for the purpose of meeting a current-year CalWORKS Stage 2 child care funding shortfall.
Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009-10, Third Extraordinary Session
SCR 44 (Corbett-D) Child care
Requests the Legislature to hold one or more joint legislative hearings and requests the California Department of Education to participate in the hearing(s), on or before 4/1/10, to review California's current regional market rate methodology and implementation guidelines for subsidized child care. Requests that all vested stakeholders be included in the planning and implementation process being undertaken by the Department to establish new rates or a new rate structure.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SCR 47 (DeSaulnier-D) Child development centers: funding
States the intent of the Legislature to increase the funding of child development centers and preschools in future years, as resources become available, in order to provide staff with adequate salaries and benefits, provide adequate resources to support program quality for children, and keep programs open to serve parents and children.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 304 (Price-D) Child care and development
Requires that by 1/1/11, all child care alternative payment providers offer their child care providers the option of receiving state subsidy reimbursements via electronic banking.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 315 (De Leon-D) Child care: alternative payment programs
Requires the California Department of Education to establish guidelines for Alternative Payment Programs regarding payments to child care providers and other related administrative procedures.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 495 (Davis-D) Preschool: data collection
Requires the California Department of Education, by 7/1/11, to post, at a minimum, statewide and county-level data on the availability and need of child care and child development programs for infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children on its Internet Web site, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 627 (Brownley-D) Child care: nutritional requirements.
Establishes a 12-month or more pilot project in which a number of licensed child care centers and child day care homes that participate in the Child Care and Adult Food Program would receive higher state meal reimbursement to implement higher nutrition and physical activity standards.
AB 932 (Torlakson-D) Child care facilities
Expands the purposes of the Child Care Facilities Revolving Loan Fund to authorize funds to be used for purchase, site development, construction, and expansion of licensed child care facilities, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 997 (Krekorian-D) Child care facilities: sex offenders
Requires the Department of Justice, the Department of Social Services, and the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs to coordinate with one another to develop an approach that allows these departments to generate information identifying all sex offenders living in child care facilities.
(In Assembly Public Safety Committee)
AB 1195 (Brownley-D) Child care and development programs: advisory committee
Requires the Child Development Policy Advisory Committee to assist the California Department of Education in the development of a plan to implement any new federal child care or early childhood education grant funds made available after 3/1/09.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1368 (Adams-R) Child day care: safety
Requires small family child care homes to ensure that at least one staff member present has completed a course in pediatric first aid and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Chapter 528, Statutes of 2009
AB 2XXXX* (Evans-D) Child care
Specifies that subsidized child care providers be reimbursed at a maximum of the 85th percentile of the 2005 Regional Market Survey. Prohibits the California Department of Education from revising State Median Income levels for use in the child development program mid year. Repeals automatic carryover of child care funding. Makes Los Angeles-based CARES program contingent upon funding being appropriated in the Budget Act. Eliminates the School Age Community Child Care Services (Extended Day or Latchkey) Program, effective 8/31/09, due to an overlap with existing After School services.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2009-10, Fourth Extraordinary Session
Special Education
SB 334 (Ducheny-D) Special education: school facilities
Requires the State Allocation Board to apply increases in the per pupil grant amount for new construction funding authorized by Proposition 1D, (AB 127, [Nunez-D], Chapter 35, Statutes of 2006), to the per pupil grant amount for special day class students, as specified.
Chapter 349, Statutes of 2009
SB 701 (Correa-D) Special education: local plans
Requires that the governance structure of a multi-district special education local plan area include one school board member from each school district within that special education local plan area.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 661* (Torlakson-D) Special education: behavioral intervention plans
Implements the Behavioral Intervention Plan mandate claim settlement by allocating one-time and ongoing General Fund/Proposition 98 funding via the special education funding model to special education local plan areas.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 826 (Buchanan-D) Special education: local plan areas: funding
Makes changes, commencing in 2009-10, in calculations made by the Superintendent of Public Instruction related to the treatment of property taxes and federal funds in determining funding allocations for special education local plan areas.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1124 (Yamada-D) Special education: due process hearings
Requires a local education agency to continue providing early intervention services to a child with exceptional needs between the ages of three and five years in a preschool program (if the child is no longer eligible for services under federal law), pending the resolution of a due process hearing, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1296 (Blumenfield-D) Special education: nonpublic, nonsectarian schools
Revises the requirement of nonpublic, nonsectarian schools to accept pupils with exceptional needs to allow a nonpublic, nonsectarian school to accept a pupil if the local educational agency and the parent or guardian of the pupil agree that the pupil may be accepted when, on a temporary basis, the nonpublic, nonsectarian school cannot provide one or more of the services outlined in the pupil's individualized education program plan due to a shortage of qualified professionals.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1517 (Bill Berryhill-R) Special education: dispute resolution
Requires the California Department of Education, subject to an appropriation, to administer a statewide program of grant funding to establish alternative dispute resolution programs for special education, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 2XXXX* (Evans-D) Students with disabilities: exit exam
Suspends, starting in 2009-10, the requirement that eligible pupils with disabilities pass the high school exit exam in order to graduate from high school. The exemption is in place until the State Board of Education makes a determination if they should adopt regulations authorizing an alternative exam.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2009-10, Fourth Extraordinary Session
School Accountability and Testing
SB 19 (Simitian-D) Pupil achievement
Among other provisions, repeals the prohibition on the use of pupil performance data in the evaluation of individual teachers and replaces it with explicit authority to use the California Longitudinal Teacher Integrated Data Education System and the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System to evaluate teachers.
Chapter 159, Statutes of 2009
Similar bills are SB 1XXXXX (Romero-D) and SB 2XXXXX (Simitian-D) which are at the Assembly Desk, and AB 72 (Duvall-R) which failed passage in Assembly Education Committee.
SB 264 (Wyland-R) Pupil assessment: exam: American history
Requires that a reading selection that is used as part of the administration of the high school exit exam relates to American history.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 509 (Senate Education Committee) Academic performance
Among other provisions, corrects chaptering-out issues related to SB 1251 (Steinberg-D), Chapter 710, Statutes of 2008, which established a fifth year and sixth year graduation rate calculation and provided partial credit for pupils who graduate during this time period for purposes of the Academic Performance Index. Deletes reference to inoperative programs, including the Golden State Examination and the pre-internship program, and code sections, as specified.
Chapter 303, Statutes of 2009
SB 511 (Senate Education Committee) Pupil tests: release of results
Among other provisions, authorizes a parent or guardian to release individual pupil test results of the Standardized Testing and Reporting Program to a postsecondary educational institution for the purpose of determining readiness for college-level coursework.
Chapter 187, Statutes of 2009
SB 521 (Romero-D) Pupil testing: English language development test
Requires that the California English Language Development Test be administered at least 65% of the way into the school year and that a pupil's scores be reported to his/her parent in their home language.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 651 (Romero-D) Pupil retention
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction, on or before 8/1/11, and annually thereafter, to submit an Annual Report on Dropouts in California, as specified, to the Governor, Legislature, and State Board of Education, and deletes a conditional operative date in existing law relating to changes in the Academic Performance Index.
Chapter 197, Statutes of 2009
SB 682 (Padilla-D) Students with exceptional needs
Authorizes a county office of education or a consortium of county offices of education to establish and administer, to the extent federal funds are available, a pilot program to provide combined academic and occupational training to secondary school pupils with autism spectrum disorders and other exceptional needs.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 742 (Romero-D) School accountability: low-performing public schools
Requires, commencing 11/1/10, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education to identify 10 historically low-performing public schools in the state and ensure the schools' districts are complying with federal requirements for notification to parents and employees of the school. Sunsets on 7/1/16.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 800 (Hancock-D) Second grade testing
Ends the testing of second grade pupils with California Standards Tests in the Standardized Testing and Report program after the 2009-10 school year.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
SB 1XXXXX (Romero-D) Pupil data
Among other provisions, revises the provisions of the recently enacted SB 19 (Simitian-D) which eliminated the statutory barriers linking date on student achievement or student growth to teachers and principals which would have disqualified California from applying for federal funding (Race to the Top funds).
(At Assembly Desk)
SB 2XXXXX (Simitian-D) Pupil data
Establishes a process, commencing 7/1/10, for reviewing and responding to requests for individual pupil data records housed in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System and expresses the intent of the Legislature to create a preschool through higher education statewide longitudinal educational data system in order to inform the development of education policy and improve instruction.
(At Assembly Desk)
AB 173 (Price-D) Low-performing schools
Requires the California Department of Education to contract for the development of a new indicator that measures pupil-level growth in academic achievement over time.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 429 (Brownley-D) Public school accountability: advisory committee
Requires examination of methods for making and reporting valid comparisons of individual academic performance over time, and for making potential improvements in the Academic Performance Index and state assessment system, so as to be able to measure and report both a student's and a school's academic growth over time.
AB 451 (De Leon-D) Public school accountability: grants
Increases grant amounts available to school districts, county offices of education and charter schools that have been identified under federal law for corrective action, and expands eligibility for grants to districts that have schools that have been identified for corrective action for several years, even though the districts themselves have not been identified for corrective action.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 476 (Torlakson-D) Standardized Testing and Reporting Program
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to contract for an independent evaluation of the Standardized Testing and Reporting Program, including the standards aligned tests administered in grades 2 through 11, and report findings of the evaluation to the Governor and Legislature by November 2010.
AB 518 (Mendoza-D) School accountability programs
Requires that members of school assistance and intervention teams and school district assistance and intervention teams to possess a high degree of knowledge, skills, and expertise in order to meet the needs of the students they serve.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 683* (Chesbro-D) School accountability: program improvement
Specifies that the amount of a grant for a local educational agency that is identified for corrective action and subject to sanctions, that does not have a school identified for program improvement pursuant to federal law, shall be based on the overall proportion of schools identified for program improvement of all local educational agencies determined to be within one of three categories, multiplied by the number of schools in the local educational agency, multiplied by the grant amount that would be appropriate to the local educational agency based upon the pervasiveness and severity of its performance problems, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 976 (Arambula-IN) Alternative education: accountability
Adds independent study as a school for purposes of the alternative accountability stems.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1130 (Solorio-D) Academic performance
States the intent of the Legislature that the existing advisory committee, established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction on academic performance, take into consideration specified recommendations and consider measures already in use by other states. Provides that if the committee considers any measure of annual academic achievement growth, the measure of annual academic achievement growth by cohort approved in connection with requirements described above or adopted through a state plan, as specified, shall meet certain requirements.
Chapter 273, Statutes of 2009
AB 1435 (V. Manuel Perez-D) Public school accountability
Requires the advisory committee, advising the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) on matters related to the Academic Performance Index (API), to make recommendations to the SPI by 7/1/10, regarding the inclusion of English language development test results and English learner proficiency as part of the API. Requires the SPI, with the approval of the State Board of Education, to include these test results and English learner proficiency levels and growth in the API.
AB 2XXXX* (Evans-D) High school exit exam
Suspends the requirement that eligible students with disabilities pass the California High School Exit Exam in order to graduate from high school. This suspension becomes effective in 2009-10, and will last until the State Board of Education acts upon a recommendation for an alternative means for assessing eligible students.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2009-10, Fourth Extraordinary Session
Higher Education
SB 15 (Cedillo-D) Student financial aid: Armed Forces
Entitles a student who is a member or former member of the Armed Forces and is enrolled in a qualifying undergraduate certificate or degree program, to receive a Cal Grant A or B award, provided they enroll within two years of leaving active duty and meet other specified criteria.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 48 (Alquist-D) Postsecondary education: college textbooks
Requires publishers that offer textbooks for sale at California postsecondary education institutions, to the extent practicable, to make those textbooks, in whole or in part, available for sale in an electronic format by 1/1/20.
Chapter 161, Statutes of 2009
SB 65* (Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee) Education: Budget trailer bill
Defers $250 million in payments to the University of California System from February to no earlier than April 20, but no later than 5/31/10. Defers $250 million in payments to the California State University System from February to no earlier than April 20, but no later than 5/31/10. Defers $150 million in payments to the California State University System from March to no earlier than May 1, but no later than 5/31/10. Defers $100 million in payments to the California Community College System from March 2009 to May 2010.
Chapter 633, Statutes of 2009
SB 86 (Yee-D) Public postsecondary education: compensation
Prohibits the California State University Board of Trustees from increasing the monetary compensation or approving payment of a bonus for any executive officer in any year in which the amount of General Fund monies appropriated to that segment is less than or equal to the amount appropriated in the immediately preceding fiscal year and requests the University of California Board of Regents comply with these provisions.
A similar bill is SB 217 (Yee-D) which is in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 147 (DeSaulnier-D) California State University: career technical education
Requires the California State University (CSU) to implement a process whereby high school career technical education courses that meet the criteria established by the State Board of Education would satisfy a general elective course requirement for purposes of admission to CSU.
Chapter 168, Statutes of 2009
SB 155 (Wright-D) Student financial aid: nurses
Establishes a new program within the State Nursing Assumption Program of Loans for Education under which a student enrolled in a qualified program and who agrees to work as a school nurse in an eligible school or school district as specified, would be eligible for a conditional loan assumption agreement.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 160 (Cedillo-D) Student financial aid programs
Expands eligibility for state postsecondary institutional financial aid programs to include students who are exempted from paying nonresident tuition due to specified provisions in law.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 182 (Ashburn-R) Community college nursing faculty
Removes several existing statutory employment restrictions related to community college temporary clinical nursing faculty, thereby allowing such faculty who work more than 60% of a full-time assignment to be employed without such restrictions through 6/30/14.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
SB 188 (Runner-R) Private postsecondary institutions: restraining orders
Authorizes a designated officer of a private postsecondary educational institution, a student of which has suffered a specified threat of violence from any individual which can be reasonably construed to be carried out at the campus or facility, to seek a temporary restraining order and an injunction, on behalf of the student and, at the court's discretion, any number of other students at the campus or facility.
Chapter 566, Statutes of 2009
SB 195 (Florez-D) Equity in Higher Education Act
Requires a postsecondary institution to include additional information to an existing annual assurance relating to the institution's compliance with laws concerning discrimination on the basis of sex. Subjects chief administrative officials to a civil penalty of up to $50,000 for declaring true anything in the assurance that is known to be false, or anything that with due diligence should reasonably have known to be false, as specified.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 199 (Ducheny-D) Postsecondary education: instructional strategies
Eliminates the sunset date of the California Subject Matter Projects and adds the California Arts Project, the California Foreign Language Project, and the California Physical Education-Health Project to those projects authorized under current law.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 216 (Liu-D) Public postsecondary education: textbooks
Requires the California State University Trustees and the California Community College Board of Governors, and requests the University of California Regents, to post a list of required textbooks for each course on the Internet at least 30 days prior to the first day of class, including the price charged for each textbook
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 219 (Yee-D) University of California: whistleblower protections
Revises the Whistleblower Protection Act to treat complaints by University of California employees the same as those by California State University employees.
SB 248 (Oropeza-D) Educational equity
Requires school districts, community colleges, and campuses of the California State University to post the list of rights afforded to pupils under Title IX on the district or campus Internet Web site. Requests compliance on the part of the University of California.
SB 271 (Ducheny-D) Higher Education Facilities Bond Act of 2010
Enacts the Higher Education Facilities Bond Act of 2010 for the purpose of issuing $8.63 billion in general obligation bonds for the support of constructing and modernizing education facilities at the Community Colleges, the University of California, the Hastings College of Law, and the California State University.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 323 (Oropeza-D) Taxation: income tax refunds
Authorizes a taxpayer to direct any portion of their personal income tax refunds into a qualified tuition program account.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 361 (Runner-R) Public postsecondary education: military members
Clarifies eligibility requirements for former members of the Armed Forces of the United States and State Military Reserve to receive priority enrollment for classes at the California State University and California Community Colleges.
Chapter 351, Statutes of 2009
SB 386 (Runner-R) Postsecondary education: textbooks
Requires a faculty member at the California Community Colleges or the California State University who adopts a new edition of a textbook within three years after the adoption of a previous edition of that textbook to prepare a justification for the adoption of the new edition. Requests the University of California to comply. Sunsets on 1/1/16.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 511 (Senate Education Committee) Community colleges
Corrects technical errors and oversights, and makes numerous non-controversial and conforming changes to various provisions of the Education Code. Specifically clarifies that participants who fail to complete the requirements for various loan assumption programs "retain" rather than "resume" or "assume" responsibility for any remaining loan obligations. Inserts a cross-reference to existing law, which establishes the percent hours per week considered a full-time assignment for all community college faculty, within community college clinical nursing faculty provisions.
Chapter 187, Statutes of 2009
SB 518 (Lowenthal-D) Community colleges: transportation costs
Authorizes community college districts to charge a specified fee on students and staff for recovering transportation costs or costs related to subsidized transit passes.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SB 574 (Hancock-D) Community colleges: inmate education
Waives "open course" provisions for community college courses offered in state correctional facilities and allows attendance hours generated by credit courses at all correctional facilities to be funded at the full credit rate.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 599* (Negrete McLeod-D) Private Postsecondary Education
Requires the successor agency to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education to transmit data on school performance to the California Postsecondary Education Commission that it receives from any school under its jurisdiction.
Chapter 642, Statutes of 2009
SB 611 (Correa-D) Student financial aid: Cal Grant A Entitlement Awards
Authorizes a student whose tuition and/or fees are paid in full by a grant-in-aid, including education benefits received through federal programs for veterans, to use a Cal Grant A Entitlement Award for costs other than tuition or fees, but not to exceed $1,551.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 645 (Denham-R) Higher education: military facilities
Allows the University of California, California State University, or the California Community Colleges to coordinate with the Armed Forces of the United States to establish training programs at military bases.
SB 646 (Denham-R) Student financial aid: veterans and dependents
Prohibits campuses of the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges from charging any mandatory system fees to California members of the Armed Forces who were honorably discharged and have no more remaining months of GI Bill eligibility.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 775 (Liu-D) Higher education accountability
Requires that the state establish an accountability framework to assess the ongoing collective contribution of each of the state's postsecondary education segments in meeting specified educational and economic goals, and requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission to convene a workgroup to develop and publish a specific set of performance outcomes related to the goals.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 2XXX* (Ducheny-D) Higher Education budget reductions
Reduces Higher Education by $132 million by making in the Budget Act of 2009: (1) $66 million in unallocated reductions to the University of California; (2) $66 million in unallocated reductions to the California State University; and (3) $402,000 in reductions to Hastings College of Law.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2009, Third Extraordinary Session
SB 22XXX (Benoit-R) Community colleges: contracting: noninstructional services
Authorizes community college districts to contract for any noninstructional services of any type, if awarded pursuant to certain provisions of existing law governing public contracts, and if the governing board of the school district or community college determines that the contract will provide a benefit for the community college district. Prohibits the contract from being invalidated for specified circumstances relating to food service functions and positions.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
A similar bill is SB 14X (Benoit-R) which died in Senate Rules Committee.
SCA 21 (Yee-D) University of California
Repeals the constitutional provisions relating to the University of California and the Regents and requires the University and the Regents to be continued in existence subject to legislative control as may be provided by statute.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
SCR 11 (Wright-D) College sports
Recognizes the actions of Samuel Cunningham Jr. and John Papadakis in the integration of college sports, and urges all citizens to join in celebrating the accomplishments of African Americans in communities throughout California and beyond during Black History Month and throughout the year.
(On Senate Inactive File)
SCR 34 (Ducheny-D) Community colleges: extended opportunity programs
Expresses congratulations and appreciation to the California Community Colleges Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, and declares October 2009 as Extended Opportunity Programs and Services Month to honor the mission and purposes of the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services.
Resolution Chapter 119, Statutes of 2009
SJR 2 (Liu-D) Postsecondary education: college textbook affordability
Commends the Congress and the President of the United States for including the American Opportunity Tax Credit in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 enabling California to make college affordable for students. Expresses the intent of the Legislature to adopt similar higher education tax credits when the state's economic conditions improve.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SJR 16 (Denham-R) Veterans: educational benefits
Requests that the President and the Congress of the United States pass H.R. 2474 that restores funding for California veterans pursuing higher education.
(In Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee)
AB 20 (Solorio-D) Higher education: contracts
Requests the University of California (UC) and requires the California State University (CSU) and the Department of General Services to establish standard contract provisions for research contracts between UC, CSU, and the state by 7/1/10, and requires those provisions to be used in contracts between the entities unless they mutually agree otherwise.
Chapter 402, Statutes of 2009
AB 24 (Block-D) California State University: Chula Vista
Requires the Chancellor of the California State University (CSU) to conduct a feasibility study regarding the feasibility of establishing a CSU satellite program and independent campus at Chula Vista, and requires the CSU Chancellor to complete and submit the study to the CSU Trustees within 18 months after the date that the Trustees have certified that sufficient non-state funds are available to conduct the study.
AB 35 (Furutani-D) Postsecondary education: workforce preparation
Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission, in conjunction with the California Department of Education and the California Workforce Investment Board, to conduct stakeholder meetings to develop recommendations for a strategic plan for workforce development and career technical education in the public education system.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 36 (Furutani-D) California Postsecondary Education Commission
Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission, in consultation with the office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, to submit a report to the Legislature providing recommendations for basic skills training and contextualized learning programs in the public education system.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 37 (Furutani-D) Postsecondary education: honorary degrees
Requires the California State University and the California Community Colleges, and requests the University of California, to work with their respective colleges and universities to confer an honorary degree upon each person, living or deceased, who was forced to discontinue his/her postsecondary studies as a result of federal Executive Order 9066, which caused the incarceration of individuals of Japanese ancestry during World War II.
Chapter 213, Statutes of 2009
AB 38 (Salas-D) Postsecondary education: veterans
Requires that veterans of the armed forces who become students at one of the state's public higher education institutions within one year after moving to California are immediately eligible for in-state tuition and fees, provided that these veterans are also eligible for receiving federal education assistance benefits.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 48 (Portantino-D) Private postsecondary education
Recasts and revises the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act of 1989 as the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009. Establishes the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education in the Department of Consumer Affairs as a successor agency to the former bureau. Appropriates the sum of $580,000 from the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Administration Fund to the Bureau for the purpose of funding five education administration positions, and continues that fund in existence and rename it as the Private Postsecondary Education Administration Fund.
Chapter 310, Statutes of 2009
AB 53 (Portantino-D) Non civil service employees
Prohibits employees whose annual base salary is over $150,000, from receiving a salary increase or overtime pay until 1/1/12. Urges the University of California system to adopt this policy.
(In Assembly Appropriation Committee)
A similar bill AB 1XX (Portantino-D) and AB 80XXX (Portantino-D), has not been assigned to a committee.
AB 57 (Price-D) University of California hospitals
Requires the Department of Public Health to establish a procedure for collecting and reviewing written staffing plans developed by the University of California hospitals, and requires the Department to review documentation from each hospital concerning several aspects of its patient classification plan, as specified.
AB 65 (Hayashi-D) University members: benefits of PERS
Establishes a self-funded vision care program for retired university members to be administered by the California Public Employees' Retirement System effective on or before 1/1/11.
Chapter 265, Statutes of 2009
AB 69 (Duvall-R) Postsecondary education: enrollment growth
Requires the California State University and requests the University of California to include specified information pertaining to graduation and retention in their annual enrollment reports and requires the Department of Finance to base higher education enrollment projects on the projected number of high school students who are expected to graduate in the ensuing fiscal year.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 78 (Portantino-D) Community colleges: enrollment
Removes certain restrictions on concurrent enrollment and authorizes school districts to enter into partnerships with community college districts to provide high school pupils opportunities for advanced scholastic work, career technical or other coursework at a community college campus.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 187* (Assembly Budget Committee) Cal Grant Program
Provides for the 2009-10 operations of the California Student Aid Commission and implements an alternative delivery system pilot program for Cal Grants.
Chapter 644, Statutes of 2009
AB 218 (Portantino-D) Postsecondary education
Establishes a state accountability framework for the purpose of biennially assessing the collective progress of the state's system of postsecondary education in meeting specified educational and economic goals.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 220 (Brownley-D) Public education facilities
Makes a number of revisions to the school facilities and construction laws.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 279* (Duvall-R) Scholarship: tax credits
Allows a tax credit in an amount equal to any contribution made by a taxpayer to scholarship granting organizations.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 284 (Garrick-R) Postsecondary education: charter schools
Allows the president of a campus of the California State University, or the governing board of a community college district to authorize a petition to establish a charter school within the county in which the educational entity maintains a campus, and requires these charter schools to be funded directly.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 336 (Yamada-D) Community colleges: nonresident tuition: firefighters exempt
Expands the nonresident tuition fees exemption to a student hired by a public agency who enrolls in firefighting training courses.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 360 (Ma-D) Community colleges: teacher's retirement
Encourages the California State Teachers' Retirement System to conduct a study to examine the feasibility of either creating a new program for part-time community college instructors or modifying current programs to make retirement benefits more equitable for part-time instructors.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 381 (Block-D) Academic employees: unemployment compensation
Allows community college districts to elect to provide state disability insurance coverage to academic employees who are permanent, part-time, or temporary; and, to management, confidential, and employees who are not part of a bargaining unit.
(Chapter 437, Statutes of 2009
AB 385 (Block-D) Community colleges: funding
Eliminates the 2% cap on the amount of unemployment exceeding 5% that the California Community Colleges must use for purposes of calculating its annual state funding request for growth.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 386 (Ruskin-D) Postsecondary education: instructional materials
Establishes a process whereby a public postsecondary education institution requests and receives or creates a captioned format of electronic instructional materials for students with hearing impairments.
Chapter 239, Statutes of 2009
AB 440 (Beall-D) Community colleges: optional degree designation
Authorizes California Community Colleges to offer an associate degree with the special designation of "for transfer" subject to specified requirements.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 454 (Knight-R) Public postsecondary education: nonresident tuition
Prohibits the California State University (CSU) and the California Community Colleges (CCC) from receiving state full-time equivalent student funding for students who qualify for in-state tuition under AB 540 (Firebaugh-D), Chapter 814, Statutes of 2001, and makes CSU and CCC compliance with AB 540 optional rather than mandatory.
(Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 462* (Price-D) Postsecondary education: systemwide fees: limitations
Establishes the College Affordability Act of 2009 which limits an increase in systemwide tuition and fees for resident undergraduates at the University of California and the California State University for five years, as specified.
(Failed passage in Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 492 (Conway-R) Community colleges: nursing faculty
Removes temporarily (for three and one-half years) several existing statutory employment restrictions related to community college temporary clinical nursing faculty, thereby allowing such faculty who work more than 60% of a full-time assignment to be employed, essentially, for more than four consecutive semesters through 6/30/14.
(Failed passage in Senate Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 500 (Conway-R) California State University: high desert campus
Requires the Trustees of the California State University (CSU), by 1/1/11, to conduct a study regarding the feasibility of a CSU satellite program, and ultimately, an independent CSU campus, in the high desert, as defined.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 529* (Blumenfield-D) Scholarships: tax deduction
Allows an income tax deduction not to exceed $5,000 or $2,500, as specified, contributed to the Golden State Scholarshare Program.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 551 (Furutani-D) Community colleges: property tax revenues
Reduces California Community College districts' reliance on property tax revenues, in lieu of General Fund revenues, to achieve base Proposition 98 revenues.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 555 (Portantino-D) Community colleges: enrollment
Establishes a pilot project, through January 2015, that removes restrictions on a student's ability to concurrently enroll in a K-12 public school and the Kern, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Rios, or San Jose-Evergreen Community College Districts.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 581 (Torlakson-D) Community colleges: classroom instructors
Requires the California Community Colleges (CCC) Chancellor's Office to conduct random audits of five CCC districts each year to encourage and determine compliance with existing law requiring CCC districts to expend 50% of their expense of education on the salaries of classroom instructors, and makes other technical changes.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 649 (Nestande-R) University of California: contracts
Establishes statutory procedures for administration of change orders and claims on University of California construction projects, for contracts entered into after 1/1/10.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 656* (Torrico-D) Higher Education Endowment: oil severance tax
Imposes a 9.9% oil and gas severance tax, effective 1/1/10, and directs the proceeds of this tax to the California Higher Education Fund to be allocated annually, as specified, to the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 669 (Fong-D) Postsecondary education: residency requirements
Authorizes the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges to classify a student as a resident for tuition purposes until he or she has resided in the state for the minimum time needed to become a resident, if the student meets the following criteria: (1) currently resides in California, (2) is 19 years of age and younger, and (3) was a ward of the state or was served by California's child welfare system.
Chapter 251, Statutes of 2009
AB 675* (Gilmore-R) 529 college savings plans
Allows a deduction under the Personal Income Tax Law for contributions made to a qualified tuition program, as specified.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 690 (Ammiano-D) Postsecondary education: meetings
Authorizes ex officio members of the California State University (CSU) Board of Trustees, except for the CSU Chancellor, to designate a non-voting representative, as specified, to attend CSU Board of Trustees meetings in the ex officio member's absence.
AB 747 (Emmerson-R) Higher education facilities: recycling programs
Authorizes and encourages school districts and each campus of the University of California, California State University, and the California Community Colleges to establish and maintain a beverage container recycling program in all classrooms, administrative offices, and other areas owned or leased by the school district or college campus where a significant quantity of beverage containers is generated or may be collected.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 757* (Niello-R) Education savings account
Allows any amount to be deposited in an education savings account, as defined, established for purposes of paying for qualified education expenses, as defined.
(In Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee)
AB 774 (Cook-R) Community college districts: transportation fees
Authorizes all local community college districts to charge a fee to students and employees in order to fund transportation services if specified requirements are met. It applies to only those using the services. This authority is currently provided only to the Los Rios, Peralta and Rio Hondo Community College District.
Chapter 253, Statutes of 2009
AB 867 (Nava-D) California State University: Nursing degree
Authorizes the California State University to award a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. The program would focus on the preparation of clinical faculty to teach in postsecondary nursing education programs and may also train nurses for advanced nursing practice or leadership.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 947 (Brownley-D) Community colleges: nonresident tuition: foreign citizens
Allows California Community College districts to charge nonresident students, who are United States citizens, capital outlay fees, as specified in existing law.
Chapter 377, Statutes of 2009
AB 1008 (Block-D) Community colleges: student assessment
Requires the California Community Colleges (CCC) to convene a working group, including the Legislative Analyst's Office, the CCC Consultation Council, and the Academic Senate of the CCC to make findings and recommendations regarding statewide assessments that can be used to test the basic skills of entering CCC students.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1089 (Villines-R) Student financial aid: National Guard
Requires the California State University and the California Community Colleges, and requests the University of California, to provide tuition and fee waivers to qualified members of the California National Guard.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1095 (Hill-D) Community colleges: full-time instruction
Establishes legislative intent that by the end of the 2013-14 fiscal year, 75% of the hours of credit instruction be taught by full-time faculty (75/25 Standard) and provides that none of the requirements relative to the 75/25 Standard may be waived by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors or the California Community Colleges Chancellor.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1157 (Block-D) Community college districts: counselors
Defines "classroom instructors" for community colleges to include counselors, and requires that 52% of each district's current expense of education be expended for payment of salaries of classroom instructors.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1180 (Nestande-R) University of California employees: compensation
Requires the Regents of the University of California, on or before July 1 of each year, to submit a report to the Legislature describing expenditures on compensation packages and retirement benefits for employees and officers of the University and identifying the sources of funds for those expenditures.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1182 (Brownley-D) Postsecondary education: reporting requirements
Eliminates, restructures, and reorganizes various higher education reporting requirements of the state's public universities and colleges to provide for more effective, manageable, and transparent reporting to the Legislature.
Chapter 386, Statutes of 2009
AB 1207 (Logue-R) Nonresident student tuition
Prohibits a person without lawful immigration status from qualifying for resident tuition at the California State University and the California Community Colleges, under the provisions of AB 540 (Firebaugh-D), Chapter 814, Statutes of 2001.
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 1222 (Bonnie Lowenthal-D) Higher education: disclosure
Removes the 1/1/11, sunset date on the ability of the University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) to participate in affinity programs, thereby allowing UC and CSU to continue to release the names and addresses of their alumni to businesses with whom they have affinity-partner agreements, providing certain privacy requirements are met.
AB 1230 (Torrico-D) Postsecondary education: online harassment
Requires the adoption of policies regarding online harassment within the state's public higher education institutions.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1240 (Davis-D) Community colleges: district property
Authorizes the Los Angeles Community College District to enter into property leases on facilities that are 50,000 square feet or less for five years before complying with the Field Act, until 1/1/15, and modifies the California Community Colleges bidding processes.
Chapter 390, Statutes of 2009
AB 1295 (Fuller-R) Postsecondary education: nursing degrees
Requires the California State University (CSU) Chancellor's Office to implement articulated nursing degree transfer pathways for Associates Degree in Nursing students at California Community Colleges seeking a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at CSU prior to the commencement of the 2012-13 academic year, and requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to report to the Legislature and the Governor on the status of implementation plans by 3/15/11.
Chapter 283, Statutes of 2009
AB 1393 (Skinner-D) Postsecondary education: foster youth
Requests the California Community Colleges and the University of California, and requires the California State University, in order to ensure stable housing for current and former foster youth, to give priority for campus housing to current and former foster youth with first priority for housing open for uninterrupted year-round occupation and next priority for housing open for occupation most days during the calendar year.
Chapter 391, Statutes of 2009
AB 1400 (Fong-D) Community colleges: expulsion hearings
Authorizes a community college district, under specified circumstances, to deny or condition enrollment to an individual who has been expelled or is being considered for expulsion from a California Community College for certain violent or serious offenses, as specified.
AB 1420 (V. Manuel Perez-D) Postsecondary education: technology assessment
Requests the California Council on Science and Technology to undertake an assessment of the state's innovation infrastructure and seek the cooperation of public colleges and universities and other private entities to perform this task.
(In Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee)
AB 2XXXX* (Evans-D) Community colleges
Allows community college districts to transfer funding from 12 categorical programs to any other categorical program. This flexibility provision is operative for 2009-10 through 2012-13. Increases community college student fees by $6 per unit, from the current level of $20 per unit to $26 per unit. Revises the Quality Education Investments Act allocation of $48 million for the Community Colleges Career Technical Education program from 2010-11 through 2013-14.
Chapter 2, Statutes of 2009-10, Fourth Extraordinary Session
AB 12XXXX* (Evans-D) 2009 Budget Trailer bill: Higher Education provisions
Prohibits automatic increases in funding for the University of California, California State University, Judiciary, and state operations, unless otherwise provided for in the Budget Act. Establishes the California National Guard Education Assistance Award Program to enhance retention within the California National Guard. The Student Aid Commission will be required to, in consultation with the Military Department, adopt emergency rules and regulations for the purposes of implementing the program and report annually to the Legislature regarding program participants. This program will only become operative upon an appropriation by the Legislature.
Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009, Fourth Extraordinary Session
The provisions regarding the National Guard Education Assistance Award Program, are also in SB 647 (Denham-R) which is in Senate Appropriations Committee and SB 815 (Cogdill-R) which is in Assembly Higher Education Committee.
ACA 7 (Hernandez-D) University of California
Deletes the University of California from the constitutional provision which prohibits the state from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
ACA 17 (Nestande-R) University of California: severance and early retirement
Proposes amending the state Constitution to prohibit an employee of the University of California (UC) who receives any financial benefit exceeding $50,000 as part of a temporary voluntary separation program from UC from ever being employed by, or under contract with, the UC, unless the person returns the entire financial benefit to the UC.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACA 23 (Hernandez-D) Postsecondary education: students
Establishes an exemption from the California constitutional prohibition granting preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public education for the purposes of implementing student recruitment and selection programs at public postsecondary education institutions that are permissible under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
ACA 24 (Nestande-R) University of California
Repeals the constitutional provisions relating to the University of California and the Regents and requires the University and the Regents to be continued in existence subject to legislative control as may be provided by statute.
(Unassigned to a committee)
ACR 4 (Anderson-R) University of California: divestment from Iran
Calls upon the University of California to fully implement the California Public Divest from Iran Act which prohibits the investment of public employee retirement funds in foreign companies with business activities in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
(Unassigned to a committee)
ACR 31 (Ruskin-D) California Community Colleges: faculty
Expresses the Legislature's intent that community college districts increase their proportion of full-time faculty, consistent with the policy of the Board of Governors, and provide comparable pay and benefits to part-time faculty.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACR 55 (Torlakson-D) University of California: workplace bullying classes
Urges the University of California to provide two hours of workplace bullying, abuse, and harassment training and education to all of its supervisory employees by 1/1/11, and every two years thereafter. Urges that this training be incorporated into training for new supervisory employees.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
ACR 65 (Ruskin-D) Master Plan for Higher Education
Establishes the Joint Committee on the Master Plan for Higher Education until 11/30/10, to review the Master Plan for Higher Education and create a framework to ensure that higher education continues to thrive.
Resolution Chapter 106, Statutes of 2009
ACR 73 (Portantino-D) Early College High School Week
Recognizes May 4 through 10 as National Early College High School Week and the month of May as Early College High School Month in California for early college high schools and their partners in the state to honor the commitment and success of the Early College High School Initiative.
Resolution Chapter 50, Statutes of 2009
HR 4 (Portantino-D) Federal aid to higher education
Calls upon Congress and the President of the United States to enact a "New Deal for a New Millennium for Higher Education" that will enable California and other states to rebuild their higher education systems by providing $70 billion in federal funds to increase access to postsecondary education and student loan forgiveness for public service.
Adopted by the Assembly
School Employees
SB 19 (Simitian-D) Certificated employees data
Among other provisions, deletes the prohibition against data in the California Longitudinal Teacher Integrated Data Education System being used, either solely or in conjunction with data from the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System, for purposes to pay, promotion, sanction, or personnel evaluation of an individual teacher or groups of teachers, or of any other employment decisions related to individual teachers. Also adds language clarifying the state and federal law protecting the privacy of personally identifiable data for all individuals applies to the uses of data that may occur following the elimination of this requirement.
Chapter 159, Statutes of 2009
Similar bills are SB 1XXXXX (Romero-D) and SB 2XXXXX (Simitian-D) which are at the Assembly Desk, and AB 73 (Duvall-R) which failed passage in Assembly Education Committee.
SB 100 (Correa-D) Teacher programs: gifted and talented pupils
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to review its criteria for the approval teacher and administrator preparation programs to ensure that it includes training on the identification and appropriate instruction of gifted and talented students.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 129* (Huff-R) Heritage schools: personnel
Requires heritage schools to file an affidavit with the California Department of Education detailing information concerning personnel and the course of study and also requires employees to be fingerprinted.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 171 (Pavley-D) Certificated employees: medical certificates
Permits physician assistants and licensed advanced practice registered nurses to conduct medical examinations and issue medical certificates for employment with a school district or county superintendent of schools.
Chapter 34, Statutes of 2009
SB 199 (Ducheny-D) School employees: instructional strategies
Eliminates the sunset date of the California Subject Matter Projects and adds the California Arts Project, the California Foreign Language Project, and the California Physical Education-Health Project to those projects authorized under current law. Modifies the composition of the advisory committee and extends training eligibility to career technical education teachers.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 272 (Wiggins-D) Educational counseling
Authorizes school districts that choose to provide an educational counseling program to include in that program specific academic, career and vocational counseling, provides that professional development shall include strategies for pupils about educational and career options, and states legislative intent regarding the role and responsibilities of counselors.
SB 280 (Calderon-D) State teachers' retirement
Authorizes teachers who have returned to service during the five-year prohibited period after receiving a Defined Benefit Program Retirement Incentive (golden handshake), to have previously forfeited benefits reinstated, upon terminating their current employment.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 509 (Senate Education Committee) Certificated employees
Corrects chaptering out issues related to SB 512 (Senate Education Committee), Chapter 53, Statutes of 2009, which deletes inaccurate and outdated code references regarding teacher certification and other teacher issues.
Chapter 303, Statutes of 2009
SB 512 (Senate Education Committee) Teacher credentialing
Makes numerous non-controversial technical corrections and conforming changes to provisions of the Education Code related to teacher credentialing. Deletes inaccurate and outdated references to the Commission on Teacher Preparation and Licensing and replaces those references with the correct name, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Includes authorizations in the required elements of the annual report on teacher supply that the CTC submits to the Legislature and the Governor. Replaces the outdated term "fifth year of study" with "clear credential program." Replaces the outdated term "professional clear credential" with the term "clear credential." Deletes references to commissions, committees and councils that no longer exist.
Chapter 53, Statutes of 2009
SB 634 (Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee) State Teachers' Retirement System
Provides technical housekeeping changes in the State Teachers' Retirement System Law to facilitate efficient administration of the teachers' retirement system.
Chapter 304, Statutes of 2009
SB 688 (Romero-D) Education: teacher evaluations: pupil surveys
Permits school districts serving pupils in grades 9-12 to establish a committee of teachers and pupils for the purpose of providing pupil feedback to district teachers. Requires districts that choose to establish these committees to develop and administer a survey of pupils that solicits information on different aspects of a class and the effectiveness of the teacher. Information from the survey would be confidential and shall only be released to the teacher.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 751 (Romero-D) Teacher credentials
Streamlines the credential application process for out-of-state teachers who were prepared outside the United States. Establishes requirements for local education agencies that provide test preparation courses for teachers seeking a subsequent credential.
Chapter 202, Statutes of 2009
SB 1XXXXX (Romero-D) Public schools: pupil data
Among other provisions, revises the provisions of the recently enacted SB 19 (Simitian-D) which eliminated the statutory barriers linking date on student achievement or student growth to teachers and principals which would have disqualified California from applying for federal funding (Race to the Top funds).
(At Assembly Desk)
SCR 42 (Negrete McLeod-D) Classified School Employee Week
Recognizes the week of 5/17/09 to 5/23/09 as Classified School Employee Week, and encourages the public to give recognition to classified school employees for their numerous contributions and invaluable services to California's public schools and community colleges.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 1 (Monning-D) Teachers: professional growth
Authorizes an individual program of professional growth for teachers to include courses in negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution.
AB 65 (Hayashi-D) Retired school members of PERS: benefits
Establishes a self-funded vision care program for retired local members, school members, and university members to be administered by the Public Employees' Retirement System, effective on or before 1/1/11.
Chapter 265, Statutes of 2009
AB 148 (Coto-D) Teacher credentialing: transformational leadership
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to conduct a study to recommend more effective paths to transformational leadership through the administrative services credential process for school principals and leaders.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 160 (Hayashi-D) Registered nurses: education program
Includes registered nursing students in the Registered Nurse Education Program who agree to serve in a K-12 school.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 164 (Mendoza-D) School district superintendents: compensation
Limits the authority of school governing boards to buy-out district superintendent contracts, and authorizes school governing boards to provide the superintendent an alternate position in the district until the end of the contract term.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 232 (Hill-D) Teachers' retirement
Allows the State Teachers' Retirement System to (1) prescribe the form of accepting electronically signed applications and documents, and (2) not mail a copy of benefit payment information when payments are made by electronic funds transfer, unless there is a change in the net amount paid.
Chapter 90, Statutes of 2009
AB 239 (Brownley-D) Teacher credentialing
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to issue a clear credential to teachers and service providers who attain certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, authorizes the Commission to issue an English learner certification to applicants who attain certification by the Board, and authorizes school districts to offer district intern programs in special education to teach pupils at all levels of disability.
Chapter 316, Statutes of 2009
AB 272 (Solorio-D) School administrators/counselors
Establishes the Leadership for English Learner Success program to authorize an institution of higher education, a nonprofit organization specializing in English learner research, or a county office of education, to offer professional development for school administrators and counselors until 7/1/15.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 364 (Torlakson-D) After school teacher pipeline
Establishes the California After School Teacher Pipeline Program, until 7/1/16, to recruit qualified after school instructors to participate on a pilot basis in the California Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 379 (Torlakson-D) Classified employees: personnel commissions: director
Requires both school and community college district personnel commissions to determine compensation for, evaluate and supervise the commission's personnel director, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 406 (Yamada-D) School personnel
Establishes the Classified School Employee Training program, administered by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, to provide classified school employees with instruction and training in specified areas.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 506 (Furutani-D) Teachers' retirement: postretirement earnings
Prohibits, as of 7/1/10, retirees of the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) from working in any STRS-related service for the first six months after they retire, extends the sunset date of STRS post-retirement earnings limit exemptions from 6/30/10 to 6/30/12, and expands eligibility, where applicable, by one year to members who retired on or before 1/1/09.
Chapter 306, Statutes of 2009
AB 533 (Hayashi-D) High school coaches
Amends the existing California High School Coaching Education and Training Program to require coaches be trained in a basic understanding of the signs and symptoms of specified injuries, including those related to the head and neck.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 544 (Coto-D) Teaching credential: American Indian languages
Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to issue an American Indian language credential for a two-year period, upon recommendation of the tribal government of a federally recognized Indian tribes in California.
Chapter 324, Statutes of 2009
AB 654 (Mendoza-D) Teachers' retirement
Revises, in the State Teachers' Retirement System Law, the definition of regular interest and establishes a consistent basis for the assessment of interest and penalties for late payment of contributions, late submissions of reports, and delayed reports of compensation.
Chapter 249, Statutes of 2009
AB 755 (Brownley-D) Local educators
Prohibits local educators on loan to a state education agency from serving in temporary assignments in specified positions for more than four years.
AB 794 (Hagman-R) Teacher credentialing: fees
Requires that initial teaching credential application fees be waived for an out-of-state prepared applicant who relocates to California due to the fact that the applicants spouse has been relocated to California by military orders.
Chapter 125, Statutes of 2009
AB 1025 (Conway-R) School employees and volunteers
Authorizes the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to issue an Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate to allow non-credentialed individuals, in a paid or volunteer capacity, to supervise, direct, or coach a pupil activity program, as specified.
Chapter 379, Statutes of 2009
AB 1223 (Block-D) Teacher training: Legislative Analyst advisory committee
Requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to convene an advisory committee to determine the preparation and professional development needs of both academic and career technical teachers.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1231 (Portantino-D) Part-time adult school teachers: collective bargaining
Requires the right of part-time adult school teachers to earn and retain annual reappointment rights to be a mandatory subject of collective bargaining with respect to a new or successor contract between school districts and the exclusive bargaining representative of the certificated employees of that district on or after 1/1/10.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1267 (Eng-D) Teachers' retirement system: credited service
Eliminates the 12/31/10 sunset date for eligibility for the State Teachers' Retirement System's longevity bonus.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1293 (Hall-D) Public school employees: merit system
Extends the current authority granted to the Los Angeles Unified School District to fill vacancies in specified job classifications from ranks other than the top three ranks of an employment list, under specified conditions.
Chapter 145, Statutes of 2009
AB 1430 (Swanson-D) Pupil health: health care professionals
Requires any necessary medication to be administered to a student by a licensed health care professional operating within the scope of his/her practice.
(In Assembly Business and Professions Committee)
AB 1451 (Ammiano-D) Teacher credentialing
Specifies that the terms for the Commission on Teacher Credentialing members expires on December 1 of the year of expiration of the applicable terms rather than November 20.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1477 (Krekorian-D) Classified school employees: retirement
Increases the postretirement death benefit paid to the beneficiary of a classified school member of the Public Employees' Retirement System from $2,000 to $6,163, bringing it into line with the benefit paid by the State Teachers' Retirement System.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
ACR 58 (Nestande-R) School Bus Drivers' Day
Designates 4/28/09 as School Bus Drivers' Day in California, in order to draw special public attention to school bus drivers for their continued and excellent services to pupils in California.
Resolution Chapter 32, Statutes of 2009
HR 15 (Tran-R) School Nurse Day
Declares May 7 of each year as School Nurse Day in California, encourages Californians to promote good health of our pupils, and recognizes California's credentialed school nurses for their contributions to the health of our children.
Adopted by the Assembly
School Curriculum
SB 129* (Huff-R) Heritage school instruction
Establishes and defines "heritage schools" in the Education Code as entities that are not full-time day schools that offer foreign language education or training and/or education on the culture, traditions, or history of a country other than the United States. Requires heritage schools to file an affidavit with the California Department of Education detailing information concerning personnel and the course of study and also requires employees to be fingerprinted.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 223 (Wyland-R) School curriculum framework: financial literacy
Requires the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission, as part of its regular process of developing and revising curriculum frameworks, to consider and vote on whether to include a unit on financial literacy in the proposed changes to the 2015 history-social science curriculum framework.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 234 (Wyland-R) School curriculum: oral histories: genocide
Requires the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission, as part of its regular process of developing and revising curriculum frameworks, to consider and vote on whether to include an oral history component specifically related to genocides in the proposed changes to the 2015 history-social science curriculum framework.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 381 (Wright-D) Instruction: course of study
Prohibits a school district from adopting graduation requirements that include the completion of additional coursework that meets or exceeds the A-G requirements unless the district also requires the pupil to complete a sequence of at least three career and technical education courses.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 426 (Yee-D) Public school instruction: curriculum frameworks
Requires the Senate Rules Committee to inform the California Department of Education regarding each concurrent resolution adopted by the Legislature that proposes changes to curriculum frameworks that are currently under review by the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission. Requires the Commission to vote on whether to adopt each reported concurrent resolution and present the adopted resolutions to the State Board of Education for consideration.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 520 (Pavley-D) High school curriculum: community service
Authorizes a school district to offer credit in an amount that is equivalent to that of a one-semester elective course in that district for hours of community service provided outside of regular school hours by a pupil, as specified.
SB 552 (Padilla-D) Schools: health education
Requires a school district that offers health classes to grade 9 and 10 pupils to provide at least 15 minutes of instruction on organ procurement and tissue donation, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
SB 621 (Florez-D) Career technical education curriculum
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to include guidance for adapting work-based learning for individuals with exceptional needs when coordinating the next revision of the career technical education curriculum framework.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SR 31 (Wyland-R) Genocide oral history
Encourages schools to include an oral history of genocides, including, but not necessarily limited to, the Darfur, Rwandan, Cambodian, Jewish Holocaust, and Armenian genocides, in the history-social science curriculum component.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 97 (Torlakson-D) School curriculum: content standards
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to convene Academic Content and Performance Standards Review panels for the purpose of reviewing and recommending changes to the academic content standards for English language arts and mathematics and repeals the authority of the State Board of Education to modify proposed standards prior to their adoption.
(On Senate Inactive File)
AB 156 (Jeffries-R) High school curriculum: CPR course
Authorizes the governing board of a school district to offer one credit towards the required number of credits required for graduation from high school for training and certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation or use of an automatic external defibrillator, or both.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 970 (Block-D) School curriculum: Native American Indians
Encourages the State Board of Education and the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission to ensure that the history-social science framework, evaluation criteria, and instructional materials adopted in the course of the next submission cycle include information about American Indians.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1569 (Salas-D) Physical education
Authorizes the governing board of a school district to exempt any high school pupil from courses in physical education if the pupil participates in California Cadet Corps, cheer team or dance team, color guard or drill team, Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, or marching band as part of the regular course of study or regular school-sponsored extracurricular activities. Specifies minimum standards for the physical education substitute courses and requires that a certificated employee with an appropriate credential teach the course of study.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
Pupil Nutrition
Vocational Education/Career Technical Education
SB 81* (Alquist-D) Regional occupational centers or programs
Requires regional occupational centers or programs, maintained by a joint powers authority, to receive its operating funds directly from the county office of education of the county in which it is located, as specified.
A similar bill is SB 307 (Alquist-D) which is in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
SB 123 (Liu-D) California Career Resource Network Program
Establishes the California Career Resources Network Program, an existing independent state agency, within the California Department of Education. Sunsets on 7/1/10.
Chapter 32, Statutes of 2009
SB 147 (DeSaulnier-D) Career technical education courses
Requires the California State University (CSU) to implement a process whereby high school career technical education courses that meet the criteria established by the State Board of Education would satisfy a general elective course requirement for purposes of admission to CSU.
Chapter 168, Statutes of 2009
SB 253 (Wyland-R) Career technical education: recognition certificates
Authorizes a school district or county office of education to offer a pupil a career technical education certificate if the pupil meets specified requirements.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 515 (Hancock-D) Career technical education
Requires school districts, regional occupational centers or programs, and community college districts that receive specified federal funds to demonstrate that at least one-half of the course sequences offered are linked to state or regional high priority workforce needs.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
SB 621 (Florez-D) Career technical education curriculum
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to include guidance for adapting work-based learning for individuals with exceptional needs when coordinating the next revision of the career technical education curriculum framework.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 640 (Hancock-D) Regional occupational centers/programs
Requires regional occupational center and program employer advisory boards to recommend appropriate methods for evaluating pupils enrolled in the program. Specifies that regional occupational centers in corrective action agreement may only continue to receive full funding for average daily attendance above the specified caps, for a maximum of three years.
Chapter 58, Statutes of 2009
SB 725 (Hancock-D) Occupational centers: apprenticeship program
Authorizes regional occupational centers or programs, upon certification from the Superintendent of Public Instruction, to offer a California Apprenticeship Preparation Program and establishes criteria for the establishment of those programs.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 747 (Romero-D) Career technical education: aerospace career program
Establishes a pilot pre-apprentice aerospace machining program, administered by the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, to provide career technical education to high school pupils until 1/1/15.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 35 (Furutani-D) Education: workforce preparation
Requires the California Postsecondary Education Commission, in conjunction with the California Department of Education and the California Workforce Investment Board, to conduct stakeholder meetings to develop recommendations for a strategic plan for workforce development and career technical education in the public education system
(In Assembly Higher Education Committee)
AB 332* (Fuentes-D) Work-based learning
Allows school districts to provide work-based learning opportunities for pupils through existing programs such as partnership academies and regional occupational programs.
AB 345 (Torlakson-D) Regional occupational centers or programs: foster youth
Exempts former dependents or wards of the juvenile court who reached the age of majority while in foster care (i.e., emancipated foster youth) from the regional occupational center or program adult participation cap of 10%, which is operative in the 2011-12 fiscal year.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 553 (Furutani-D) Regional occupational centers: funding
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to calculate a rate per unit of average daily attendance that would be apportioned to each regional occupational center or program and to determine the statewide median of total state funding received per unit of average daily attendance by each regional occupational center or program.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 673 (Carter-D) Regional occupational centers or programs: apportionments
Provides that when the state budget calls for a negative funding adjustment to be applied to regional occupational centers and programs (ROC/Ps), that adjustment shall be implemented as a uniform percentage reduction of each ROC/P's limit of funded average daily attendance.
SB 124 (Oropeza-D) Schoolbuses: idling: air pollution
Acknowledges the existing state regulation that limits school bus idling and idling near schools, and conforms the minimum penalty for a violation of this rule to the minimum penalty ($300) for a violation of the rule to limit the idling of commercial motor vehicles.
Chapter 561, Statutes of 2009
SB 126* (Cedillo-D) School districts: bingo
Deletes reference to "school districts" in the provisions of law specifying the organizations that may conduct bingo games and, instead, authorizes "charitable organizations affiliated with a school district" to conduct bingo games. Allows charitable organizations affiliated with a school district to operate remote caller traditional bingo games.
Chapter 562, Statutes of 2009
SB 129* (Huff-R) Heritage schools
Establishes and defines "heritage schools" in the Education Code as entities that are not full-time day schools that offer foreign language education or training and/or education on the culture, traditions, or history of a country other than the United States.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 212 (Florez-D) Pupil health: communicable diseases
Authorizes each school district with a high school to provide for the annual cleaning and sterilizing of wrestling equipment, and requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop information and guidelines regarding the prevention of communicable diseases at school sites.
SB 247 (Alquist-D) Instructional materials
Authorizes a local governing board to use funding from the Instructional Materials Funding Realignment program to purchase state-adopted instructional materials for kindergarten and grades 1 to 8, inclusive, and state standards-aligned materials for grades 9 to 12, inclusive, in an electronic or hardbound format if it can ensure that each pupil will be provided with a copy of the instructional materials to use at school and at home. Clarifies that providing access to the materials at school and at home does not require a local educational agency to purchase two sets of materials.
Chapter 209, Statutes of 2009
SB 248 (Oropeza-D) Education equity: Title IX
Requires school districts, community colleges, and campuses of the California State University to post the list of rights afforded to pupils under Title IX on the district or campus Web site. Requests compliance on the part of the University of California. Requests the Chancellor of the University of California to place the list of rights at the entrance to the universities gymnasiums and in the locker rooms.
SB 266 (Huff-R) Open enrollment
Enacts the Open Enrollment Act for the purpose of allowing pupils attending low-performing schools, as specified, to attend schools in a different district. Requires school districts to notify parents of pupils that attend a school that is ranked in deciles 1, 2, or 3 of the Academic Performance Index of the opportunity for the pupil to apply for enrollment in another district and provide specified information.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 293 (Runner-R) Pupil admission: kindergarten and 1st grade
Changes the required birthday for kindergarten and 1st grade admission to November 1 for the 2010-11 school year, October 1 for the 2011-12 school year, and September 1 for the 2012-13 school year and each school year thereafter. Requires an elementary school, until and including the 2012-13 school year, to admit a child to the 1st grade if the child has completed one school year of kindergarten.
(In Senate Education Committee)
SB 312 (Romero-D) Schools: public meetings and hearings
Requires the State Board of Education and State Allocation Board to provide for live video and audio transmission of all board meetings/hearings that are open to the public, as specified.
Chapter 179, Statutes of 2009
SB 331 (Romero-D) Migrant education
Requires the state master plan and state services delivery plan for services to migrant children, beginning with the next adoption cycle, to be developed and revised as necessary by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the statewide parent advisory council.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
SB 416 (Florez-D) Schools: provider of food products: antibiotics
Allows a school district to make every effort to purchase poultry and meat products that have not been treated with nontherapeutic antibiotics. Provides that each school district that purchases poultry or meat products that have not been treated with nontherapeutic antibiotics may report annually to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, as specified.
(Failed passage on Senate Floor; reconsideration granted)
SB 471 (Romero-D) Stem cell education
Creates the California Stem Cell and Biotechnology Education and Workforce Development Act of 2009 to establish stem cell and biotechnology education and workforce development as a state priority and to promote stronger links among industry sectors, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and California public schools, as specified.
Chapter 185, Statutes of 2009
SB 497 (Correa-D) School recycling programs
Requires school districts to maintain a sufficient number of beverage container recycling bins at each campus and public office of the district, but only to the extent that the district incurs no costs.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 572 (Leno-D) Harvey Milk Day
Provides that the Governor proclaim May 22 of each year as Harvey Milk Day, designates that date as having special significance in public schools and educational institutions, and encourages those entities to conduct suitable commemorative exercises on that date.
Chapter 626, Statutes of 2009
SB 738 (Hancock-D) Prison inmate education
Establishes the Prison Education Reform Act and expands the involvement of the University of California, California State University, California Community Colleges, and Superintendent of Public Instruction in prison-based educational programs.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
SB 22XXX (Benoit-R) School contracting: noninstructional services
Authorizes school districts to contract for any noninstructional services of any type, if awarded pursuant to certain provisions of existing law governing public contracts, and if the governing board of the school district determines that the contract will provide a benefit for the school district or community college district. Prohibits the contract from being invalidated for specified circumstances relating to food service functions and positions.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
A similar bill was SB 14X (Benoit-R) which died in Senate Rules Committee.
SB 1XXXXX (Romero-D) Open enrollment/low performing schools
Among other provisions, establishes an open enrollment option to allow pupils in low performing program improvement schools to transfer to public schools in other districts, subject to specified restrictions, and provides for identification of the persistently lowest performing 5% of schools in the state, requires parent and employee notification, and requires that one of three alternatives for restructuring each school be implemented.
(At Assembly Desk)
AB 66 (Anderson-R) Pupil work permits
Authorizes a principal of a public or private school to issue work permits or to designate another administrator to issue work permits for pupils that attend their school. Specifies the hour limitations that apply to a work permit shall be based on the school calendar of the school the pupil attends.
Chapter 214, Statutes of 2009
AB 78 (Portantino-D) Pupils: enrollment
Removes restrictions on a pupil's ability to concurrently enrolled in a K-12 public school and a California community college.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 81 (Audra Strickland-R) Interscholastic athletics: foster care pupils
Provides that a foster child who changes residences pursuant to a court order or decision of a child welfare worker is immediately deemed to have met all residency requirements for participation in interscholastic sports or other extracurricular activities.
Chapter 76, Statutes of 2009
AB 95 (Torlakson-D) Student athletes: recruiting: disclosure
Requires a collegiate athletic recruiter representing a postsecondary educational institution in the State of California or outside the State of California to provide California student athletes in elementary, junior high, high school, or college with certain information relating to the college athletic program within one week of initiating personal contact with the student athlete for purposes of athletic recruiting.
(In Assembly Rules Committee)
AB 100 (Price-D) Pupil Athletic Access and Safety Program
Extends the Pupil Athletic Access and Safety Program, and specifies the Program shall be implemented only to the extent that funds are appropriated in the annual Budget Act for this purpose.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 146 (Mendoza-D) Instructional materials: delivery
Makes a publisher or manufacturer liable for damages if it fails to deliver instructional materials within 60 days of the receipt of a purchase order from a school district, as specified.
AB 167 (Adams-R) High school graduation: local requirements: foster children
Exempts pupils in foster care from district graduation requirements that exceed state requirements if the pupil transfers to the district, or transfers from one high school to another within a district, in the 11th or 12th grade. Requires the district to notify the pupil if the exemption granted would affect the pupil's ability to gain admission to a postsecondary institution and to provide information about transfer opportunities available through the California Community Colleges.
Chapter 223, Statutes of 2009
AB 174 (Carter-D) School district reorganization
Authorizes a County Committee on School District Organization to approve petitions to create new school districts without having to submit the proposal to the State Board of Education when the governing boards of the affected districts consent and the county superintendent(s) with jurisdiction over the affected districts approve, and where there is an agreement to share the costs of complying with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act.
Chapter 314, Statutes of 2009
AB 223* (Ma-D) Physical education: Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps
Requires the San Francisco Board of Education to make Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps courses available to pupils under its jurisdiction in grades 9-12, inclusive, at all schools within the district where Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps courses were offered during the 2008-09 school year if it also makes athletic programs available to its pupils.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 261 (Salas-D) Pupil records: privacy rights
Amends the Education Code to conform with the federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act requirements relating to the confidentiality of pupil records.
AB 296 (Solorio-D) Supplemental educational services
Require local educational agencies that are required to offer supplemental educational services pursuant to the No Child Left Behind Act to take specific actions that are currently only suggested to be undertaken or required to be undertaken only under specified circumstances.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 314 (Brownley-D) Instructional materials
Makes various changes to the state instructional materials adoption process for kindergarten and grades 1 through 8 and requires school districts to provide pupils with newly adopted materials within three years rather than the two years currently required.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 343 (Saldana-D) Pupils: military families
Enacts, until 1/1/13, the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military children, which addresses issues experienced by children of military families who transfer schools.
Chapter 237, Statutes of 2009
AB 351 (Salas-D) Physical education
Authorizes the governing board of a school district that provides the following courses or programs as part of the regular course of study or as part of the regular school-sponsored extra curricular activities to exempt any high school pupil participating in such a course or program from attending courses of physical education: California Cadet Corps, cheer team or dance team, color guard or drill team, Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, and marching band.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 374 (Block-D) Pupils: drop out notices
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to produce a consequences of dropping out notice to inform pupils of the consequences of dropping out of school prior to reaching 18 years old or completing high school graduation requirements, as specified.
AB 426 (Hall-D) Pupil health
Requires the California Department of Education, in consultation with the Department of Public Health, the California Diabetes Program, and the Department of Health Care Services, to recommend to the Legislature ways to address specific health-related needs of pupils on a school campus.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 465 (Coto-D) Schools: parent involvement
Encourages school districts to review and, if appropriate, contract with nonprofit community-based organizations that meet specified criteria to increase parent involvement in schools.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 487 (Brownley-D) Instructional materials
Authorizes the State Board of Education, the governing board of a school district, or a county office of education to sell surplus or obsolete undistributed instructional materials and makes changes to the existing restrictions placed on the disposal of such materials.
Chapter 321, Statutes of 2009
A similar bill is AB 525 (Anderson-R) which is in Assembly Education Committee.
AB 534 (Duvall-R) Pupils: career fairs
Requires a school that offers a career fair to its pupils to allow military recruiters access to that career fair to the same extent that it allows other persons and entities access to the fair.
(Failed passage in Assembly Education Committee; reconsideration granted)
AB 554 (Furutani-D) Graduation requirements
Increases the number of courses required for high school graduation from 13 to 14 and offers pupils a choice between a course in visual performing arts, foreign language, or career technical education to fulfill the additional course requirement.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 555 (Portantino-D) Secondary school pupils
Establishes a pilot project, through January 2015, that removes restrictions on a student's ability to concurrently enroll in a K-12 public school and the Kern, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Rios, or San Jose-Evergreen Community College Districts.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 678 (Hall-D) Education technology: cyberbullying
Requires the inclusion of cyberbullying, content control software, and the use of mobile communications technology to the existing guidelines and criteria relating to school district education technology plans.
(In Senate Appropriations Committee)
AB 691 (Gilmore-R) School districts: 4-day school week
Authorizes the Alpaugh Unified School District, beginning in fiscal year 2010-11, to operate one or more schools in the school district on a four-day school week if the district complies with the instructional time requirements and other requirements for operating a four-day school week.
Chapter 252, Statutes of 2009
AB 701 (Fong-D) School districts: contracts
Requires school district governing boards to post a notice for bids on its Internet Web site or through an electronic portal and sunsets the current requirement for districts to post this information in a newspaper of general circulation on 7/1/14, as specified.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 736 (Huber-D) Dropout Prevention Specialist
Requires that an outreach consultant who enrolls in a Dropout Prevention Specialist Certificate program complete that program within nine months of hire.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 769 (Torres-D) State preschools
Expands priority for state-funded preschool programs to children who have a biological parent who is, or who has been within the previous six months, a dependent or ward of the juvenile court.
AB 791 (Swanson-D) Oakland Unified School District: governance
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction, by July 1 of each year, to return authority to the governing board of the Oakland Unified School District for each operational area recommended by the County Office Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team in its annual progress reports.
(In Senate Education Committee)
AB 796 (Carter-D) Pupil attendance: civic engagement activities
Adds participating in civic engagement activities offered by a nonprofit or governmental entity to the list of justifiable personal reasons for which a pupil is required, upon approval of the principal or a designated representative (designee), to be excused from school when absent.
AB 836 (Torlakson-D) Education technology: task force
Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish and convene a task force for education technology for purposes of making preliminary recommendations on technology literacy model standards for grades 7-12, inclusive, and to address specified issues related to technology.
AB 974* (Audra Strickland-R) Pupil rights: religious expression
Enacts the Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act or the Schoolchildren's Religious Liberties Act which requires a school district to treat a pupil's voluntary expression of a religious viewpoint, if any, on an otherwise permissible subject in the same manner the district treats a pupil's voluntary expression of a secular or other viewpoint and prohibit discrimination against a pupil based on the religious viewpoint expressed.
(Failed passage in Assembly Judiciary Committee)
AB 1007 (Carter-D) Governing boards: pupil members
Establishes a timeline by which a K-12 school district governing board must include a pupil as a member of the board, based on the current process of the submission of a pupil petition requesting such an appointment.
AB 1039 (Audra Strickland-R) Interscholastic sports
Authorizes the appeal of a final decision of the California Interscholastic Federation to suspend or terminate a pupil from participation in a sport for a violation of its codes and regulations to the county board of education, which would be the final arbiter in the matter.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1154 (Audra Strickland-R) California Interscholastic Federation: notice of sanctions
Encourages the California Interscholastic Federation and its sections, if they impose a sanction on an interscholastic team of a member school, to post online the name of the school, the team that has been penalized, the violation that has occasioned the sanction, and a description of the sanction.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
AB 1213 (Skinner-D) Superintendent of Public Instruction
Adds the Superintendent of Public Instruction as a member of the California Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities.
(In Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee)
AB 1238 (Hernandez-D) Schools: advanced placement program
Requires school districts maintaining any of grades 9-12 to offer advanced placement courses in English, history, foreign language, mathematics, and science at each school in the district maintaining grades 9-12.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1281 (Portantino-D) Pupil data
Enacts the California School Racial Equality Designation Act. Requires, starting 7/1/10, any state agency, board, or commission that directly, or by contract, collects demographic data on the race or ethnicity of pupils in any elementary or secondary school to provide written instructions for reporting racial information that specify that multiracial pupils may select two or more categories.
AB 1377 (Swanson-D) School districts: state receivership: audits
Provides that, if a trustee has been appointed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to monitor and review the operation of a school district receiving an emergency apportionment, and the State Controller, or his/her designee, is required to cause an audit to be conducted of the books and accounts of the district instead of the annual audit, the Superintendent is required to allow the district 180 days before penalties are assessed against the district for discrepancies that are discovered by the audit.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1398 (Blumenfield-D) Technology-based instructional materials
Changes the definition of "technology-based materials," to include the electronic equipment required to make use of those materials only if that equipment is to be used by pupils and teachers as a learning resource and specifies that a district that is out of compliance with existing requirements to provide pupils sufficient textbooks or instructional materials is not authorized to purchase electronic equipment.
Chapter 293, Statutes of 2009
AB 1407* (Huffman-D) School district of choice
Extends the school district of choice program from 7/1/09 to 7/1/14.
(In Assembly Appropriations Committee)
AB 1419 (Smyth-R) School districts: reorganization
Requires, by 7/1/13, the reorganization of a unified school district with an annual enrollment of more than 500,000 pupils into multiple school districts enrolling no more than 50,000 pupils.
(In Assembly Education Committee)
AB 1463 (Smyth-R) High school graduation: military uniforms
Allows a pupil who has fulfilled all high school graduation requirements and is an active member of any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States to wear his/her dress uniform in his/her graduation ceremony.
Chapter 296, Statutes of 2009
AB 1510 (Eng-D) Public schools: parental access
Authorizes parents and guardians of English language learners to bring an oral language interpreter to conferences, meetings or proceedings held at a district building or schoolsite or sponsored by the district or school, unless doing so conflicts with state or federal law.
AB 1522 (V. Manuel Perez-D) School zones: vehicles
Authorizes a local authority in a rural area, as defined, that establishes a prima facie speed limit under current law to designate a school zone to include a state highway if the highway is within 1,000 feet of a school building or the grounds of a school building, as specified.
(In Assembly Transportation Committee)
AB 1538 (Ma-D) Pupil discipline: restraint
Prohibits the use of specified types of restraint techniques on pupils with disabilities, and allows for the use of physical restraint, as specified.
(On Assembly Inactive File)
AB 56XXX (Evans-D) Education finance: Quality Education & Investment Act
Repeals the funding mechanism enacted as a part of the July Budget package for the Quality Education and Investment Act (QEIA) program in 2009-10. Implements a new funding mechanism for the QEIA program in 2009-10. Redirects $355 million in Proposition 98 funds previously available for categorical program backfill in 2009-10 to QEIA and appropriates an additional $20 million in unspent Proposition 98 funds from prior years in order to fully fund the QEIA program in 2009-10. Directs the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to allocate up to $165 million in federal Title I Set-Aside funds, which, if available, would offset Proposition 98 funding for QEIA in 2009-10. States legislative intent that the SPI determine the availability of these funds on or before 11/15/09. Requires the SPI to submit a plan to the Legislature, the Department of Finance and the Legislative Analyst's Office by 2/15/10, that covers the use of prior year and ongoing federal School Improvement Funds.
Chapter 31, Statutes of 2009-10, Third Extraordinary Session
ACA 7 (Hernandez-D) Public education
Deletes the Public School System and the University of California from the scope of the California constitutional provision prohibiting the state from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.
(In Assembly Judiciary Committee)
ACR 5 (Torlakson-D) California Science Education Month
Proclaims the month of March 2009 as California Science Education Month, and extends the Legislature's support to students of all ages who are interested in science.
Resolution Chapter 5, Statutes of 2009
ACR 22 (Mendoza-D) Read Across America Day
Recognizes 3/2/09 as Read Across America Day.
Resolution Chapter 11, Statutes of 2009
ACR 26 (Davis-D) Arts Education Month
Proclaims March 2009 as Arts Education Month and encourages all elected officials to participate with the educational communities in celebrating the arts.
Resolution Chapter 44, Statutes of 2009
ACR 27 (Davis-D) Language education: World Languages and Cultures Month
Declares the month of May 2009 as World Languages and Cultures Month, encourages all educational communities in California to celebrate languages and cultures with appropriate pupil activities and programs, and urges all residents to become interested in and give full support to quality language and cultural programs for all pupils in California schools.
Resolution Chapter 34, Statutes of 2009
ACR 38 (Duvall-R) Financial Aid and Literacy Month
Encourages schools and others to provide opportunities for financial education and declares April 2009 as Financial Aid and Literacy Month.
Resolution Chapter 25, Statutes of 2009
ACR 82 (Hall-D) Public education: Discrimination Free Zones
Encourages public education institutions to designate each campus as a "Discrimination-Free Zone" to provide a safe haven from intolerance or discrimination, to enact appropriate procedures that meaningfully address acts of discrimination that occur on campus, to notify parents and the campus community of existing policies and procedures that encourage tolerance of others, and to use existing resources to identify themselves as "Discrimination-Free Zones" to create a campus climate that welcomes diversity and supports the tolerance of others.
(In Senate Education Committee)
ACR 88 (Torlakson-D) STEM Education
Establishes the California Task Force on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education to promote the improvement of STEM education across the state.
(In Senate Rules Committee)
Bill | Author and Bill Title | Reference Links |
SB 15 | Cedillo-D Student financial aid: Armed Forces | Higher Education |
SB 19 | Simitian-D School funding | School Finance School Accountability and Testing School Employees |
SB 48 | Alquist-D Postsecondary education: college textbooks | Higher Education |
SB 65* | Senate Budget And Fiscal Review Committee Education: Budget trailer bill | Higher Education |
SB 81* | Alquist-D Regional occupational centers or programs | School Finance Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
SB 82 | Hancock-D Schools: energy conservation | School Facilities |
SB 84 | Steinberg-D Education finance | School Finance |
SB 86 | Yee-D Public postsecondary education: compensation | Higher Education |
SB 100 | Correa-D Teacher programs: gifted and talented pupils | School Employees |
SB 108 | Walters-R Charter schools: government tort claims | Charter Schools |
SB 113 | Senate Local Government Committee School facilities improvement districts | School Facilities |
SB 123 | Liu-D California Career Resource Network Program | Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
SB 124 | Oropeza-D Schoolbuses: idling: air pollution | Miscellaneous |
SB 126* | Cedillo-D School districts: bingo | Miscellaneous |
SB 129* | Huff-R Heritage schools: personnel | School Employees School Curriculum Miscellaneous |
SB 130* | Denham-R King City Joint Union High School District | School Finance |
SB 147 | DeSaulnier-D California State University: career technical education | Higher Education Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
SB 155 | Wright-D Student financial aid: nurses | Higher Education |
SB 160 | Cedillo-D Student financial aid programs | Higher Education |
SB 171 | Pavley-D Certificated employees: medical certificates | School Employees |
SB 182 | Ashburn-R Community college nursing faculty | Higher Education |
SB 188 | Runner-R Private postsecondary institutions: restraining orders | Higher Education |
SB 191 | Wright-D Charter schools: funding | Charter Schools |
SB 193 | Lowenthal-D Class size reduction: Long Beach Unified School District | School Finance |
SB 195 | Florez-D Equity in Higher Education Act | Higher Education |
SB 199 | Ducheny-D Postsecondary education: instructional strategies | Higher Education School Employees |
SB 212 | Florez-D Pupil health: communicable diseases | Miscellaneous |
SB 216 | Liu-D Public postsecondary education: textbooks | Higher Education |
SB 219 | Yee-D University of California: whistleblower protections | Higher Education |
SB 223 | Wyland-R School curriculum framework: financial literacy | School Curriculum |
SB 234 | Wyland-R School curriculum: oral histories: genocide | School Curriculum |
SB 244 | Wright-D Children's services: high-risk children | Child and Day Care |
SB 247 | Alquist-D Instructional materials | Miscellaneous |
SB 248 | Oropeza-D Educational equity | Higher Education Miscellaneous |
SB 252 | Denham-R School facilities: deferred maintenance | School Facilities |
SB 253 | Wyland-R Career technical education: recognition certificates | Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
SB 264 | Wyland-R Pupil assessment: exam: American history | School Accountability and Testing |
SB 266 | Huff-R Open enrollment | Miscellaneous |
SB 271 | Ducheny-D Higher Education Facilities Bond Act of 2010 | Higher Education |
SB 272 | Wiggins-D Educational counseling | School Employees |
SB 280 | Calderon-D State teachers' retirement | School Employees |
SB 293 | Runner-R Pupil admission: kindergarten and 1st grade | Miscellaneous |
SB 305 | Corbett-D School facilities: seismic mitigation | School Facilities |
SB 312 | Romero-D Schools: public meetings and hearings | Miscellaneous |
SB 315 | Liu-D Walking schoolbus | School Safety |
SB 323 | Oropeza-D Taxation: income tax refunds | Higher Education |
SB 331 | Romero-D Migrant education | Miscellaneous |
SB 334 | Ducheny-D School facilities: special education | School Facilities Special Education |
SB 361 | Runner-R Public postsecondary education: military members | Higher Education |
SB 365 | Ducheny-D State Allocation Board: Office of Public School Construction | School Facilities |
SB 375 | Hancock-D School facilities | School Facilities |
SB 378 | Romero-D Charter School Facility Grant Program | School Facilities Charter Schools |
SB 379 | Huff-R Heritage schools | Child and Day Care |
SB 381 | Wright-D Instruction: course of study | School Curriculum |
SB 386 | Runner-R Postsecondary education: textbooks | Higher Education |
SB 416 | Florez-D Schools: provider of food products: antibiotics | Miscellaneous |
SB 426 | Yee-D Public school instruction: curriculum frameworks | School Curriculum |
SB 471 | Romero-D Stem cell education | Miscellaneous |
SB 497 | Correa-D School recycling programs | Miscellaneous |
SB 509 | Senate Education Committee Deferred maintenance | School Facilities Charter Schools School Accountability and Testing School Employees |
SB 511 | Senate Education Committee Pupil tests: release of results | School Accountability and Testing Higher Education |
SB 512 | Senate Education Committee Teacher credentialing | School Employees |
SB 515 | Hancock-D Career technical education | Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
SB 518 | Lowenthal-D Community colleges: transportation costs | Higher Education |
SB 520 | Pavley-D High school curriculum: community service | School Curriculum |
SB 521 | Romero-D Pupil testing: English language development test | School Accountability and Testing |
SB 552 | Padilla-D Schools: health education | School Curriculum |
SB 572 | Leno-D Harvey Milk Day | Miscellaneous |
SB 574 | Hancock-D Community colleges: inmate education | Higher Education |
SB 592* | Romero-D Charter Schools Facilities Program | School Facilities Charter Schools |
SB 599* | Negrete McLeod-D Private Postsecondary Education | Higher Education |
SB 611 | Correa-D Student financial aid: Cal Grant A Entitlement Awards | Higher Education |
SB 621 | Florez-D Career technical education curriculum | School Curriculum Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
SB 634 | Senate Public Employment And Retirement Committee State Teachers' Retirement System | School Employees |
SB 640 | Hancock-D Regional occupational centers/programs | Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
SB 645 | Denham-R Higher education: military facilities | Higher Education |
SB 646 | Denham-R Student financial aid: veterans and dependents | Higher Education |
SB 651 | Romero-D Pupil retention | School Accountability and Testing |
SB 680 | Romero-D School attendance: interdistrict transfers | School Finance |
SB 682 | Padilla-D Students with exceptional needs | School Accountability and Testing |
SB 688 | Romero-D Education: teacher evaluations: pupil surveys | School Employees |
SB 698 | Negrete McLeod-D Juvenile court schools: funding | School Finance |
SB 701 | Correa-D Special education: local plans | Special Education |
SB 702 | DeSaulnier-D Ancillary day care centers: employees: trustline providers | Child and Day Care |
SB 725 | Hancock-D Occupational centers: apprenticeship program | Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
SB 738 | Hancock-D Prison inmate education | Miscellaneous |
SB 742 | Romero-D School accountability: low-performing public schools | School Accountability and Testing |
SB 747 | Romero-D Career technical education: aerospace career program | Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
SB 751 | Romero-D Teacher credentials | School Employees |
SB 775 | Liu-D Higher education accountability | Higher Education |
SB 798 | DeSaulnier-D Before and after school programs | School Finance |
SB 800 | Hancock-D Second grade testing | School Accountability and Testing |
SCA 6 | Simitian-D Parcel taxes | School Finance |
SCA 21 | Yee-D University of California | Higher Education |
SCR 11 | Wright-D College sports | Higher Education |
SCR 34 | Ducheny-D Community colleges: extended opportunity programs | Higher Education |
SCR 42 | Negrete McLeod-D Classified School Employee Week | School Employees |
SCR 44 | Corbett-D Child care | Child and Day Care |
SCR 47 | DeSaulnier-D Education funding: child development centers and preschools | School Finance Child and Day Care |
SJR 2 | Liu-D Postsecondary education: college textbook affordability | Higher Education |
SJR 16 | Denham-R Veterans: educational benefits | Higher Education |
SR 31 | Wyland-R Genocide oral history | School Curriculum |
SB 2XXX* | Ducheny-D Higher Education budget reductions | Higher Education |
SB 4XXX* | Ducheny-D Education: Budget trailer bill | School Finance Child and Day Care |
SB 22XXX | Benoit-R Community colleges: contracting: noninstructional services | Higher Education Miscellaneous |
SCA 1XXX | Steinberg-D Education finance | School Facilities |
SB 1XXXXX | Romero-D Federal Race to the Top funding eligibility | School Finance Charter Schools School Accountability and Testing School Employees Miscellaneous |
SB 2XXXXX | Simitian-D Pupil data | School Accountability and Testing |
AB 1 | Monning-D Teachers: professional growth | School Employees |
AB 8 | Brownley-D Education finance: working group | School Finance |
AB 20 | Solorio-D Higher education: contracts | Higher Education |
AB 24 | Block-D California State University: Chula Vista | Higher Education |
AB 35 | Furutani-D Postsecondary education: workforce preparation | Higher Education Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
AB 36 | Furutani-D California Postsecondary Education Commission | Higher Education |
AB 37 | Furutani-D Postsecondary education: honorary degrees | Higher Education |
AB 38 | Salas-D Postsecondary education: veterans | Higher Education |
AB 48 | Portantino-D Private postsecondary education | Higher Education |
AB 53 | Portantino-D Non civil service employees | Higher Education |
AB 57 | Price-D University of California hospitals | Higher Education |
AB 60 | Coto-D Education finance: pupil funding | School Finance |
AB 65 | Hayashi-D University members: benefits of PERS | Higher Education School Employees |
AB 66 | Anderson-R Pupil work permits | Miscellaneous |
AB 69 | Duvall-R Postsecondary education: enrollment growth | Higher Education |
AB 70 | Duvall-R English learners | Bilingual Education/English Learners |
AB 71 | Duvall-R Categorical education funding: block grants | School Finance |
AB 78 | Portantino-D Community colleges: enrollment | Higher Education Miscellaneous |
AB 81 | Audra Strickland-R Interscholastic athletics: foster care pupils | Miscellaneous |
AB 95 | Torlakson-D Student athletes: recruiting: disclosure | Miscellaneous |
AB 97 | Torlakson-D School curriculum: content standards | School Curriculum |
AB 100 | Price-D Pupil Athletic Access and Safety Program | Miscellaneous |
AB 132 | Mendoza-D School safety: immigration investigations | School Safety |
AB 142* | Hayashi-D School facilities: energy | School Facilities |
AB 146 | Mendoza-D Instructional materials: delivery | Miscellaneous |
AB 148 | Coto-D Teacher credentialing: transformational leadership | School Employees |
AB 156 | Jeffries-R High school curriculum: CPR course | School Curriculum |
AB 160 | Hayashi-D Registered nurses: education program | School Employees |
AB 164 | Mendoza-D School district superintendents: compensation | School Employees |
AB 167 | Adams-R High school graduation: local requirements: foster children | Miscellaneous |
AB 172 | Smyth-R School facilities: alcohol beverages | School Facilities |
AB 173 | Price-D Low-performing schools | School Accountability and Testing |
AB 174 | Carter-D School district reorganization | Miscellaneous |
AB 187* | Assembly Budget Committee Cal Grant Program | Higher Education |
AB 211 | Mendoza-D School facilities: classroom security locks | School Facilities |
AB 218 | Portantino-D Postsecondary education | Higher Education |
AB 220 | Brownley-D Public education facilities | School Facilities Higher Education |
AB 223* | Ma-D Physical education: Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps | Miscellaneous |
AB 232 | Hill-D Teachers' retirement | School Employees |
AB 239 | Brownley-D Teacher credentialing | School Employees |
AB 261 | Salas-D Pupil records: privacy rights | Miscellaneous |
AB 267 | Torlakson-D Education finance districts: taxes | School Finance |
AB 272 | Solorio-D School administrators/counselors | School Employees |
AB 279* | Duvall-R Scholarship: tax credits | Higher Education |
AB 284 | Garrick-R Charter schools: petitions | Charter Schools Higher Education |
AB 296 | Solorio-D Supplemental educational services | Miscellaneous |
AB 304 | Price-D Child care and development | Child and Day Care |
AB 314 | Brownley-D Instructional materials | Miscellaneous |
AB 315 | De Leon-D Child care: alternative payment programs | Child and Day Care |
AB 317 | Solorio-D School attendance: H1N1 virus | School Finance |
AB 332* | Fuentes-D Work-based learning | Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
AB 336 | Yamada-D Community colleges: nonresident tuition: firefighters exempt | Higher Education |
AB 339 | Torres-D Education finance: county offices of education | School Finance |
AB 343 | Saldana-D Pupils: military families | Miscellaneous |
AB 345 | Torlakson-D Regional occupational centers or programs: foster youth | Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
AB 346 | Torlakson-D Joint-use school facilities | School Facilities |
AB 351 | Salas-D Physical education | Miscellaneous |
AB 360 | Ma-D Community colleges: teacher's retirement | Higher Education |
AB 364 | Torlakson-D After school teacher pipeline | School Employees |
AB 374 | Block-D Pupils: drop out notices | Miscellaneous |
AB 379 | Torlakson-D Classified employees: personnel commissions: director | School Employees |
AB 381 | Block-D Academic employees: unemployment compensation | Higher Education |
AB 385 | Block-D Community colleges: funding | Higher Education |
AB 386 | Ruskin-D Postsecondary education: instructional materials | Higher Education |
AB 406 | Yamada-D School personnel | School Employees |
AB 426 | Hall-D Pupil health | Miscellaneous |
AB 429 | Brownley-D Public school accountability: advisory committee | School Accountability and Testing |
AB 434 | Block-D After school programs | School Finance |
AB 440 | Beall-D Community colleges: optional degree designation | Higher Education |
AB 451 | De Leon-D School funding: accountability | School Finance School Accountability and Testing |
AB 454 | Knight-R Public postsecondary education: nonresident tuition | Higher Education |
AB 462* | Price-D Postsecondary education: systemwide fees: limitations | Higher Education |
AB 465 | Coto-D Schools: parent involvement | Miscellaneous |
AB 476 | Torlakson-D Standardized Testing and Reporting Program | School Accountability and Testing |
AB 482 | Mendoza-D English learners: instructional materials | Bilingual Education/English Learners |
AB 487 | Brownley-D Instructional materials | Miscellaneous |
AB 492 | Conway-R Community colleges: nursing faculty | Higher Education |
AB 495 | Davis-D Preschool: data collection | Child and Day Care |
AB 500 | Conway-R California State University: high desert campus | Higher Education |
AB 506 | Furutani-D Teachers' retirement: postretirement earnings | School Employees |
AB 518 | Mendoza-D School accountability programs | School Accountability and Testing |
AB 529* | Blumenfield-D Scholarships: tax deduction | Higher Education |
AB 533 | Hayashi-D High school coaches | School Employees |
AB 534 | Duvall-R Pupils: career fairs | Miscellaneous |
AB 544 | Coto-D Teaching credential: American Indian languages | School Employees |
AB 551 | Furutani-D Community colleges: property tax revenues | Higher Education |
AB 553 | Furutani-D Regional occupational centers: funding | Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
AB 554 | Furutani-D Graduation requirements | Miscellaneous |
AB 555 | Portantino-D Community colleges: enrollment | Higher Education Miscellaneous |
AB 572 | Brownley-D Charter schools | Charter Schools |
AB 581 | Torlakson-D Community colleges: classroom instructors | Higher Education |
AB 627 | Brownley-D Child care: nutritional requirements. | Child and Day Care |
AB 629 | Krekorian-D School facilities: water | School Facilities |
AB 649 | Nestande-R University of California: contracts | Higher Education |
AB 654 | Mendoza-D Teachers' retirement | School Employees |
AB 656* | Torrico-D Higher Education Endowment: oil severance tax | Higher Education |
AB 661* | Torlakson-D Special education: behavioral intervention plans | Special Education |
AB 668 | Lieu-D Firearms: gun-free school areas | School Safety |
AB 669 | Fong-D Postsecondary education: residency requirements | Higher Education |
AB 673 | Carter-D Regional occupational centers or programs: apportionments | Vocational Education/Career Technical Education |
AB 675* | Gilmore-R 529 college savings plans | Higher Education |
AB 678 | Hall-D Education technology: cyberbullying | Miscellaneous |
AB 683* | Chesbro-D School finance: program improvement | School Finance School Accountability and Testing |
AB 685 | Davis-D School facilities: athletics: compliance | School Facilities |
AB 690 | Ammiano-D Postsecondary education: meetings | Higher Education |
AB 691 | Gilmore-R School districts: 4-day school week | Miscellaneous |
AB 701 | Fong-D School districts: contracts | Miscellaneous |
AB 736 | Huber-D Dropout Prevention Specialist | Miscellaneous |
AB 747 | Emmerson-R School facilities: recycling programs | School Facilities Higher Education |
AB 755 | Brownley-D Local educators | School Employees |
AB 757* | Niello-R Education savings account | Higher Education |
AB 769 | Torres-D State preschools | Miscellaneous |
AB 774 | Cook-R Community college districts: transportation fees | Higher Education |
AB 788 | Swanson-D Education finance: Oakland Unified School District | School Finance |
AB 791 | Swanson-D Oakland Unified School District: governance | Miscellaneous |
AB 794 | Hagman-R Teacher credentialing: fees | School Employees |
AB 796 | Carter-D Pupil attendance: civic engagement activities | Miscellaneous |
AB 821 | Brownley-D School facilities: maintenance | School Facilities |
AB 826 | Buchanan-D Special education: local plan areas: funding | Special Education |
AB 836 | Torlakson-D Education technology: task force | Miscellaneous |
AB 837 | Torlakson-D School attendance: online education | School Finance |
AB 844 | Villines-R School districts: mandated programs | School Finance |
AB 851 | Brownley-D Education finance | School Finance |
AB 867 | Nava-D California State University: Nursing degree | Higher Education |
AB 868 | V. Manuel Perez-D Palo Verde Unified School District: four-day school week | School Finance |
AB 870 | Huber-D School grounds: dangerous weapons | School Safety |
AB 871 | Nestande-R Education finance: Year-Round School Grant Program | School Finance |
AB 888 | Price-D School grounds: alcoholic beverages | School Facilities |
AB 932 | Torlakson-D Child care facilities | Child and Day Care |
AB 947 | Brownley-D Community colleges: nonresident tuition: foreign citizens | Higher Education |
AB 970 | Block-D School curriculum: Native American Indians | School Curriculum |
AB 972 | Audra Strickland-R School district administrative costs | School Finance |
AB 974* | Audra Strickland-R Pupil rights: religious expression | Miscellaneous |
AB 976 | Arambula-IN Alternative education: accountability | School Accountability and Testing |
AB 980 | Swanson-D Emergency loan repayment: charter schools | School Finance Charter Schools |
AB 997 | Krekorian-D Child care facilities: sex offenders | Child and Day Care |
AB 1007 | Carter-D Governing boards: pupil members | Miscellaneous |
AB 1008 | Block-D Community colleges: student assessment | Higher Education |
AB 1022 | Nava-D Ventura School District: sale of surplus property | School Finance |
AB 1025 | Conway-R School employees and volunteers | School Employees |
AB 1039 | Audra Strickland-R Interscholastic sports | Miscellaneous |
AB 1042 | Carter-D School siting and improvement | School Facilities |
AB 1080 | Skinner-D School districts: joint-use agreements | School Facilities |
AB 1089 | Villines-R Student financial aid: National Guard | Higher Education |
AB 1095 | Hill-D Community colleges: full-time instruction | Higher Education |
AB 1099 | Fuller-R School facilities: construction | School Facilities |
AB 1120 | Niello-R School facilities: constructability reviews | School Facilities |
AB 1124 | Yamada-D Special education: due process hearings | Special Education |
AB 1127 | Solorio-D School facilities: fire sprinklers | School Facilities |
AB 1130 | Solorio-D Academic performance | School Accountability and Testing |
AB 1146 | Knight-R Charter schools | Charter Schools |
AB 1154 | Audra Strickland-R California Interscholastic Federation: notice of sanctions | Miscellaneous |
AB 1157 | Block-D Community college districts: counselors | Higher Education |
AB 1180 | Nestande-R University of California employees: compensation | Higher Education |
AB 1182 | Brownley-D Postsecondary education: reporting requirements | Higher Education |
AB 1195 | Brownley-D Child care and development programs: advisory committee | Child and Day Care |
AB 1207 | Logue-R Nonresident student tuition | Higher Education |
AB 1213 | Skinner-D Superintendent of Public Instruction | Miscellaneous |
AB 1222 | Bonnie Lowenthal-D Higher education: disclosure | Higher Education |
AB 1223 | Block-D Teacher training: Legislative Analyst advisory committee | School Employees |
AB 1226 | Huber-D School apportionment: workplace learning | School Finance |
AB 1230 | Torrico-D Postsecondary education: online harassment | Higher Education |
AB 1231 | Portantino-D Part-time adult school teachers: collective bargaining | School Employees |
AB 1238 | Hernandez-D Schools: advanced placement program | Miscellaneous |
AB 1240 | Davis-D Community colleges: district property | Higher Education |
AB 1267 | Eng-D Teachers' retirement system: credited service | School Employees |
AB 1281 | Portantino-D Pupil data | Miscellaneous |
AB 1293 | Hall-D Public school employees: merit system | School Employees |
AB 1295 | Fuller-R Postsecondary education: nursing degrees | Higher Education |
AB 1296 | Blumenfield-D Special education: nonpublic, nonsectarian schools | Special Education |
AB 1349 | Torlakson-D After School Education and Safety Program Act of 2002 | School Finance |
AB 1368 | Adams-R Child day care: safety | Child and Day Care |
AB 1377 | Swanson-D School districts: state receivership: audits | Miscellaneous |
AB 1390 | Blumenfield-D School safety: law enforcement departments | School Safety |
AB 1393 | Skinner-D Postsecondary education: foster youth | Higher Education |
AB 1398 | Blumenfield-D Technology-based instructional materials | Miscellaneous |
AB 1400 | Fong-D Community colleges: expulsion hearings | Higher Education |
AB 1407* | Huffman-D School district of choice | Miscellaneous |
AB 1419 | Smyth-R School districts: reorganization | Miscellaneous |
AB 1420 | V. Manuel Perez-D Postsecondary education: technology assessment | Higher Education |
AB 1430 | Swanson-D Pupil health: health care professionals | School Employees |
AB 1435 | V. Manuel Perez-D Public school accountability | School Accountability and Testing |
AB 1448 | Tom Berryhill-R Public schoolhouses: alcoholic beverages | School Facilities |
AB 1451 | Ammiano-D Teacher credentialing | School Employees |
AB 1463 | Smyth-R High school graduation: military uniforms | Miscellaneous |
AB 1476 | Cook-R School facilities: repayment of penalties | School Facilities |
AB 1477 | Krekorian-D Classified school employees: retirement | School Employees |
AB 1510 | Eng-D Public schools: parental access | Miscellaneous |
AB 1511 | De Leon-D Pupil safety | School Safety |
AB 1517 | Bill Berryhill-R Special education: dispute resolution | Special Education |
AB 1522 | V. Manuel Perez-D School zones: vehicles | Miscellaneous |
AB 1538 | Ma-D Pupil discipline: restraint | Miscellaneous |
AB 1569 | Salas-D Physical education | School Curriculum |
AB 1583 | Assembly Education Committee Education finance: school safety | School Finance |
ACA 7 | Hernandez-D University of California | Higher Education Miscellaneous |
ACA 10 | Torlakson-D Education Finance District: special tax | School Finance |
ACA 17 | Nestande-R University of California: severance and early retirement | Higher Education |
ACA 23 | Hernandez-D Postsecondary education: students | Higher Education |
ACA 24 | Nestande-R University of California | Higher Education |
ACR 4 | Anderson-R University of California: divestment from Iran | Higher Education |
ACR 5 | Torlakson-D California Science Education Month | Miscellaneous |
ACR 22 | Mendoza-D Read Across America Day | Miscellaneous |
ACR 26 | Davis-D Arts Education Month | Miscellaneous |
ACR 27 | Davis-D Language education: World Languages and Cultures Month | Miscellaneous |
ACR 31 | Ruskin-D California Community Colleges: faculty | Higher Education |
ACR 38 | Duvall-R Financial Aid and Literacy Month | Miscellaneous |
ACR 54 | Brownley-D Education finance | School Finance |
ACR 55 | Torlakson-D University of California: workplace bullying classes | Higher Education |
ACR 58 | Nestande-R School Bus Drivers' Day | School Employees |
ACR 65 | Ruskin-D Master Plan for Higher Education | Higher Education |
ACR 73 | Portantino-D Early College High School Week | Higher Education |
ACR 82 | Hall-D Public education: discrimination free zones | School Safety Miscellaneous |
ACR 88 | Torlakson-D STEM Education | Miscellaneous |
HR 4 | Portantino-D Federal aid to higher education | Higher Education |
HR 15 | Tran-R School Nurse Day | School Employees |
AB 4X | Evans-D School finance: Budget Act of 2008 | School Finance |
AB 35XXX* | Hagman-R Chino Valley Unified School District | School Finance |
AB 56XXX | Evans-D Education finance: Quality Education & Investment Act | School Finance Miscellaneous |
ACA 1XXX | Niello-R Supplemental education payments | School Finance |
AB 2XXXX* | Evans-D Education: Budget trailer bill | School Finance Charter Schools Child and Day Care Special Education School Accountability and Testing Higher Education |
AB 3XXXX* | Evans-D Education funding: Budget Act of 2009 | School Finance |
AB 12XXXX* | Evans-D 2009 Budget Trailer bill: Higher Education provisions | Higher Education |