Environmental Quality

Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.

Air Quality

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SB 11* (Pavley-D) Alternative fuel and vehicle technologies

Extends from 2016 until 2024, various temporary, vehicle-related fees to fund vehicle-related air quality, greenhouse gas and related programs administered by the California Energy Commission, the Air Resources Board, and the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
(Died in Assembly Transportation Committee)
A similar bill is AB 8 (Perea, Chapter 401, Statutes of 2013).

SB 34* (Calderon-D) Greenhouse gas: carbon capture and storage

Requires the Air Resources Board to adopt a quantification methodology for carbon capture and storage projects for geologic sequestration. Requires the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources within the Department of Conservation to regulate the injection of carbon dioxide at an enhanced oil recovery project.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 64 (Corbett-D) Clean Technology Innovation Account

Creates the Clean Technology Innovation Account within the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Requires the Legislature to annually appropriate monies from the Fund or other funds to the Account in the Budget Act.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)
A similar bill is AB 1375 (Chau-D), which died in Assembly Appropriations Committee.

SB 389 (Wright-D) South Coast Air Quality Management District: offsets

Prohibits the South Coast Air Quality Management District from charging a fee for the transfer of an emissions offset from the District's internal emissions offset account in order to offset any emissions increase from the replacement of electric utility steam boilers at electric generating facilities pursuant to the District's Rule 1304.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 497 (Walters-R) Greenhouse gas allowances

Requires the Air Resources Board to freely allocate greenhouse gas allowances to the California State University, the University of California, and private colleges and universities, for any market-based compliance mechanism adopted by the Board.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 605 (Lara-D) Short-lived climate pollutants

Requires the Air Resources Board to complete a comprehensive strategy to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants.
Chapter 523, Statutes of 2014

SB 691 (Hancock-D) Nonvehicular air pollution control: penalties

Authorizes a civil penalty of up to $100,000 (currently $10,000) against a person who emits a discharge from a Title V source if the discharge results in a severe disruption to the community, the discharge contains one or more toxic air contaminants, and 100 or more people are exposed. States that the higher penalty will not apply to air contaminant releases that are only nuisance odors.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

SB 736 (Wright-D) Electrical generation facility: upgrades: permit fees

Prohibits a district from assessing a permit modification fee on the operator or owner of an electrical generation facility that participates in a specified emission offset transfer, when a modification of the electrical generation facility results in increased thermal efficiency for the electrical generating units and does not increase the gross generating capacity.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 1125 (Pavley-D) Emissions reduction

Requires the Air Resources Board to develop reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions and short-lived climate pollutants with high global warming potential for 2030.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1204 (Lara-D) Vehicle and Equipment Technology Program

Creates a California Clean Truck, Bus, and Off-Road Vehicle and Equipment Technology Program to fund development, demonstration, pre-commercial pilot, and early commercial deployment of zero- and near-zero-emission truck, bus, and off-road vehicle and equipment technologies; and provides that the Technology Program shall be funded from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, and shall prioritize projects located in disadvantaged communities.
Chapter 524, Statutes of 2014

SB 1268 (Beall-D) Natural Resources Climate Improvement Program

Establishes the Natural Resources Climate Improvement Program under the Air Resources Board to assist in the development and implementation of regionally integrated natural resource projects that maximize greenhouse gas emissions reductions or sequestration.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1415 (Hill-D) Bay Area Air Quality Management District: advisory council

Makes various changes to the Bay Area Air Quality Management Advisory Council membership.
Chapter 696, Statutes of 2014

SJR 30 (Lieu-D) Air quality: leaded aviation fuel

Supports the Federal Aviation Administration's initiative to certify safe unleaded aviation fuel for piston engine aircraft and encourages the Federal Aviation Administration and the United States Environmental Protection Agency to prioritize the development and certification of unleaded aviation fuel in advance of 2018.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SR 59 (Lieu-D) Aviation gasoline

Expresses the Senate's support for the Federal Aviation Administration's initiative to certify safe unleaded aviation fuel for piston engine aircraft and encourages the Administration and the United States Environmental Protection Agency to prioritize the development and certification of unleaded aviation fuel in advance of 2018.
Adopted by the Senate

AB 69* (Perea-D) Market-based compliance mechanisms: exemption

Exempts categories of persons or entities that did not have a compliance obligation, as defined, under a market-based compliance mechanism beginning 1/1/13, from being subject to that market-based compliance mechanism beginning 1/1/15, and until 12/31/17, and requires all participating categories of persons or entities to have a compliance obligation beginning 1/1/18.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 153 (Bonilla-D) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: offsets

Requires the Air Resources Board, on or before 1/1/15, to adopt a process for the review and consideration of new offset protocols for compliance with the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 278 (Gatto-D) Low Carbon Fuel Standard

Directs the Air Resources Board to consider the impact on food supply of its low-carbon fuel regulations and to adopt policies that favor fuels with the highest possible sustainability.

AB 284 (Quirk-D) Road to 2050 Board: global warming impacts

Requires the Air Resources Board to convene a Road to 2050 Board consisting of various state agencies and commissions required to submit a report to the Governor and the Legislature every two years, beginning in 2016, on the impacts of global warming on public health and natural resources.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 416 (Gordon-D) Local Emission Reduction Program

Requires the Air Resources Board to establish the Local Emission Reduction Program to provide grants and other financial assistance to eligible local government recipients for the purpose of developing and implementing local greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 453 (Mullin-D) Sustainable communities: greenhouse gas emissions

Makes local agency formation commissions eligible for financial assistance from Proposition 84 for planning purposes and requires the commissions to consider greenhouse gas emissions associated with development when reviewing proposals for a change of organization.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 572 (Atkins-D) Market-based compliance mechanisms: energy efficiency

Requires, for purposes of determining the viability of incentivizing greenhouse gas emissions reductions through increased energy efficiency, the Public Utilities Commission, in consultation with the Air Resources Board and the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, to develop one or more protocols, as specified, to enable third-party intermediaries to document, aggregate, and trade or sell on behalf of specified entities, the greenhouse gas emissions reductions value of energy efficient measures that are more stringent than applicable building code standards.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 574 (Lowenthal-D) Sustainable Communities Infrastructure Program

Creates the Sustainable Communities Infrastructure Program to fund sustainable communities strategies and equivalent greenhouse gas reducing strategies using cap-and-trade auction revenues.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 671 (Logue-R) Air Resources Board: regulations: data sets

Requires the Air Resources Board (ARB) to make available to the public "data sets" upon which ARB relies in its research and adoption of a regulation. Requires ARB to adopt and enforce regulations to reduce air pollution and to meet state and federal ambient air quality standards.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 818 (Blumenfield-D) Air pollution control: penalties

Requires any city attorney of a city having a population in excess of 750,000, any city attorney of a city and county, or a city prosecutor in any city with a full-time city prosecutor, with the consent of the district attorney, to recover specified civil penalties in a civil action for specified air pollution violations.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 1023 (Eggman-D) Air resources: greenhouse gas emissions

Establishes the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Through Recycling, Composting, and Recycled Content Manufacturing Program.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1056 (Jones-R) Air Resources Board: market-based compliance mechanism

Requires the Air Resources Board, if the Board adopts a market-based compliance mechanism that provides for the auctioning of greenhouse gas allowances, to provide quarterly reports to certain committees of the Legislature regarding the auction.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 1102 (Allen-R) Beach fire rings

Specifies that the removal or restriction of the use of a beach fire ring is subject to the California Coastal Act and that an application for a coastal development permit regarding the removal or use restriction of a beach fire ring must include an analysis of alternatives and mitigation measures that will avoid or minimize the need to remove or restrict the use of those rings.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1191 (Patterson-R) Energy: assessments and forecasts

Requires the California Energy Commission to conduct the transportation forecasting and assessment activities of the Integrated Energy Policy Report on an annual basis from 2014 to 2020. Requires the Commission to include an evaluation of the availability, cost and source of credits issued under the Air Resources Board's Low Carbon Fuel Standard in the assessment.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1330 (John A. Pérez-D) Environmental justice

Requires the Secretary for Environmental Protection to ensure that the cross-media enforcement unit used to assist a board, department, office, or other agency that implements a law or regulation within the jurisdiction of the California Environmental Protection Agency, gives priority to enforcement actions for a violation occurring in disadvantaged communities.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1375 (Chau-D) Clean Technology Investment Account

Creates the Clean Technology Investment Account within the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and requires the Legislature to annually appropriate monies from the Account. Makes those monies available to the Air Resources Board for the purposes of accelerating the development, demonstration, and deployment of clean technologies that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and foster job creation in the state.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1447 (Waldron-R) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: traffic synchronization

Allows investments in a traffic signal synchronization to be eligible for an allocation of monies from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund as a component of an eligible sustainable infrastructure project, as specified.
Chapter 594, Statutes of 2014

AB 1499 (Skinner-D) Electricity: self-generation incentive program

Extends the funding and administration of the Self-Generation Incentive Program for three years.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1639 (Grove-R) Greenhouse gas emissions limit: high-speed rail

Prohibits appropriation of monies from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund for purposes of the high-speed rail system.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 1763 (Perea-D) State energy plan for 2030 and 2050

Directs the California Energy Commission, in consultation with the California Independent System Operator, other relevant state and local agencies, and interested stakeholders to develop a "state energy plan" for 2030 and 2050 as part of its 2015 integrated energy policy report.
(Died in Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee)

AB 1813 (Quirk-D) Low Carbon Fuel Standard

Establishes the Fuel Producer Capital Assistance Program to distribute monies, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to liquid-transportation-fuel producers who wish to locate within the state a large-scale production facility that produces more than three million gallons per year, as specified; establishes the Fuel Producers Capital Assistance Fund; and appropriates $100 million from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to implement the program.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 1970 (Gordon-D) Community Investment and Innovation Program

Establishes the Community Investment and Innovation Program to provide grants and other financial assistance to eligible local government recipients for the purpose of developing and implementing local greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1992 (Quirk-D) Very low carbon transportation fuels

Permits the Air Resources Board to establish a very low-carbon fuel market program, in which transportation fuel providers may be required to include in their sales a specified percentage of very low-carbon fuels, defined as having no greater than 50% the carbon intensity of the closest comparable petroleum fuel.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 2027 (Logue-R) Greenhouse gas: reporting and verification: violations

Requires the Air Resources Board to utilize the greenhouse gas emissions data submitted in reports as part of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard regulation in lieu of requiring the submission of the same greenhouse gas emissions data pursuant to the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions regulation.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2042 (Levine-D) Clean Vehicle Rebate Project

Authorizes the Air Resources Board to establish a wait list of eligible project applicants, on a first-come-first-served basis, if there are insufficient funds appropriated by the Legislature for the Clean Vehicle Rebate Program to provide rebates to all eligible applicants within that fiscal year.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 2050 (Quirk-D) Air Resources Board: scoping plan

Requires the Air Resources Board, by 1/1/16, to develop a proposal for 2050 greenhouse gas reduction goals including intermediate goals, for the purpose of advising the next scoping plan update.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 2083 (Beth Gaines-R) Air Resources Board: offsets

Requires the Air Resources Board to permit the use of compliance offsets regardless of the geographic location of the offset.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2202 (Logue-R) Greenhouse gas reduction

Exempts "small independent fuel marketers" from the Air Resources Board mandatory reporting and cap-and-trade regulations.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2242 (Perea-D) Air Quality Improvement Program

Requires the Air Resources Board's Air Quality Improvement Program, which funds air quality improvement projects relating to fuel and vehicle technologies, to be focused where the greatest air quality impacts can be identified.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2281 (Hagman-R) Air resources/public utilities: legislative oversight

Requires the President pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the Assembly to jointly appoint two Members of the Legislature as non-voting members of the Air Resources Board and the Public Utilities Commission.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2390 (Muratsuchi-D) Low Carbon Fuel Standard: Green Credit Reserve

Establishes a Green Credit Reserve to purchase credits generated pursuant to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard regulation and the federal Renewable Fuel Standard from developers of renewable fuel production facilities in California for the purpose of supporting the financing and construction of these facilities.
(Failed passage on Assembly Floor)

AB 2593 (Bradford-D) Greenhouse gases: diversity reporting

Requires businesses with gross annual revenues exceeding $25 million that participate in programs administered by the Air Resources Board that receive funding from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to report to the Board on efforts to increase procurement from women, minority, and disabled veteran business enterprises.

AB 2704 (Allen-R) Air Resources Board: regulations

Requires the Air Resources Board to assess periodically the progress achieved in the development and affordability of new technology that will allow a person to comply with specified regulations that anticipate the development of new technologies or the improvement of existing technologies.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

California Environmental Quality Act

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SB 525 (Galgiani-D) Altamont Commuter Expressway: exemptions

Provides that a project by the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission and the High-Speed Rail Authority to improve the existing tracks, structure, bridges, signaling systems, and associated appurtenances located on the existing railroad right-of-way used by the Altamont Commuter Expressway service qualifies for the California Environmental Quality Act exemption.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 617 (Evans-D) California Environmental Quality Act: assessments

Requires assessments under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to consider the exposure of people to natural hazards or adverse environmental conditions; makes various changes to CEQA reporting requirements; requires the Office of Planning and Research to make CEQA notices publically available on an online database; and repeals obsolete exemptions.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 674 (Corbett-D) Residential infill projects: exemption

Revises the residential infill exemption by increasing the amount of allowable neighborhood-serving goods, services, or retail uses from 15% of the total project floor area to 25% of the total building square footage.
Chapter 549, Statutes of 2014

SB 731 (Steinberg-D) California Environmental Quality Act

Enacts the "California Environmental Quality Act Modernization Act of 2013," making various clarifications and revisions to the Act, including updating the standard for analyzing transportation impacts of projects near existing or planned transit stops.
(Died in Assembly Local Government Committee)

SB 754 (Evans-D) California Environmental Quality Act: documents

Requires California Environmental Quality Act documents to be prepared either by the lead agency, or consultants under the direct contract and supervision of the lead agency; removes the cap on the costs of mitigation measures related to archaeological resources; prohibits the tiering-off of an environmental impact report more than seven years old; and creates a new private right of action.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 787 (Berryhill-R) Sustainable Environmental Protection Act

Creates the Sustainable Environmental Protection Act. Requires an environmental document prepared under the California Environmental Quality Act to disclose all applicable environmental laws.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 834 (Huff-R) Sustainable Environmental Protection Act

Enacts the Sustainable Environmental Protection Act and specifies that the environmental review of projects pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act is required to consider only specified environmental topic areas.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 1398 (Cannella-R) Flood control activities: Salinas River

Defines "maintenance activities" to mean activities specified in a plan for flood control purposes along the Salinas River in the County of Monterey if specified conditions are met. Establishes that for any action or proceeding brought under the California Environmental Quality Act to challenge the decision of a public agency regarding "maintenance activities," the court, in granting relief in the action or proceeding, is prohibited from staying or enjoining the maintenance activities unless the court makes specified findings.
(Died in Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee)

SB 1451 (Hill-D) Environmental quality: judicial review: standing

Expands California Environmental Quality Act's exhaustion requirements by precluding an individual from challenging a public agency's compliance with the Act if the alleged grounds of noncompliance were known or could have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence during the public comment period, but the alleged grounds of noncompliance were presented to the public agency at a time other than during the public comment period.
(Died in Senate Judiciary Committee)

AB 52 (Gatto-D) Tribal cultural resources: environmental effect

Establishes procedures and requirements under the California Environmental Quality Act for the purpose of avoiding or minimizing impacts to tribal cultural resources.
Chapter 532, Statutes of 2014

AB 515 (Dickinson-D) California Environmental Quality Act: writ of mandate

Clarifies the procedures that apply when a court orders a public agency to take corrective action to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act by way of a peremptory writ of mandate.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 543 (Campos-D) California Environmental Quality Act: translation

Requires the Office of Planning and Research, on or before 7/1/16, to prepare and develop recommended amendments to the guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act relative to translation of specified notices. Requires the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency, on or before 1/1/17, to certify and adopt those amendments to the guidelines to establish criteria for a lead agency to assess the need for translating notices into non-English languages, as specified.

AB 794 (Gorell-R) Use of landfill and organic waste: exemption

Exempts from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, a project that takes landfill materials or organic waste and converts them into renewable green energy if the lead agency finds that the project will result in a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions or support sustainable agriculture.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 823 (Eggman-D) Environment: California Farmland Protection Act

Enacts the California Farmland Protection Act, which will require a lead agency reviewing a development project, as defined, to require that all feasible mitigation of the identified significant environmental impacts associated with the conversion of agricultural lands be completed by the project applicant, as prescribed. Requires the lead agency to consider the permanent protection or replacement of agricultural land as feasible mitigation for identified significant effects on agricultural land caused by a development project.
(Died in Assembly Agriculture Committee)

AB 930 (Hall-D) Enterprise zones: energy management plans

Amends the Enterprise Zone Act to authorize a city, county, or city and county to develop energy management plans with an electrical corporation, gas corporation, local publicly owned electric utility, or rural electric cooperative, serving an enterprise zone other than an enterprise zone within a harbor or port district formed pursuant to specified law, in order to reduce air emissions, to promote economic development, increase new business, and retain existing businesses in that enterprise zone.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 953 (Ammiano-D) Environmental impact reports

Requires a lead agency preparing an environmental impact report pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, to analyze significant environmental effects resulting from locating a proposed project near, or attracting people to, areas with substantial existing or reasonably foreseeable natural hazards or adverse environmental conditions.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

AB 1098 (Gray-D) Tribal gaming: compact ratification

Ratifies the tribal-state gaming compact entered into between the State of California and the Estom Yumeka Maidu Tribe of the Enterprise Rancheria, executed on 8/31/12; and provides that, in deference to tribal sovereignty, certain actions are not projects for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act.
(Died in Senate Rules Committee)

AB 1104 (Salas-D) Biogas pipelines: exemption

Reinstates, until 1/1/18, a California Environmental Quality Act exemption for a biogas pipeline located in Fresno, Kern, Kings, or Tulare counties.
Chapter 534, Statutes of 2014

AB 1849 (Logue-R) Levees: exemption

Exempts from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the maintenance, repair, or replacement of an existing levee.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2353 (Waldron-R) Environmental quality: water storage facilities

Creates a California Environmental Quality Act exemption for a project that expands the storage capacity of an existing publicly owned and operated surface water storage facility by up to 25%, or to replace an existing publicly owned and operated surface water storage facility, if specified conditions are met.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2417 (Nazarian-D) Exemption: recycled water pipelines

Exempts, until 1/1/18, from review under the California Environmental Quality Act, a project of less than eight miles in length within a public street, highway, or right-of-way for the construction and installation of a new, recycled water pipeline, or maintenance, repair, restoration, reconditioning, relocation, replacement, removal, or demolition of an existing recycled water pipeline.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

Solid Waste/Hazardous Materials

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SB 270 (Padilla-D) Single-use carryout bags

Prohibits stores, as defined, from distributing lightweight, single-use plastic bags after specified dates; establishes requirements for reusable bags; and prohibits stores from distributing reusable bags and recycled paper bags for less than $0.10 per bag.
Chapter 850, Statutes of 2014

SB 395 (Jackson-D) Class II wells

Authorizes the Department of Toxic Substances Control to regulate fluids injected into Class II wells, and prohibits the injection of state defined hazardous waste into Class II wells.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 405 (Padilla-D) Single-use carryout bags

Prohibits grocery stores and large retailers from providing single-use bags to customers beginning 1/1/15. Expands the ban on single-use bags to convenience food stores, foodmarts, and certain other specified stores on 7/1/16.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

SB 445* (Hill-D) Underground storage tanks

Extends the current State Water Resources Control Board program for the clean-up of Underground Storage Tanks from 2016 to 2026.
Chapter 547, Statutes of 2014

SB 498 (Lara-D) Biomass conversion

Adds the production of fuels and the use of non-combustion thermal conversion technologies to the definition of "biomass conversion" for purposes of the Integrated Waste Management Act.
Chapter 746, Statutes of 2014

SB 529 (Leno-D) Recycling: fast food facilities

Requires fast food facilities to only distribute food in recyclable or compostable packaging beginning on 7/1/14.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 712 (Lara-D) Hazardous waste facility: permitting: interim status

Requires the Department of Toxic Substances Control, on or before 12/31/15, to issue a final permit decision on an application for a hazardous waste facilities permit that is submitted by a facility operating under a grant of interim status on or before 1/1/86, by either issuing a final permit or a final denial of the application.
Chapter 833, Statutes of 2014

SB 727 (Jackson-D) Medical waste

Creates the Drug Abuse Prevention and Safe Disposal Program stewardship program. Requires a producer of a pharmaceutical sold in this state, individually or through a stewardship organization, to submit a plan to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery by 1/1/15.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 812 (De León-D) Department of Toxic Substances Control

Requires the Department of Toxic Substances Control to adopt regulations by 1/1/17, to specify conditions for new permits and the renewal of existing permits, as specified, and establishes deadlines for the submission and processing of facility applications, as specified.

SB 1014 (Jackson-D) Pharmaceutical waste: home generated: collection

Requires, upon the enactment of federal regulations, the Board of Pharmacy, in consultation with the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery and the Department of Public Health, to adopt regulations to implement California drug take-back programs for the collection and destruction of home-generated pharmaceutical waste, as defined.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1019 (Leno-D) Upholstered furniture: flame retardant chemicals

Requires upholstered furniture to include a label indicating whether the product has added flame retardant chemicals; and directs the Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair, Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation to ensure compliance with labeling and documentation and to assess fines for violations.
Chapter 862, Statutes of 2014

SB 1020 (Monning-D) Recycling: photovoltaic panels

Requires a photovoltaic panel that is classified as hazardous waste solely because it exhibits the characteristic of toxicity to be considered a universal waste.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 1117 (Monning-D) Pesticide Contamination Prevention Act

Updates and clarifies the methodology used to determine how pesticides are included on the Groundwater Protection List by deleting prescribed scientific methods and instead requiring the Department of Pesticide Regulation, in consultation with a specified subcommittee, to develop peer-reviewed methods.
Chapter 626, Statutes of 2014

SB 1194 (Hueso-D) Plastic products

Requires a manufacturer of plastic products to include specified information in a report that is posted on an Internet Web site available to the public or as part of an annual shareholders' report that is required by Corporations Code Section 1501.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

SB 1249 (Hill-D) Shredder waste

Authorizes the Department of Toxic Substances Control to adopt regulations establishing management standards for hazardous waste management activities at metal shredding facilities until 1/1/18.
Chapter 756, Statutes of 2014

SB 1261 (Jackson-D) Certified unified program agencies: business plans

Revises and recasts the area and business plan requirements for certified unified program agencies.
Chapter 715, Statutes of 2014

SB 1274 (Hancock-D) Recycling: used mattresses

Provides technical and clarifying revisions to the Used Mattress Recovery and Recycling Act.
Chapter 371, Statutes of 2014

SB 1332 (Wolk-D) Pesticides: carbon monoxide pest control devices

Requires the Director of the Department of Pesticide Regulation to adopt and enforce regulations that provide for the proper, safe and efficient use of carbon monoxide pest control devices for the protection of public health and safety and the environment.
Chapter 257, Statutes of 2014

SB 1383 (Hueso-D) Plastic products: labeling

Authorizes the Director of the Department of Resources and Recycling and Recovery to adopt a standard for plastic products that degrade in soil and allows for the sale of products labeled "biodegradable."

SB 1458 (Senate Environmental Quality Committee) Hazardous substances

Makes technical and non-substantive corrections to the Department of Toxic Substances Control and State Water Resources Control Board program authority for hazardous waste regulation and underground storage tank programs.
Chapter 544, Statutes of 2014

AB 158 (Levine-D) Single-use carryout bags

Prohibits retail stores from providing single-use bags to customers, and requires retail stores to provide only reusable grocery bags.
(Died on Assembly Inactive File)

AB 282 (Wieckowski-D) Underground storage tanks: petroleum: charges

Extends the sunset date of the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Program from 2016 until 2018, and extends the sunset of a $0.006 surcharge on petroleum stored in an Underground Storage Tank from 2014 until 2016.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 323 (Chesbro-D) Recycling: diversion: green materials

Requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to phase-out recycling credits for green waste used in the operation of a landfill.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 333 (Wieckowski-D) Medical Waste Management Act

Makes numerous changes to the Medical Waste Management Act including, among other things, codifying existing federal preemptions and requirements, modifying definitions, creating procedures for the generation of medical waste from a temporary event, modifying contracts with medical waste transporters for the collection of fees, and preempting local programs regarding infectious waste.
Chapter 564, Statutes of 2014

AB 358 (Holden-D) Lead hazard evaluation

Authorizes the Department of Public Health to update the regulations on lead hazard evaluation methods in order to incorporate the Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing, as published in 2012 by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the recommendations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency for paint test kits for renovation projects, as specified.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 380 (Dickinson-D) Spill response for railroads

Requires rail carriers to submit specified information regarding the transport of hazardous materials and Bakken oil to the Office of Emergency Services for the purposes of emergency response planning.
Chapter 533, Statutes of 2014

AB 403 (Stone-D) Home-generated sharps

Requires businesses that sell devices intended for the self-injection of medication (medical sharps) to establish a product stewardship plan for home-generated medical waste.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 452 (Brown-D) Radioactive materials: federal regulation

Provides that, with certain exceptions, the regulations adopted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in effect on 1/1/14, are deemed to be the regulations of California and adopted pursuant to the Radiation Control Law, if the regulations, among other things, are required by federal law or regulation to be adopted by an agreement state in an essentially identical manner.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)

AB 467* (Stone-D) Prescription drugs: collection and distribution program

Establishes a licensure category for a "surplus medication collection and distribution intermediary," as defined, established for the purpose of facilitating the donation of medications to, or transfer of medications between, participating entities under a county's unused medication repository and distribution program.
Chapter 10, Statutes of 2014

AB 488 (Williams-D) Recycling: household batteries

Establishes a product stewardship program for household batteries and requires each producer or organization to submit a product stewardship plan with specified requirements and recycling rates to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery by 1/1/15.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 521 (Stone-D) Recycling: marine plastic pollution

Establishes a product stewardship program for plastic products that pose a significant risk to the marine environment.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 597 (Dahle-R) Chemicals of concern: regulatory response

Prohibits the Department of Toxic Substances Control from taking a regulatory response until an unspecified number of days after the date that the Department submits a notice to the consumer product manufacturer, the consumer product distributor, and the consumer product retailer of the proposed action.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)

AB 665 (Alejo-D) Beverage containers: redemption payments

Extends the date by which a distributor is required to pay the redemption payment to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to 60 days following the sale of a beverage container.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 764 (Linder-R) Human remains

Establishes a pilot program that authorizes the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau to offer a limited crematory license to no more than five alkaline hydrolysis facilities, as specified, and repeals that authority on 1/1/20.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 997 (Chesbro-D) Enforcement agencies

Specifies that a local enforcement agency that has been designated by the local governing body and certified by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery has the authority provided, and duties required, under specified provisions of the Integrated Waste Management Act.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 1001* (Gordon-D) Packaging: exemptions: metals

Extends the current exemption, from 1/1/10 to 1/1/17, for a package or packaging component that contains no intentionally introduced regulated metals, but exceeds the applicable maximum concentration level, as specified. Requires, no later than 7/1/14, a manufacturer or supplier of packaging seeking an exemption under this provision, to coordinate with the Department of Toxic Substances Control to develop a specified study or studies measuring the content and leaching of regulated metals from the packaging seeking the exemption, and requires the manufacturer or supplier, no later than 7/1/15, to provide to the Department a specified report documenting the results of the study or studies.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 1022 (Eggman-D) Electronic waste: cathode ray tube glass

Authorizes the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to make up to $10 million in market development payments for the processing of cathode ray tube glass or manufacturing of a new product with recycled cathode ray tube glass until 1/1/20.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 1026 (Quirk-D) Toxic chemicals: listing

Specifies that the substances included in the list of chemicals that are identified as hazardous for purposes of the occupational safety and health laws may only be included if there is sufficient evidence that the referenced substance is known to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)

AB 1095 (Nestande-R) Junk dealers and recyclers: nonferrous materials

Requires a junk dealer or recycler to provide payment by check only, mailed or provided to the seller of the materials no earlier than 30 days after the date of sale, and prohibits the junk dealer or recycler from recycling, selling, or disposing of the materials during that time period.
(Died in Assembly Business, Professions and Consumer Protection Committee)

AB 1179 (Bocanegra-D) Recycling: waste tires: public works projects

Authorizes the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, when awarding grants pursuant to the tire recycling program, to award grants for public works projects to create parklets, greenways, or both, that use tire-derived products and requires the Department, if it awards those grants, to give priority for funding to those projects in disadvantaged communities, as defined.
Chapter 589, Statutes of 2014

AB 1190 (Bloom-D) Transportation: wastewater

Exempts up to 5,000 gallons of wastewater transported by public utilities in a single shipment from a remote site to a consolidation site from hazardous waste transport requirements in specified emergency situations.
Chapter 793, Statutes of 2014

AB 1337 (Allen-R) Plastic bag: recycling

Pre-empts any local government from enacting or enforcing any rule prohibiting the distribution of plastic single-use carryout bags or imposing a fee on the distribution of non-plastic single-use carryout bags (i.e., paper).
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 1370 (Patterson-R) Recycling: beverage containers

Repeals existing law, which expends up to $5 million for a statewide public education and information campaign, and exempts the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery from convening a specified advisory committee to expend those funds.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 1594 (Williams-D) Waste management

Re-classifies the use of green material as alternative daily cover at a landfill as disposal instead of diversion through recycling beginning 1/1/20; and requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to provide in its annual report an update on the adequacy of funding from the Integrated Waste Management Fund for their programs implemented pursuant to the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989.
Chapter 719, Statutes of 2014

AB 1635 (Brown-D) Radioactive materials: federal regulation

Authorizes the Department of Public Health to adopt a regulation adopted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that is in effect on or after 1/1/15, by either the specified procedures or pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)

AB 1699 (Bloom-D) Waste management: synthetic plastic microbeads

Provides that, on or after 1/1/19, a person shall not sell or offer for promotional purposes in this state a personal care product containing synthetic plastic microbeads.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)

AB 1826 (Chesbro-D) Organic waste

Requires a business that generates a specified amount of organic waste per week to arrange for recycling services for that organic waste beginning 1/1/16, through 1/1/19.
Chapter 727, Statutes of 2014

AB 1966 (Patterson-R) Hazardous waste analysis: regulations

Requires the Department of Toxic Substances Control to adopt federal testing requirements for hazardous waste analysis.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)

AB 2284 (Williams-D) Recycling: household batteries pilot projects

Requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to develop and fund up to three local recycling pilot projects for non-rechargeable household batteries.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 2371* (Mullin-D) Pharmaceutical waste management

Requires local governments to update the Household Hazardous Waste Management Element to include consideration of the convenience of waste collection.
(Died in Senate Environmental Quality Committee)

AB 2633 (Allen-R) Recycling: plastic material

Revises the state's 75% recycling goal to include waste-to-energy as recycling, and requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to take specified actions to encourage specified recycling and waste-to-energy technologies.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2636 (Gatto-D) CalConserve Water Use Efficiency Revolving Fund

Creates the CalConserve Water Use Efficiency Revolving Fund in the State Treasury, which is administered by the Department of Water Resources, in order to provide low-interest loans and grants to local agencies for urban and agricultural water use efficiency projects.
Chapter 825, Statutes of 2014

AB 2658 (Bocanegra-D) Recycling: waste tires: public works projects

Extends the requirement for the Department of Transportation to use rubberized asphalt concrete for at least 50% of its rubberized asphalt from 2015 until 2020.
(Died in Senate Transportation and Housing Committee)

AB 2666 (Daly-D) Recycling: electronic waste

Exempts the United States and its agencies and instrumentalities from the requirements of the Electronic Waste Recycling Act.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2712 (Daly-D) Orange County Water District: groundwater remediation

Establishes a process for groundwater cleanup for the Orange County Water District Act.
(Died on Senate Third Reading File)

AB 2748 (Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee) Hazardous waste: business plans

Provides that a business that handles paint that will be recycled or otherwise managed under an architectural paint recovery program approved by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery is only required to establish and implement a hazardous materials business plan if it handles postconsumer (leftover) paint above specified quantities.
Chapter 744, Statutes of 2014

AB 2764 (Assembly Natural Resources Committee) Public resources

Makes technical revisions to the State Lands Commission's (SLC) authority to cede concurrent criminal jurisdiction to the United States within certain lands held by the United States; extends the maximum period of cession from five years to 10 years; and authorizes SLC to approve cession at a regularly noticed SLC meeting.
Chapter 512, Statutes of 2014

AJR 30 (Stone-D) Federal Chemical Safety Improvement Act

Memorializes the Congress and the President of the United States to respect the rights of states to protect the health of their citizens, and to not enact the federal Chemical Safety Improvement Act in its current form containing provisions that preempt a state's authority to protect the public from toxic or harmful chemicals.
(Died on Senate Inactive File)


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SB 193 (Monning-D) Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service

Requires, except as specified, chemical manufacturers, formulators, suppliers, distributors, importers, and their agents to provide to the Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service, the names and addresses of their customers who have purchased specified chemicals or commercial products containing those chemicals, and certain other information related to those shipments, upon written request of the Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service, for every product the final destination of which may be a place of employment in California.
Chapter 830, Statutes of 2014

SB 659 (Hancock-D) Archaeological resources: qualifications

Requires the Office of Planning and Research to recommend changes to the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines that will establish standards for proper archaeological evaluation conducted pursuant to the Act.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1122 (Pavley-D) Sustainable communities: Strategic Growth Council

Allows the Strategic Growth Council to manage and award financial assistance, from monies in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, through a regional granting authority for the implementation of a sustainable communities strategy or alternative planning strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

SB 1217 (Leno-D) Climate change: preparedness

Places requirements upon various state agencies to assess the risks and impacts of climate change and incorporate findings into state policy and infrastructure investment planning and decision making.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

SB 1228 (Hueso-D) Trade Corridors Improvement Fund

Continues the existence of the Trade Corridors Improvement Fund in order to receive revenues from new funding sources and governs the expenditure of those funds.
Chapter 787, Statutes of 2014

SB 1244 (Lieu-D) Structural Pest Control Board

Extends, until 1/1/19, the provisions establishing the Structural Pest Control Board and the term of the executive officer of the Board, and makes numerous technical, updating and correcting changes to the structural pest control law.
Chapter 560, Statutes of 2014

SB 1395 (Block-D) Public beaches: inspection for contaminants

Authorizes the Department of Public Health to allow a local health officer to use specified polymerase chain reaction testing methods published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or approved as an alternative test procedure pursuant to federal law to determine the level of enterococci bacteria as a single test based on a single indicator at one or more beach locations within that jurisdiction if the officer demonstrates through side-by-side testing over a beach season that the use of the test method provides a reliable indication of overall microbiological contamination conditions.
Chapter 928, Statutes of 2014

SB 1405 (DeSaulnier-D) Pesticides: schoolsites

Requires, under the Healthy Schools Act of 2000, a school designee to post on the Internet Web site of a schoolsite an integrated pest management plan if certain pesticides are used at a schoolsite; requires reporting of specified pesticide use at a schoolsite; and requires individuals applying pesticides at schoolsites to complete an annual training.
Chapter 848, Statutes of 2014

AB 293 (Allen-R) California Clean Energy Jobs Act: implementation

Requires the California Energy Commission to develop a program to award funding for the purposes of the Clean Energy Jobs Act (Proposition 39).
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 716 (Quirk-Silva-D) Infrastructure: state planning and funding

Requires the Strategic Growth Council to assist the Governor in submitting the annual five-year infrastructure plan to the Legislature. Adds housing to the definition of infrastructure for purposes of the plan. Requires the proposals for funding infrastructure identified in the plan to include investment coordination opportunities related to infill and transit-oriented development.
(Died in Senate Appropriations Committee)

AB 963 (Levine-D) State contracts: environmentally preferable purchasing

Provides a 3% bid preference on certain state contracts for bidders having a record of "environmentally preferable purchasing," as currently defined in state law.
(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 1302 (Hagman-R) Sustainable Environmental Protection Act

Establishes the Sustainable Environmental Protection Act, which allows an environmental document prepared under the California Environmental Quality Act, to use standards provided by existing state or federal environmental protection laws as the exclusive means of evaluating and mitigating environmental impacts. Limits the causes of action upon which parties may file suit to enforce the Sustainable Environmental Protection Act.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 1711 (Cooley-D) Administrative Procedure Act: economic impact assessment

Requires an economic impact assessment to be included in the Initial Statement of Reasons that a state agency submits to the Office of Administrative Law when adopting, amending, or repealing a non-major regulation.
Chapter 779, Statutes of 2014

AB 1827 (Patterson-R) Environmental agencies: administrative/civil penalties

Prohibits the California Environmental Protection Agency and the California Natural Resources Agency departments, boards, and offices from imposing civil or administrative penalties for violations of the law without allowing a business to correct the violation.
(Died in Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee)

AB 2467 (Nestande-R) Beverage containers: market development payments

Authorizes the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to pay a market development payment to both certified entities and product manufacturers for empty plastic beverage containers.

AB 2572 (Ting-D) Environmental justice: reports

Requires the report on the implementation of provisions of law relating to environmental justice to identify and address any gaps in the agency's existing programs, policies, or activities that may impede the achievement of environmental justice; and requires the report to also identify and evaluate new programs, policies, or activities intended to further promote the achievement of environmental justice.
(Died in Assembly Natural Resources Committee)

AB 2723 (Medina-D) Administrative procedure: small businesses

Makes clarifying changes to the Administrative Procedure Act to include "sole proprietorships" and "small business" in the required standardized regulatory impact analysis when a state agency proposes to adopt, amend, or repeal a major regulation.

AB 2738 (Assembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials Committee) Contamination

Requires the notice of special compliance procedure and proof of compliance form to be provided to the alleged violator at the time the notice of the alleged violation is served; and requires that the notice allege that the alleged violator failed to provide clear and reasonable warning regarding specified exposures.
Chapter 828, Statutes of 2014

Index (in Measure Order)

Go to Top
Note: * Denotes Urgency or Tax Levy Legislation.
Measure and ReferenceAuthorMeasure Title
SB 11* - Air QualityPavley-DAlternative fuel and vehicle technologies
SB 34* - Air QualityCalderon-DGreenhouse gas: carbon capture and storage
SB 64 - Air QualityCorbett-DClean Technology Innovation Account
SB 193 - MiscellaneousMonning-DHazard Evaluation System and Information Service
SB 270 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsPadilla-DSingle-use carryout bags
SB 389 - Air QualityWright-DSouth Coast Air Quality Management District: offsets
SB 395 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsJackson-DClass II wells
SB 405 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsPadilla-DSingle-use carryout bags
SB 445* - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsHill-DUnderground storage tanks
SB 497 - Air QualityWalters-RGreenhouse gas allowances
SB 498 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsLara-DBiomass conversion
SB 525 - California Environmental Quality ActGalgiani-DAltamont Commuter Expressway: exemptions
SB 529 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsLeno-DRecycling: fast food facilities
SB 605 - Air QualityLara-DShort-lived climate pollutants
SB 617 - California Environmental Quality ActEvans-DCalifornia Environmental Quality Act: assessments
SB 659 - MiscellaneousHancock-DArchaeological resources: qualifications
SB 674 - California Environmental Quality ActCorbett-DResidential infill projects: exemption
SB 691 - Air QualityHancock-DNonvehicular air pollution control: penalties
SB 712 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsLara-DHazardous waste facility: permitting: interim status
SB 727 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsJackson-DMedical waste
SB 731 - California Environmental Quality ActSteinberg-DCalifornia Environmental Quality Act
SB 736 - Air QualityWright-DElectrical generation facility: upgrades: permit fees
SB 754 - California Environmental Quality ActEvans-DCalifornia Environmental Quality Act: documents
SB 787 - California Environmental Quality ActBerryhill-RSustainable Environmental Protection Act
SB 812 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsDe León-DDepartment of Toxic Substances Control
SB 834 - California Environmental Quality ActHuff-RSustainable Environmental Protection Act
SB 1014 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsJackson-DPharmaceutical waste: home generated: collection
SB 1019 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsLeno-DUpholstered furniture: flame retardant chemicals
SB 1020 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsMonning-DRecycling: photovoltaic panels
SB 1117 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsMonning-DPesticide Contamination Prevention Act
SB 1122 - MiscellaneousPavley-DSustainable communities: Strategic Growth Council
SB 1125 - Air QualityPavley-DEmissions reduction
SB 1194 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsHueso-DPlastic products
SB 1204 - Air QualityLara-DVehicle and Equipment Technology Program
SB 1217 - MiscellaneousLeno-DClimate change: preparedness
SB 1228 - MiscellaneousHueso-DTrade Corridors Improvement Fund
SB 1244 - MiscellaneousLieu-DStructural Pest Control Board
SB 1249 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsHill-DShredder waste
SB 1261 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsJackson-DCertified unified program agencies: business plans
SB 1268 - Air QualityBeall-DNatural Resources Climate Improvement Program
SB 1274 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsHancock-DRecycling: used mattresses
SB 1332 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsWolk-DPesticides: carbon monoxide pest control devices
SB 1383 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsHueso-DPlastic products: labeling
SB 1395 - MiscellaneousBlock-DPublic beaches: inspection for contaminants
SB 1398 - California Environmental Quality ActCannella-RFlood control activities: Salinas River
SB 1405 - MiscellaneousDeSaulnier-DPesticides: schoolsites
SB 1415 - Air QualityHill-DBay Area Air Quality Management District: advisory council
SB 1451 - California Environmental Quality ActHill-DEnvironmental quality: judicial review: standing
SB 1458 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsSenate Environmental Quality CommitteeHazardous substances
SJR 30 - Air QualityLieu-DAir quality: leaded aviation fuel
SR 59 - Air QualityLieu-DAviation gasoline
AB 52 - California Environmental Quality ActGatto-DTribal cultural resources: environmental effect
AB 69* - Air QualityPerea-DMarket-based compliance mechanisms: exemption
AB 153 - Air QualityBonilla-DCalifornia Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: offsets
AB 158 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsLevine-DSingle-use carryout bags
AB 278 - Air QualityGatto-DLow Carbon Fuel Standard
AB 282 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsWieckowski-DUnderground storage tanks: petroleum: charges
AB 284 - Air QualityQuirk-DRoad to 2050 Board: global warming impacts
AB 293 - MiscellaneousAllen-RCalifornia Clean Energy Jobs Act: implementation
AB 323 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsChesbro-DRecycling: diversion: green materials
AB 333 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsWieckowski-DMedical Waste Management Act
AB 358 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsHolden-DLead hazard evaluation
AB 380 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsDickinson-DSpill response for railroads
AB 403 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsStone-DHome-generated sharps
AB 416 - Air QualityGordon-DLocal Emission Reduction Program
AB 452 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsBrown-DRadioactive materials: federal regulation
AB 453 - Air QualityMullin-DSustainable communities: greenhouse gas emissions
AB 467* - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsStone-DPrescription drugs: collection and distribution program
AB 488 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsWilliams-DRecycling: household batteries
AB 515 - California Environmental Quality ActDickinson-DCalifornia Environmental Quality Act: writ of mandate
AB 521 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsStone-DRecycling: marine plastic pollution
AB 543 - California Environmental Quality ActCampos-DCalifornia Environmental Quality Act: translation
AB 572 - Air QualityAtkins-DMarket-based compliance mechanisms: energy efficiency
AB 574 - Air QualityLowenthal-DSustainable Communities Infrastructure Program
AB 597 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsDahle-RChemicals of concern: regulatory response
AB 665 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsAlejo-DBeverage containers: redemption payments
AB 671 - Air QualityLogue-RAir Resources Board: regulations: data sets
AB 716 - MiscellaneousQuirk-Silva-DInfrastructure: state planning and funding
AB 764 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsLinder-RHuman remains
AB 794 - California Environmental Quality ActGorell-RUse of landfill and organic waste: exemption
AB 818 - Air QualityBlumenfield-DAir pollution control: penalties
AB 823 - California Environmental Quality ActEggman-DEnvironment: California Farmland Protection Act
AB 930 - California Environmental Quality ActHall-DEnterprise zones: energy management plans
AB 953 - California Environmental Quality ActAmmiano-DEnvironmental impact reports
AB 963 - MiscellaneousLevine-DState contracts: environmentally preferable purchasing
AB 997 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsChesbro-DEnforcement agencies
AB 1001* - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsGordon-DPackaging: exemptions: metals
AB 1022 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsEggman-DElectronic waste: cathode ray tube glass
AB 1023 - Air QualityEggman-DAir resources: greenhouse gas emissions
AB 1026 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsQuirk-DToxic chemicals: listing
AB 1056 - Air QualityJones-RAir Resources Board: market-based compliance mechanism
AB 1095 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsNestande-RJunk dealers and recyclers: nonferrous materials
AB 1098 - California Environmental Quality ActGray-DTribal gaming: compact ratification
AB 1102 - Air QualityAllen-RBeach fire rings
AB 1104 - California Environmental Quality ActSalas-DBiogas pipelines: exemption
AB 1179 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsBocanegra-DRecycling: waste tires: public works projects
AB 1190 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsBloom-DTransportation: wastewater
AB 1191 - Air QualityPatterson-REnergy: assessments and forecasts
AB 1302 - MiscellaneousHagman-RSustainable Environmental Protection Act
AB 1330 - Air QualityJohn A. Pérez-DEnvironmental justice
AB 1337 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsAllen-RPlastic bag: recycling
AB 1370 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsPatterson-RRecycling: beverage containers
AB 1375 - Air QualityChau-DClean Technology Investment Account
AB 1447 - Air QualityWaldron-RGreenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: traffic synchronization
AB 1499 - Air QualitySkinner-DElectricity: self-generation incentive program
AB 1594 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsWilliams-DWaste management
AB 1635 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsBrown-DRadioactive materials: federal regulation
AB 1639 - Air QualityGrove-RGreenhouse gas emissions limit: high-speed rail
AB 1699 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsBloom-DWaste management: synthetic plastic microbeads
AB 1711 - MiscellaneousCooley-DAdministrative Procedure Act: economic impact assessment
AB 1763 - Air QualityPerea-DState energy plan for 2030 and 2050
AB 1813 - Air QualityQuirk-DLow Carbon Fuel Standard
AB 1826 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsChesbro-DOrganic waste
AB 1827 - MiscellaneousPatterson-REnvironmental agencies: administrative/civil penalties
AB 1849 - California Environmental Quality ActLogue-RLevees: exemption
AB 1966 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsPatterson-RHazardous waste analysis: regulations
AB 1970 - Air QualityGordon-DCommunity Investment and Innovation Program
AB 1992 - Air QualityQuirk-DVery low carbon transportation fuels
AB 2027 - Air QualityLogue-RGreenhouse gas: reporting and verification: violations
AB 2042 - Air QualityLevine-DClean Vehicle Rebate Project
AB 2050 - Air QualityQuirk-DAir Resources Board: scoping plan
AB 2083 - Air QualityBeth Gaines-RAir Resources Board: offsets
AB 2202 - Air QualityLogue-RGreenhouse gas reduction
AB 2242 - Air QualityPerea-DAir Quality Improvement Program
AB 2281 - Air QualityHagman-RAir resources/public utilities: legislative oversight
AB 2284 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsWilliams-DRecycling: household batteries pilot projects
AB 2353 - California Environmental Quality ActWaldron-REnvironmental quality: water storage facilities
AB 2371* - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsMullin-DPharmaceutical waste management
AB 2390 - Air QualityMuratsuchi-DLow Carbon Fuel Standard: Green Credit Reserve
AB 2417 - California Environmental Quality ActNazarian-DExemption: recycled water pipelines
AB 2467 - MiscellaneousNestande-RBeverage containers: market development payments
AB 2572 - MiscellaneousTing-DEnvironmental justice: reports
AB 2593 - Air QualityBradford-DGreenhouse gases: diversity reporting
AB 2633 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsAllen-RRecycling: plastic material
AB 2636 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsGatto-DCalConserve Water Use Efficiency Revolving Fund
AB 2658 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsBocanegra-DRecycling: waste tires: public works projects
AB 2666 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsDaly-DRecycling: electronic waste
AB 2704 - Air QualityAllen-RAir Resources Board: regulations
AB 2712 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsDaly-DOrange County Water District: groundwater remediation
AB 2723 - MiscellaneousMedina-DAdministrative procedure: small businesses
AB 2738 - MiscellaneousAssembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials CommitteeContamination
AB 2748 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsAssembly Environmental Safety And Toxic Materials CommitteeHazardous waste: business plans
AB 2764 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsAssembly Natural Resources CommitteePublic resources
AJR 30 - Solid Waste/Hazardous MaterialsStone-DFederal Chemical Safety Improvement Act