
NOTE: * denotes urgency legislation



SB 715 (Senate Revenue & Taxation Committee) - Local Agency 
Military Base Recovery Area

Limits the local agency military base recovery area tax credits to 
affect only the tax which is attributable to Local Agency Military 
Base Recovery Area-generated income, and modifies the 
provisions allowing for the carryover of excess credit.

Chapter 72, Statutes of 1996 

SB 1640 (Marks-D) - Land Use:  Closed Military Bases

Amends graduated compliance procedures (state building 
standards) for buildings on closed military bases.  Sunsets 
January 1, 2003.

Chapter 627, Statutes of 1996 

SB 1861* (Johnson-R) - Tustin Marine Corps Air Station

Allows the adoption of a redevelopment plan for the Tustin 
Marine Corps Air Station Redevelopment Project.

Chapter 165, Statutes of 1996 

AB 37 (Pringle-R) - Military Base Reuse:  El Toro

Designates the local redevelopment authority recognized by the 
U.S. Department of Defense, Office of Economic Adjustment, as 
the single local reuse entity for the Marine Corps Air Station, El 

Chapter 546, Statutes of 1996 

AB 1089 (Olberg-R) - Redevelopment:  George Air Force Base

Allows the Victor Valley Economic Development Authority, a 
redevelopment agency, to temporarily use a different base year 
for the George Air Force Base redevelopment project.

Chapter 929, Statutes of 1996 

AB 1621* (Alby-R) - County Property:  Military Installations

Allows the board of supervisors of a county, by a 4/5 vote, to sell 
or enter into a lease, concession or managerial contract involving 
county property that was acquired from the federal government 
due to the closure of a military installation without complying 
with current procedures for the sale or lease of county property.

(Died in Senate Local Government Committee)

AB 1648 (Conroy-R) - Military Base Conversion:  Redevelopment

Makes numerous revisions to existing Military Base 
Redevelopment Law which include expanding the definition of 
"blight," altering school pass-through formulas, and deleting the 
requirement for a fiscal review committee.

(Died in Assembly Housing and Community Development 

AB 1670* (Takasugi-R) - Local Agency Military Base Recovery 

Expands the definition of "qualified employee" for purposes of the 
enterprise zone, program area and local agency military base 
recovery area hiring credits, as specified.

(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 1984 (Baca-D) - Local Agency Military Base Recovery Area

Requires the Trade and Commerce Agency to allow an additional 
6 months for Local Agency Military Base Recovery Area 
(LAMBRA) designation, and allows the agency to designate 3 
additional LAMBRAs regardless of region.

(Died in Assembly Appropriations Committee)

AB 2421 (Baca-D) - Military Base Downsizing and Closures

Specifies that a component of the mission of the California 
Community Colleges Economic Development Program is to assist 
communities experiencing military base downsizing and closures.

Chapter 276, Statutes of 1996 

AB 2736* (Weggeland-R) - Redevelopment of Military Bases

Modifies the Military Base Redevelopment Law to provide a 
uniform set of statutes that could be effectively utilized for the 
economic recovery of closed bases for reuse purposes.

Chapter 221, Statutes of 1996 

AB 3002 (Granlund-R) - Local Agency Military Base Recovery 

Increases the maximum number of Local Agency Military Base 
Recovery Areas (LAMBRAs) from 5 to 10, and extends the 
maximum life of a LAMBRA from 8 to 15 years, as specified.

(Failed passage in Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee)

AB 3060* (Lee-D) - Military Base Conversion:  Loans

Enacts the Military Base Conversion Bond Act to provide loans to 
local base reuse entities.

(Died in Assembly Consumer Protection, Governmental Efficiency 
and Economic Development Committee)

AB 3125 (Hawkins-R) - Housing Elements:  Military Bases

Allows cities and counties to identify as adequate housing sites 
units that are located on military bases undergoing closure or 
conversion and that will be available for occupancy within a 
specified time period.

Chapter 347, Statutes of 1996 

AB 3129 (Lee-D) - Military Bases:  Alameda County

Authorizes the adoption of a redevelopment plan for the Alameda 
Naval Air Station and the Fleet Industrial Supply Center in the 
City of Alameda.

Chapter 222, Statutes of 1996 

AB 3503* (Weggeland-R) - March Joint Powers Authority

Makes legislative findings regarding the March Joint Powers 
Authority by declaring that the existing law allows the authority 
to exercise land use powers, as specified by the joint powers 
agreement that created the authority.

Chapter 663, Statutes of 1996 

AJR 70 (Alby-R) - Privatization of Depot Maintenance Workload

Urges the U.S. Congress to repeal the "60/40 Rule" and the "$3 
million threshold" as part of its considerations in enacting the 
National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 1997.

Died on Assembly Inactive File)